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软土深基坑变形与控制技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对软土深基坑变形机理与影响因素的分析,提出了基坑工程变形全过程控制的理念,探讨了控制变形的设计与施工技术方法及针对变形异常应采取的应急措施。结合工程实践,分析了软土深基坑变形的特征,应用地层损失法原理计算了墙后地表沉降量,与实测值比较,得出了该方法可以应用于工程实践的认识。  相似文献   
针对具有外部持续扰动的线性系统,研究前馈-反馈最优控制律的设计问题。给出了最优控制律的存在唯一性条件。并提出了最优控制律的设计算法。利用滤波器解决了前馈控制的物理不可实现问题。仿真结果表明,此算法易于实现,与传统的反馈最优控制相比对抑制外部扰动具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
了解海滩剖面变化可以更好地理解海滩动态过程。利用2007年5月~2014年12月近8 a青岛石老人海滩剖面的实测资料,计算剖面各段单宽体积变化量及后滨宽度,结合交叉小波和小波相干分析方法,探讨海滩剖面中长期淤蚀变化特征及其控制因素。结果表明,近8 a来海滩剖面表现为侵蚀状态,不同岸段侵蚀程度不同。剖面1岸段侵蚀明显,剖面2和剖面3岸段轻微侵蚀。剖面的变化过程可划分为平稳期、剧变期和微调期3个时期。各时期剖面的季节性变化较复杂,平稳期具冬蚀夏淤的交替变化特征,整体淤蚀量较小;剧变期剖面呈阶段性蚀退,变化幅度相对较大,微调期剖面可能仍处于剧变期的恢复阶段,季节性变化不明显。剧变期和微调期的小波交叉谱和相干谱分析显示,波浪和前滨单宽体积相干性较好,尤其当大于2 m的波高达到10%以上,海滩地形可以和波高变化产生同周期的变化。因此波高变化基本控制了剖面的季节变化。而海滩长周期变化主要受控于风暴潮作用及其漫长的恢复期,沿岸输沙和海平面变化则一定程度上导致了剖面长期侵蚀格局的形成。  相似文献   
蓝藻的暴发通常是藻类之间竞争的结果,了解环境中蓝藻与其它藻类的竞争特点和生存策略对揭示藻华暴发的机制及治理具有重要意义。本文以营养竞争为例,以铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)为受试对象,通过测定细胞密度、胞内C、N、P、S四种主要元素含量以及培养基中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)的消耗,研究不同营养等级(超富营养、富营养、中营养、贫营养)以及单独N、P限制下两种藻在单独培养和共生培养条件下的生长特征和竞争行为。结果表明:(1)在超富营养、富营养、中营养、贫营养条件时,单独培养下的两种藻生物量与营养丰富程度呈正相关;(2)共培养条件下,在高营养水平时铜绿微囊藻在竞争中占优势,低营养水平时小球藻具有竞争优势;(3)胞内C、N、P、S的测定发现,随着营养水平的下降,两种藻胞内N、P的百分含量逐渐减少,而C、S并未呈现显著变化;(4)N限制时,铜绿微囊藻的半饱和常数Ks及最大比增长率μmax均大于小球藻;P限制条件下铜绿微囊藻的半饱和常数Ks小于小球藻,而最大比增长率μmax大于小球藻。综合分析,同一营养条件下,铜绿微囊藻竞争优势的先决因子是N,小球藻是P。因此,从营养竞争与生物适应力角度考虑,降低水体中富余的N或适当提高P的浓度可让小球藻获得竞争优势,对限制单一物种的形成具有平衡作用,可作为防治藻华的潜在方法。  相似文献   
Filter feeders such as bivalves are increasingly being shown to control phytoplankton blooms in eutrophic estuaries. The possibility of such a top-down effect on macroalgae, however, has not been considered previously even though most green tide algal species reproduce by pelagic swarmers that are equivalent to phytoplankton. This work presents circumstantial evidence from an oyster-culturing French embayment where, despite eutrophication since the mid-1970s, macroalgae did not proliferate until 1982. This was also the year when tributyltin pollution from antifouling paints dropped substantially following a world-wide prime ban that was implemented to save the shellfish industry. From the recorded evolution of the oyster stock, it is shown how tributyltin reduced the bivalve filter capacity within those years and resulted in Enteromorpha swarmers being much more likely to germinate and bloom. This suggests that the green tides had been successively contained by the biological activity and the chemical pressure. The effects of the latter on the former would thus have cascaded to ecosystem-level changes, and so the functional role of bivalves should be evaluated and preserved wherever relevant.  相似文献   
提出用于十二相可控整流器的8098单片机控制系统的电路原理和软件策略。包括自适应控制算法和触发相序计算在内的多种操作全部用软件实现.与通常的方法相比,此系统的成本更低,动态性能和静态性能更好。  相似文献   
Based on core observations, well logs and test results of siderite-bearing mudstone from the Benxi Formation to the Member 2 of the Shanxi Formations in the Linxing block, northeastern Ordos Basin, a logging identification model for siderite-bearing mudstone (key layer) was established. The porosity characteristics and sealing property were quantitatively evaluated by logging data. Sedimentary control on the formation of multi-superimposed gas-bearing system in the development of key layers in the sequence framework was also discussed. The results showed that the siderite-bearing mudstone has obvious logging response characteristics, e.g., high photoelectric absorption cross-section index (PE), high density (DEN), high amplitude natural gamma ray (GR), low acoustic (AC), low resistivity (M2RX) and low neutron porosity (CNCF). The quantitatively evaluated results of the porosity characteristics and sealing property for the key layer showed that the key layer has the characteristics of low porosity (with an average of 1.20 percent), low permeability (with an average of 2.29 × 10−8μm2), and high breakthrough pressure (with an average of 12.32 MPa) in the study area. This layer acts as an impermeable gas barrier in a multi-superimposed gas system. The results also indicated that the material composition of the multi-superimposed gas-bearing system can be established by the sequence stratigraphic framework. The sedimentary evolution results in a cyclic rhythm of material composition vertically. The spatial distribution of the corresponding transgressive event layer near the maximum flooding surface (MFS) in the sequence framework restricts the spatial distribution of the key layer with high breakthrough pressure and low porosity, which constitutes the gas-bearing system boundary. The siderite-bearing mudstone formed near the MFS in the second-order sequence and constitutes a stable comparison of the first-order gas-bearing system boundary, which has a wide range of regional distribution and stable thickness. The siderite-bearing mudstone formed near the MFS in the third-order sequence is often incompletely preserved due to the late (underwater) diversion channel erosion and cutting. This layer forms the coal-bearing reservoirs, which we termed as a second-order gas-bearing system in adjacent third-order sequences to form a uniform gas-bearing system.  相似文献   
本文分析了东、黄海典型海区3个测站在2000~2003年间4个航次的叶绿素a周日变动特征,结果表明由于地理环境、水文特征以及季节差异,各海区叶绿素a表现出各自不同的变动特点.在东海陆架区,日变化上表层各粒级主要以半日周期为主,受黑潮入侵程度不同而略有变化;长江口由于受到潮汐的影响,各粒级的日变化同潮汐的涨落相对应,主要为半日周期;黄海中部海区叶绿素a尤其是NANO级浮游植物在周日变化上以全日周期为主,受黄海冷水团强弱不同而不同.本文进一步应用渐近回归初步分析了多种环境因子对叶绿素a周日变化的影响.  相似文献   
针对极区冰基拖曳式海洋剖面浮标长期稳定获取极区水文和气象数据的工作需求,进行了浮标系统的低功耗方案设计。该方案基于超低功耗51系列微处理器,根据最低功耗工作模式与最短工作时间原则,采用高效的电源管理机制对浮标系统各个部分的能量消耗进行合理的分配与管理,并应用了Argos卫星通讯模块ARGOS-3 PMT-RFM的BPSK调制低速数据传输模式,可有效降低浮标系统的整体能耗。该浮标在北极冰站上长达1年的运行情况表明该系统工作稳定,所采用的低功耗能量管理方案实现了浮标系统长期连续观测的需求。该浮标的成功试验和推广应用有助于极地研究人员更准确地分析海冰变化过程。  相似文献   
随着全站仪测角测距精度的提高,在高程联测中,用EDM高程导线测量代替三四等水准测量,成为外业高程测量的重要方法之一。分析了影响EDM高程导线测量精度的因素,讨论了提高EDM高程导线测量精度的办法,提出了效率函数的概念,并以某测区三级GPS大地控制网高程联测数据为例,从精度和效率方面进行了计算对比分析。  相似文献   
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