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Longitudinal profiles of bedrock streams in central Kentucky, and of coastal plain streams in southeast Texas, were analyzed to determine the extent to which they exhibit smoothly concave profiles and to relate profile convexities to environmental controls. None of the Kentucky streams have smoothly concave profiles. Because all observed knickpoints are associated with vertical joints, if they are migrating it either occurs rapidly between vertical joints, or migrating knickpoints become stalled at structural features. These streams have been adjusting to downcutting of the Kentucky River for at least 1.3 Ma, suggesting that the time required to produce a concave profile is long compared to the typical timescale of environmental change. A graded concave longitudinal profile is not a reasonable prediction or benchmark condition for these streams. The characteristic profile forms of the Kentucky River gorge area are contingent on a particular combination of lithology, structure, hydrologic regime, and geomorphic history, and therefore do not represent any general type of equilibrium state. Few stream profiles in SE Texas conform to the ideal of the smoothly, strongly concave profile. Major convexities are caused by inherited topography, geologic controls, recent and contemporary geomorphic processes, and anthropic effects. Both the legacy of Quaternary environmental change and ongoing changes make it unlikely that consistent boundary conditions will exist for long. Further, the few exceptions within the study area–i.e., strongly and smoothly concave longitudinal profiles–suggest that ample time has occurred for strongly concave profiles to develop and that such profiles do not necessarily represent any mutual adjustments between slope, transport capacity, and sediment supply. The simplest explanation of any tendency toward concavity is related to basic constraints on channel steepness associated with geomechanical stability and minimum slopes necessary to convey flow. This constrained gradient concept (CGC) can explain the general tendency toward concavity in channels of sufficient size, with minimal lithological constraints and with sufficient time for adjustment. Unlike grade- or equilibrium-based theories, the CGC results in interpretations of convex or low-concavity profiles or reaches in terms of local environmental constraints and geomorphic histories rather than as “disequilibrium” features.  相似文献   
场地卓越周期与结构基本周期关系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从抗震概念设计的背景出发,认为抗震设计应充分考虑结构与地基耦合作用的影响,其中结构和场地的频率关系是十分重要的。根据地震作用是瞬态冲击的特性,在理论上和数值上分析了结构自振周期与场地卓越周期在不同比值情况下对结构抗震性能的影响,提出两个周期之间存在最优比值T=3Tg×β。当结构与场地频率满足最优比值时,结构的抗震性能最佳,它可以作为抗震概念设计中的参考准则。此外,进行了各种框架结构在地震作用下的时程分析,验证了此最优比值的合理性。  相似文献   
颜翚  葛彤  王彪  刘建民  赵敏 《海洋工程》2013,31(3):77-83
介绍一种新型重于水的无人自治潜水器的概念设计及主艇体优化方法,阐述了主艇体、机翼、尾翼等设计原理。以飞鱼Ⅱ设计过程为例,详细描述了重于水的无人自治潜水器概念设计流程,并通过iSIGHT优化设计软件对主艇体的设计参数进行优化。优化结果表明,优化后主艇体重量能够减小48%,阻力减小2.9%。  相似文献   
孙俊  潘玉君  武友德  赫维人 《地理学报》2014,69(9):1369-1384
当前主流地理学史研究可归结为两种互补性范式。一种是科学地理学史:① 从近现代地理学形象出发,遵循“自上而下”的叙事模式,选择性地建构切合当前地理学的历史;② 主张一元传统的科学史观,从而导致了不同传统的对立;③ 其性质是建构性的、抽象性的,造成了自然与人文的分裂;④ 强纲领的叙事模式不仅造成了“古代思想的现代解读”,且挣扎于科学分化的大潮中。另一种是在批判科学地理学史基础上兴起的知识地理学史:① 从地理实践本身出发,遵循“自下而上”的叙事模式,从地理学知识体系的底层诠释历史;② 主张多元论传统的科学史观,从而一定程度上消解了不同地理学传统之间的对立,为多样的地理学传统纳入叙事框架奠定了基础;③ 其历史的性质是实践论的或语境论的,旨在阐发不同地理学知识形态的意义;④ 表现为对称性原则的叙事纲领,大大扩展了地理学史研究的视野,为理解作为地理学与自然并社会统一的实践统一体提供了可能。科学地理学史和知识地理学史当前表现为一种批评性关系,但这并不意味着应当制造更多的二元论对立,相反,整体的方向应当是加强科学精神与人文主义的相互对话。  相似文献   
Tower, Spar platform and mooring system are designed in the project based on a given 6-MW wind turbine. Under wind-induced only, wave-induced only and combined wind and wave induced loads, dynamic response is analyzed for a 6-MW Spar-type floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) under operating conditions and parked conditions respectively. Comparison with a platform-fixed system (land-based system) of a 6-MW wind turbine is carried out as well. Results demonstrate that the maximal out-of-plane deflection of the blade of a Spar-type system is 3.1% larger than that of a land-based system; the maximum response value of the nacelle acceleration is 215% larger for all the designed load cases being considered; the ultimate tower base fore-aft bending moment of the Spar-type system is 92% larger than that of the land-based system in all of the Design Load Cases (DLCs) being considered; the fluctuations of the mooring tension is mainly wave-induced, and the safety factor of the mooring tension is adequate for the 6-MW FOWT. The results can provide relevant modifications to the initial design for the Spar-type system, the detailed design and model basin test of the 6-MW Spar-type system.  相似文献   
冯京 《地质与勘探》2009,45(6):722-728
在新疆东天山阿齐山-雅满苏-沙泉子一带海相火山岩型铁矿带进行资源量预测和定量计算过程中,尝试性的建立了海相火山岩型、海相沉积型和岩浆热液型三种铁矿类型的区域预测概念模型,提出采用"区域成矿要素类比趋同法"求取预测区和模型区之间的相似系数,对体积法估算的资源量进行校正,在东天山铁矿资源量估算中取得了较为满意的结果.本文着重阐述了"体积法"在实际工作中的应用,同时使用其他三种不同的预测方法,进行对比研究,得出体积法在矿产预测中为一简便快捷、估算结果准确、易于推广的结论.  相似文献   
企业创新是企业发展的灵魂,是企业兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是企业永葆生机的源泉。唯有不断创新,才能破解难题,推进发展。本文从创新工作理念、工作思路、工作机制、人才机制等四个方面结合工作实际深入探讨,以期找到实现企业长足发展的方法和途径。  相似文献   
含水合物土是由水合物赋存在土体中形成的特殊土,其力学特性不仅与饱和度有关,和赋存模式也有很大的关系。不同赋存模式的水合物胶结结构不同,其力学特点也不尽相同。考虑含水合物土在荷载作用下胶结结构会发生破坏,采用扰动状态概念,建立含水合物土的应力-应变模型来描述胶结结构受载破坏的全过程。同时,采用水合物的有效饱和度表示的伤变量来描述含水合物土的内部结构的在受载条件下的发展规律。根据含水合物土的力学行为,采用理想弹塑性模型和摩尔-库仑模型来描述两个参考状态,形式相对简单,参数易于确定。最后通过三轴剪切试验对模型进行了检验,结果表明该模型能较为合理的模拟含水合物土在扰动过程中的变形特点。  相似文献   
提出社会发展综合动力观 ,揭示精神文化因素是经济社会可持续发展的动力资源和“另一只看不见的手”。分析了可持续发展对现代化理论的扬弃与创新 ,批判了工具文明的弊端及负面效应 ,重审人类共同选择———现代化文明转型的价值尺度和终极目标 ,展望了中国转型的核心、主题和历史归宿 :由农业文明向工具文明、从工业文明向可持续发展文明的双重超越  相似文献   
层间剪切带法向空间分布定量预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了层间剪切带法向空间分布定量预报问题。文中首先对层间剪切带发育的力学机制进行了再认识, 提出了基于变形破坏程度的分类方案; 引进了构造地质学中的尺度概念; 讨论了影响层间剪切带在法向空间发育分布的因素并建议了相应的考虑方法。之后, 建立了两个模型分别讨论岩石地层软硬相间的组合特征和完善型剪切带分区段预报。由此提出了一套实用性强比较可靠的定量预报方法, 最后用该方法对清江高坝洲坝基层间剪切带的分布进行了验证性预报, 取得了较高的精度(精度在70%左右)。  相似文献   
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