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大数据时代的国土资源档案创新管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大数据时代,以广东省国土资源档案集群服务平台建设为例,以“档案数据大集中、应用系统大集群、档案服务大平台”为总体工作思路,提出了“一个中心,两个集群、三个统一、四位一体”的国土档案管理一揽予解决方案,并对基于大数据的国土资源档案知识服务进行了初步研究,为我国国土资源档案行业在大数据时代信息化建设提供极具实践意义的经验。  相似文献   
Analyses of 72 samples from Upper Panjhara basin in the northern part of Deccan Plateau, India, indicate that geochemical incongruity of groundwater is largely a function of mineral composition of the basaltic lithology. Higher proportion of alkaline earth elements to total cations and HCO3>Cl + SO4 reflect weathering of primary silicates as chief source of ions. Inputs of Cl, SO4, and NO3 are related to rainfall and localized anthropogenic factors. Groundwater from recharge area representing Ca + Mg–HCO3 type progressively evolves to Ca + Na–HCO3 and Na–Ca–HCO3 class along flow direction replicates the role of cation exchange and precipitation processes. While the post-monsoon chemistry is controlled by silicate mineral dissolution + cation exchange reactions, pre-monsoon variability is attributable chiefly to precipitation reactions + anthropogenic factors. Positive correlations between Mg vs HCO3 and Ca + Mg vs HCO3 supports selective dissolution of olivine and pyroxene as dominant process in post-monsoon followed by dissolution of plagioclase feldspar and secondary carbonates. The pre-monsoon data however, points toward the dissolution of plagioclase and precipitation of CaCO3 supported by improved correlation coefficients between Na + Ca vs HCO3 and negative correlation of Ca vs HCO3, respectively. It is proposed that the eccentricity in the composition of groundwater from the Panjhara basin is a function of selective dissolution of olivine > pyroxene followed by plagioclase feldspar. The data suggest siallitization (L < R and R k) as dominant mechanism of chemical weathering of basalts, stimulating monosiallitic (kaolinite) and bisiallitic (montmorillonite) products. The chemical denudation rates for Panjhara basin worked out separately for the ground and surface water component range from 6.98 to 36.65 tons/km2/yr, respectively. The values of the CO2 consumption rates range between 0.18 × 106 mol//km2/yr (groundwater) and 0.9 × 106 mol/km2/yr (surface water), which indicates that the groundwater forms a considerable fraction of CO2 consumption, an inference, that is, not taken into contemplation in most of the studies.  相似文献   
全国分县土地经济系数计算方法及比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阐述土地经济系数的设置意义和目标,针对全国分县土地经济系数计算,提出并分析比较了统计指标法和分区样点法等思路及其数学处理方法。其中统计指标法中的农业产值消耗法基础数据来源可靠、便利,便于操作,计算结果较好,符合土地经济系数含义要求。  相似文献   
采用化学组分分析、物相分析、粒度筛析、X射线面扫描分析、矿物分离分析并结合数理统计分析等综合分析技术对微细粒浸染型金矿进行工艺矿物学研究,较为快速、准确地查明该金精矿金的赋存状态.几种分析方法互为补充,结果吻合.  相似文献   
上海地区扁铲侧胀试验计算地基承载力的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对扁铲侧胀试验和试验机理的研究和对试验指数的对比分析 ,提出了用扁铲侧胀试验计算地基承载力的方法 ;利用上海地区部分重大工程中的扁铲侧胀试验数据 ,在与室内土工试验、静力触探试验及十字板剪切试验的相关分析的基础上 ,经数理统计后给出了上海地区用扁铲侧胀试验计算地基承载力的经验公式。最后 ,通过与室内土工试验、静力触探试验和十字板剪切试验计算的地基承载力对比 ,分析了本经验公式计算地基承载力的精度。研究分析表明 ,可以用扁铲侧胀试验计算地基承载力  相似文献   
文章是对ISO9001标准精神的一些理解,并对该标准中一些条文规定展开讨论。  相似文献   
中西部地区承接产业转移的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将中西部地区划分为东北、中部、西北、西南4个区域,采用1995—2013年的相关数据,分析各区域在承接东部发达地区产业转移过程中的主要影响因素。选取的影响因素包括资本存量、经济规模、劳动力成本、人力资源和路径效应。结果发现:4个区域的路径效应、资本存量与产业转移承接地均存在显著正相关关系;人力资源与产业转移承接地存在正相关关系,但东北、西北地区不显著;劳动力成本与产业转移承接地存在负相关关系,但对东北地区不显著;除中部地区外,经济规模与产业转移承接地并不存在显著相关关系。中西部区域地方政府和企业家在促进产业转移进程中应充分发挥比较优势,根据不同影响要素制定宏观政策与微观引资策略。  相似文献   
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