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组织培养板在获取微藻种质中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道一种基于选择演替和及时显微跟踪的原理获取一次野外水样中多种微藻的方法。利用组织培养板方便的显微观测条件和适宜容积提供微藻存活的空间,在不同培养条件下,进行微藻群落演替、及时显微跟踪检测和优势种分离,可以使野外水样初期低生物量种类优势化,以利于纯系种质的获得。并通过不同演替条件获得其中出现的未鉴定或初期样品中未检出的种质,提供进一步研究的基础。该方法在获取微藻种质和种质库建设上不失为一可行技术手段。论文以一次野外采集海水样品在不同营养条件下的主要优势种类演替跟踪检测、低生物量种质优势化过程和纯系种质分离为例,说明该方法在获取微藻种质中的应用。  相似文献   
根据2018年11月东海中南部游泳动物底拖网调查数据,对该海域游泳动物种类组成、优势种、种类多样性及群落结构进行研究。结果表明,调查共捕获游泳动物181种,其中鱼类133种,甲壳类34种,头足类14种;优势种(IRI≥500)为七星底灯鱼(Benthosema pterotum)、带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus)、麦氏犀鳕(Bregmaceros mcclellandi)、龙头鱼(Harpadon nehereus)和日本发光鲷(Acropoma japonicum)。多样性指数结果显示,东海中南部海域丰度(d)的变化范围为0.37~5.94,种类多样性指数(H′)的变化范围为0.38~2.64,均匀度(J)的变化范围为0.14~0.71。根据聚类分析结果将东海中南部海域游泳动物群落分为以90 m等深线为界的两个群组,群组间的差异主要由七星底灯鱼、镰鲳(Pampus echinogaster)、龙头鱼、黄鲫(Setipinna tenuifilis)、麦氏犀鳕等引起。BIOENV结果显示水深与游泳动物群落结构相关性最密切(rw=0.55)。本研究结果可为类似海域游泳动物种类多样性和群落结构的研究提供参考,也可为研究海域渔业资源开发、利用与养护等政策的制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   
海洋浮游植物和浮游动物是海洋生态系统中的重要组成部分,支撑了整个海洋生态系统的正常运转.因此,海洋浮游植、动物的生态学研究有利于我们全面认识和了解一个海洋生态系统的状况.印太交汇区作为全球最大的海洋生物多样性中心,是国际上生物多样性研究的热点区域,但该区域对浮游生物生态学方面的研究较少,不利于我们深入认识该区域生物多样...  相似文献   
The pattern of resource allocation into multiple life‐history traits can vary with the environment; for example, high temperatures generally facilitate growth. Changes in investment in growth due to temperature may alter the allocation to other traits that are in trade‐off with that. Here, we investigated the trade‐off between growth and reproduction and whether the proportion of allocation to these varies with increasing seawater temperature in the lancelet Branchiostoma japonicum. We reared the lancelets of early adult stage under three different temperature treatments (control, + 1°C and + 2°C treatments) for 427 days in the laboratory. Although the total body length at initiation did not differ between treatments, the length was influenced by the interaction between elapsed days and temperature treatments, suggesting that growth rate was temperature‐dependent; the lancelets under higher temperature conditions showed a more rapid growth rate than did those under the control conditions. The frequency of individuals with gonads did not differ between treatments throughout their reproductive season. The monthly growth increments were also not significantly affected by the interaction between the presence/absence of gonads and temperature treatments, although the presence of gonads caused the growth increments to decrease. In addition, the effect of temperature treatments was significant. These results suggest that changes in temperature did not alter the pattern of allocation between growth and reproduction that were in a trade‐off, whereas high temperature would solely result in an increase in resource intake, at least in the early adult stage of this species.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal patterns in the hyperbenthic community structure (>500 μm) in the warm temperate, permanently open Kariega Estuary situated along the south-eastern coastline of South Africa was investigated monthly over a period of twelve months. Data were collected using a modified hyperbenthic sledge at six stations along the length of the estuary. Physico-chemical data indicate the presence of a constant reverse salinity gradient, with highest salinities measured in the upper reaches and lowest at the mouth of the estuary. Strong seasonal patterns in temperature, dissolved oxygen and total chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration were evident. Total average hyperbenthic densities ranged between 0.4 and 166 ind.m−3 in the lower net and between 0.2 and 225 ind.m−3 in the upper net. Hyperbenthic biomass values ranged between 0.02 and 11.9 mg.dry weight.m−3 in the lower net and between 0.02 and 17.4 mg.dry weight.m−3 in the upper net. Both the lower and upper nets were numerically dominated by decapods (mainly brachyuran crab zoea) with the exception of June and July 2008 when mysids (mainly Mesopodopsis wooldridgei) dominated, comprising up to 72.4 ± 58.14% of the total abundance in the lower net. A redundancy analysis (RDA) indicated that 99.2% of the variance in the hyperbenthic community structure could be explained by the first two canonical axes. Axis one, which accounted for 96.8% of the total variation detected in the ordination plot was highly correlated with sedimentary organic content and to a lesser extent the chl-a concentration within the Kariega Estuary. The correlations with the second canonical axis (2.4%) were less obvious, however, salinity and seston concentration were weakly correlated with this axis.  相似文献   
为获知不同时期封闭式海水循环水养殖系统中水质因子、浮游植物和细菌群落结构对大西洋鲑(Salmo salar)体内土腥味物质含量变化的影响,于2018—2019年4次采集封闭式海水循环水养殖系统的水样和大西洋鲑。测定水体的氨氮、亚硝氮、硝氮、活性磷酸盐等指标,分析水体浮游植物群落结构并通过16S高通量测序测定水体中细菌群落结构,通过微波蒸馏-固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用(MD-SPME-GC-MS)方法,分析大西洋鲑背肌中土臭素(Geosmin,GSM)和二甲基异冰片(2-methylisoborneol,MIB)的含量。研究发现:测定水质指标中温度、溶解氧、盐度、pH、氨氮、亚硝氮、硝氮、活性磷酸盐、总氮、总磷、总悬浮物和溶解性总有机碳在不同时期差异显著。共鉴定出浮游植物7门、13目、26属,蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)、硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)和绿藻门(Chlorophyta)为优势门;不同时期细菌群落中的优势菌门均为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes),但细菌群落结构存在差异,这主要是由水质差异引起的。在不同时期,鱼体MIB含量均高于GSM含量,MIB为鱼体中主要的土腥味物质,在7和10月MIB含量较高。鱼体土腥味物质含量受浮游植物和细菌群落影响,而水质因子可能通过影响浮游植物和细菌群落的结构,来影响养殖鱼体内土腥味物质的含量。  相似文献   
为探究雾、霾、沙尘等多种天气下生物气溶胶中细菌群落结构特征,于2017年12月-2018年4月采集了青岛晴天和多种特殊天气下的大气生物气溶胶样品,运用16 S rRNA高通量测序方法分析了样品中细菌群落结构.结果表明,在雾、霾、沙尘天均检测到对人体健康存在潜在危害的条件致病菌,其中变形菌门(Proteobacteria...  相似文献   
为了解黄河三角洲潮间带大型底栖无脊椎动物现状,于2019年5月分别对建国后黄河入海口4个流路区域20个潮间带站位进行了采样调查.调查共采集到大型底栖无脊椎动物5纲16目37科60种,主要优势种有托氏(虫昌)螺(Umbonium costatum)、泥螺(Bullacta exarata)、光滑河篮蛤(Potamocor...  相似文献   
滨海城市社区的空间形态及其海岸线表现出一定程度的复杂性,发展量化描述方法对于其可发展研究有重要的理论与应用价值。本研究基于分形理论,以滨海城市厦门的高浦社区为研究对象,利用计盒法对该滨海社区空间形态和边界进行复杂性分析和分形维计算,研究社区空间形态复杂性演变规律。结果表明:作为典型海湾渔村的高浦社区空间形态具有分数维,呈现分形结构特性。自1989年至今,该社区空间形态的分形维数呈现增长态势;社区边界的分形维数呈现下降态势。社区空间形态的分形维数与社区建筑占地面积、建筑总面积、建筑密度、容积率都表现出相关性。这表明滨海社区在快速城市化进程中,社区规模急剧扩张可能会导致空间形态和边界复杂性的显著变化。  相似文献   
为了得到海洋平台疲劳失效风险最大的焊接区域,提出了以有限元网格单元应力为基础的谱分析筛选方法,并开发了程序。程序采用并行计算架构,单次完成数万个单元的累积损伤度/疲劳寿命计算,并通过有限元软件以云图方式显示疲劳寿命。采用该程序计算双浮筒半潜式平台的疲劳寿命。结果表明,该型平台疲劳失效风险较高的区域为立柱与上壳体下浮体连接对角线转角区域、浮筒中纵舱壁与立柱连接区域。并行计算方法的引入,大大缩减疲劳损伤度计算的分析时间,采用22核心的CPU,时间缩短为原来的1/18.5,17小时完成全平台外壳单元谱分析计算。  相似文献   
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