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INTRODUCTIONTheSMSRPSisstalledontheshipnavigatingovertheseaandreceivessatellitecloudmapsatanytimetoprovidereliablereal-timedataofmeteorologyandocean.Itisanimportantequipmentforsafeguardofshipnavigation.Chinahasthousandsofoceanicships.Butalmostallships,withonlyveryfewexception,arenotstalledbySMSRPS.Thecausesareasfollows:1.Thetechniqueisverycomplicated.2.Thedevelopmentcostisveryhigh.3.Ifweintroduceforeignequipment,thecostistooexpensive.4.Foreignequipmentanditssoftwarearecompletelyclo…  相似文献   
利用地质雷达探测青岛港木质高桩码头承台完整性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用EKKO-100型探地雷达对青岛港木质高桩码头承台完整性进行探测,结合现场钻探、孔内波速测试、岩样分析测试,进一步对码头的工程性状进行了分析和评价。  相似文献   
S.K. Lee  H. Choi  S. Surendran 《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(17-18):2454-2465
The effects of free-surface waves on the floating structures are of great importance in the offshore industry. Among the six degrees of motions of a surface ship the absence of restoring forces in surge, sway and yaw led to critical situations for moored ships in the recent times. The order of forces in horizontal plane and their exciting frequencies are matters of interest. The resonance with the presence of moored chains led to many accidents in the recent past. The lines in dry conditions may not give good damping and in wet condition they may trigger the system to chaotic motions and jumps. Two different loading conditions of a container ship model are tested with waves in laboratory conditions in two different drafts. The mooring lines are chosen as per scale law and the energy under the response spectrum is determined from the plots. The results give new insights into the movement of a berthed ships subjected to waves. Response of the moored ship to different loading conditions in different water depths are discussed in this paper. The paper gives the order of energy due to first-order and slowly varying movement of a berthed container model in a towing tank.  相似文献   
埕岛油田海上石油平台基础冲刷研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
海洋石油平台的建立会改变平台周围的水动力条件,其中平台的基础及与之连接的海底管缆(输油管道、注水管道、海底电缆等)附近产生冲刷现象,对平台和海底管缆的安全造成威胁。根据对研究区典型平台的4次实洲水深并结合以往资料,分析了埕岛油田海上石油平台基础冲刷的过程及其规律。  相似文献   
锌、铝及其合金涂层对钢铁的防护,不仅对阴极起保护作用(Gartland,1987), 对涂层本身也具有良好的抗腐蚀性能。此外,涂层中金属微粒表面形成的致密氧化膜,也起到了防腐蚀的作用。在不同大气环境下,锌、铝有良好的耐蚀性,其腐蚀速率比钢铁要低得多(李言涛,1998)。采用热喷涂锌、铝及其合金涂层对钢铁构件和构筑物进行长效防护早在20世纪20年代就已开始应用,至今仍是普遍采用的防护措施,并在继续发展(李守本等,1989)。20年代初,法国首先用于海水闸门的防腐;40年代美国用于墨西哥湾的海上井架和海上输油管以及舰船的防腐;60年代英、法、德等国海军将这一技术扩大应用到舰船的上部结构和船壳。而金属热喷涂技术在海洋工程中使用非常有限,第一次使用热喷铝涂层防护近海平台的实例是Conoco公司在北海的Murchison结构上的锥形塔,并且已获得了4a良好的使用效能(Fisher et al.,1987;Shaw et al.,1985)。1984年6月,Hutton张力支柱平台(TLP)在北海下水(水深148 m)安装。系链、升降机和锥形塔均采用火焰热喷涂技术喷涂铝涂层进行防护(Tyson,1985)。1992年6月,Hotton平台使用8a后,对升降机绳索进行观察,在飞溅区没有发现腐蚀现象,也没有检测到褐色渗漏效应(Fisher et al.,1995)。  相似文献   
董韩扬 《海洋工程》1994,12(3):17-22
本文根据胜利二号极浅海步行坐底钻井平台的作业和工作环境特点,进行了防腐措施研究,设计了切合实际的防腐措施。该平台在海上作业近四年进坞修理,经观测防腐情况良好。  相似文献   
Monitoring offshore platforms, long span bridges, high rise buildings, TV towers and other similar structures is essential for ensuring their safety in service. Continuous monitoring assumes even greater significance in the case of offshore platforms, which are highly susceptible to damage due to the corrosive environment and the continuous action of waves. Also, since a major part of the structure is under water and covered by marine growth, even a trained diver cannot easily detect damage in the structure. In the present work, vibration criterion is adopted for structural monitoring of jacket platforms. Artificial excitation of these structures is not always practicable and ambient excitation due to wind and waves may not be sufficient for collecting the required vibration data. Alternate methods can be adopted for the same purpose, for example, the application of an impact or a sudden relaxation of an applied force for exciting the structure. For jacket platforms, impact can be applied by gently pushing the structure at the fender while relaxation can be accomplished by pulling the structure and then suddenly releasing it using a tug or a supply vessel in both cases. The present study is an experimental investigation on a laboratory model of a jacket platform, for exploring the feasibility of adapting vibration responses due to impulse and relaxation, for structural monitoring. Effects of damage in six members of the platform as well as changes in deck masses were studied. A finite element model of the structure was used to analyze all the cases for comparison of the results as well as system identification. A data acquisition and analysis procedure for obtaining the response signatures of the platform due to the impulse and relaxation procedure was also developed for possible adoption in on-line monitoring of offshore platforms. From the study, it has been concluded that both impulse and relaxation responses are useful tools for monitoring offshore jacket platforms. The present work forms the basis for the development of an automated, on-line monitoring system for offshore platforms, using neural networks.  相似文献   
提出了一种基于移动测量系统技术的"真图"数据解决方案。一方面极大地丰富了GIS数据源,另一方面通过相应的真图影像数据管理软件及开发包扩展GIS功能,为各行业应用提供了地理信息数据解决方案。  相似文献   
基于Web 2.0的GIS模型共享平台研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文提出了基于Web 2.0建立GIS模型共享平台的设想,以期建立一个能够让用户创造模型和组织数据的GIS模型共享平台,并基于模型共享平台建立原型系统。借鉴了Web 2.0的数据自组织形式,按标签分类的方式让用户参与元数据组织,以适应各个领域用户的需求。同时为改变以往被动等待用户查询信息的方式,原型系统按RSS标准主动发布有价值信息,用户可以在第一时间获知系统更新。原型系统功能用网络服务封装,并提供客户端程序,提高了系统适用范围。原型系统的建立,证实了构建基于Web 2.0的GIS模型共享平台的价值和可行性。  相似文献   
根据空基导航信号增强平台的工作原理设计了组网优化评价指标;然后简单介绍了遗传算法的基本原理,对空基增强平台的空间位置进行了二进制编码;最后采用通用的遗传算法对空基导航信号增强平台空间分布进行优化搜索。仿真实验结果证明该算法能够对空基导航信号增强平台进行有效布置,覆盖范围内导航服务误差分布合理,并且能够根据实际要求对空基平台进行优化调整。  相似文献   
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