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Ar和H在矿物中的扩散补偿关系及其对扩散系数的预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵子福 《地学前缘》2000,7(2):367-380
对现有实验扩散数据的检查发现 ,Ar和H两种元素在不同矿物中分别存在着扩散补偿关系。孔隙度作为矿物内部离子堆积密度的一种量度 ,它与Ar和H的扩散活化能之间存在负的线性相关性 ,因而可以用于预测元素在矿物中的扩散系数。文中采用离子孔隙度法预测了Ar和H在不同矿物中的扩散系数 ,得到的结果与已有的实验数据在实验误差范围内是一致的。由于扩散补偿效应 ,同一物质在不同矿物中的扩散速率在特定温度下趋于汇聚 ,Ar扩散的转折温度为 (86 0± 10 0 )℃ ,H扩散的转折温度为 (330± 50 )℃。这为地质过程中Ar和H扩散的封闭温度提供了一种借鉴 ,因此伴随Ar扩散的地质时钟在低于 86 0℃时才开始启动 ,共存矿物间的氢同位素地质温度计仅当温度低于 330℃时才是有效的。  相似文献   
海岸地区TIBL廓线与局地海风环流的数值试验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对三次ElNino发生前后的ECMWF资料用滤波方法(带通,低通)进行分析,得到的结果清楚地表明,在ElNino发生前热带季节内振荡较强,而伴随ElNino发生,季节内振荡明显减弱,这种能量变化最明显的地区是赤道东太平洋地区;对于周期在90天以上的热带准定常波,伴随ElNino的发生其能量明显增加,这种增加反映最显著的区域是从大西洋往西一直到西太平洋。对中纬度(25-35°N)及中高纬度(40-50°N)地区的准定常波能量分析表明,中纬度地区的准定常波能量比低纬大,准定常波能量变化在中纬度(25-35°N)表现出与低纬能量变化一致的情形,即伴随着ElNino的发生,准定常波能量增加;中高纬度(40-50°N)只在亚洲大陆(100-170°E)表现出与热带一致的能量变化。结果还显示,热带季节内振荡在低层的东传对赤道西风异常及对ElNino的发生、发展起着很重要的作用。  相似文献   
根据近年来的同位素年代学资料,对分布于辽北地区的一套构造变质岩系("开原岩群"或"清河镇岩群")进行了重新认识和划分,并将其重新定义为清河构造混杂岩,由中太古代、新太古代、中元古代、新元古代、二叠纪等不同时代、不同构造环境的地质体组成.其中,中太古代、新太古代、中元古代岩石来自华北克拉通,而新元古代、二叠纪岩石则来自兴蒙造山带.将原沈家堡子岩组重新划分为新太古代变质表壳岩和中-新太古代变质深成岩,原板石沟岩组(或芦家堡子岩组)厘定为中元古代石门岩组,原照北山岩组重新划分为新元古代南平岩片和晚二叠世照北山岩组,将原佟家屯岩组和尖山子火山岩合并为晚二叠世佟家屯岩组.最后,提出了清河构造混杂岩带为华北克拉通与兴蒙造山带的界线以及古亚洲洋在华北板块北缘东段的最终闭合时间为中三叠世早期(约245Ma)的认识.  相似文献   
A set of daily PM10 (n = 281) samples collected from April 2001 to April 2002 at a rural site (Erdemli), located on the coast of the Eastern Mediterranean, were analyzed applying Mass Closure (MC), absolute principal factor analysis (APFA) and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) to determine source contributions. The results from the three techniques were compared to identify the similarities and differences in the sources and source contributions. Source apportionment analysis indicated that PM10 were mainly originated from natural sources (sea salt + crustal ≈ 60%) whilst secondary aerosols and residual oil burning accounted for approximately 20% and 10% of the total PM10 mass, respectively. Calculations for sulfate showed that on average 8% and 12% of its total concentration were originated from sea salt and biogenic emissions, respectively. However, the contribution by biogenic emissions may reach up to a maximum of ~ 40% in the summer. Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF) analysis for identification of source regions showed that the Saharan desert was the main source area for crustal components. For secondary aerosol components the analysis revealed one source region, (i.e. the south-Eastern Black Sea), whereas for residual oil, Western Europe and the western Balkans areas were found to be the main source regions.  相似文献   
肖维民  夏才初  王伟  卞跃威 《岩土力学》2013,34(7):1913-1922
节理中接触面积的存在使得渗流曲折效应更加明显,将对渗流产生显著影响。为了研究节理接触面积对节理渗流的影响,建立节理渗流概念模型,推导得到了节理渗流的接触面积影响系数;然后在节理渗流计算公式中引入该影响系数,得到了考虑接触面积影响的渗流计算公式。同时,由于接触面积的存在使得渗流曲折因子的计算更为复杂,在获得节理隙宽分布的基础上提出了计算节理渗流曲折因子的五点比较法。然后以人工大理岩节理试件为研究对象,在获得其三维表面形貌的基础上,一方面对其进行不同接触状态下5级法向应力作用下的渗流试验;另一方面,在根据节理试件的三维表面形貌数据计算节理的渗流平均曲折因子和接触面积比的基础上,分别采用考虑接触面积影响的渗流计算公式和Zimmerman计算公式对节理试件在不同法向应力作用下的渗流体积流量进行计算,并将计算结果与实测值进行比较。结果表明:考虑接触面积影响的渗流计算公式计算结果与实测值吻合较好,从而验证了考虑接触面积影响的渗流计算公式的正确性,而Zimmerman计算公式高估了节理的渗流流量。  相似文献   
Oxygen isotope fractionation between coexisting minerals in slowly cooled rocks conveys information about their cooling history. By using the fast grain boundary (FGB) model to simulate closed-system diffusive ex- change of oxygen isotopes between coexisting minerals, I show that the apparent equilibrium temperatures (Tae) by the mineral pair with the largest isotopic fractionation (PLIF) always lies between the closure temperatures (To) of those two minerals. Therefore, when the rate of oxygen diffusion and hence Tc for the PLIF chance to be comparable (such as in the case of quartz and magnetite), Tae will serve as a good approximation of To regardless of variation in mineral proportions. The specialty of the PLIF in constraining Tac within their Tc range can be generalized to other stable isotope systems and element partitioning. By approximating Tc with Tac and inverting Dodson's equation, the cooling rate of plutonic or metamorphic rocks can be inferred.  相似文献   
基于VB6.0语言环境设计了水准网综合数据处理的程序,实现了基于平差基准的最小二乘估计和抗差估计,自动搜索闭合条件、计算闭合差,弥补了现有矿区水准网平差程序或软件中存在的不足,针对程序实现中的关键性问题进行了比较详细的分析并给出了部分程序实现的代码,并通过实测数据进行了验证。  相似文献   
This paper addresses the problem of quantifying the joint uncertainty in the grades of elements of interest (iron, silica, manganese, phosphorus and alumina), loss on ignition, granulometry and rock types in an iron ore deposit. Sampling information is available from a set of exploration drill holes. The methodology considers the construction of multiple rock type outcomes by plurigaussian simulation, then outcomes of the quantitative variables (grades, loss on ignition and granulometry) are constructed by multigaussian joint simulation, accounting for geological domains specific to each quantitative variable as well as for a stoichiometric closure formula linking these variables. The outcomes are validated by checking the reproduction of the data distributions and of the data values at the drill hole locations, and their ability to measure the uncertainty at unsampled locations is assessed by leave-one-out cross validation.Both the plurigaussian and multigaussian models offer much flexibility to the practitioner to face up to the complexity of the variables being modeled, in particular: (1) the contact relationships between rock types, (2) the geological controls exerted by the rock types over the quantitative variables, and (3) the cross-correlations and stoichiometric closure linking the quantitative variables. In addition to this flexibility, the use of efficient simulation algorithms turns out to be essential for a successful application, due to the high number of variables, data and locations targeted for simulation.  相似文献   
利用2013年塔克拉玛干沙漠塔中流动沙面地表辐射、土壤热通量、土壤温湿度和湍流通量观测资料,分析了沙漠腹地地表辐射和能量收支特征及闭合状况。结果表明:除潜热通量外,其余地表辐射各分量和能量平衡分量的月平均日变化结果整体均表现为标准的单峰型日循环形态,其中Rs↓Rs↑变化同步,Rl↑Rl↓滞后Rs↓0.5 ~ 1 h。各分量均表现出夏季高、春秋季次之、冬季低的季节波动性。干旱和极低的植被覆盖造成沙漠腹地全年潜热通量始终较为微弱,约占净辐射的2.8%,感热通量成为能量的主要消耗形式,约占净辐射的49%。偶尔的降水会刺激潜热通量突然增加。地表反照率相对较高且稳定,日变化呈早晚大、正午小的“U”型趋势,并具有明显的冬季高、夏季低的季节波动性,年均值0.28,月均值0.25~0.32。能量残差各月的日变化也均呈单峰曲线,日出后和日落前能量闭合程度最佳,并出现过闭合现象,全年夏季小,春秋季次之,冬季较大,月平均日峰值5.1~99.9 W·m-2。土壤表层热储存是影响该地区能量平衡的重要因子之一,考虑表层土壤热存储后,地表能量闭合率达75.3%,能量闭合率夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季,白天相比夜间有大幅提升。  相似文献   
A previous study that explored the age and growth of red steenbras Petrus rupestris (Valenciennes, 1830), a large sparid (family Sparidae, seabreams or porgies) endemic to South Africa and reported to approach 2 m in length, provided estimates as a moderately slow-growing species with a maximum age near 30 years. The stock is considered collapsed and a fishing moratorium was imposed in 2012, resulting in this species being assessed as Endangered by the IUCN. One consideration in addressing population status is validation of life-history traits. In this study, estimates of age for red steenbras from thin-sectioned otoliths were reassessed visually in terms of both the original ages and revised estimates using a different age-reading pattern. The revised ages exceeded the original ages by up to 30 years, with a maximum estimated age of 55 years from a well-defined otolith section that provided a basis for the revised age-reading procedure. Bomb radiocarbon (14C) dating revealed there was an offset in the timing of the 14C rise on the Agulhas Bank that, when coupled with considerations for regional oceanography, provided support for the revised age-reading pattern and an estimated longevity that exceeds 50 years. These findings were further supported by the fortuitous recapture of a tagged red steenbras that was at liberty for 22 years.  相似文献   
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