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国家气象公园制度是气象景观资源的保护方式,是对当前生态系统保护的有效补充。从国家公园、国家气象公园等的概念追溯为基础,分别从气象景观、人文价值、区域生态功能、灾害防御与应急机制建设、科普功能等五个方面论述庐山申报国家气象公园可行性以及其作为国家气象公园的示范作用。庐山气候适宜,气象景观资源丰富,人文气息浓郁,科学价值独特,具有一定的区域生态辐射效应,且具有健全的灾害防御与应急机制,符合申报国家气象公园的各项条件。  相似文献   
生态文明与城市绿色发展要解决的问题本质上来说是正确处理人与自然之间的关系。生态文明是建设新时代中国特色社会主义和构建人类命运共同体的战略思想。城市绿色发展是转变人类社会发展模式,实现可持续发展的战略措施。两者之间有着鲜明的时代发展耦合特征,根据发展时序和中国经济社会发展阶段性特征,分为三个发展阶段:初期理论研究与实践探索阶段、逐渐上升为国家行动与理论体系建设阶段和国家行动的全面深化与理论体系的建立阶段。在城市绿色发展过程中,人通过以土地要素为主的生态空间和以产业为主的社会经济活动对自然产生影响,使城市发展在经济系统上实现绿色增长,在自然生态系统上提高绿色财富,在社会系统上提升绿色福利。城市绿色发展的基本思路:在城市发展进程中要始终坚持生态文明的理念,全面推进城市绿色发展;坚持城市空间规划先行方针;大力推进产业结构绿色升级和发展绿色新业态;强化环境保护和生态修复;实施基础设施绿色升级改造和推进绿色基础设施建设;加快制定完善城市绿色发展政策措施。  相似文献   
IPCC发布的气候变化报告表明,全球变暖是不争的事实,中国气候变化的总体效应为弊大于利;人类必须通过共同努力,应对气候变化的负面效应.在全球变化背景下,生态系统中的生物与环境要素如何变化,相关生态现象与生态过程机制如何,生态问题及其机制如何,均需要全面监测及综合评价才可能通过构建模型、建立基准进行风险预警.这也是目前生态环境损害赔偿及维护生态稳定性的客观需要.生态要素影响并制约着区域气候特征,而特定气候也不同程度地反馈于生态过程,产生不同的生态效果,这些问题的本质就是生态气象耦合关系问题.生态气象就是在生态学及气象学交叉与融合的背景下产生的新学科,并结合相关学科及遥感等信息技术,极大地丰富了学科内涵.未来生态气象监测评估及预警将全面展开,生态科学研究与气象业务服务也将紧密融合,生态气象评估方法趋于规范化与标准化,"互联网+"理念将促进"生态物联网"与生态气象的不断创新与发展.本研究对于美丽中国及生态文明建设(ECC)具有重要现实意义.  相似文献   
文章旨在通过理念性的探讨,试就“中国在日益深入地参与全球贸易和投资中所面临的主要挑战”这一议题激发大家的讨论。文章论述了当代城市化理论现状、城市化和可持续发展之间的关系对中国国家发展目标的影响以及中国21世纪面临的发展挑战,认为:1)中国应注重基于本土发展经验的理论知识构建,以指导自身的城市化道路。特别地,中国需要平衡经济增长与可持续发展之间的关系,充分利用和部署生态资本,推动生态文明建设;2)以部署生态资本为重心的“软规划”在未来规划中将占据更重要的地位,为此需要进行体制改革、机构重组以及加强政府部门与私营部门和民间社会之间的合作;3)扩展型都市区可在生态文明建设中发挥更大作用,努力打造一个可持续的、宜居的和有经济活力的体制性框架,从而为“一带一路”倡议提出的国际贸易和投资深化发展提供基础。  相似文献   
The human–landform interaction in the region of the Ghaggar–Hakra palaeochannel in the northwest Indo-Gangetic plains during the Bronze Age Indus/Harappan civilisation (~4.6–3.9 thousand years before the present, ka bp ) remains an enigmatic case due to a paucity of evidence regarding the hydrology of the then existing river. Here, we estimated the palaeohydrology of the foothill Markanda River in the sub-Himalayan catchment of the Ghaggar–Hakra (G–H) palaeochannel. Our morphology and chronology results show aggradation of a fan (57.7 ka) during the Late Pleistocene and T–1 to T–5 fluvial terraces (13.1 to 6.0 ka) during the terminal Pleistocene to Holocene, and deposition of palaeoflood sediments (3.9–3.8 ka) over the T–3 terraces during the Late Holocene. Considering the known uplift rates along the Himalayan frontal thrust, and our estimated aggradation rates, we derived channel palaeogeometry and calculated peak discharge at the site of palaeoflood deposits. We conclude that the Markanda River's peak discharge was several orders of magnitude higher during the Late Holocene than the modern-day peak discharge of 100-year return period. The palaeoflood deposits represent larger flooding of the foothill rivers that sustained flows in the downstream reaches of the Ghaggar–Hakra palaeochannel during the Late Harappan civilisation.  相似文献   
In the new era of the rapid development of economic globalization and the community of human destiny, the implementation of the “One Belt and One Road” (OBOR) construction model is designed to coordinate environmental protection and economic development. Most of the countries along the Silk Road in the 21st century are developing countries, and the majority of them are facing the same ecological and developmental difficulties as China. In this paper, under the background of the “OBOR” strategy and on the basis of the distribution of global climate types, we selected Central Asia and Northwest China, which have temperate continental climates, as the research objects. We sorted out and summarized the main ecological problems faced by Western China and Central Asia during the development of the “Belt and Road” initiative. At the same time, in combination with the major ecological governance projects implemented in recent years, we proposed key ecological governance technologies that have a certain degree of scalability, such as key technologies for water resource utilization and protection, sand prevention and control, and saline-alkali land governance. The aim was to offer the experiences and a reference for providing technological models for the “one belt along the road” region and the country to build an effective ecological governance system. Two suggestions are then proposed for improving the feasibility and rationality of ecological governance technology in the construction of the “One Belt, One Road”. 1) With the implementation of the strategy of “OBOR” construction, the ecological threats the OBOR countries are facing cannot be ignored. Every country needs to jointly act to build an “OBOR” ecological civilization. 2) The participants must pay attention to the spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics of ecological carrying capacity, and provide data reference and support for the reasonable allocation of ecological governance technology.  相似文献   
以西秦岭典型地区甘肃省陇南市为案例区,分析了农户生计改变与生态文明建设的关系,探讨了以农户生计改善为目标的生态文明建设思路。在揭示陇南市生态文明建设面临生产和生活空间不足、生态环境脆弱、农村贫困面大和传统资源利用模式普遍等主要难点的基础上,利用第六次人口普查和陇南市武都区农户问卷调查数据,分析了1999年退耕还林以来在农户生计五大资本方面发生的变化,以及农户生计改变对生态文明建设的影响。研究认为,理想状态下,农户生计能力的提升对提高国土空间利用效率、促进资源利用节约、改善生态环境有益。但陇南市因自然环境困境,在农户生计能力提升的同时,也存在一些阶段性的问题。针对这些问题,陇南市应树立以生态促发展、以农业促发展的思路,努力提升农户生计水平,为构筑有效率的空间结构,建立资源节约型社会体系提供支撑。  相似文献   
Ecological civilization (EC) construction has become one of the key elements of China's reform and development process, since it was put forward at the 17th National People's Congress (NPC) in 2007 and improved at the 18th NPC in 2012, and stressed at the third plenary session of the 18th NPC. The provincial areas are the most important pilot units of EC strategy. Therefore, research on EC at the provincial level can meet the practical demand for EC in China. Based on the existing provincial circumstances in Gansu and its significant position as an ecological barrier in northwestern China, and aiming at the core issue of why and how to build EC in Gansu, this paper employs SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis, the Delphi method, and a combined quantitative analysis and coordinate method, and then calculates the relevant strategic orientation angle (0 = 1.4605) and strength coefficient (p = 0.53). The results show that Gansu should take an opportunities-dominated strategy, and choose opportunity-strength measures, so the province can increase its in- ternal strengths and decrease its weaknesses with external promote an EC construction strategy. opportunities. Specific measures are recommended to actively  相似文献   
发展广州市湿地经济对改善当地民生、推进生态文明建设具有重要作用。广州市具有丰富的湿地资源,包括湿地水资源、湿地动植物资源和湿地旅游资源。目前广州市湿地经济发展模式主要为水产养殖模式、农业耕种模式、供水蓄能模式和生态旅游模式,但在发展过程中存在过度围垦、河流破坏、过度捕捞和盲目养殖、生态旅游开发不成熟等问题。针对存在的问题,提出以生态优先为原则、以统一规划为前提、以复合农业为重点、以生态旅游为特色的湿地经济发展建议。  相似文献   
近年来,临沂市坚持"在保护中开发、在开发中保护"的原则,统筹资源开发与生态保护,加快资源利用方式转变,着力构建资源节约和生态环境保护体制机制,有效地促进了生态文明建设。但存在资源供需矛盾长期存在,后备资源保障能力不足等问题,需要进一步挖潜盘活存量土地,服务矿业经济,强化执法监管等工作,不断提高国土资源保护和节约利用水平,更好的促进生态建设。  相似文献   
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