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Based on digital seismic waveform data from Inner Mongolia Digital Seismic Network, the source spectrum parameters of 182 small and moderate earthquakes from January, 2009 to September, 2016 are derived, and the seismic moment M0 and moment magnitude MW of the earthquakes are calculated. The ML-MW relationship and the relationship between stress drop and magnitude are obtained using the linear regression method. It is clear that incorporating the moment magnitude into the seismic quick report catalog and the official earthquake catalog can enrich earthquake observation report content, thus providing better service for earthquake emergency and earthquake scientific research.  相似文献   
The central structure belt in Turpan-Hami basin is composed of the Huoyanshan structure and Qiketai structure formed in late Triassic-early Jurassic, and is characterized by extensional tectonics. The thickness of strata in the hanging wall of the growth fault is obviously larger than that in the footwall, and a deposition center was evolved in the Taibei sag where the hanging wall of the fault is located. In late Jurassic the collision between Lhasa block and Eurasia continent resulted in the transformation of the Turpan-Hami basin from an extensional structure into a compressional structure, and consequently in the tectonic inversion of the central structure belt of the Turpan-Hami basin from the extensional normal fault in the earlier stage to the compressive thrust fault in the later stage. The Tertiary collision between the Indian plate and the Eurasian plate occurred around 55Ma, and this Himalayan orogenic event has played a profound role in shaping the Tianshan area, only the effect of the collision to this area was delayed since it culminated here approximately in late Oligocene-early Miocene. The central structure belt was strongly deformed and thrusted above the ground as a result of this tectonic event.  相似文献   
目前研究海平面变化的方法尚不能精确确定海平面变化,对记录海平面变化的沉积体或层序物质组成及结构特点的研究尚显薄弱。在分析层序不对称性与海平面变化的关系基础,提出层序不对称系数S0,认为海平面的升降变化对浅水沉积区影响显著,其结果必然造成层序S0的增加;海平面的升降变化对沉水沉积区影响不大,层序S0较为恒定。对进行详细研究中扬子区S0分布特点,运用S0曲线计算了中扬子区海平面变化特点,并与其他方法进行对比,认为可以用S0判断水体相对深浅,分析海平面变化。  相似文献   
Studying the carrying capacity of resources and environment of city clusters in the central China has impor-tant practical guidance significance for promoting the healthy,sustainable and stable development of this region.Ac-cording to their influencing factors and reciprocity mechanism,using system dynamics approaches,this paper built a SD model for measuring the carrying capacity of resources and environment of the city clusters in the central China,and through setting different development models,the comprehensive measurement analysis on the carrying capacity was carried out.The results show that the model of promoting socio-economic development under the protection of resources and environment is the optimal model for promoting the harmony development of resources,environment,society and economy in the city clusters.According to this model,the optimum population scale of the city clusters in2020 is 42.80×106 persons,and the moderate economic development scale is 22.055× 1012 yuan(RMB).In 1996-2020,the carrying capacity of resources and environment in the city clusters took on obvious phase-change characteristics.During the studied period,it is basically at the initial development stage,and will come through the development process from slow development to speedup development.  相似文献   
基于CRU逐月降水和NCEP/NCAR再分析等资料,利用集合经验模态分解(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition,EEMD)方法,分析1948—2016年中国中部地区夏季降水变化的多时间尺度特征及其对应的环流、海温异常,进而解释不同时期影响干旱发生的背景场有何不同。结果表明,中部地区夏季降水以年际变化为主,周期长度为3.8 a和6.9 a,年代际和多年代际变化的方差贡献不足20%。然而,各时间尺度降水变化对不同时期干旱事件的贡献存在较大差异,1960s、1970s,降水年际变化偏弱,相反地,多年代际变化正处于负位相的极小值期;1980s、1990s,多年代际变化位相转正;2000s初,年际变化明显增强。此外,通过分析不同时间尺度降水变化对应的环流、海温背景场,发现热带印度洋海温异常及其引起的西北太平洋副热带高压的变化、大西洋北部海温异常激发的纬向波列以及贝加尔湖地区的阻塞活动、1970s末PDO位相转变伴随的东亚夏季风突变是分别解释降水年际、年代际和多年代际变化的主要原因,进而揭示影响中部地区夏季干旱发生的关键因子及其相对重要性。  相似文献   
中南部非洲优势矿产资源有金、铜、铁、铬、金刚石,锰、铀、镍、钒、钴、铂、锑的储量也居世界前列。主要的矿产集中分布于前寒武纪地体内,中南部非洲前寒武纪地体的形成演化决定了矿产的种类和主要成矿类型。文章总结了中南部非洲的地质构造演化以及其主要矿产资源的成矿类型和分布规律,并划分成矿区带至三级。探讨了部分主要成矿区带的成矿规律:太古宙的矿产主要与花岗-绿岩地体有关;古元古代的矿产主要分布于陆缘盆地,与岩浆作用有关;中元古代的矿产主要与岩浆作用有关,次为沉积变质作用;新元古代的矿产主要与沉积变质作用有关,次为岩浆作用。  相似文献   
惠民凹陷中央隆起带沙四上亚段滩坝与风暴岩组合沉积   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张鑫  张金亮 《沉积学报》2009,27(2):246-253
惠民凹陷沙四上亚段沉积时期,盆地边缘发育三角洲和扇三角洲沉积,受波浪和沿岸流的影响,在中央隆起带滨浅湖区形成了与岸线走向平行或斜交的滩坝砂体和风暴沉积。滩坝沉积成熟度较高,泥质含量少,岩性以中细砂岩和粉砂岩为主,也有少量砾石,砂岩中常见含双壳类化石、生物碎屑和炭屑。滩坝沉积可分为砂坝、砂滩和滩坝间微相,平面上该区滩坝砂体可分为近岸砂滩、近岸砂坝、坝间砂滩、远岸砂坝、远岸砂滩、水下隆起处砂坝和水下隆起处砂滩。此外,受风暴浪的影响,在浪基面和风暴浪基面之间的地带形成风暴沉积,主要由块状层理段、递变层理段、丘状交错层理段、平行层理段和块状泥岩段构成。该组合沉积体系的形成主要受古地形、物源性质、湖平面变化等方面的影响。  相似文献   
林景峰  徐飞  周茂伦 《北京测绘》2021,35(2):250-255
隧道中轴线不仅能够检核隧道竣工测量,而且在隧道变形监测中其精度直接影响横断面提取的准确性.本文提出一种精确提取隧道全局中轴线的方法:首先将隧道三维点云投影至水平面形成平面点云,并采用Delaunay三角网算法获取点云边界;其次利用点云边界中转折点间的距离与隧道直径的关系提取出隧道边界线;然后依据隧道边界和中心的几何关系...  相似文献   
本文分析了中西太平洋海山富钴结壳及其各主要层圈(外层、疏松层、亮煤层)和玄武岩基岩的铂族元素(PGE)和Au含量以及Os同位素组成,发现富钴结壳中PGE和Au含量均较高,且变化很大,∑PGE为(70.09~629.26)×10-9,平均289.48×10-9,Au为(0.60~26900)×10-9.具三层结构的富钴结壳中,疏松层(∑PGE=(339.37~545.82)×10-9)和亮煤层(∑PGE=(280.09~629.26)×10-9)的∑PGE明显高于外层((70.09~133.27)×10-9.单层结壳的∑PGE为(83.94~479.75)×10-9,Au含量普遍高于具三层结构者.结壳的∑PGE和Au含量远高于太平洋多金属结核(分别为(101.57~155.83)×10-9和(1~4)×10.沉积深度和海水氧逸度的不同是导致结壳和结核中PGE含量明显差异的主导因素.富钴结壳∑PGE和Pt与Mn(%)之间呈明显的正相关关系,而与Fe(%)具负相关性,与多金属结核正好相反,显示结壳中的PGE主要赋存在水羟锰矿(8-MnO2)等锰矿物相中,与针铁矿(FeOOH·nH2O)等铁矿物相关系不大,而结核中的PGE主要赋存在铁矿物相中.PGE球粒陨石标准化曲线和各项参数显示富钴结壳的PGE和Au主要来自海底玄武岩的蚀变释放,部分来自铁陨石微粒等地外物质,而与海底热水活动无关.计算显示西太平洋结壳距今42.5 Ma左右开始生长,生长过程中分别在8.OMa和21.8Ma处出现间断,相应形成外层、疏松层和亮煤层,其各自沉积速率为2.64 mm/Ma,1.45 mm/Ma和1.06 mm/Ma,相应海水的187Os/188Os分别为0.948~0.953,0.599~0.673和0.425~0.536,显示外层含有较多的大陆风化尘,而疏松层和亮煤层的沉积物主要来自海底洋壳蚀变和陨石碎屑或宇宙尘等地外物质.  相似文献   
跨带土地利用规划图的编制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在县级土地利用规划用图中,常涉及到跨投影带的地图拼接问题,一般使用邻带转换法实现跨带区域的地图显示,该方法在实际应用中存在面积和角度变形相对较大的不足.本文采用自定义中央经线的投影转带方法,经过高斯投影变换,较好地解决了县域范围的跨带拼接显示并有效控制了相关变形.  相似文献   
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