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论述了海图制图国际化教育的发展进程,详细阐述了海图制图教育国际化的主要形式和内容,指出了当前海图制图国际化教育存在的主要问题,提出了我国搞好海图制图教育的几点想法。这些想法对于今后更好地开展国际海图制图师培训,使中国的海图制图教育冲出亚洲、走向世界具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
地图符号的语言学机制及其应用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析并总结地图语言学在GIS技术影响下的发展、变化;通过分析当今地图语言的新特点,阐述地图符号的定义;从语言学角度分析地图符号的语言学机制并提出地图符号的语义概念模型。最后简述该模型在地图符号软件中的应用。  相似文献   
明晰集体土地产权,加快推进农村集体土地确权登记发证是当前国土资源管理中的一项重要任务。我国农村集体土地建设用地具有分布广、范围大、分散凌乱等特点,如果按照城镇地籍调查规程开展农村地籍调查,则面临着基础薄、任务重、投入高、时间紧等问题。为此,本文提出一套以高分辨率遥感影像为底图,快速绘制农村集体土地建设用地地块图形、并与实地丈量的边长、面积等属性数据关联、实现图属一体化管理的技术方法,并进行了精度评定试验。基于该技术开发了农村集体土地建设用地数据库建库工具和管理系统,实现了网络化农村集体土地建设用地管理,并在三个试点地区得到较好的应用。  相似文献   
通过对长沙市某工程复杂场地条件下长距离非开挖导向钻进技术的应用研究,提出在类似场地条件下施工应尽量全面收集施工场地已有管线及地下构筑物资料;根据场地条件合理设计导向孔轨迹;配制钻进泥浆并合理选择泥浆添加剂;选择适合长距离拖管的拖管组件。  相似文献   
水系是具有高度结构化特征的复杂空间数据,在不同水文条件和地形环境下发育的水系形态可以表现为多种模式,如格状河系、羽毛状河系、平行状河系等,使得水系选取具有较大难度。探讨了河流分级(汇流区域特征)、河网结构层次化(河流分布的地理特征)与水系选取之间的关系,提出了基于流域的河流自动选取,从河流的局部重要性出发,考虑河流的分级主要基于两点:一是确定选取单元为流域;二是对流域内河流通过等级关系选取高等级河流,同等级间河流根据长度、密度、河流间距离等综合指标进行选取。  相似文献   
道路网自动综合是GIS研究的重要基础理论问题。顾及道路重要性对路网制图综合的影响,采用基于对偶拓扑的复杂网络理论构建城市路网对偶拓扑模型,并基于该路网模型建立路段重要度评价方法,进而提出一种基于路段重要度评价的路网自动制图综合方法。实验表明,该方法能够有效地完成不同比例尺下路网的自动综合。  相似文献   
EXCEL在化探样品分析质量监控图绘制中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用计算机绘制化探样品分析质量监控图,革除了手工绘图弊端,大大提高工作效率,尤其是用普通打印机替代绘图仪,展示了其广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
Map Libraries     
Colour distortion, which is caused by the unavoidable mismatch between a map’s gamut and a device’s gamut, negatively affects the semiotic quality of maps. Cartographic communication often suffers from undesirable colour inconsistency. This method models cartographic colour reproduction as a constrained transform problem, namely, adapting a map’s gamut to fit a device’s gamut while preserving the semiotic quality. First, the characteristics of the map’s gamut are investigated by considering cartographic principles, and the fundamental concerns of preserving semiotic quality are proposed. Then, the self-organizing map method is introduced to iteratively optimize the cartographic colour reproduction. We implement this method and evaluate it based on a series of thematic maps. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm offers better results than two alternatives in terms of facilitating cartographic colour reproduction.  相似文献   
HYPACK综合导航定位系统是广泛应用于海洋工程水下地形地貌测量的数据采集和处理软件,它支持多种定位设备和测深设备的数据采集和处理。如何正确提取所需的数据、满足不同工程测量的特殊要求,是我们在实际使用中经常碰到的问题。分析了实测HYPACK数据,以VISUAL C 6.0为平台进行程序开发,实现了在HYPACK记录的原始文件中特定数据的处理,如航迹(点位)坐标、水深值、潮位数据等。所开发的程序实现了数据的图形可视化和由数据向DXF格式的转换,实现了数据编辑和图形效果的交互。  相似文献   
Topographic maps are powerful tools for the purpose of identifying land use and cover change (LUCC) as they are among the most reliable representations of past landscapes for the time prior to the existence of aerial photography. In light of the increased availability of historical maps, we argue that there is a need for a standardized process to assess map comparability in a systematic way in order to avoid, or at least minimize, the detection of spurious landscape changes due to incompatible map series. A full understanding of map quality, background and error distributions is fundamental to attain reliable LUCC results. The conceptual framework presented in this study considers the context, distortion and cartographic generalization of topographic maps. Furthermore, it includes an approach to homogenize the level of generalization of landscape elements (e.g. forests) from maps with different scales. To demonstrate its application, we assessed the comparability of seven topographic maps from Canton Zurich covering a time span of 336 years (1664–2000). Overall, for the maps of Canton Zurich, a wall-to-wall comparison of forest cover based on the topographic maps presented here can be problematic for the oldest map from 1664. Based on the results, a wall-to-wall comparison with the later maps is not recommended, due to its substantial distortion. Yet, after re-generalization of natural landscape elements, such as forests, a comparison based on landscape indices is possible, even for the oldest map. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that maps from the mid-19th century onward possess an acceptable level of accuracy. This framework can be applied to a wide range of maps at regional, national, or global levels, providing the opportunity to look at land cover history over multiple centuries.  相似文献   
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