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13C/12C ratios for a number of High Arctic vascular plants (51 determinations), mosses (11), and freshwater algae (11) show considerable variation, particularly among the freshwater algae (range from-6.9 to -36.3). In some cases the stable carbon ratios on modern and fossil materials provide guidance as to whether marine waters formerly occupied a given pond or lake basin. In other cases the 13C values for algae collected along the present-day shore of a pond or lake bear no relation to the values obtained on constituents preserved within the bottom sediments, suggesting that major changes have occurred in the last few thousand years.Geological Survey of Canada Contribution No. 17291. Contribution No. 41 from the Cape Herschel Project.  相似文献   
The anodic and cathodic behaviour of pyrite with clay and different carbon coatings of activated carbon, graphite and carbonaceous matter in cyanide medium was investigated using the potentiodynamic method. The presence of clay coating did not change the polarisation curve appearance for either the anodic oxidation of pyrite or the cathodic reduction of oxygen or the potential of the current plateau, but only decreased the plateau current especially at a higher coating thickness. The presence of the carbon coatings marginally shifted the rest potential for pyrite to a more anodic position and slightly changed the polarisation curve appearance for pyrite oxidation. The current density for pyrite oxidation largely increased in the presence of the carbon coatings, the potential at the plateau shifted to more cathodic positions, and the plateau width became smaller. These effects became more noticeable at a higher coating thickness. The activated carbon, graphite and carbonaceous matter coatings performed similarly in affecting pyrite oxidation at a similar thickness. The carbon coatings significantly increased the limiting current densities for oxygen reduction on pyrite, and the limiting current plateau became steeper at a higher coating thickness. The carbon coatings increased the limiting current density for oxygen reduction to a similar extent at a low coating thickness, but increased to varied extents at a higher coating thickness. The carbon coatings also greatly increased the cathodic current density for gold reduction on pyrite. The enhancement of pyrite oxidation and oxygen or gold reduction on pyrite by the carbon coatings was likely attributed to the electrochemical interaction between pyrite and the carbon materials with electron-rich surfaces and high conductivity. The presence of the carbon coatings significantly increased the oxidation of pyrite in aerated cyanide solutions and the preg-robbing of pyrite especially at a higher coating thickness.  相似文献   
大气CO2浓度升高对土壤中不同粒级碳的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
不同粒级土壤中的碳有着不同的周转规律,在高CO2浓度条件下,它们含量的变化将在一定程度上反映土壤碳是累积还是减少,对明确土壤碳的变化趋势有重要意义.采用田间培养试验初步模拟研究在高CO2浓度条件下土壤不同粒级碳的分布.结果表明,加入秸秆培养1年,由于CO2浓度升高的原因导致在低氮(LN)、常规氮(NN)和高氮(HN)水平下土壤中碳分别增加0.01、1.10、1.22g/kg,表现为粒级〈53μm土壤颗粒中碳分别增加1.53、2.19、2.70g/kg.粒级〈53μmm土壤颗粒碳量的增加,主要是由于其重量分配百分数显著增加36.2%,碳浓度增加5.4%;粒级〉250μm和250~53μm土壤颗粒部分虽然其碳浓度分别增加20.8%和17.3%(P〈0.05),怛由于重量分配百分数分别显著降低22.8%和36.1%,结果碳量降低.试验表明高CO2浓度导致不同粒级土壤的分配及碳浓度的变化;高氮施肥水平下有增加土壤碳量特别是小粒级土壤碳量的趋势.  相似文献   
The dynamics of organic carbon (OC), turbidity, faecal indicator bacteria and physicochemical parameters was studied in a karst system near Yverdon, Switzerland. Online measurements and sampling were done at a swallow hole draining an agricultural surface (the input), and two groups of springs (the outputs) that often show bacterial contamination. A fluorescent tracer that was injected into the swallow hole during low-flow conditions first arrived at the springs 10–12 days after injection; the total recovery rate was 29%. Previous tracer tests during high-flow conditions gave shorter travel times. After a major rainfall event, a primary turbidity peak was observed at the springs. It coincides with the rising limb of the hydrograph, indicating remobilisation of autochthonous particles from the aquifer. A secondary turbidity peak occurs several days later, suggesting the arrival of allochthonous particles from the swallow hole. Wider peaks of OC and bacteria were observed simultaneously. Applying methods from molecular microbiology (PCR-DGGE) allowed characterisation of the bacterial communities at the swallow hole and the springs. The results demonstrate that the swallow hole is an important source of groundwater contamination, while its contribution to aquifer recharge is insignificant. OC appears to be a better indicator for bacterial contamination than turbidity.  相似文献   
通过对自配标准样品(正构烷烃)进行5à分子筛吸附试验,测定了用5分子筛吸附法分离前后正构烷烃、异构烷烃和环烷烃碳同位素值,探讨试验前后碳同位素值的变化。尽管实验过程中样品经过85℃长时间加热回流及吸附样品的5à分子筛用氢氟酸酸化处理,但实验结果经仪器检测,证明该方法对正构烷烃碳同位素值影响因素不大。本文还介绍了原油和煤可溶有机质中饱和烃络合前后的单体烃碳同位素分析方法。并在前人工作的基础上,改进采用微型索氏抽提加热回流实验装置,既提高了样品的回收率,也减少了样品中轻组分的损失。  相似文献   
Nine marble horizons from the granulite facies terrane of southern India were examined in detail for stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in calcite and carbon isotopes in graphite. The marbles in Trivandrum Block show coupled lowering of δ13C and δ18O values in calcite and heterogeneous single crystal δ13C values (? 1 to ? 10‰) for graphite indicating varying carbon isotope fractionation between calcite and graphite, despite the granulite facies regional metamorphic conditions. The stable isotope patterns suggest alteration of δ13C and δ18O values in marbles by infiltration of low δ13C–δ18O‐bearing fluids, the extent of alteration being a direct function of the fluid‐rock ratio. The carbon isotope zonation preserved in graphite suggests that the graphite crystals precipitated/recrystallized in the presence of an externally derived CO2‐rich fluid, and that the infiltration had occurred under high temperature and low fO2 conditions during metamorphism. The onset of graphite precipitation resulted in a depletion of the carbon isotope values of the remaining fluid+calcite carbon reservoir, following a Rayleigh‐type distillation process within fluid‐rich pockets/pathways in marbles resulting in the observed zonation. The results suggest that calcite–graphite thermometry cannot be applied in marbles that are affected by external carbonic fluid infiltration. However, marble horizons in the Madurai Block, where the effect of fluid infiltration is not detected, record clear imprints of ultrahigh temperature metamorphism (800–1000 °C), with fractionations reaching <2‰. Zonation studies on graphite show a nominal rimward lowering δ13C on the order of 1 to 2‰. The zonation carries the imprint of fluid deficient/absent UHT metamorphism. Commonly, calculated core temperatures are > 1000 °C and would be consistent with UHT metamorphism.  相似文献   
金小赤 《地球学报》2002,23(1):37-41
空树河组是滇西腾冲地块北部的石碳-二叠纪冈瓦纳相沉积。菱铁矿结核见于该组顶部的黑色泥岩中。将一个结核通过中心切开,在切面上由中心向边缘用牙钻等间隔提取10个样品。同位素测试结果显示,δ^13C自中心向边缘逐渐由-8.09%减为-16.12%,最外一个样例外(-15.39‰),而δ^18O自中心向边缘逐渐由-10.64‰增加为0‰左右。δ^13C的变化情况表明,菱铁矿结核可能形成于硫酸盐还原带。在解释δ^18o的变化情况时,推测在结核开始生长时可能有δ^18O亏损的大气降水掺入,随着埋藏深度的逐渐加大,孔隙水的O同位素逐渐趋近正常海水的值(0‰)。  相似文献   
The Hongzuisi Section in Lanzhou area is used to infer the paleoclimate since the late glacial epoch. Through combined analysis of organic carbon isotope and CaCO3 content, paleoenvironment evolution of Hongzuisi Section since the late glacial epoch is discussed. There were changes in both drymoist and warm-cold. Especially the climate changes can be compared with synchronous sections of other areas, which provides useful information for our future forecast.  相似文献   
辽河盆地东部凹陷原油的碳同位素组成特征   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过对辽河盆地东部凹陷原油的饱和烃、芳烃的碳同位素组成特征、原油同位素类型和单体烃同位素特征进行研究 ,发现整个东部凹陷原油及其组分的碳同位素值偏重 ,指示其源岩有机质中藻类和低等水生生物的贡献较少 ;饱和烃—芳烃的碳同位素值关系揭示东部凹陷大部分原油样品与沙河街组沙三段烃源岩的特征相近 ,而南部和北部地区少数样品表现出负的碳同位素异常 ,与该区中生界源岩样品的接近 ,推测原油中可能混入了中生界来源的油气。南部地区各样品的碳同位素类型曲线和单体烃的碳同位素曲线均相似 ,揭示了两者具相同的油气来源。北部地区各原油样品的单体烃的碳同位素类型曲线间具有相似的分布特征 ,但茨榆坨地区的原油样品的碳同位素值比牛居地区的系统偏轻 ,可能是成熟度相对较低引起的 ,表明茨榆坨地区原油具有早期成藏的特征。原油的碳同位素组成特征是研究油气来源和成藏特征分析的一种重要手段。  相似文献   
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