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During earthquake events, low-plasticity silt undergoes a reduction in shear strength and stiffness due to development of excess pore pressure induced by cyclic loading. With reconsolidation, during which process excess pore pressure is dissipated, the shear strength and stiffness can be regained. However, due to the low permeability of silts (compared to sands), the dissipation of excess pore pressure and the reconsolidation of low-plasticity silt takes much more time. This paper investigates the postliquefaction shear behavior of Mississippi River Valley (MRV) silt at various degrees of reconsolidation using triaxial tests. Test results indicate that there was a steady increase, in shear strength and stiffness, at both large and small deformations, with increase in the degree of reconsolidation. The postliquefaction silt showed the effect of the apparent OCR, which had a close effect on postcyclic shear behavior as did the OCR on the static behavior. The critical state lines of MRV silt were different for pre- and post-liquefaction conditions.  相似文献   
非线性共轭梯度(NLCG)算法广泛应用于音频大地电磁法(AMT)二维反演中,并且取得了良好效果.本文以Rodi(2001)提出的大地电磁法二维NLCG反演理论和算法为基础,开展AMT野外数据采集参数(测线长度、点距、频点数)对二维反演效果的影响研究.通过低阻理论模型的试验结果表明:野外数据采集参数的选择应该以探测目标体的规模、深度以及背景电阻率为依据,测线长度应大于目标体宽度和探测深度的两倍以上,异常体上方测点数及探测深度范围内的频点数至少大于三个.  相似文献   
恒河-雅鲁藏布江流域雪线场的建立及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用冰川编目最新数据资料,计算恒河-雅鲁藏布江冰川平均高度(Hme)与测量雪线(ELAh)之间的回归方程,发现冰川系统越大,样本数越多,则相关性越好,从而建立大系统的回归方程计算系统内所有冰川样点的计算雪线高度(ELAhc).对所求得的ELAhc采用10’×10’的格网覆盖区域,对格网内样点的经纬度和计算雪线高度进行算术平均,用Kriging插值生成一定间隔的雪线分布图,即雪线高度场.把所得结果与该区域已有研究对比,发现它除具有共同的基本规律外,还更能体现出西藏南部雪线场的详尽分布规律,如全流域从下游向上游按照平均雪线高度的大小可以分为4个区,不同区域的雪线分布反映了影响区域雪线分布的主导因素.此方法可应用于其它已进行冰川编目的地区,也可建立不同尺度的温度场、积累场、降水场等冰川特征值场.  相似文献   
输电线路杆塔危岩威胁等级评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾宁  孟庆辉  贾剑 《岩土力学》2010,31(2):604-608
从影响滚石击中塔体时的能量以及塔体被滚石击中的可能性出发,提出现场评价危岩对塔体威胁等级的方法。该方法考虑了边坡形状、塔位与山体的相对位置、坡上危岩的数量和大小以及坡脚滚石的数量和大小等因素。当边坡总体坡度相同时,上缓下陡的折线边坡,滚石落地速度最大;而内凹的曲线边坡,滚石落地速度最小。位于山体内凹一侧的塔位,塔体受危岩威胁最大,而位于山体凸出一侧的塔位,受危岩威胁最小。  相似文献   
Many classes of environmental contaminants affect the reproductive function of animals through interactions with the endocrine system. The primary components affected by endocrine active compounds (EACs) are the steroid receptors and the enzymes responsible for steroidogenesis. This study sought to develop an in vitro model for assessing EAC effects in sea turtles by examining their ability to alter cytochrome P450 aromatase (CYP19) activity. Aromatase is the enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone to estradiol. This enzyme is critical in the sexual differentiation of reptiles which demonstrate temperature-dependent sex determination. An immortal testis cell line GST-TS from a green sea turtle was grown in culture at 30 degrees C in RPMI 1640 media. The cells were exposed to three known aromatase inducers; dexamethasone (Dex), 8Br-cyclic AMP, or human chronic gonadotropin (HCG) and one aromatase inhibitor 4-androstenol-dione (4-OHA). In addition, the GST-TS cells were exposed to 0.1-30 microM atrazine and 3-100 microM 4,4'-DDE. The inducing compounds that have been shown to increase aromatase activity in other systems failed to induce aromatase activity in the GST-TS cells, yet exposure to the inhibiting compound, 4-OHA, did result in a significant reduction. Atrazine (0.1, 1.0 and 10 microM) significantly induced aromatase activity following a 24 h exposure, and 4,4'-DDE inhibited the activity but only at cytotoxic concentrations (100 microM). Based on these results, this in vitro model can be useful in examining the endocrine effects of EACs in sea turtles.  相似文献   
High-resolution spectral data of the Fe  II 5318 Å line in the γ Doradus star HD 164615 are presented. These show systematic changes in the spectral lineshapes with the photometric period of 0.8133 d which are modelled using either non-radial pulsations or cool star-spots. The non-radial modes that can fit the lineshape changes have m degree of 2–4. However, only the m = 2 mode seems to be consistent with the amplitude of the radial velocity variations measured for this star. The star-spot model, although it can qualitatively fit the lineshape changes, is excluded as a possible hypothesis on the basis of (1) poorer fits to the observed spectral line profiles, (2) an inability to account for the large changes in the spectral linewidth as a function of phase, (3) a predicted radial velocity curve that looks qualitatively different from the observed one, and (4) a predicted photometric curve that is a factor of 5 larger than the observed light curve (and with the wrong qualitative shape). Finally, a 'Doppler image' (assuming cool spots) derived from a sequence of synthetic line profiles having non-radial pulsations results in an image that is almost identical to the Doppler image derived for HD 164615. These results provide strong evidence that non-radial pulsations are indeed the explanation for the variability of HD 164615 as well as the other γ Dor variables.  相似文献   
As Be stars are restricted to luminosity classes III‐V, but early B‐type stars are believed to evolve into supergiants, it is to be expected that the Be phenomenon disappears at some point in the evolution of a moderately massive star, before it reaches the supergiant phase. As a first stage in an attempt to determine the physical reasons of this cessation, a search of the literature has provided a number of candidates to be Be stars with luminosity classes Ib or II. Spectroscopy has been obtained for candidates in a number of open clusters and associations, as well as several other bright stars in those clusters. Among the objects observed, HD 207329 is the best candidate to be a high‐luminosity Be star, as it appears like a fast‐rotating supergiant with double‐peaked emission lines. The lines of HD 229059, in Berkeley 87, also appear morphologically similar to those of Be stars, but there are reasons to suspect that this object is an interacting binary. At slightly lower luminosities, LS I +56°92 (B4 II) and HD 333452 (O9 II), also appear as intrinsically luminous Be stars. Two Be stars in NGC 6913, HD 229221 and HD 229239, appear to have rather higher intrinsic magnitudes than their spectral type (B0.2 III in both cases) would indicate, being as luminous as luminosity class II objects in the same cluster. HD 344863, in NGC 6823, is also a rather early Be star of moderately high luminosity. The search shows that, though high‐luminosity Be stars do exist, they are scarce and, perhaps surprisingly, tend to have early spectral types. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
本文讨论了平板模型下电阻不稳定性使磁力线由对称平衡状态进入随机状态的可能性;给出该模型下以(x,z)为正则坐标的哈密顿函数表达式;在Harris平衡磁场分布下分析了撕裂模不稳定性,驱动重联和涡旋诱发重联引起的磁力线随机特性;估计了两个磁岛相互作用时磁力线进入随机态的临界值.本文结果可用于讨论地球磁层顶和磁尾处磁场的性质.  相似文献   
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