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Data collected during the Land Surface Processes Experiment (LASPEX) in a semi-arid region of the state of Gujarat in north-west India for a clear sky day (16 May 1997) are used to assess the performance of the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) and land- surface parameterizations in the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU-NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5). The ABL turbulence parameterizations examined are the Blackadar scheme coupled to a simple soil slab model (SSM), and the Troen-Mahrt scheme coupled to SSM or to the more sophisticated Noah land-surface model (NSM). The comparison of several two-way nested high resolution (9-km) MM5 short term 24-h simulations indicate that, although the model is able to capture the trend in the observed data, the computed results deviate from observations. The NSM with a modest treatment of vegetation outperforms the SSM in capturing the observed daily variations in surface heat fluxes and aspects of ABL structure over the tropical land surface at local scales. Detailed analysis showed that, with the incorporation of observed local vegetation and soil characteristics, the NSM reproduced a realistic surface energy balance and near-surface temperature. It is further found that the coupling of the NSM with the Troen-Mahrt ABL scheme leads to excessive ABL mixing and a dry bias in the model simulations.  相似文献   
Wind and tracer data from the Oklahoma City Joint Urban 2003 (JU2003) and the Manhattan Madison Square Garden 2005 (MSG05) urban field experiments are being analyzed to aid in understanding air flow and dispersion near street-level in built-up downtown areas. The mean winds are separately calculated for groups of anemometers having similar exposures such as “near street level” and “on building top”. Several general results are found, such as the scalar wind speed at street level is about 1/3 of that at building top. Turbulent standard deviations of wind speed components and temperature, and vertical fluxes of momentum and sensible heat, are calculated from sonic anemometers near street level at 20 locations in JU2003 and five locations in MSG05, and from two rooftop locations in MSG05. The turbulence observations are consistent with observations in the literature at other cities, although the JU2003 and MSG05 data are unique in that many data are available near street level. For example, it is found that the local (i.e., at the measuring height) averages about 1.5 and the local averages about 0.25 in the two cities, where is the standard deviation of vertical velocity fluctuations, is the friction velocity, and u is the wind speed. The ratio of temperature fluctuations to temperature scale, , averages about −3 in both cities, consistent with similarity theory for slightly unstable conditions, where is the standard deviation of temperature fluctuations, and is the temperature scale. The calculated Obukhov length, L, is also consistent with slightly unstable conditions near street level, even at night during JU2003. The SF6 tracer concentration observations from JU2003 are analyzed. Values of for the continuous releases are calculated for each release and arc distance, where is the 30-min average arc maximum concentration, Q is the continuous source emission rate, and u is the spatial-averaged wind speed in the downtown area. The basic characteristics of the JU2003 plot of averaged agree reasonably well with similar plots for other urban experiments in Salt Lake City and London (i.e., at . A is found to be about 3 during the day and about 10 during the night.  相似文献   
广西来宾蓬莱滩二叠系瓜德鲁普统-乐平统界线剖面已被国际地质科学联合会确定为国际界线层型标准剖面,在该界面附近发生了一次重要的全球性生物绝灭事件。蓬莱滩剖面样品采自乐平统合山组底部(由硅质岩和透镜状灰岩组成)和瓜德鲁普统茅口组上部来宾灰岩(由硅质灰岩、灰岩和少量硅质岩组成)。它们具有高的SiO2含量(除3个样品低于10%以外,其余样品均大于17%,平均为43.44%)、m值(>50)与Sr/Ba值(>1.0)和低的MgO/CaO(绝大部分低于02)与 V/(V+Ni)值(<046); Ce和Eu亏损明显。这些地球化学特征反映它们是在相对氧化的浅海环境中形成的,硅的来源非常丰富。样品的εNd(t)值(-7.5~-3.3)和(87Sr/86Sr)i值(0.70705~0.70739)都位于全球大洋Nd、Sr同位素演化曲线晚二叠纪时期区域内。有机碳的δ13Corg值变化明显(-26.7‰~-23.2‰),尤其是在瓜德鲁普统与乐平统以及茅口组与合山组界线附近发生显著的负漂移(达34‰),而且与无机碳的δ13C值呈现大致平行的变化趋势,证实在该界线附近发生过生物绝灭事件。虽然对瓜德鲁普统—乐平统交替时期发生的生物绝灭事件已提出过包括海平面下降在内的多种假设,但本文认为,由地幔柱上升引起的、以峨嵋山玄武岩喷发为代表的超级火山活动以及由此引起的环境效应是该时期生物绝灭的主要原因。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地侏罗纪西界分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
鄂尔多斯盆地西界,特别是其早—中侏罗世盆地西界,由于不同期次、不同性质的构造相互叠加而模糊不清,究竟是在贺兰山以西还是现在银川盆地以东的问题,至今尚无共识,极大地影响着矿产资源的评价和找矿战略的部署。本文在前人工作的基础上,通过针对性的野外工作,分析和筛分了不同时期的古构造,探讨了晚侏罗世和早—中侏罗世盆地的西界。文章认为,鄂尔多斯盆地西部巨大的近南北向挤压构造形成于晚侏罗世,而东西向的挤压构造则出现于晚三叠世。两期方向截然不同的挤压构造相互叠加,构成了鄂尔多斯盆地西部复杂的叠加构造和不规则的盆地西界。晚期挤压构造较为清晰,表现为近南北向的逆冲推覆构造带和纵贯盆地南北的“古脊梁”,使盆地西界退缩到桌子山东麓断裂、横山堡—磁窑堡断褶带以及马儿庄冲断裂和崆峒山断裂以东。早期挤压构造受后期构造的叠加改造,断断续续,时隐时现。近东西向挤压构造受古亚洲域的影响,是印支运动的产物,近南北向挤压构造转受滨太平洋域的作用,是燕山运动的表现。在古亚洲域向太平洋域转换过程中的早—中侏罗世,鄂尔多斯盆地西部出现了近东西向的拉张伸展,在盆地内部表现为近东西向隆起凹陷的古地形,使盆地西缘波状弯曲,而非平直,“银川古隆起”和“汝箕沟—鄂尔多斯盆地”两者并存,并不矛盾。早—中侏罗世盆地西界可能远至阿拉善地块。上述中生代构造又经新生代构造改造,变得更加复杂多样,甚至面目全非。如不注意构造筛分,中生代构造乃至盆地边界的研究就会被误导,从而得出错误结论。  相似文献   
This study explores garnet coronas around hedenbergite, which were formed by the reaction plagioclase + hedenbergite→garnet + quartz, to derive information about diffusion paths that allowed for material redistribution during reaction progress. Whereas quartz forms disconnected single grains along the garnet/hedenbergite boundaries, garnet forms ~20‐μm‐wide continuous polycrystalline rims along former plagioclase/hedenbergite phase boundaries. Individual garnet crystals are separated by low‐angle grain boundaries, which commonly form a direct link between the reaction interfaces of the plagioclase|garnet|hedenbergite succession. Compositional variations in garnet involve: (i) an overall asymmetric compositional zoning in Ca, Fe2+, Fe3+ and Al across the garnet layer; and (ii) micron‐scale compositional variations in the near‐grain boundary regions and along plagioclase/garnet phase boundaries. These compositional variations formed during garnet rim growth. Thereby, transfer of the chemical components occurred by a combination of fast‐path diffusion along grain boundaries within the garnet rim, slow diffusion through the interior of the garnet grains, and by fast diffusion along the garnet/plagioclase and the garnet/hedenbergite phase boundaries. Numerical simulation indicates that diffusion of Ca, Al and Fe2+ occurred about three to four, four and six to seven orders of magnitude faster along the grain boundaries than through the interior of the garnet grains. Fast‐path diffusion along grain boundaries contributed substantially to the bulk material transfer across the growing garnet rim. Despite the contribution of fast‐path diffusion, bulk diffusion through the garnet rim was too slow to allow for chemical equilibration of the phases involved in garnet rim formation even on a micrometre scale. Based on published garnet volume diffusion data the growth interval of a 20‐μm‐wide garnet rim is estimated at ~103–104 years at the inferred reaction conditions of 760 ± 50 °C at 7.6 kbar. Using the same parameterization of the growth law, 100‐μm‐ and 1‐mm‐thick garnet rims would grow within 105–106 and 106–107 years respectively.  相似文献   
平面散点集Delaunay三角剖分的一种高效方法   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
以平面散点集逐点插入的Delaunay三角化的方法为基础,在三角化过程中采用一定策略,将其改进成为一种简单易行而高效的方法,能够适应包括多岛、多连通域等复杂情况的各种边界,能够生成贴体的三角网,网格能够保证符合Delaunay法则。  相似文献   
Interactions between surface and groundwater are a key component of the hydrologic budget on the watershed scale. Models that honor these interactions are commonly based on the conductance concept that presumes a distinct interface at the land surface, separating the surface from the subsurface domain. These types of models link the subsurface and surface domains via an exchange flux that depends upon the magnitude and direction of the hydraulic gradient across the interface and a proportionality constant (a measure of the hydraulic connectivity). Because experimental evidence of such a distinct interface is often lacking in field systems, there is a need for a more general coupled modeling approach.  相似文献   
江苏大丰潮滩潮流边界层特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2003年7月中小潮期间使用MIDAS-400用户化数据采集系统在江苏大丰潮滩上进行了垂向多层位同步的流速和悬沙浓度观测。根据观测资料研究了潮流作用下的潮滩底部边界层过程,结果表明,观测地点的潮汐不对称现象十分明显,落潮流速、历时和输水输沙量皆明显大于涨潮;在潮周期内的多数时间里流速剖面符合对数分布,但在风力较强、水流快速增加和流速缓慢的情况下,流速剖面常偏离对数分布;悬沙颗粒垂向混合均匀,悬沙浓度剖面符合Rouse公式;落潮时的底部切应力和摩阻流速明显大于涨潮,摩阻流速与各水层流速通常有较好的线性关系;滩面糙度主要与沙纹形态和推移质运动强度有关,它与摩阻流速存在密切关系;悬沙浓度具有明显的减阻效应,受其影响,摩阻流速和底部切应力分别减小了28%~41%和40%~62%。  相似文献   
A prognostic three-dimensional mesoscale model has been developed andused in one- and two-dimensional modes to evaluate ten local turbulenceclosure schemes. The schemes ranged from first-order to the two-equationprognostic schemes. Predictions by the models were compared for aone-dimensional convective boundary layer using mixed layer scaling andmeasurements to interpret the results. Two-dimensional simulations were alsoperformed for a sea-breeze flow and for flow over a hill. The results showedthat for all of the models considered, minor differences were produced in themean meteorological fields and in the vertical scalar fluxes, but majordifferences were apparent in the velocity variances and dissipation rate.Predicted tracer concentrations were very sensitive to the turbulence modelformulation for dispersion from a point source in the convective boundarylayer, particularly for the prediction of maximum concentrations. Predictedtracer concentrations from a surface volume source for the two-dimensionalsimulations were similar for all models, although the degree of mixing in themorning growth period produced some differences. Generally, good results forthe mean meteorological fields can be obtained with first-order schemes, evenif they underpredict the magnitude of turbulence in the convective boundarylayer, and reasonable tracer concentrations can also be obtained with thesemodels provided near-source effects are not important. The two-equationprognostic models performed best for the prediction of turbulence in theconvective boundary layer.  相似文献   
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