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A dense array experiment for the observation of waveform perturbations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyze observed three-component seismograms recorded by a dense array of 21 short-period receivers (f>2 Hz) installed on a homogeneous Quaternary plain with 1.5×3.5 km2 horizontal dimensions. The experiment was conducted in the district of Caille, in SE France for 3 months. The observed waveform data are related to diffraction and refraction of the direct wavefield by different geological structures and topographic morphologies surrounding the array. The origin of the coda energy following the energetic Pg or Sg arrivals is either influenced by heterogeneities close to and inside of the valley, for instance thrust of Jurassic limestones over Cretaceous marls in the northern and southern limits of the valley, or by heterogeneities located outside of the valley such as the interface unconformity between crystalline basement and sedimentary cover in the northern border of the Maures–Tanneron ranges. The main energetic arrivals of the seismograms arrive at the array with a definite range of azimuths that is not correlated with the event back-azimuth. Moreover, these arrivals do not appear with azimuths related to the characteristic NS and EW valley orientations, and thus may be related to heterogeneities located outside of the valley.  相似文献   
The current and conventional fault-crossing short baseline measurement has a relatively high precision, but its measurement arrays usually fail to or cannot completely span major active fault zones due to the short length of the baselines, which are only tens to 100 meters. GNSS measurement has relatively low resolution on near-fault deformation and hence is not suitable for monitoring those faults with low motion and deformation rates, due to sparse stations and relatively low accuracy of the GNSS observation. We recently built up two experimental sites on the eastern boundary of the active Sichuan-Yunnan block, one crossing the Daqing section of the Zemuhe Fault and the other crossing the Longshu section of the Zhaotong Fault, aiming to test the measurement of near-fault motion and deformation by using fault-crossing arrays of one-kilometer-long baselines. In this paper, from a three-year-long data set we firstly introduce the selection of the sites and the methods of the measurement. We then calculate and analyze the near-field displacement and strain of the two sites by using three hypothetical models, the rigid body, elastic and composed models, proposed by previous researchers. In the rigid body model, we assume that an observed fault is located between two rigid blocks and the observed variances in baseline lengths result from the relative motion of the blocks. In the elastic model, we assume that a fault deforms uniformly within the fault zone over which a baseline array spans, and in the array baselines in different directions may play roles as strainmeters whose observations allow us to calculate three components of near-fault horizontal strain. In the composed model, we assume that both displacement and strain are accumulated within the fault zone that a baseline array spans, and both contribute to the observed variances in baseline lengths. Our results show that, from the rigid body model, variations in horizontal fault-parallel displacement component of the Zemuhe Fault at the Daqing site fluctuate within 3mm without obvious tendencies. The displacement variation in the fault-normal component keeps dropping in 2015 and 2016 with a cumulative decrease of 6mm, reflecting transverse horizontal compression, and it turns to rise slightly(suggesting extension)in 2017. From the elastic model, the variation in horizontal fault-normal strain component of the fault at Daqing shows mainly compression, with an annual variation close to 10-5, and variations in the other two strain components are at the order of 10-6. For the Longshu Fault, the rigid-body displacement of the fault varies totally within a few millimeters, but shows a dextral strike-slip tendency that is consistent with the fault motion known from geological investigation, and the observed dextral-slip rate is about 0.7mm/a on average. The fault-parallel strain component of the Longshu Fault is compressional within 2×10-6, and the fault-normal strain component is mainly extensional. Restricted by the assumption of rigid-body model, we have to ignore homolateral deformation on either side of an observed fault and attribute such deformation to the fault displacement, resulting in an upper limit estimate of the fault displacement. The elastic model emphasizes more the deformation on an observed fault zone and may give us information about localizations of near-fault strain. The results of the two sites from the composed model suggest that it needs caution when using this model due to that big uncertainty would be introduced in solving relevant equations. Level surveying has also been carried out at the meantime at the two sites. The leveling series of the Daqing site fluctuates within 4mm and shows no tendency, meaning little vertical component of fault motion has been observed at this site; while, from the rigid-body model, the fault-normal motion shows transverse-horizontal compression of up to 6mm, indicating that the motion of the Zemuhe Fault at Daqing is dominantly horizontal. The leveling series of the Longshu site shows a variation with amplitude comparable with that observed from the baseline series here, suggesting a minor component of thrust faulting; while the baseline series of the same site do not present tendencies of fault-normal displacement. Since the steep-dip faults at the two sites are dominantly strike-slip in geological time scale, we ignore probable vertical movement temporarily. In addition, lengths of homolateral baselines on either side of the faults change somewhat over time, and this makes us consider the existence of minor faults on either side of the main faults. These probable minor faults may not reach to the surface and have not been identified through geological mapping; they might result in the observed variances in lengths of homolateral baselines, fortunately such variations are small relative to those in fault-crossing baselines. In summary, the fault-crossing measurement using arrays with one-kilometer-long baselines provides us information about near-fault movement and strain, and has a slightly higher resolution relative to current GNSS observation at similar time and space scales, and therefore this geodetic technology will be used until GNSS networks with dense near-fault stations are available in the future.  相似文献   
邹海波  易雪婷  单九生  喻迎春 《气象》2017,43(12):1547-1553
利用GAMIT 10.6和2016年第101天至第160天南昌站的GPS观测资料,开展了13组概略坐标变化对GPS PWV解算的影响研究试验(南昌站概略坐标设置以10 m等间距从0~120 m逐渐向西偏移真实坐标)。其结果发现:当概略坐标与实际坐标偏离在60 m以内时,概略坐标的变化对GPSPWV的解算影响不大(长基线的相对误差和均方根残差NRMS分别维持在5.7×10~(-9)和0.24附近);但当概略坐标与真实坐标偏离超过60 m后,概略坐标的变化对GPS PWV的解算有着显著的影响,其中基线相对误差和GPS PWV与探空PWV的标准偏差随概略坐标偏离的增加而快速增大,NRMS和GPS PWV与探空PWV的相关系数也有明显的增加和减小,GPSPWV的成功解算日数则随概略坐标偏离的增加而快速减小(当偏离≥120 m时南昌无GPS PWV生成);概略坐标变化对基线相对误差、GPS PWV精度以及GPS PWV能否被成功解算的影响仅限于本站,某站概略坐标的偏离不会对其他站GPS PWV解算造成明显的影响。  相似文献   
基于加速器控制网的GPS绝对测量精度探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对当前散裂中子源准直测量控制网空间距离大、绝对精度要求高,常规测量难以满足需要的问题,提出采用不受通视限制、高精度的GPS测量解决,通过GPS在“标准检测场”准直实验,计算分析后处理软件、观测仪器及观测时长对GPS绝对测量精度的影响,结果表明,1km的测区范围,商业软件解算结果优于科研软件,且商业软件中TTC解算精度最高;分体机比一体机观测精度更高,但随观测时长增长,二者精度相当;观测时长超过8小时以上,基线值将趋于稳定。  相似文献   
首先阐明地质灾害监测的重要性和必要性,然后分析了目前应用于滑坡安全监测自动化远程监测设备和技术,并重点介绍了GPS天线阵列变形监测系统,接着根据某矿山的一个滑坡现场,进行GPS天线阵列监测方案设计,并在实地进行数据采集测试,最后对采集数据进行处理,对几期结果的较差和精度进行分析,得出在矿山自动化监测技术中,GPS天线阵列变形监测系统是一种性价比很高的监测技术,很适合滑坡安全监测。  相似文献   
超短基线声学定位原理及其应用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
声学定位系统(Acoustic Positioning System)的技术研究和应用开发在现代海洋科学调查中起着重要作用。以挪威Simrad公司的HPR410P超短基线定位系统为例,从几方面讨论了超短基线(Ultrashort Baseline)声学定位系统的原理、应用范围、定位误差来源及其相应的修正方法;通过最大程度地减少误差来提高系统的定位精度,从而获取高质量的海洋科研调查资料。  相似文献   
提出多天线基线网单历元模糊度同步解算法,其具体实现步骤为:1)根据宽巷组合模糊度易于固定的优点,采用附加已知基线长度约束法同步解算各基线的宽巷模糊度,得到dm~cm级精度的近似基线分量;2)将解算得到的各近似基线分量作为约束,同步解算各基线的基频模糊度,以获取mm级精度的基线矢量。该方法的关键在于检验各历元宽巷模糊度解算的正确性,以获取可靠的近似基线分量,为解算各基线的基频模糊度提供准确的基线先验信息。由于动态情况下各历元观测信息比较少,单纯依赖ratio检验不可靠,提出结合基线误差、单位权中误差、基线网模糊度闭合环及ratio值等对多组宽巷模糊度进行检验,避免ratio值设置不当导致模糊度检验中发生纳伪和弃真问题。实测数据结果证明,该处理方法使得模糊度解算的成功率提高1%~2%,可以获取移动平台更丰富的导航信息,提高其服务能力。  相似文献   
岩石化学成分统计分析中的定和变量问题及其解决途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周建文 《岩石学报》1991,7(1):36-43
用岩石化学成分数据之类的定和数组计算相关系数或用于多元统计分析时,由于恒定总数约束的影响,致使结果出现很大的畸变。本文通过定和数组及对应的开数组之间的关系确定了开数组的范围,进而导出“误差对应模型”决定了该开数组,使恒定总数约束影响得以消除,最后用云南金顶铅锌矿的岩石化学分析样作了上述处理,取得了良好的实际效果。  相似文献   
从声波在岩体中传播产生衰减的基本原理出发,建立了声波衰减振子的线列阵模型。该模型是将传播声波路径的岩体分为若干个振子,从波动概念出发,以振动原理作依据建立波动方程.为探讨岩体声波衰减机制提供了一种新的研究方法,把振动和波动直观地联系起来.单一方向上有限点的声波测试技术有可能被多方向的声测技术所代替.该模型的建立,使模态分析和参数识别方法应用到岩体声波测试技术中成为可能。  相似文献   
利用TerraSAR-X卫星2013-08~2014-08的17景雷达影像,采用小基线集(small baseline subset,SBAS)InSAR技术获取呼图壁(HTB)地下储气库(underground gas storage,UGS)运行期间的地表形变序列,并结合UGS注(采)气井口的压力数据,采用多点源Mogi模型,对HTB UGS的形变场进行模拟。结果表明,整个UGS区域的形变特征为非连续分布,形变与注(采)气压力变化具有较好的相关性;注(采)气期间沿卫星视线向(LOS)的形变峰值分别为10 mm和-8 mm;采用自适应前向搜索法,基于多点源Mogi模型初步模拟注(采)气期间的形变过程,当UGS的注(采)气平均气压为18 MPa和15 MPa时,LOS的形变可达7 mm和-4 mm,地表形变的大小与注(采)气井口密度有关;UGS的储气分布呈非均匀状态,即地下气库结构复杂多变。  相似文献   
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