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The FAST/SKA site selection in Guizhou province   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many karst depressions with diameters of 300 m to 500 m, suitable for constructing Arecibo-style radio telescopes, were identified in the south of Guizhou Province by Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies together with field investigations. Fundamental topography and landform databases were established for 391candidate depressions, and using GIS the3-dimensional images of depressions, at a scale of 1:10000, were then simulated to fit a spherical antenna. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
对商业设施的商圈进行科学识别与划分是分析其商业前景、优化商业空间结构的基础。本研究首先提炼和界定了商圈划分的两种类型、四种市场域方法,分别是基于到访比例的邻近型与份额型市场域、基于出行概率的共享型和首位型市场域,通过比较其优劣发现这四种视角仅能反映商圈的某一特征,无法刻画出商圈空间分布全貌。据此,尝试提出了一种新的复合型市场域模型,并应用手机信令数据,以上海市商业中心为例,对其商圈划分进行了实证检验。研究发现:复合型市场域模型可以综合反映空间距离、客流规模和惠顾概率等要素对商圈的影响,可以弥补单一市场域视角下商圈划分方法的不足。与传统邻近型相比,基于复合市场域模型识别划分的商圈不仅重叠度低,而且其空间分布更加符合实际。  相似文献   
在天陇铁路勘察设计工作中,发现上倪滑坡是新建天水至陇南铁路一处控制性不良地质体。本文在充分获取地质资料的基础上,从地形地貌角度出发,结合其地层岩性特征,分析了滑坡成因,认为上倪滑坡在北侧和南侧各存在一个软弱面,滑坡整体稳定性较差,尤其是滑坡北侧危险性较大。通过力学计算,显示该滑坡自然状态下能够保持相对稳定,但在地震或暴雨天气下发生滑动的可能性极大,对线路工程具有严重影响。经过对三种线路方案的综合比选,建议以深埋隧道形式从后壁通过上倪滑坡,保证工程安全性。  相似文献   
波段选择是高光谱遥感图像分类的重要前提,本文提出了一种用于高光谱遥感图像波段选择的改进二进制布谷鸟算法,通过使用混合二进制编码算法更新子代鸟巢和使用遗传算法交叉方式更新被发现鸟巢两个方面对二进制布谷鸟算法进行改进,找出在图像中起主要作用且相关性低的波段,实现对高光谱遥感图像降维。将本文算法运用于PaviaU数据集和AVIRIS数据集,并与二进制布谷鸟算法、二进制粒子群算法、最小冗余最大相关算法、Relief算法等进行对比分析。结果表明,改进二进制布谷鸟算法波段特征选择效率更高,且选取的波段更具代表性,能够较好地提高后续分类精度。  相似文献   
During late winter and spring of 2002 and 2003, 24, 2–3 day cruises were conducted to Dabob Bay, Washington State, USA, to examine the grazing, egg production, and hatching success rates of adult female Calanus pacificus and Pseudocalanus newmani. The results of the copepod grazing experiments for C. pacificus are discussed here. Each week, copepod grazing incubation experiments from two different depth layers were conducted. Grazing was measured by both changes in chlorophyll concentration and cell counts. In 2002, there was one moderate bloom consisting mainly of Thalassiosira spp. in early February, and a larger bloom in April comprised of two Chaetoceros species and Phaeocystis sp. Similarly, in 2003, there were two blooms, an early one dominated by Thalassiosira spp., and a later one consisting of Chaetoceros spp. and Thalassiosira spp. Clearance rates on individual prey species, as calculated by cell counts, showed that C. pacificus are highly selective in their feeding, and may have much higher clearance rates on individual taxa than rates calculated from bulk chlorophyll disappearance. During weeks of high phytoplankton concentration, the copepods generally ate phytoplankton. However, they often rejected the most abundant phytoplankton species, particularly certain Thalassiosira spp., even though the rejected prey were often of the same genus and similar size to the preferred prey. It is speculated that this avoidance may be related to the possible deleterious effects that certain of these diatom species have on the reproductive success of these copepods. During weeks of medium to low phytoplankton concentration, the copepods selectively ate certain species of phytoplankton, and often had high electivity for microzooplankton. The selection mechanism must consist of active particle rejection most likely based on detection of surface chemical properties, since the diatoms that were selected were of the same genus, nearly the same size, and at lower numerical abundance than those cells that were avoided. The grazing choices made by these copepods may have important consequences for the overall ecosystem function within coastal and estuarine systems through changes in the transfer efficiency of energy to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   
陶建军  胡向辉  李朝奎 《气象学报》2012,70(6):1200-1206
通常将台风中的螺旋云带看成是一种称为涡旋罗斯贝波的波动,双臂对应的切向波数为2,单臂对应的切向波数为1,目前这种波动发生发展的物理机制仍不很清楚,值得进一步研究.利用柱坐标下的正压流体涡度方程,研究了台风中涡旋罗斯贝波1波扰动的正压不稳定性及发展变化问题.结果表明,当基本流径向涡度梯度小于0时,由于涡度扰动的速度场对于基本涡度场的平流效应,1波(m=1)扰动可从基本流吸取能量而出现不稳定快速增长.但由于扰动旋臂的缠卷作用,径向速度将很快变小,因此,不稳定增长将受到一定的时间限制;波动的发展速度与半径有关,中心附近的波动先发展且向外传播,距中心较远的波动稍后发展.整体上看,波动由中心向外扩展,大尺度台风的螺旋云带比小尺度台风的螺旋云带发展更快.  相似文献   
There is an urgent necessity to monitor changes in the natural surface features of earth. Compared to broadband multispectral data, hyperspectral data provides a better option with high spectral resolution. Classification of vegetation with the use of hyperspectral remote sensing generates a classical problem of high dimensional inputs. Complexity gets compounded as we move from airborne hyperspectral to Spaceborne technology. It is unclear how different classification algorithms will perform on a complex scene of tropical forests collected by spaceborne hyperspectral sensor. The present study was carried out to evaluate the performance of three different classifiers (Artificial Neural Network, Spectral Angle Mapper, Support Vector Machine) over highly diverse tropical forest vegetation utilizing hyperspectral (EO-1) data. Appropriate band selection was done by Stepwise Discriminant Analysis. The Stepwise Discriminant Analysis resulted in identifying 22 best bands to discriminate the eight identified tropical vegetation classes. Maximum numbers of bands came from SWIR region. ANN classifier gave highest OAA values of 81% with the help of 22 selected bands from SDA. The image classified with the help SVM showed OAA of 71%, whereas the SAM showed the lowest OAA of 66%. All the three classifiers were also tested to check their efficiency in classifying spectra coming from 165 processed bands. SVM showed highest OAA of 80%. Classified subset images coming from ANN (from 22 bands) and SVM (from 165 bands) are quite similar in showing the distribution of eight vegetation classes. Both the images appeared close to the actual distribution of vegetation seen in the study area. OAA levels obtained in this study by ANN and SVM classifiers identify the suitability of these classifiers for tropical vegetation discrimination.  相似文献   
利用FY-3A近红外资料反演水汽总量   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
该文介绍了利用搭载在FY-3A卫星上的中分辨率光谱成像仪 (MERSI) 的近红外 (NIR) 通道反演大气水汽总量 (PWV) 的方法。根据预先建立的查找表,大气水汽总量可以通过水汽通道与窗区通道的卫星测值相比反演得到。对MERSI近红外水汽通道灵敏度进行估算,结果表明:处于吸收带两翼的905 nm和980 nm通道对不同水汽量的敏感性表现比较接近,对较大水汽含量最为敏感;当水汽较弱时,强吸收的940 nm通道非常敏感。基于这3个通道对水汽含量敏感性的不同表现,采用3个通道水汽总量的加权平均值作为PWV产品的最终反演值。文中设计了水汽总量业务算法反演流程,并基于FY-3A/MERSI最新观测资料进行晴空大气水汽总量的业务处理生成试验,顺利生成MERSI单轨道水汽总量产品及日拼图中国区域产品和全球产品,同时生成多天合成产品,产品反映出MERSI具有较好的近红外水汽探测能力。将卫星反演结果与探空数据进行初步比对检验,显示卫星反演值有20%~30%系统性偏低,需要进一步改进反演查找表。  相似文献   
浅层地震勘探资料处理中的速度分析参数选取   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
王辉  丁志峰 《地震地质》2006,28(4):597-603
浅层人工地震勘探是当前城市地震活断层探测的主要方法,勘探精度不仅受激发、接收等因素的影响,还与地震数据处理的精度密切相关。速度分析是地震勘探资料处理中的关键环节,它的准确与否对动校正、共深度点叠加、叠后偏移及时深转换等都将产生影响。针对浅层地震资料目的层较浅、叠加次数少和城市背景干扰大等特点,文中对速度分析的参数选取问题进行了研究。首先通过对相邻CDP道集内各接收道炮检距的分析,以及单个和多个CDP道集的对比,提出了用于速度分析的CDP大道集的抽取原则。并通过对不同的CDP大道集、速度扫描间隔、计算时窗长度、动校切除比例等所获得的速度谱的对比分析,对速度谱扫描过程中各参数的选取提出了建议,并对速度分析及时深转换过程中值得注意的问题进行了讨论  相似文献   
从岩体结构控制论到综合集成方法论,反映的是又一次典型的发散性思维过程,其实质在于抓住主要矛盾的同时,还要考虑众多因素影响作用的存在。在土地资源日益紧张而大科学装置场址比选受多种因素制约影响情况下,如何从层次性、相关性、时效性等方面,更好地认识评价这些不同条件下场址的适宜可用性、因素可控性、工程可调性等问题,是摆在工程地质工作者面前更为具体而实际的工作。在服务于大亚湾中微子实验隧道、中国散裂中子源场址等8个大科学装置场址选评过程中,作者提出了基于一岩、一观和一法3个支撑点的地质工程评价与动态调控法,旨在主抓控制性结构要素、圈划不良地质体前提下,适时调整工程布设方案,提出与场地改造边界范围和扰动强度有关的施工建议,实现地质工程合理和谐调控。  相似文献   
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