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新疆东天山雅西371-西北坡铜金化带中下石炭统火山岩属钙碱性系列。流纹岩类中SiO2(73.96%~78.01%)和Al2O3(11.3%~14.63%)含量高,含Na2O为2.04%~4.15%,K2O为2.74%~3.74%,(Na2O+K2O)为5.34%~7.03%;流纹岩类属过铝质、中钾-高钾火山岩系列。微量和稀土元素分析结果显示:流纹岩类具有Ti、Nb、P和Ta明显负异常、Sr中等负异常,LREE明显富集,La/Nb值为0.4~2.3,La/Th值0.4—1,Th/Ta值高(6~36.5),具有明显δEu(0.17-0.29)负异常,地球化学特征表明流纹岩类可能形成在活动大陆边缘上的陆缘岛弧构造背景中。本区(含矿)酸性火山岩特征对于寻找与长英质火山岩有关的金属硫化物矿床十分有利,因此认为本区具有较大找矿前景。  相似文献   
基于详细的野外地质调查,对南辽河群下部里尔峪组斜长角闪岩进行了岩相学和地球化学研究。岩相学研究表明,南辽河群下部里尔峪组斜长角闪岩属于正变质岩。地球化学研究显示,这些斜长角闪岩原岩属于高铁拉斑玄武岩系列(Nb/Y=0.16~0.4),SiO_2含量为47.27%~50.68%,具有较低的TiO_2含量(0.92%~1.61%),亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等),表明其原岩形成于岛弧或活动大陆边缘,而非前人所说的大陆裂谷。综合岩相学和地球化学特征,初步认为其岩石成因与活动大陆边缘有关。  相似文献   
辽东半岛是华北克拉通胶-辽-吉古元古代活动带的重要组成部分,古元古代经历了复杂的构造演化过程,并记录了多期岩浆-变质作用,约2.2 Ga的辽吉A型花岗岩和1.89~1.85 Ga的巨斑状花岗岩、正长岩分别标志着辽东古元古代造山作用的开端和结束。最新研究显示,2.20~2.15 Ga的岩浆作用形成了2种不同类型的花岗岩,它们可能具有不同的岩石成因和构造意义。在青城子铅锌矿集区北部采集的兰花岭、白砬子花岗闪长岩和黄泊辉绿岩,锆石U−Pb年龄分别为2177±19 Ma、2129±36 Ma、1876±29 Ma。花岗闪长岩的岩石成因类型、地球化学特征与典型的约2.2 Ga的辽吉A型花岗岩明显不同,属于弱过铝质、低钾钙碱性—碱性岩石,Zr、Hf、Nb、Rb含量较低,K2O/Na2O值、稀土元素总量极低,为典型的I型花岗岩类。根据锆石Lu−Hf同位素分析,εHf (t)值为−5.1~9.0,二阶段Hf模式年龄tDM2为2089~2817 Ma,岩浆源区为约2.5 Ga的太古宙地壳物质和少量软流圈地幔物质。兰花岭地区花岗闪长岩具备岛弧或活动大陆边缘的地球化学亲缘属性,可能形成于弧岩浆俯冲挤压环境;结合形成于伸展环境的A型条痕状花岗岩特征,认为约2.2 Ga辽东地区古元古代活动带呈现总体伸展、局部挤压的构造环境,为洋壳板块向龙岗地块俯冲碰撞过程中或碰撞后的弧后盆地。  相似文献   
Cheong-Bin  Kim  V. J. Rajesh    M. Santosh 《Island Arc》2008,17(1):26-40
Abstract Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope characteristics, as well as K–Ar geochronology of a massive pitchstone (volcanic glass) stock erupted into Late Cretaceous lapilli tuff and rhyolite in the Gohado area, southwestern Okcheon Belt, South Korea, are reported. The pitchstones are highly evolved with SiO2 contents ranging from ~72 to 73 wt%, K2O/Na2O ratios of 1.04–1.23 and low MgO/FeOt values (0.17–0.20). The pitchstones are weakly peraluminous and the ASI (molar Al2O3/Na2O + K2O + CaO) values are significantly lower than 1.1. The pitchstones also display a general calc‐alkaline nature with significant alkali contents. The rare earth elements (REE) compositions show moderately fractionated nature with (La/Yb)N ranging from 11 to 16. Chondrite normalized REE patterns show relative enrichment of light REE over heavy REE and moderate Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* ratio varies from 0.53 to 0.57). A distinct negative Nb anomaly is observed for all pitchstones on a primitive mantle normalized trace element diagram, typical of subduction‐related magmatism and crustal‐derived granites. All these features are characteristic of I‐type granites derived from a continental arc. The pitchstones have Zr contents of 98.5–103.5 ppm with zircon thermometry yielding temperatures of 749–755°C (mean 752°C). The K–Ar analyses of representative pitchstone samples yielded ages of 58.7 ± 2.3 and 62.4 ± 2.1 Ma with a mean age of 61 Ma. The rocks show nearly uniform initial 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios of 0.7104–0.7106 and identical 143Nd/144Nd initial ratio of 0.5120. The rocks display negative εNd (61 Ma) values of ?12. The depleted mantle model ages (TDM) range from 1.54 Ga to 1.57 Ga. The Pb isotope ratios are 206Pb/204Pb = 18.522–18.552, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.642–15.680 and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.794–38.923. These ratios suggest that the Gohado pitchstones were formed in a continental arc environment by partial melting of a 1.54 Ga to 1.57 Ga parental sources of lower crustal rocks probably of mafic or intermediate compositions.  相似文献   
根据对恒河盆地西部的多振型宽频带面波频散资料的分析推断,该区的地壳结构不具有大陆地盾的特征,相反,却非常象某些海洋高地。这一异常的海洋型地壳与恒河盆地东部地盾地壳的分界线可能在阿拉瓦利山脉(Aravalli Ridge)。该处地壳的地质特征具有异常高的电导率,其走向垂直于喜马拉雅山脉。目前广为接受的假定认为是构造均匀的印度大陆岩石圈向喜马拉雅山下俯冲。本文的研究结果对此观点提出了置疑:在北部印度大陆内的地壳运动可能存在着差异。我们追溯印度-欧亚大陆的碰撞历史,这个因素恐怕是不容忽视的。  相似文献   
The Akan‐Shiretoko volcanic chain, situated in the Southwestern Kurile arc, consists mainly of nine subaerial andesitic stratovolcanoes and three calderas. The chain extends in a SW–NE direction for 200 km, situated oblique to the Kurile trench at an angle of 25 degrees. Thirty‐seven new K–Ar ages, plus previous data, suggest that volcanic activity along the Akan‐Shiretoko volcanic chain began at ca 4 Ma at Akan, at the southwestern end of the chain, and systematically progressed northeastward, resulting in the southwest‐northeast‐trending volcanic chain. This spatial and temporal distribution of volcanoes can be explained by anticline development advancing northeastward from the Akan area, accompanied by magma rising through northeast‐trending fractures that developed along the anticlinal axis. The northeastward development of the anticline caused uplifting of the Akan‐Shiretoko area and changed the area from submarine to subaerial conditions. Anticline formation was likely due to deformation of the southwestern Kurile arc, with southwestward migration of the Kurile forearc sliver caused by oblique subduction of the Pacific plate. The echelon topographic arrangement of the Shiretoko, Kunashiri, Etorofu and Urup was formed at ca 1 Ma.  相似文献   
Abstract A series of paleogeographic maps of the Japanese Islands, from their birth at ca 750–700 Ma to the present, is newly compiled from the viewpoint of plate tectonics. This series consists of 20 maps that cover all of the major events in the geotectonic evolution of Japan. These include the birth of Japan at the rifted continental margin of the Yangtze craton ( ca 750-700 Ma), the tectonic inversion of the continental margin from passive to active ( ca 500 Ma), the Paleozoic accretionary growth incorporating fragments from seamounts and oceanic plateaux ( ca 480-250 Ma), the collision between Sino-Korea and Yangtze (250–210 Ma), the Mesozoic to Cenozoic accretionary growth (210 Ma-present) including the formation of the Cretaceous paired metamorphic belts (90 Ma), and the Miocene back-arc opening of the Japan Sea that separated Japan as an island arc (25-15 Ma).  相似文献   
WONN  SOH  KAZUO  NAKAYAMA & TAKU  KIMURA 《Island Arc》1998,7(3):330-341
The Pleistocene Ashigara Basin and adjacent Tanzawa Mountains, Izu collision zone, central Japan, are examined to better understand the development of an arc–arc orogeny, where the Izu–Bonin – Mariana (IBM) arc collides with the Honshu Arc. Three tectonic phases were identified based on the geohistory of the Ashigara Basin and the denudation history of the Tanzawa Mountains. In phase I, the IBM arc collided with the Honshu Arc along the Kannawa Fault. The Ashigara Basin formed as a trench basin, filled mainly by thin-bedded turbidites derived from the Tanzawa Mountains together with pyroclastics. The Ashigara Basin subsided at a rate of 1.7 mm/year, and the denudation rate of the Tanzawa Mountains was 1.1 mm/year. The onset of Ashigara Basin Formation is likely to be older than 2.2 Ma, interpreted as the onset of collision along the Kannawa Fault. Significant tectonic disruption due to the arc–arc collision took place in phase II, ranging from 1.1 to 0.7 Ma in age. The Ashigara Basin subsided abruptly (4.6 mm/year) and the accumulation rate increased to approximately 10 times that of phase I. Simultaneously, the Tanzawa Mountains were abruptly uplifted. A tremendous volume of coarse-grained detritus was provided from the Tanzawa Mountains and deposited in the Ashigara Basin as a slope-type fan delta. In phase III, 0.7–0.5 Ma, the entire Ashigara Basin was uplifted at a rate of 3.6 mm/year. This uplift was most likely caused by isostatic rebound resulting from stacking of IBM arc crust along the Kannawa Fault which is not active as the decollement fault by this time. The evolution of the Ashigara Basin and adjacent Tanzawa Mountains shows a series of the development of the arc–arc collision; from the subduction of the IBM arc beneath the Honshu Arc to the accretion of IBM arc crust onto Honshu. Arc–arc collision is not the collision between the hard crusts (massif) like a continent–continent collision, but crustal stacking of the subducting IBM arc beneath the Honshu Arc intercalated with very thick trench fill deposits.  相似文献   
The Miocene Tanzawa plutonic complex, consisting mainly of tonalite intrusions, is exposed at the northern end of the Izu–Bonin – Mariana (IBM) arc system as a consequence of collision with the Honshu Arc. The Tanzawa plutonic rocks belong to the calc-alkaline series and exhibit a wide range of chemical variation, from 43 to 75 wt% SiO2. They are characterized by relatively high Ba/Rb and Ce/Nb ratios, and low abundances of K2O, LIL elements, and rare earth elements (REE). Their petrographic and geochemical features indicate derivation from an intermediate parental magma through crystal fractionation and accumulation processes, involving hornblende, plagioclase, and magnetite. The Tanzawa plutonic complex is interpreted to be the exposed middle crust of the IBM arc, which was uplifted during the collision. The mass balance calculations, combining data from melting experiments of hydrous basaltic compositions at lower-to-middle crustal levels, suggest that parental magma and ultramafic restite were generated by dehydration partial melting (∼ 45% melting) of amphibolite chemically similar to low-K tholeiitic basalt. Partial melting of hydrated mafic lower crust might play an important role in felsic middle-crust formation in the IBM arc.  相似文献   
Shallow seismicity and available source mechanisms in the Andaman–westSunda arc and Andaman sea region suggest distinct variation in stressdistribution pattern both along and across the arc in the overriding plate.Seismotectonic regionalisation indicates that the region could be dividedinto eight broad seismogenic sources of relatively homogeneousdeformation. Crustal deformation rates have been determined for each oneof these sources based on the summation of moment tensors. The analysisshowed that the entire fore arc region is dominated by compressive stresseswith compression in a mean direction of N23°, and the rates ofseismic deformation velocities in this belt decrease northward from 5.2± 0.65 mm/yr near Nias island off Sumatra and 1.12 ±0.13 mm/yr near Great Nicobar islands to as much as 0.4 ±0.04 mm/yr north of 8°N along Andaman–Nicobar islandsregion. The deformation velocities indicate, extension of 0.83 ±0.05 mm/yr along N343° and compression of 0.19 ±0.01 mm/yr along N73° in the Andaman back arc spreadingregion, extension of 0.18 ± 0.01 mm/yr along N125° andcompression of 0.16 ± 0.01 mm/yr along N35° in NicobarDeep and west Andaman fault zone, compression of 0.84 ±0.12 mm/yr N341° and extension of 0.77 ± 0.11 mm/yralong N72° within the transverse tectonic zone in the Andamantrench, N-S compression of 3.19 ± 0.29 mm/yr and an E-Wextension of 1.24 ± 0.11 mm/yr in the Semangko fault zone ofnorth Sumatra. The vertical deformation suggests crustal thinning in theAndaman sea and crustal thickening in the fore arc and Semangko faultzones. The apparent stresses calculated for all major events range between0.1–10 bars and the values increase with increasing seismic moment.However, the apparent stress estimates neither indicate any significantvariation with faulting type nor display any variation across the arc, incontrast to the general observation that the fore arc thrust events showhigher stress levels in the shallow subduction zones. It is inferred that theoblique plate convergence, partial subduction of 90°E Ridge innorth below the Andaman trench and the active back arc spreading are themain contributing factors for the observed stress field within the overridingplate in this region.  相似文献   
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