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It is common to obtain the topography of tidal flats by the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) photogrammetry,but this method is not applicable in tidal creeks.The residual water will lead to inaccurate depth inversion results,and the topography of tidal creeks mainly de-pends on manual survey.The present study took the tidal creek of Chuandong port in Jiangsu Province,China,as the research area and used UAV oblique photogrammetry to reconstruct the topography of the exposed part above the water after the ebb tide.It also proposed a Trend Prediction Fitting (TPF) method for the topography of the unexposed part below the water to obtain a complete 3D topography.The topography above the water measured by UAV has the vertical precision of 12 cm.When the TPF method is used,the cross-section should be perpendicular the central axis of the tidal creek.A polynomial function can be adapted to most shape of sections,while a Fourier function obtains better results in asym-metrical sections.Compared with the two-order function,the three-order function lends itself to more complex sections.Generally,the TPF method is more suitable for small,straight tidal creeks with clear texture and no vegetation cover.  相似文献   
高精度轻小型航空遥感系统是一种灵活高效的遥感数据获取手段.本文将高精度大负载惯性稳定平台、高精度位置姿态测量系统、高精度组合宽角数字航测相机和动力伞集成为一种轻小型航空遥感系统,并进行了大比例尺遥感测绘和大型露天矿遥感监测应用航拍试验.经过对采集到的数据进行处理和分析,试验结果满足规范要求.  相似文献   
航空数码相机及其有关问题   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
介绍了两种航空数码相机的结构;分析了它们与中心投影的关系及相关的问题,如摄影比例尺、像片覆盖范围、测图精度等;并指出了这两种航空数码相机带来的两个问题:像对数增多、高程精度降低;最后提出了解决这两个问题的方法:按图幅为单位进行立体测图、DEM生成,基本实现模型接边自动化;按多目视觉的理论,利用大重叠影像增大交会角,提高高程精度.  相似文献   
通过对相片倾角对航测高程误差影响的理论分析,结合无人机低空摄影实际生产出现的问题,提出无人机低空摄影飞行姿态控制的指导性建议。  相似文献   
数字航空摄影成果的自动质量检查系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了数字航空摄影成果的质量检查指标体系,设计了数字航空摄影成果计算机自动质量检查软件系统,实现了数字航空摄影成果的自动质量检查。  相似文献   
主要以ADS40数码影像资料为基础,针对典型海岛测区的控制点布设,制定不同的布点方案,通过空中三角测量作业及平差实验,比较各种方案的数字空中三角测量成果精度,论证得出最佳、最优的外业布点方案,为海岛的外业控制点布设提供指导及依据.  相似文献   
The first author commenced his experiences with aerial photography in 1945, when he joined the Royal Air Force (RAF). The aerial cameras used at that time were the Williamson F24 and F52, with Ilford HP3 and FP3 panchromatic films. Subsequently the Williamson F95 camera was tested against the USAF Sonne 11 camera. During his final years in the RAF, a variety of film types was employed: colour, monochrome infra-red and false colour infra-red. Additional experience was gained when the author was employed by the International Training Centre (ITC), The Netherlands and he saw the further development of the air camera from the Wild RC8 and Zeiss (Oberkochen) RMK 15/23 to the Wild RC20, Zeiss (Jena) LMK and Zeiss (Oberkochen) RMK TOP. He predicts that the future lies with digital cameras.
The second author started working with aerial photography in the 1950s. Details are given of cameras, visual navigation sights and survey aircraft dating from that period. Overseas operations, carried out mainly by Hunting Surveys and Fairey Surveys, posed particular problems because the majority of the work there was undertaken without the aid of existing maps. The introduction of external navigation systems is described, from the Decca ship navigation system, through the GNS-200 VLF/Omega low frequency radio system to INS, the Inertial Navigation System. The author later joined the ITC, which enabled him to participate in trials of the Computer-controlled Photo Navigation System. Eventually practical experience was gained with differential GPS, particularly in countries in southeast Asia. Aerial photography currently appears to benefit less from financial investment than the photographic, aviation and survey industries. However, the satisfaction of making a significant contribution to major overseas development projects outweighs the frustration of lack of acceptance of plans for the future of the air survey industry.  相似文献   
以无人机航摄技术在大比例尺(1∶1 000、1∶500)地形图测绘中的应用为研究目的,采用固定翼无人机平台,搭载非量测型数码相机,于河北某矿区进行航摄大比例尺地形图制作实验,通过外业实测点位数据对测图高程及平面精度进行评估。实验结果表明:通过严控误差影响因素无人机航摄技术可以满足1∶1 000比例尺测图精度要求,1∶500比例尺测图精度无法满足。最后,基于精度评定数据对误差产生的原因进行了深入分析与探讨,为无人机航摄技术测绘大比例尺地形图应用的可行性及可靠性提供了经验。  相似文献   
In 1902, the Florida red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle L., was introduced to the island of Molokai, Hawaii, and has since colonized nearly 25% of the south coast shoreline. By classifying three kinds of remote sensing imagery, we compared abilities to detect invasive mangrove distributions and to discriminate mangroves from surrounding terrestrial vegetation. Using three analytical techniques, we compared mangrove mapping accuracy for various sensor-technique combinations. ANOVA of accuracy assessments demonstrated significant differences among techniques, but no significant differences among the three sensors. We summarize advantages and disadvantages of each sensor and technique for mapping mangrove distributions in tropical coastal environments.  相似文献   
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