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提出了国家地理空间信息基准框架内改进与更新原有的大地坐标基准、高程基准和重力基准的建设道路及解决原则。  相似文献   
随着城市化进程的发展,人们在室内的时间越来越多,室内空间的应用价值也越来越高。在智慧城市的发展过程中,大量的室内空间需要数字化,室内空间数据的获取手段和数据应用需要进一步挖掘。本文利用三维实景激光扫描仪对北方工业大学浩学楼进行数据采集,创建了实景展示和实景导航,重点介绍了M3扫描车获取点云数据,并将点云数据进行拼接、去噪等处理,最后分析了点云数据的精度。由此可以得出实景激光扫描技术在建立室内导航系统中的可行性、高效性和准确性。  相似文献   
Understanding the character of Australia's extensive regolith cover is crucial to the continuing success of mineral exploration. We hypothesise that the regolith contains geochemical fingerprints of processes related to the development and preservation of mineral systems at a range of scales. We test this hypothesis by analysing the composition of surface sediments within greenfield regional-scale (southern Thomson Orogen) and continental-scale (Australia) study areas. In the southern Thomson Orogen area, the first principal component (PC1) derived in our study [Ca, Sr, Cu, Mg, Au and Mo at one end; rare earth elements (REEs) and Th at the other] is very similar to the empirical vector used by a local company (enrichment in Sr, Ca and Au concomitant with depletion in REEs) to successfully site exploration drill holes for Cu–Au mineralisation. Mapping of the spatial distribution of PC1 in the region reveals several areas of elevated values and possible mineralisation potential. One of the strongest targets in the PC1 map is located between Brewarrina and Bourke in northern New South Wales. Here, exploration drilling has intersected porphyry Cu–Au mineralisation with up to 1 wt% Cu, 0.1 g/t Au, and 717 ppm Zn. The analysis of a comparable geochemical dataset at the continental scale yields a compositionally similar PC1 (Ca, Sr, Mg, Cu, Au and Mo at one end; REEs and Th at the other) to that of the regional study. Mapping PC1 at the continental scale shows patterns that (1) are spatially compatible with the regional study and (2) reveal several geological regions of elevated values, possibly suggesting an enhanced potential for porphyry Cu–Au mineralisation. These include well-endowed mineral provinces such as the Curnamona and Capricorn regions, but also some greenfield regions such as the Albany-Fraser/western Eucla, western Murray and Eromanga geological regions. We conclude that the geochemical composition of Australia's regolith may hold critical information pertaining to mineralisation within/beneath it.  相似文献   
泛长三角城市土地利用效益测度及时空格局演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以泛长三角地区为研究区域,从经济、社会、生态3维度构建城市土地利用效益指标体系,运用改进熵值法测度1995-2013年城市土地利用效益值;并通过ESDA分析技术、耦合度及多元回归模型等方法对泛长三角城市土地利用效益时空格局演化及机理进行了初步探讨。结果表明:1)1995-2013年泛长三角城市土地利用效益整体上呈提升趋势,且效益"南高北低、东高西低"差异显著;2)相邻城市单元表现出较弱的空间集聚特征,效益热点区主要分布在苏锡沪和宁杭地区,向皖江、绍甬地区演化,而效益冷点区主要集中在皖北地区;城市土地利用效益系统的耦合度不高,处于拮抗阶段向磨合阶段演化,仅个别城市效益系统耦合较好,呈"点"状形态分布;3)泛长三角城市土地利用效益时空格局演化主要受城市化水平、经济发展程度及土地市场化3个主要驱动力综合作用及影响。  相似文献   
海图出版数据更新技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析了海图更新源数据和我国海图出版数据特点的基础上,深入研究了利用海图更新源数据实现海图出版数据在服务器端交互式更新和在客户端自动更新的关键技术,并具体探讨了在MicroStation V8系统平台下,通过二次开发的途径实现海图出版数据更新的思路与方法。  相似文献   
从工程组成及实现、关键技术及解决方法等方面,介绍和讨论已完成的“安徽省空间地理信息基础数据库示范工程”项目。示范库的建设工作达到了预期的目的。  相似文献   
地图数据库研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在分析地图数据特征的基础上,针对如何提高地图空间查询效率这一难题,从多种地图索引方法中选择了R+_树索引方法,实现了R+_树索引的算法,最后给出了一个包括地图数据存储和索引、查询功能的地图数据库实例。  相似文献   
This article introduces a new classification scheme—head/tail breaks—to find groupings or hierarchy for data with a heavy-tailed distribution. The heavy-tailed distributions are heavily right skewed, with a minority of large values in the head and a majority of small values in the tail, commonly characterized by a power law, a lognormal, or an exponential function. For example, a country's population is often distributed in such a heavy-tailed manner, with a minority of people (e.g., 20 percent) in the countryside and the vast majority (e.g., 80 percent) in urban areas. This new classification scheme partitions all of the data values around the mean into two parts and continues the process iteratively for the values (above the mean) in the head until the head part values are no longer heavy-tailed distributed. Thus, the number of classes and the class intervals are both naturally determined. I therefore claim that the new classification scheme is more natural than the natural breaks in finding the groupings or hierarchy for data with a heavy-tailed distribution. I demonstrate the advantages of the head/tail breaks method over Jenks's natural breaks in capturing the underlying hierarchy of the data.  相似文献   
王勤彩  李君  张金川 《地震》2021,41(2):92-101
利用2020年6月26日于田MS6.4地震序列的震相和波形数据, 对地震序列进行重定位并反演了中强地震的震源机制解, 结合2008年至今的全球矩心矩张量解数据, 反演了西昆仑块体和柴达木—祁连块体间边界地区的应力场。 综合分析研究结果发现: 2020年6月26日于田MS6.4地震序列的发震断层为走向SSW, 倾向NWW的正断层, 地震的发生可能与琼木孜塔格峰山前展布的正断层破裂有关; 西昆仑块体和柴达木—祁连块体之间的边界地区属于东西向拉张应力模式, 支持青藏高原北部大型走滑断裂所圈定的柴达木—祁连块体的东向运动模型。  相似文献   
杨广庆  杜群乐  张保俭 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z2):155-158
结合河北省太行山区阜长公路滑坡整治工程,利用工程物探、地质钻探等综合勘察手段,分析了某小型滑坡的发生发展机理,明确了该滑坡属牵引-外扩式浅层碎石类滑坡。本着经济、技术可行的整治原则,提出了采用竖向预应力锚杆挡墙整治滑坡技术措施。该方法利用锚固于地基中的锚杆对墙体施加的竖向预应力平衡滑坡体的下滑力,以达到减少圬工,降低工程造价的目的。并详细分析了竖向预应力锚杆挡墙的设计思路,介绍了其施工工艺及技术要点。良好的整治效果表明了该方法的有效性,可为同类工程地质灾害整治提供技术支持。  相似文献   
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