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阐述了网格编码调制(TCM)的原理及其在水声通信中的应用。采用TI公司的高性能DSP芯片TMS320C542实现了一个可以进行字符传输的水下无线通信系统。试验结果表明,网格编码调制技术能够使水下无线通信系统的性能得到明显改善。  相似文献   
熊勃  隆威 《探矿工程》2005,32(12):30-32
结合工程实例,分析了非开挖水平定向钻进铺管施工中经常产生的卡管、摆管不顺等事故的原因,并提出了在扩孔头与拉管头之间加上铁罩、选择最优泥浆压力等解决方法,实践证明效果良好。  相似文献   
通信铁塔的地震易损性研究是通信系统震后灾害评估和预测的基础工作之一,但在以往的通信系统地震灾害评估研究中,这一工作被忽略了。在对北方某城市大量通信铁塔进行调研的基础上,选取了3个典型通信铁塔(50 m高四方塔、30 m高四方塔和50 m高单管塔)作为研究对象,采用有限元软件ABAQUS建立了数值模型;通过对3个铁塔的静力推覆分析,得到了处于不同损伤状态下的损伤指标数值;通过增量动力分析,得到了3个通信铁塔的抗震性能和地震易损性曲线,为通信系统地震灾害评估和预测提供参考。  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article: Rabat: Urban Apartheid in Morocco . Janet Abu -Lughod . Marketplaces in a Developing Country: The Case of Western Nigeria . Isaac Ayinde Adalemo . Farming Development and Space: A World Agricultural Geography . Bernd Andreae . Section and Party: A Political Geography of American Presidential Elections, from Andrew Jackson to Ronald Reagan . J. Clark Archer and Peter J. Taylor . Women and Space: Ground Rules and Social Maps . Shirley Ardener , ed. European Progress in Spatial Analysis . R. J. Bennett , ed. The Origins of Academic Geography in the United States . Brian W. Blouet Geographic Perspectives on Global Problems . Ronald Reed Boyce . Seasonal Dimensions to Rural Poverty . Robert Chambers , Richard Longhurst and Arnold Pacey eds. The New Nationalism and the Use of Common Spaces: Issues in Marine Pollution and the Exploitation of Antarctica . Jonathan I. Charney , ed. Communications Tomorrow: The Coming of the Information Society . Edward Cornish , ed. The Design of Suburbia . Arthur Edwards . Explorer on the Northern Plains: Lieutenant Gouverneur K. Warren's Preliminary Report of Explorations in Nebraska and Dakota in the Years 1855–56–57. With an Introduction by Frank N. Schubert . The Changing Climate: Responses of the Natural Flora and Fauna . Michael J. Ford . Essentials of Physical Geography . Robert E. Gabler , Robert J. Sager , Sheila Brazier , and Daniel L. Wise. The Road to Jaramillo . William Glen . Valued Environments . John R. Gold and Jacquelin Burgess , eds. Proximity and Preference: Problems in the Multidimensional Analysis of Large Data Sets . Reginald G. Golledge and John N. Rayner , eds. A Search for Common Ground . Peter Gould and Gunnar Olsson , eds. Geography: Its History and Concepts . Arild Holt -Jensen . A Population Geography . Huw R. Jones . The Human Mosaic: A Thematic Introduction to Cultural Geography, 3rd ed. Terry G. Jordan and Lester Rowntree . Urban Social Geography: An Introduction . Paul Knox . The Anatomy of Job Loss: The How, Why and Where of Employment Decline . Doreen Massey and Richard Meegan . The Information Society as Post-Industial Society . Yoneji Masuda . Map Librarianship, 2nd ed. Harold Nichols . India: Cultural Patterns and Processes . Allen G. Noble and Ashok K. Dutt , eds. The God that Limps: Science and Technology in the Eighties . Colin Norman . Geography: An Introductory Perspective . Robert E. Norris , Keith D. Harries and John D. Vitek . The Politics of Technology Assessment . David M. O'Brien and Donald A. Marchand . Ethnic Segregation in Cities . Ceri Peach , Vaughan Robinson and Susan Smith , eds. Churches and Church Membership in the United States, 1980 . Bernard Quinn , Herman Anderson , Martin Bradley , Paul Goetting and Peggy Shriver . Energy in Australia: Politics and Economics . Hugh Saddler . Development from Above or Below? The Dialectics of Regional Planning in Developing Countries . Walter B. Stóuhr and D. R. Fraser Taylor , eds. Human Impact on the Ecosystem . Joy Tivy and Greg O'Hare . Plants and People: Vegetation Change in North America . Thomas R. Vale . The Mapmakers: The Story of the Great Pioneers in Cartography from Antiquity to the Space Age . John Noble Wilford .  相似文献   
如何使学生快乐地学习英语,快乐地用英语交际是英语教师目前重点研究的课题。这里对英语快乐交际教学法的目的、内涵和一些具体做法等方面进行探讨,以求达到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   
围绕着为上海海岸电台研制授时信号单元的任务,对新国际式报时格式作了简要介绍,提出了基于远程拨号通讯的时间传递方案。依据该方案,以嵌入式调制解调器(Modem)和32位嵌入式处理器为核心完成了授时信号单元的软、硬件设计。讨论了通讯双方的握手方式和链路时延测定方法。实现了上海海岸电台时间信号对国家授时中心标准时间的溯源。  相似文献   
针对基于统计量和瞬时量盲均衡算法的特点,在分析双模式算法切换方式的基础上,提出了一种基于误差函数的双模式混合盲均衡算法.该算法针对修正的常数模算法(MCMA)和判决导引算法(DD)特点,利用2种算法误差函数间的互相关性,提出了新的加权因子选取方法,动态控制双模式混合下2种算法的权重比例,更为准确地控制切换时机,即使在误判决的情况下也能因其动态特性切换回合适的权重比例.水声信道仿真实验进一步说明了该算法在收敛速度上的优越性.  相似文献   
针对无人值守大规模自动气象站的数据采集特点和要求,基于无线通信网络,设计了一种浪涌气象数据采集系统,并对其关键技术进行了深入讨论.首先,分析了系统数据传输的协议结构及存在的问题,设计了基于UDP协议的可靠应用协议,并就其工作过程及可靠性传输进行了详细的讨论,解决了无线数据传输的不稳定性问题;然后,利用多线程技术和大规模通信事件响应处理技术,提出了实现数据接收线程池的方法,通过引入"数据分区管理"的概念,论述了数据并发处理缓冲区的设计,解决了大并发系统容易丢失数据、堵塞和低效率等问题;最后,通过对系统测试及其在业务中应用的分析,表明该系统实时、高效、可靠,能满足目前业务的需求,并对未来业务的发展具有同样的适应性.  相似文献   
The importance of climate services, i.e. providing targeted, tailored, and timely weather and climate information, has gained momentum, but requires improved understanding of user needs. This article identifies the opportunities and barriers to the use of climate services for planning in Malawi, to identify the types of information that can better inform future adaptation decisions in sub-Saharan Africa. From policy analysis, stakeholder interviews, and a national workshop utilizing serious games, it is determined that only 5–10 day and seasonal forecasts are currently being used in government decision making. Impediments to greater integration of climate services include spatial and temporal scale, accessibility, timing, credibility and the mismatch in timeframes between planning cycles (1–5 years) and climate projections (over 20 years). Information that could more usefully inform planning decisions includes rainfall distribution within a season, forecasts with 2–3 week lead times, likely timing and location of extreme events in the short term (1–5 years), and projections (e.g. rainfall and temperature change) in the medium term (6–20 years). Development of a national set of scenarios would also make climate information more accessible to decision makers, and capacity building around such scenarios would enable its improved use in short- to medium-term planning. Improved climate science and its integration with impact models offer exciting opportunities for integrated climate-resilient planning across sub-Saharan Africa. Accrual of positive impacts requires enhanced national capacity to interpret climate information and implement communication strategies across sectors.

Policy relevance

For climate services to achieve their goal of improving adaptation decision making, it is necessary to understand the decision making process and how and when various types of weather and climate information can be incorporated. Through a case study of public sector planning in Malawi, this article highlights relevant planning and policy-making processes. The current use of weather and climate information and needs, over various timescales – sub-annual to short term (1–5 years) to medium term (6–20 years) – is outlined. If climate scientists working with boundary organizations are able to address these issues in a more targeted, sector-facing manner they will improve the uptake of climate services and the likelihood of climate-resilient decisions across sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   
针对实现大气中二氧化碳浓度的及时快速采集,设计了基于GPRS无线传感网的大气二氧化碳浓度采集系统,系统分为数据采集终端、GPRS无线传输网络和数据中心3部分.数据采集部分主要由单片机、高精度二氧化碳传感器、GPS模块、GPRS模块和液晶显示模块组成,负责采集二氧化碳浓度和采集点地理定位信息;无线传输网络部分由GPRS模块接入到GPRS网络,再登陆到Intemet网络与检测中心服务器建立TCP网络连接,负责将采集到的数据传输给数据中心;数据中心主要是接受GPRS网路传输过来的数据,并将数据进行处理、显示和录入数据库.采集系统能摆脱数据采集时地理位置和天气条件上的局限性,使检测工作变得更及时方便准确.  相似文献   
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