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华北时变重力场离散小波多尺度分解   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
刘芳  祝意青  陈石 《中国地震》2013,29(1):124-131
利用华北地区地震重力监测网的绝对重力与相对重力多期重复观测资料,处理获取不同时空尺度的华北区域重力场动态变化图像.利用二维小波分解技术,将不同场源深度异常进行了分离,并对不同时空尺度的重力变化给出了解释,提高了对华北地区重力场变化趋势的认识水平.在此基础上,通过对小波细节的功率谱分析,可以获得各阶小波变换逼近及小波细节分析图所对应的场源深度.研究结果表明,不同时空尺度的重力场变化对于深入认识华北地区潜在地震危险性具有一定的科学意义.  相似文献   
利用Morlet小波变换方法对北京宇宙线台站的地面宇宙线强度在地磁暴前后的变化特征进行分析,得到: 1) 在平静期,北京宇宙线数据存在准24 h周期性的特征,且通过分析周期为12 h的Morlet小波"模",发现值稳定,且小于0.6; 2) 以90天为时间窗口,对2004年7月地磁暴前后的小波频谱变化进行详细分析,发现当发生大地磁暴时,宇宙线的静日准24 h周期被打破,其他周期的波动开始增强.进一步研究发现,周期12h的波动在大地磁暴数小时到1天左右会出现显著增强,这一现象在2001、2002和2004年期间的大地磁暴前得到验证.3) Morlet小波"模"数据的急速增大是发生地磁暴的先兆特征,当小波模变化达到一定的阈值就可能发生大磁暴.本文分析了周期为12 h时小波的模数据,对强地磁暴事件进行统计,选定阈值0.6,并通过2003年的6次大地磁暴进行预报验证,结果表明该方法不仅能够对大地磁暴事件进行预报,而且提前量满足预报需求,为基于宇宙线实测数据预报地磁暴方法提供了重要基础.  相似文献   
We describe a wavelet-transform-based method for automated segmentation of resistivity image logs that takes into account the apparent dip in the data and addresses the problem of discriminating lithofacies boundaries from noise and intrafacies variations. Our method can be applied to borehole measurements in general, but might have an advantage when applied to resistivity image logs as it addresses explicitly the large variability in facies segments recorded with a high-resolution multiple-sensor tool. We have developed an algorithm based on this method that might outperform other existing segmentation methods in the cases of low to moderate dip. We made a detailed comparison of the segmentation from our method with the one done by a geologist to delineate different lithofacies blocks in a well drilled in a deepwater depositional environment. Our results show considerable success rates in reproducing the geologically defined lithofacies boundaries, and the generality of our procedure suggests it could also be applied to other depositional environments.  相似文献   
阐述了适合高速无线数据传输的正交频分复用(OFDM)调制方式的基本原理及调制解调的快速傅立叶变换(FFT)实现,并给出OFDM基带处理系统的结构图和硬件模块框图。  相似文献   
<正>伴随非常规油气资源的勘探开发,油气资源开采的广度和深度进一步扩大,一定程度上缓解了我国油气供需矛盾、保障了我国能源安全,同时有力推动了能源结构战略转型。但同时也对能源地质研究工作提出了新的挑战。有机质成熟度是油气评价的重要参数之一,不同成熟阶段的有机质会对应产出不同成因、不同性质、不同质量的油气,如何准确评价沉积有机质成熟度是当前油气资源勘探开发工作的关键问题之一。前人在科研实践工作中从光学、化学、谱学等角度提出了适用条件各异的成熟度评价方法,在部分地质环境中获得了良好的应用效果,但已有的成熟度指标多受测定方法原理的制约导致其适用性不同程度受限(肖贤明等,2020),制约了油气资源的高质量勘探开发。  相似文献   
Improvement of pseudo-static method for slope stability analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
traditional In this paper, two drawbacks pseudo-static method (vertical of the slice method) in the slope stability evaluation have been studied. First, the sliding mass is divided into vertical slices according to this method, which is irrational to some extent in the seismic design of slope. Second, only peak ground acceleration (PGA) is considered, and the effects of shaking frequency and duration on slope stability are neglected. And then, based on the theory of elastic wave and the summarized geological model, this paper put forwards an improved method of pseudo-method by using the theory of elastic wave and Hilbert-Huang transform. The improved pseudostatic method gives reasonable considerations to the time-frequency effects of seismic wave and its rationality has been verified by the shaking table test. This method can evaluate the safety of a slope, the happening time and the scale of landslides. At the same time, this method also can improve the high accuracy of the evaluation of the safety of the slope.  相似文献   
Runoff series of the Yangtze River presents an intricate variation tendency under the reinforced influence of human activities.The Morlet Wavelet Transform method has been applied to analyze the annual runoff data from 1950 to 2011 at the Yangtze River Estuary.It can clearly reveal the multi-time scales structure,break point,change and distribution of periodic variation in the different time scales of the runoff series.The main conclusions are that:1) Repeated periodic oscillations accompanied by an extremely large fluctuation are presented in the runoff series with an obvious difference between wet and dry years,and the major periods of the time series are about 3,8,16 and 23 years respectively.Among them,the presented maximum periodic oscillation is 23 years scale.2) In the 23-year time scale,the wet periods are 1950-1958,1969-1980 and 1992-2003,and the dry periods are 1959-1968,1981-1991 and 2004-2011.3) It can be predicted from the view of long time scales that the low annual runoff will likely occur in the near future.  相似文献   
小波分析在雷击大气电场波形去噪分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
雷击时大气电场信号中混杂的噪声信号影响对真实大气电场信号的分析、提取和使用。文中通过计算仿真信号和去噪前后真实电场信号的均方误差,分析选取不同的小波函数、阈值法和小波分解层数对去噪效果产生的影响。考虑雷击时大气电场信号的信噪比,选用sym5小波和db5小波与minimaxi和rigrsure阈值法结合,且对小波的分解层数选用6~7层,进行大气电场波形的去噪处理,其去噪效果比较理想。最后,将该方法用于实际雷击大气电场波形数据的去噪处理,对雷击时电场波形的突变性检测中,在20个样本中有14个在首次雷击前1.5~2 h具有突变过程,占70%,这为将大气电场仪资料引入其他气象参数预报模型提供了切入点。  相似文献   
叙述了一种基于短时傅立叶变换的脉冲星消色散算法。首先介绍了脉冲星的色散形成原因以及几种当今流行的消色散算法。接着介绍了短时傅立叶变换,并在此基础上提出了一种基于短时傅立叶变换的消色散算法。然后详细讲述了这种消色散算法的具体实现步骤,并且比较了在选取不同长度的时间窗函数的情况下,消色散的处理过程和残余色散量。最后,通过将这种算法的计算量以及结果和其他几种算法做横向比较,得出了结论:这种消色散算法的计算量小,实现简单,可以有效的进行消色散处理。  相似文献   
Although increased woody plant abundance has been reported in tropical savannas worldwide, techniques for detecting the direction and magnitude of change are mostly based on visual interpretation of historical aerial photography or textural analysis of multi-temporal satellite images. These techniques are prone to human error and do not permit integration of remotely sensed data from diverse sources. Here, we integrate aerial photographs with high spatial resolution satellite imagery and use a discrete wavelet transform to objectively detect the dynamics in bush encroachment at two protected Zimbabwean savanna sites. Based on the recently introduced intensity-dominant scale approach, we test the hypotheses that: (1) the encroachment of woody patches into the surrounding grassland matrix causes a shift in the dominant scale. This shift in the dominant scale can be detected using a discrete wavelet transform regardless of whether aerial photography and satellite data are used; and (2) as the woody patch size stabilises, woody cover tends to increase thereby triggering changes in intensity. The results show that at the first site where tree patches were already established (Lake Chivero Game Reserve), between 1972 and 1984 the dominant scale of woody patches initially increased from 8 m before stabilising at 16 m and 32 m between 1984 and 2012 while the intensity fluctuated during the same period. In contrast, at the second site, which was formely grass-dominated site (Kyle Game Reserve), we observed an unclear dominant scale (1972) which later becomes distinct in 1985, 1996 and 2012. Over the same period, the intensity increased. Our results imply that using our approach we can detect and quantify woody/bush patch dynamics in savanna landscapes.  相似文献   
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