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图像匹配作为三维重建至关重要的环节,其精度直接影响了平差优化、正射校正等模块的精度。对于城镇、农场等特征密集型区域,特征距离小,相似性强,易于匹配图像;而针对草地、沙漠等特征不明显区域,特征距离大,如果使用特征点匹配的方法,严格阈值下难以获得足够数量的匹配对,放宽阈值又将引入较多误匹配对,这也是导致稀疏点云不够均匀的原因之一。在此场景下,本文提出了基于动态极坐标参数化的无人机正视影像匹配算法,首先对图像做极坐标参数变化,采用动态策略解决极轴方向采样不均匀的问题,使用最小二乘法对得到的极坐标影像对做位移方向上的匹配,匹配后得到的旋转量和平移量,将该结果和SIFT算法的结果做比较。本文设计了2组实验,即参数已知的解算实验和参数未知的解算实验,且每组实验进行3次。在同等配置的计算机上,对两张7360像素×5400像素,32位的影像,本文方法的位姿解算时间相比SIFT的时间减少约57%,二者求得的位姿差通常小于1%。结论表明二者的结果在精度上表现相当,在时间上明显优于SIFT算法,具有实际的应用价值。  相似文献   
自20世纪60年代初以来,地理信息系统引领了地理信息的分析与服务。然而,由于地理学家对于地理过程开展多维模拟的需求,同时许多大型工程需要对于不同方案的后果事先开展模拟评估,为此中国学者们在世纪相交之际开始了对于虚拟地理环境的探索。本文从地理信息系统到虚拟地理环境的认识上的转变着手,分析了虚拟地理环境的演进过程、当前的阶段定位与挑战,着重探讨了虚拟地理环境研究的新态势:基于虚拟地理环境的地理空间认知研究、虚拟地理环境与实验地理学新方向、大数据背景下的虚拟地理认知实验方法和虚拟地理环境与地理知识工程,并给出最新研究思路。  相似文献   
设计模式和重构对于解决土地信息系统需求变化问题,具有重要意义,可以实现可复用性。本文并结合土地信息系统的开发实例,详细论述如何运用重构准则实现抽象工厂、装饰等模式。旨在促进土地信息系统开发中注重设计模式和重构准则的应用,实现软件设计的复用,提高土地信息系统的质量和开发效率。  相似文献   
张子扬 《现代测绘》2008,31(2):41-42
阐述了GIS系统的设计原则,建设方案,揭示了GIS系统功能模块的效能,利用Map控件建立信息管理系统,最后探讨了GIS系统在应用领域的发展前景。  相似文献   
关于城市交通地理信息系统模型设计的思考与改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GIS—T模型是建立城市交通地理信息系统的主体,本文对现有GIS—T模型进行了简单的分析与评价,并且为了增加政府与公众做出决策的正确性,提出了路径畅通可靠度模型、城市交通综合指数模型、交通出行指数模型三个数学模型,以达到量化城市交通与完善GIS—T模型的目的。  相似文献   
本文主要研究了GPS变形监测中垂直位移的问题。通过对误差分析,建立GPS大地高高差平差模型,以便提高GPS变形监测在垂直位移方向上的精度。从而真正的达到GPS三维监测。  相似文献   
1IntroductionofTouristryinformationSystem(TIS)1.1InformationdemandoftourismTourismisdependentoninfonnahon.FirSt,touriStlyconsumphondependsoninfo~on.Theincreaseofincomeandsparethee,andtheimprovementoftranSPOrtahonstimulatetouriStrydemandofthemasses,whetherthetouriStlydemandcanbe~edintotouriStryconsumphonreliesontheopthehcamechonresultingfromtouriStlySPotSanditScorrespondingseduceandinstallahons,apparenhy,itrelatesnotonlytothedjstinedonandqualityofthetouriStryresourcebutalsotoitSfame.msc…  相似文献   
lintroductionFlooddi~rbringsaboutgreatdamagestopropellesandseriouslossoflives.InChina,onetenthofterritory,500billionPeople,3300X104haofculhvatedland.morethan100largeandndddiecihesand70%ofindusthalandagricultoloutputvaluearethreatenedbyfloodings'l.Watershedflooddisastermanagementconcernsmonitoringandforecastingflood,assessingtheflooddamageandfloodcontrolanddiSasterreduchondecision-makinginthescopeofthewholewatershed.RemotesensingandGeographicalinfonnahonSystemarepowerfultoolstoconstIUctWate…  相似文献   
Land use conflict involving farm externalities represents an increasing policy concern in Australia as agricultural activities intensify and as the nation's metropolitan areas continue to expand outwards. A review of the rural-urban fringe literature reveals a noticeable absence of research exploring the intensity of conflict experienced by farmers. Similarly, inadequate attention has been given to the policies adopted by government to manage conflict. This article contrasts the regulatory system that has been implemented to manage conflict involving poultry farming on the metropolitan fringe of two Australian state capitals: Perth, Western Australia and Sydney, New South Wales. Spatial variation in the nature of government intervention is uncovered. In the discussion that follows reasons are identified to help explain such variation including state ideology, metropolitan growth, industry activism, geographical constraints and farm characteristics. It is concluded that where agricultural industries experience internal political divisions and a geographically dispersed membership it becomes more difficult to influence government policy.  相似文献   
Geoscientific Information Systems (GIS) provide tools to quantitatively analyze and integrate spatially referenced information from geological, geophysical, and geochemical surveys for decision-making processes. Excellent coverage of well-documented, precise and good quality data enables testing of variable exploration models in an efficient and cost effective way with GIS tools. Digital geoscientific data from the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) are being used widely as spatial evidence in exploration targeting, that is ranking areas based on their exploration importance. In the last few years, spatial analysis techniques including weights-of-evidence, logistic regression, and fuzzy logic, have been increasingly used in GTK’s mineral exploration and geological mapping projects. Special emphasis has been put into the exploration for gold because of the excellent data coverage within the prospective volcanic belts and because of the increased activity in gold exploration in Finland during recent years. In this paper, we describe some successful case histories of using the weights-of-evidence method for the Au-potential mapping. These projects have shown that, by using spatial modeling techniques, exploration targets can be generated by quantitatively analyzing extensive amounts of data from various sources and to rank these target areas based on their exploration potential.  相似文献   
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