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We have observed the energetic binary Cygnus X-3 in both quiescent and flaring states between 4 and 16 μm using the ISO satellite. We find that the quiescent source shows the thermal free–free spectrum typical of a hot, fast stellar wind, such as from a massive helium star. The quiescent mass-loss rate arising from a spherically symmetric, non-accelerating wind is found to be in the range (0.4–2.9)×10−4 M yr−1, consistent with other infrared and radio observations, but considerably larger than the 10−5 M yr−1 deduced from both the orbital change and the X-ray column density. There is rapid, large-amplitude flaring at 4.5 and 11.5 μm at the same time as enhanced radio and X-ray activity, with the infrared spectrum apparently becoming flatter in the flaring state. We believe that non-thermal processes are operating, perhaps along with enhanced thermal emission.  相似文献   
We report the Balmer broad absorption lines (BALs) in the quasar SDSS J2220 + 0109 discovered from the SDSS data, and present a detailed analysis of the peculiar absorption line spectrum, including the He I* multiplet at λλ3189, 3889 arising from the metastable 23s-state helium and the Balmer Hα and Hβ lines from the excited hydrogen H I of n = 2 level, which are rarely seen in quasar spectra, as well as many absorption lines arising from the excited Fe II* of the levels 7 955 cm−1, 13 474 cm−1 and 13 673 cm−1 in the wavelength range 3100∼3300 Å. Ca II H, K absorption line doublets also clearly appear in the SDSS spectrum. All absorption lines show a similar blueshifted velocity structure of Δv ≈ − 1500 ∼ 0 km·s−1 relative to the quasar's systematic redshift determined from the emission lines. Detailed analysis suggests that the Balmer absorption lines should arise from the partially ionized region with a column density of NHI ≈ 1021 cm−2 for an electron density of ne ∼ 106 cm−3; and that the hydrogen n = 2 level may be populated via collisional excitation with Lyα pumping.  相似文献   
LiJuan M  Yong Luo  DaHe Qin 《寒旱区科学》2012,4(2):0093-0106
Based on remote sensing snow water equivalent (SWE) data, the simulated SWE in 20C3M experiments from 14 models attending the third phase of the Coupled Models for Inter-comparison Project (CMIP3) was first evaluated by computing the different percentage, spatial correlation coefficient, and standard deviation of biases during 1979–2000. Then, the diagnosed ten models that performed better simulation in Eurasian SWE were aggregated by arithmetic mean to project the changes of Eurasian SWE in 2002–2060. Results show that SWE will decrease significantly for Eurasia as a whole in the next 50 years. Spatially, significant decreasing trends dominate Eurasia except for significant increase in the northeastern part. Seasonally, decreasing proportion will be greatest in summer indicating that snow cover in warmer seasons is more sensitive to climate warming. However, absolute decreasing trends are not the greatest in winter, but in spring. This is caused by the greater magnitude of negative trends, but smaller positive trends in spring than in winter. The changing characteristics of increasing in eastern Eurasia and decreasing in western Eurasia and over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau favor the viewpoint that there will be more rainfall in North China and less in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in summer. Additionally, the decreasing rate and extent with significant decreasing trends under SRES A2 are greater than those under SRES B1, indicating that the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) will speed up the decreasing rate of snow cover both temporally and spatially. It is crucial to control the discharge of GHG emissions for mitigating the disappearance of snow cover over Eurasia.  相似文献   
基于3S技术的内蒙古乌审旗景观格局研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以乌审旗2005年30 m分辨率的TM遥感影像为基本数据源,在ArcView和ArcMap支持下,得到乌审旗景观分布格局图,并对景观单元特征指数、斑块形状指数、斑块数破碎化指数、斑块分维数、景观异质性指数进行统计分析。结果表明,在乌审旗21 495个景观斑块中,斑块数目最多的为沙地景观,共有10 357块;总面积最大的也是沙地,为6.28×109m2;水域景观总面积最小,仅为5.36×107m2;平均面积最大的是工矿用地,为4.26×106m2;景观斑块密度最大的是耕地。各类斑块形状均较复杂,近圆度极小,居民点由于受到人为规划的影响呈现明显的几何形状特点,故景观形状指数最小;随着人类干扰强度的增加,从自然景观、半自然景观到人工景观,多样性指数、破碎化指数均依次减小,景观多样性指数沙地最高、工矿用地最低;居民点的优势度指数最高,其均匀度指数最低;整个研究区各景观分数维值均小于1.4,景观的自相似程度比较高。  相似文献   
用m-氨基苯甲酸作原料,经溴代、重氮化、还原脱氨、酰氯化和酯化反应等步骤,合成了六种新型的三溴苯甲酸的溴代和非溴代芳酯,即;双(2,4,6-三溴苯甲酸)-2',3',5',6'-四溴-1',4'-苯二酯,2,4,6-三溴苯甲酸-2',3',4',5',6'-五溴苯酯,2,4,6-三溴苯甲酸-2',4',6'-三溴苯酯,2,4,6-三溴苯甲酸-4'-溴苯酯,2,4,6-三溴苯甲酸-4'-甲基苯酯和2,4,6-三溴苯甲酸苯酯.通过对产物中碳、氢、溴元素的定量分析以及红外吸收光谱和氢核磁共振谱的研究,验证了合成产物的结构。  相似文献   
安玉林 《物探与化探》2001,25(6):401-409,417
作者近年来首创了"复杂条件下局部重磁场源全方位成像"理论体系。在本文中,概要阐述该理论体系中下延有限二度体复重磁场级数正演通式、复场模值全方位延拓和全方位反演等。  相似文献   
郎静 《应用地球物理》2006,3(3):179-186
三维可视化解释技术是一项全新的地震解释技术,与传统的地震资料解释有着本质的不同,它是从三维可视化显示出发,以地质体或三维研究区块为单元,采用点、线、面和体相结合的数据体空间可视化解释。该技术结合相干体技术可进行复杂断层的解释与组合;应用空间域层位自动追踪技术能够准确落实构造形态;采用目标雕刻技术,利用反演数据体可实现立体透视岩性体的空间展布及厚度趋势。将该技术应用在大港油田官西地区复杂断块构造解释和歧南西斜坡隐蔽油气藏储层预测两项实际工作中,取得了良好效果,表明可视化解释技术在石油勘探中具有广阔的应用前景,是提高勘探效率和勘探成功率的有效技术手段。  相似文献   
通过对汶川Ms8.0地震复发周期的时间和空间进行扫描,发现地震发生前,在时间上和空间上,地震复发周期均出现低值异常。因此,对地震发生的时间和地区进行异常判断,地震复发周期是一个可以参考利用的指标。  相似文献   
We investigated the partitioning of trace substances during the phase transition from supercooled to mixed-phase cloud induced by artificial seeding. Simultaneous determination of the concentrations of H2O2, NH3 and black carbon (BC) in both condensed and interstitial phases with high time resolution showed that the three species undergo different behaviour in the presence of a mixture of ice crystals and supercooled droplets. Both H2O2 and NH3 are efficiently scavenged by growing ice crystals, whereas BC stayed predominantly in the interstitial phase. In addition, the scavenging of H2O2 is driven by co-condensation with water vapour onto ice crystals while NH3 uptake into the ice phase is more efficient than co-condensation alone. The high solubility of NH4+ in the ice could explain this result. Finally, it appears that the H2O2–SO2 reaction is very slow in the ice phase with respect to the liquid phase. Our results are directly applicable for clouds undergoing limited riming.  相似文献   
利用小波分析的分频特性及C3相干数据体比常规振幅数据体具有更高的构造分辨能力的特点,将小波分析与C3相干体两种方法相结合,用来识别煤矿采区小尺度构造,特别是识别小断层.实际应用表明,利用小波分析与C3相干体可更加精细地揭示断层等构造信息,提高小断层识别能力.  相似文献   
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