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海洋湍流观测技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湍流在海洋能量和水体的交换演化中起着非常重要的作用。海洋湍流研究的发展和海洋湍流观测仪器的研发密切相关。世界上湍流观测仪器的研发起步于上世纪50年代,但是我国在湍流观测设备方面到目前为止仅仅处于起步和引进国外设备阶段。针对我国的情况,文中对海洋湍流观测的平台、探头测量原理及其数据修正、资料后处理等关键技术做一个总结性的介绍,为我国使用引进的海洋湍流设备和自主开发海洋湍流测量设备提供参考。  相似文献   
本文分别在直角坐标系和柱坐标系下,研究瑞利数从104逐渐增大到107对热对流的影响,数值计算结果表明:瑞利数越大,地幔柱越窄,地幔柱上升速度也越快;源自上地幔的地幔柱半径的范围为90到210 km.根据峨眉山内带的半径推算出地幔的黏性系数约为3.8×1021 Pa·s,地幔柱平均流动速度为2.5 cm/a.  相似文献   
The synthesis of experimental understanding of catchment behaviour and its translation into qualitative perceptual models is an important objective of hydrological sciences. We explore this challenge by examining the cumulative understanding of the hydrology of three experimental catchments and how it evolves through the application of different investigation techniques. The case study considers the Huewelerbach, Weierbach and Wollefsbach headwater catchments of the Attert basin in Luxembourg. Subsurface investigations including bore holes and pits, analysis of soil samples and Electrical Resistivity Tomography measurements are presented and discussed. Streamflow and tracer data are used to gain further insights into the streamflow dynamics of the catchments, using end‐member mixing analysis and hydrograph separation based on dissolved silica and electrical conductivity. We show that the streamflow generating processes in all three catchments are controlled primarily by the subsolum and underlying bedrock. In the Huewelerbach, the permeable sandstone formation supports a stable groundwater component with little seasonality, which reaches the stream through a series of sources at the contact zone with the impermeable marls formation. In the Weierbach, the schist formation is relatively impermeable and supports a ‘fill and spill’‐type of flow mechanism; during wet conditions, it produces a delayed response dominated by pre‐event water. In the Wollefsbach, the impermeable marls formation is responsible for a saturation‐excess runoff generating process, producing a fast and highly seasonal response dominated by event water. The distinct streamflow generating processes of the three catchments are represented qualitatively using perceptual models. The perceptual models are in turn translated into quantitative conceptual models, which simulate the hydrological processes using networks of connected reservoirs and transfer functions. More generally, the paper illustrates the evolution of perceptual models based on experimental fieldwork data, the translation of perceptual models into conceptual models and the value of different types of data for processes understanding and model representation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Stable water isotope surveys have increasingly been integrated into river basins studies, but fewer have used them to evaluate impact of hydropower regulation. This study applies hydrologic and water isotope survey approaches to a Canadian Shield river basin with both regulated and natural flows. Historical streamflow records were used to evaluate the influence of three hydroelectric reservoirs and unregulated portions of the basin on downstream flows and changes in water level management implemented after an extreme flood year (1979). In 2013, water isotope surveys of surface and source waters (e.g., rainfall, groundwater, snowmelt) were conducted to examine spatial and temporal variation in contributions to river flow. Seasonal changes in relative groundwater contribution were assessed using a water‐isotope mass balance approach. Within the basin, two regulated reservoirs exhibited inverted hydrographs with augmented winter flows, whereas a third exhibited a hydrograph dominated by spring snowmelt. In 2013, spatial variation in rain‐on‐snow and air temperatures resulted in a critical lag in snowmelt initiation in the southern and northern portions of the basin resulting in a dispersed, double peak spring hydrograph, contrasting with 1979 when a combination of rain‐on‐snow and coincident snowmelt led to the highest flood on record. Although eastern basin reservoirs become seasonally enriched in δ18O and δ2H values, unregulated western basin flows remain less variable due to groundwater driven baseflow with increasing influence downstream. Combined analysis of historical streamflow (e.g., flood of 1979, drought of 2010) and the 2013 water isotope surveys illustrate extreme meteorological conditions that current management activities are unable to prevent. In this study, the influence of evaporative fractionation on large surface water reservoirs provides important evidence of streamflow partitioning, illustrating the value of stable water isotope tracers for study of larger catchments.  相似文献   
Karst aquifers are well known for their intricate stratigraphy and geologic structures, which make groundwater characterization challenging because flowpaths and recharge sources are complex and difficult to evaluate. Geochemical data, collected from ten closely spaced production wells constructed in two karst aquifers (Bangor Limestone (Mb) and Tuscumbia Limestone/Fort Payne Chert (Mftp)) in Trussville, north‐central Alabama, illustrate two distinctive groundwater end‐members: (1) higher major ion, dissolved inorganic carbon, conductivity, alkalinity concentrations, heavier δ13C ratios (max: −10.2 ± 0.2‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB)) and lower residence times (mean: 19.5 ± 2 years, n = 2) of groundwater in the Mb aquifer and (2) lower constituent concentrations, lighter δ13C ratios (min: −13.4 ± 0.2‰ PDB) and longer residence times of groundwater (mean: 23.6 ± 2 years, n = 4) in the Mftp aquifer. Summer and fall data and the binary mixing model show aquifer inter‐flow mixing along solution fractures and confirms the distinctive groundwater geochemistry of the two aquifers. Lowering of static water levels over the summer (drawdown from 2 to 5.2 m) leads to more reducing groundwater conditions (lower Eh values) and slightly enriched δ18O and δD ratios during the fall [δ18O: −4.8 ± 0.1 to −5.4 ± 0.1‰ Vienna Standard Mean Oceanic Water (VSMOW), n = 9; δD: −25.4 ± 1 to −27.4 ± 1‰ VSMOW, n = 9] when compared with summer season samples (δ18O: −5.1 ± 0.1 to −5.7 ± 0.1‰ VSMOW, n = 11; δD: −25.0 ± 1 to −30.6 ± 1‰ VSMOW, n = 11). GIS analyses confirm the localized origin of recharge to the investigated aquifers. The combination of GIS, field parameters and geochemistry analyses can be successfully used to identify recharge sources, evaluate groundwater flow and transport pathways and to improve understanding of how groundwater withdrawals impact the sustainability and susceptibility to contamination of karst aquifers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
With the aid of integral transform techniques, this paper presents an extended precise integration solution for thermal consolidation problems of a multilayered porous thermo-elastic medium with anisotropic thermal diffusivity and permeability due to a heat source. From the fundamental governing equations, ordinary differential equations are derived by employing Laplace–Hankel transforms. By applying the extended precise integration method, equations in the transformed domain can be solved, and the actual solutions are further obtained by adopting a numerical inverse transformation. The accuracy and feasibility of the proposed theory is demonstrated by contrastive analysis with existing studies. Finally, several examples are carried out to investigate the influence of heat source’s type, axial distance, burial depth of heat source, ratio of thermo-permeability, permeability anisotropy, thermal diffusivity anisotropy and stratification on the thermal consolidation process.  相似文献   
Rapid characterisation of carbonate phases in hyperspectral reflectance spectra acquired from drill core material has important implications for mineral exploration and resource modelling. Major infrared active features of carbonates lie in the thermal region around 6500 nm, 11 300 nm and 14 000 nm, with the latter two features being most useful for differentiating mineral species. A scatter diagram of the wavelength of the 14 000 nm feature vs that of the 11 300 nm feature, powerfully differentiates carbonates. Although the wavelength of the 11 300 nm peak is easily measured, the 14 000 nm trough and peak are commonly weak and their wavelengths can confidently be used only after filtering the spectra, e.g. selecting only those with the trough and peak separated by 175–230 nm, typical of common carbonates. The method is demonstrated with drillhole 120R from the Rosebery polymetallic VHMS deposit in western Tasmania, which has been scanned with the HyLogger-3 system. A 14 000–11 300 plot shows a high degree of clustering of the drillhole 120R data close to the library spectra of calcite, dolomite, Fe-dolomite, ankerite, kutnohorite, rhodochrosite, Fe-rhodochrosite and siderite. The interpreted compositions of the carbonate spectral populations strongly correlate with the chemical populations of 144 analysed carbonates and provide a highly resolved spatial framework for interpreting carbonate alteration.  相似文献   
Geological mapping of the Tucumã area has enabled the identification of dike swarms intruded into an Archean basement. The disposition of these dikes is consistent with the well-defined NW-SE trending regional faults, and they can reach up to 20 km in length. They were divided into three main groups: (i) felsic dikes (70% of the dikes), composed exclusively of porphyritic rhyolite with euhedral phenocrysts of quartz and feldspars immersed in an aphyric felsite matrix; (ii) mafic dikes, with restricted occurrence, composed of basaltic andesite and subordinate basalt, with a mineralogical assembly consisting dominantly of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and olivine; and (iii) intermediate rocks, represented by andesite and dacite. Dacites are found in outcrops associated with felsic dikes, representing different degrees of hybridization or mixture of mafic and felsic magmas. This is evidenced by a large number of mafic enclaves in the felsic dikes and the frequent presence of embayment textures. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of felsic dikes yielded an age of 1880.9 ± 3.3 Ma. The felsic dikes are peraluminous to slightly metaluminous and akin to A2, ferroan and reduced granites. The intermediate and mafic dikes are metaluminous and belong to the tholeiitic series. Geochemical modeling showed that mafic rocks evolved by pyroxene and plagioclase crystallization, while K-feldspar and biotite are the fractionate phases in felsic magma. A simple binary mixture model was used to determine the origin of intermediate rocks. It indicated that mixing 60% of rhyolite and 40% basaltic andesite melts could have generated the dacitic composition, while the andesite liquid could be produced by mixing of 60% and 40% basaltic andesite and rhyolite melts, respectively. The mixing of basaltic and andesitic magmas probably occurred during ascent and storage in the crust, where andesite dikes are likely produced by a more homogeneous mixture at high depths in the continental crust (mixing), while dacite dikes can be generated in the upper crust at a lower temperature, providing a less efficient mixing process (mingling). The affinities observed between the felsic to intermediate rocks of the Rio Maria and São Felix do Xingu areas and the bimodal magmatism of the Tucumã area reinforce the hypothesis that in the Paleoproterozoic the Carajás province was affected by processes involving thermal perturbations in the upper mantle, mafic underplating, and associated crustal extension or transtension. The 1.88 Ga fissure-controlled A-type magmatism of the Tucumã area was emplaced ∼1.0 to ∼0.65 Ga after stabilization of the Archean crust. Its origin is not related to subduction processes but to the disruption of the supercontinent at the end of the Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   
于雯  李雄耀  王世杰 《岩石学报》2016,32(1):99-106
在真空条件下矿物粉末热导率的实验测量,可为我们研究月球及行星表面的热属性和热演化,解译热红外和微波探测数据,开展月球及行星探测载荷设计提供重要的数据参数。本研究主要采用改造后的Hot Disk TPS 2500S导热仪对辉石粉末的热导率进行测量。同时,分析了真空度、温度对辉石粉末热导率的影响。实验结果表明:1)热导率随着真空度的降低呈下降趋势,大气压力在1000Pa时,辉石粉末热传导机制发生明显改变。在低压条件下(1000Pa)热导率随真空度的变化趋于平缓;2)辉石粉末热导率随温度的升高而增大,但是增大的幅度在低压和常压条件下存在明显差异。根据实验结果,提出了低压条件下辉石粉末热导率随真空度和温度变化的关系式。本研究表明,在月球和火星表面热环境的研究中,温度和压力对热导率的影响程度是不同的。上述结果对未来开展地外样品的热导率测量提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   
岩浆混合过程中不同熔体之间的相互作用会影响晶体的成核与生长,形成矿物内部复杂的成分变化,以及矿物之间的不平衡结构。尼木二长花岗岩位于冈底斯岩浆岩带中部,是代表性的形成于后碰撞构造演化时期的花岗岩体。本文对其中的斜长石与角闪石颗粒进行了详细的结构和成分分析,揭示了斜长石中的港湾状、浑圆状、筛孔状熔蚀结构以及斜长石成分的突然变化和角闪石包裹黑云母的不平衡结构,并探讨了它们的成因以及相关的岩浆混合作用。分析结果显示,斜长石中突变环带的An含量为37.6~40.6,熔蚀环带的An含量为48.2~59.5,均高于两侧斜长石的An含量(18.4~26.4),表明在形成这些结构时有外来基性岩浆的混合使得岩浆成分发生了突变。样品中的部分黑云母被自形的角闪石包裹,黑云母呈浑圆状并且具有港湾状的熔蚀边,这可能是基性岩浆的混合作用使得岩浆的温度升高导致黑云母发生部分熔融,混合后的岩浆在黑云母周围继续结晶形成角闪石。这些显微结构为揭示冈底斯岩浆岩带的岩浆混合作用提供了新证据。  相似文献   
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