Many scholars have argued that the importance of geographic proximity in human interactions has been diminished by the use of the Internet, while others disagree with this argument. Studies have noted the distance decay effect in both cyberspace and real space, showing that interactions occur with an inverse relationship between the number of interactions and the distance between the locations of the interactors. However, these studies rarely provide strong evidence to show the influence of distance on interactions in cyberspace, nor do they quantify the differences in the amount of friction of distance between cyberspace and real space. To fill this gap, this study used massive amounts of social media data (Twitter) to compare the influence of distance decay on human interactions between cyberspace and real space in a quantitative manner. To estimate the distance decay effect in both cyberspace and real space, the distance decay function of interactions in each space was modeled. Estimating the distance decay in cyberspace in this study can help predict the degree of information flow across space through social media. Measuring how far ideas can be diffused through social media is useful for users of location-based services, policy advocates, public health officials, and political campaigners. 相似文献
We investigated the upper mantle anelastic structure beneath the northern Philippine Sea region, including the Izu-Bonin subduction zone and the Shikoku Basin. We used regional waveform data from 69 events in the Pacific and the Philippine Sea slabs, recorded on F-net and J-array network broadband stations in western Japan. Using the S–P phase pair method, we obtained differential attenuation factors, δt*, which represent the relative whole path Q. We conducted a tomographic inversion using 978 δt* values to invert for a fine-scale (50–100 km) three-dimensional anelastic structure.
The results shows two high-Q regions (QP>1000) which are consistent with the locations of the Pacific and the Philippine Sea slabs. Also there is a low-Q (QP110) area extending to the deeper parts (350–400 km) of the model just beneath the old spreading center and the Kinan Seamount Chain in the Shikoku Basin. A small depth dependence of the laterally averaged QP was found, with values of 266 (0–250 km), 301 (250–400 km), and 413 (400–500 km). 相似文献
When ordinary Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is used to simulate wave propagation in a wave tank, it is usually observed that the wave height decays and the wave length elongates along the direction of wave propagation. Accompanied with this phenomenon, the pressure under water decays either and shows a big oscillation simultaneously. The reason is the natural potential tensile instability of modeling water motion with ordinary SPH which is caused by particle negative stress in the computation. To deal with the problems, a new sextic kernel function is proposed to reduce this instability. An appropriate smooth length is given and its computation criterion is also suggested. At the same time, a new kind dynamic boundary condition is introduced. Based on these improvements, the new SPH method named stability improved SPH (SISPH) can simulate the wave propagation well. Both the water surface and pressure can be well expressed and the oscillation of pressure is nearly eliminated. Compared with other improved methods, SISPH can truly reveal the physical reality without bringing some new problems in a simple way. 相似文献
A set of eight principles is contained in the European Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management. The principles have been adopted with the minimum of critical review. The six core principles form two groups, one concerned with strategic goals and one that has a local focus. The principles are presented as a menu of free-standing options, with no prioritization either within or between groups. This can produce irreconcilable differences in strategy. The principles require clarification, prioritization of the strategic principles and recognition that they are an indivisible integrated set which should not be used to select principles to advance a particular agenda. 相似文献