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“流空间”是人文-经济地理学关注的重要议题。基于城际客运交通流数据,运用ArcGIS空间分析、城市联系强度模型等方法对长江经济带长三角、长江中游、成渝三大城市群城际客运联系网络结构特征进行刻画,结果表明:①长三角城市群城际客运联系网络以上海市为主核心,苏州、南京、杭州为次核心,通过核心城市向外延伸的交通轴线组成相互之间联系紧密的城市网络,西部与南部地区的联系相对较弱;长江中游城市群城际客运联系网络以武汉、长沙、南昌三个省会城市为核心节点,周边次中心城市与其省会交通联系紧密,但城市间跨省联系较弱,本省城市仅与另外两个省会城市存在突出的向心性联系;成渝城市群高等级联系网络大多指向成都、重庆主城区,次级区域中心城市发育不足,成渝城市主轴线在强交通联系推动下发育成型,但川渝接壤地区的城际客运联系存在“断层”。②长江经济带三大城市群在网络化演化进程中,具有城市群“等级-网络”的基本演化特征,其中成渝城市群、长江中游城市群仍处于“核心-边缘”的双核或三核结构,长三角城市群已出现多核网络化发展趋势。③高速铁路作为新兴要素流,对公路、普通铁路等传统要素流具有明显的替代效应,增强了三大城市群核心城市向外延伸的轴线联系,是驱动城市群城际客运联系网络结构演变的新动力。  相似文献   
本文以我国北黄海的烟威渔场为研究对象,采用优选因子场预报模式,对盐度的时空变化进行预报试验。文中对所采用的统计预报方法,作了简要介绍。对影响本海区盐度变化的显著因子及预报结果作了初步分析。预报试验表明:预报的总体平均绝对误差为0.27‰,预报相对误差在18%左右,预报误差小于0.5‰的站数占总站数的85%,预报趋势与实测资料基本一致。  相似文献   
长江口海域赤潮成因及其防治对策   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
对长江口海域的赤潮发生形势进行了系统总结与分析,探讨了长江口海域赤潮灾害的成因及其防治对策。长江口及邻近海域是我国赤朝高发区,自20世纪80年代以来赤潮发生越来越频繁,赤潮生物种类增加,2002年首次发生了有毒亚历山大藻(Alexandrium sp.)赤潮,赤潮危害程度在增大,这与长江口海域的环境和生物条件、河口最大军浊带、长江上游大型水利工程建设以及全球气候变化对长江口海域赤潮高发区的影响有直接关系,同时河口海域甲藻孢囊也是赤潮发生的种源。建议建立赤潮立体监测体系、赤潮信息管理系统、海产品赤潮毒素卫生检疫制度和赤潮应急响应机制,全面加强长江口海域的赤潮监控与防治工作。  相似文献   
Based on the stratigraphic sequence formed since the last glaciation and revealed by 3000 km long high-resolution shallow seismic profiles and the core QDZ03 acquired recently off the southern Shandong Peninsula, we addressed the sedimentary characteristics of a Holocene subaqueous clinoform in this paper. Integrated analyses were made on the core QDZ03, including sedimentary facies, sediment grain sizes, clay minerals, geochemistry, micro paleontology, and AMS 14 C dating. The result indicates that there exists a Holocene subaqueous clinoform, whose bottom boundary generally lies at 15–40 m below the present sea level with its depth contours roughly parallel to the coast and getting deeper seawards. The maximum thickness of the clinoform is up to 22.5 m on the coast side, and the thickness contours generally spread in a banded way along the coastline and becomes thinner towards the sea. At the mouths of some bays along the coast, the clinoform stretches in the shape of a fan and its thickness is evidently larger than that of the surrounding sediments. This clinoform came into being in the early Holocene(about 11.2 cal kyr BP) and can be divided into the lower and upper depositional units(DU 2 and DU 1, respectively). The unit DU 2, being usually less than 3 m in thickness and formed under a low sedimentation rate, is located between the bottom boundary and the Holocene maximum flooding surface(MFS), and represents the sediment of a post-glacial transgressive systems tract; whereas the unit DU 1, the main body of the clinoform, sits on the MFS, belonging to the sediment of a highstand systems tract from middle Holocene(about 7–6 cal kyr BP) to the present. The provenance of the clinoform differs from that of the typical sediments of the Yellow River and can be considered as the results of the joint contribution from both the Yellow River and the proximal coastal sediments of the Shandong Peninsula, as evidenced by the sediment geochemistry of the core. As is controlled mainly by coactions of multiple factors such as the Holocene sea-level changes, sediment supplies and coastal dynamic conditions, the development of the clinoform is genetically related with the synchronous clinoform or subaqueous deltas around the northeastern Shandong Peninsula and in the northern South Yellow Sea in the spatial distribution and sediment provenance, as previously reported, with all of them being formed from the initial stage of the Holocene up to the present.  相似文献   
I.IntroductionTownplanningandmanagementneedsvarioustopographicalmaps,cadastralmapsandplanningmaps,statisticaldataanddynamicallycollectingdatathroughfieldsurveying,remotesensingandonthespotinvestigation.BeforetherapiddevelopmentofGISinthe1980s,howtoimport,…  相似文献   
Understanding spatio-temporal suspended sediment dynamics is more important in large watersheds due to the decisive role of local source apportionment in sediment transport and yield. The Talar River with a large mountainous watershed in northern Iran, which plays a vital role in water supply for agriculture and drinking, recently has faced quality degradation. The current study explores the relative contribution of suspended sediment sources using geochemical tracers and fingerprinting techniqu...  相似文献   
长江口北支盐水倒灌南支对青草沙水源地的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
自1978年以来,在长江口的几个关键岸段(例青龙港、新建、高桥、堡镇等)设置盐度观测站;1992-1994年的枯季、在青草沙水源地的南、北两侧各抛测量船一般,在一个完整的大、中、小潮期间、连续逐时观测流速、流向、水深、盐度等,同时在青龙港等处设置6个岸边观测点同步取样;1995-1996年在船站位置各设置氯离子自动监测仪一台;1996年3月又进行了一次大规模的长江口水文测验。本文对大量的现场资料作了分析计算。研究结果表明,青草沙水源地盐水来源主要有北支倒灌咸水团和外海咸水入侵。前者的特征为,氯度的半月变化是小潮期(或小潮后的寻常潮)的氯度反高于大潮期,氯度的潮周日变化是日最高值出现在落憩附近,日最低值出现在涨憩附近,氯度的垂向分层不明显。这与外海盐水入侵引起的氯离子浓度在半月和潮周日内的变化特征正好相反。  相似文献   
冬季黄海暖流区的空间变化和年际变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用了多年连续的冬季水文调查数据,以黄海暖水舌作为黄海暖流的示性指标,采用经验函数正交分解及相关分析的方法,探讨了黄海暖流的年际变化特征,结果表明:1)黄海暖流的强弱存在4~7 a的年际变化周期,并与冬季局地季风的经向分量具有较好的相关关系;2)黄海暖流的流轴存在一个3~6 a的变化周期,而且其流轴的摆动明显受冬季季风纬向分量的影响;3)季风增强,黄海暖流增强且流轴西移.  相似文献   
基于遥感的黄河三角洲海岸线变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以黄河三角洲的Landsat TM/ETM+影像(1989~2009年)为数据源,采用遥感与地理信息系统技术,对黄河三角洲的岸线与面积变化进行监测。结果表明:1989年以来,黄河三角洲的岸线形状及长度均发生了较大变化,其中北部的刁口河流路区岸线向内陆蚀退明显;清水沟流路区的岸线整体向海域推进,部分区域有蚀退现象;神仙沟流路区主要为人工海堤,岸线变化不大。黄河三角洲的整体面积在1989~2009年处于增加中,但2006~2009年,面积变化为负值。从淤蚀情况来看,1989~2009年,黄河三角洲的淤蚀强度经历了"和缓-剧烈"的过程。这说明20年来黄河三角洲整体上处于增长发育中,但2006年后三角洲整体上呈现蚀退现象,同时黄河三角洲的淤蚀情况变得比以往更剧烈,意味着更强的海陆交汇作用和岸线变化。黄河的入海流路、水沙量、降水量等是影响三角洲岸线变化的重要因素,而人工堤坝能够在一定程度上维持海岸线的稳定。对黄河三角洲海岸线变化的研究有助于有效地管理和保护区域的社会和生态环境。  相似文献   
The densities of 36 water samples from the Huanghe River estuary and Bohai Bay were determinedby a magnetic float densimcter under three temperatures from 15℃ to 25℃.All the measured densities ofsamples were greater than that of the values calculated from the International Equation of State of Seawater.The differences between the measured and calculated densities increased with the decrease of salinities.The dif-ferences appeared exponentially correlated with[Ca~(2+)]/s,[Mg~(2+)]/s and[SO_4~(2-)]/s,and had"s"type curverelationship with the alkalinity in all salinity range.But in the salinity ranging from 25.72 to 31.57,therelationships were all linear.The density difference can be estimated from the equation △ρ(10~3kg·m~(-3))=(-2.79+236.5([Ca~(2+)]/s)/(-9.7464×10~(-3)+[Ca~(2+)]/s).It was the high alkalinity and[Ca~(2+)]/s that resulted in the measured densi-ties of seawaters being higher than the calculated densities in the Huanghe estuary and Bohai Bay.  相似文献   
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