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This study estimates consumer demand for eco-friendly labeled canned tuna products in two distinct US marketing channels, conventional and natural supermarkets, to evaluate market-based incentives for conservation measures that affect fishing costs and retail prices. Using retail scanner data, this paper finds that US consumer demand for canned tuna varies depending on the species of tuna, what gear type was used, whether the can is sold in natural food or conventional supermarkets, and whether canned product is or is not certified as eco-friendly. The paper's main conclusions are that retail price premiums for eco-friendly products face upper limits due to consumer responses to higher prices, and are most effective when coupled with: (1) inelastic own-price elasticity of demand; (2) price premium signals that are transmitted from retail markets to raw material producers; and (3) limited retail consumption substitution possibilities with lower-priced conventional products that help maintain price premiums and that otherwise create conservation disincentives by increasing conventional supply. Results from this paper not only have unique implications for various forms of international tuna fisheries policy that incorporates or anticipates change in market behavior, but also could serve as a scientific reference to clarify the trade disputes.  相似文献   
A proposed nationwide ban on the sale of shark fins within the United States would undermine sustainable shark fisheries, would have little effect on global shark mortality, and would perpetuate the misconception that the shark fin trade is the only threat facing sharks. Instead, placing a priority on policies focusing on sustainable shark fisheries management is preferred for meeting the goals of shark conservation.  相似文献   
文章采用SWOT-AHP分析法对舟山海岛休闲业的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战4方面设定指标14项,并进行研究分析,结果表明:舟山海岛休闲产业有良好的区位、资源和政策优势,舟山海岛休闲产业面临的形势,依次为:机遇、优势、劣势、威胁,产业优势和机遇处于利好位置,但同时面临着一系列如缺乏统一规划、产品特色不突出、缺乏完善的管理体制机制、竞争中同质化情况明显等问题。针对此现状及问题提出科学规划可持续发展、完善管理体制机制、强化市场宣传,提升知名度、倡导生态旅游,提升环保意识、加强产品创新及人才培养等建议,以促进舟山海岛休闲业的稳步发展,给舟山及我国海岛休闲业的发展提供一些参考,以实现我国海岛休闲产业的品质化与多元化,促进海岛休闲产业的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   
文章提出了“极地海岸带”这一概念,并从海岸带内涵的视角深入阐述了极地海岸带的定义和范围,全面分析了极地海岸带的特殊性和重要性。从调查监测技术发展和涉及学科领域两个角度梳理总结了与极地海岸带相关的调查监测实践。同时,分析了极地海岸带调查研究的前沿问题,提出了极地海岸带资源生态要素的调查监测发展方向,即充分利用遥感和现场探测手段,以较低成本来探明大空间尺度和长时间序列下的极地海岸带区域资源环境生态要素与时空变化特征。最后,构建了“双源数据挖掘-空间耦合模拟-区域综合评估-影响模拟预测”的知识与技术体系,为我国构建极地海岸带区域资源生态管理与保护政策体系提供科技支撑。  相似文献   
作者对加州鲈鱼繁殖习性及早期胚胎发育进行了阐述,对受精卵孵化与水温的关系进行了研究。结果表明:加州鲈鱼2龄即达性成熟,3—6月繁殖产卵,水温20℃—24℃时达产卵盛期;雄鱼具有筑巢护卵及护苗等生殖习性;水温17.4℃—19.5℃,平均18.3℃时,受精卵孵化时数为74小时25分钟;在实验温度范围内,孵化时数与水温负相关,而与有效积温正相关。有效积温与平均水温负相关。  相似文献   
采用显微镜和连续切片技术,观察了大菱鲆胚胎发育阶段的形态学和组织学特征。结果表明,大菱鲆胚胎发育主要经历6个时期;在14℃,胚体经108h即可孵化出膜。胚胎在64细胞期出现纬裂,分裂球分化为外层的包被层和内部的深层细胞;多细胞期形成卵黄合胞体层;低囊胚期形成囊胚腔。受精后26h30min胚盾出现。胚盘下包65%时,头突...  相似文献   
Although overexploitation of commercial fish stocks in European waters has been in the public debate now for more than 20 years, the European Union has so far failed to implement sustainable fisheries management. Millions in subsidies paid to the fishing industry have led to significant excess capacity in the fishing fleet. Various feeble attempts to stop overexploitation of marine resources have failed. The cause is that fishing policy is highly dominated by short-term socioeconomic interests. There is an urgent need for a new fisheries management system in Europe that supports reductions in the fishing fleet, increases responsibility among fishers and guarantees long-term conservation of natural marine resources.Transferable rights to fish have proved a reliable and effective means of creating incentives to conserve marine resources. By strengthening individual fishing rights under flexible quota management systems, the EU Member States could, within the Common Fisheries Policy, make a significant contribution to conserving fish stocks, to reducing excess capacity and to raising the profitability of the fisheries industry. A closer look at existing reservations against a flexible management system shows most of the objections to be overstated or capable of resolution.  相似文献   
Ecosystem changes currently question the traditional allocation of fishing rights and quotas in the fishery of Northeast Atlantic mackerel and Norwegian spring-spawning herring in the Northeast Atlantic. Variability in the distribution of these highly migratory species escalated in a political conflict between member states of the European Union, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Norway, which is a driving force for unsustainable fishery. The aim of this paper is to investigate this conflict by outlining the social understandings of diverse stakeholders by using the Q methodology. The method reduced the complexity of numerous opinions, detected four distinct perspectives and simultaneously categorised the participating stakeholders. Although the perspectives differ in various elements, the protection of economic interests seems to dominate over the quest for sustainability. The call of all stakeholders in this study to clarify the fishing rights in the Northeast Atlantic reveals a clear deficiency of the current international fishery management in handling abrupt ecological changes and the necessity to acknowledge this as a complex adaptive system.  相似文献   
中国重力勘探的发展与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
回顾了重力勘探半个世纪的发展概况,尤其是自80年代以来在技术方法上的进步对重力勘探发展的影响;概述重力勘探在区域重力调查、区域构造研究、油气勘探和固体矿产勘探等方面取得的成就;最后对重力勘探的发展方向,提出进一步发展的意见.  相似文献   
Brad Coombes 《Geoforum》2007,38(1):60-72
Conservation practitioners have scrutinized the credibility and effectiveness of community-based natural resource management, noting its romantic misconceptions about communities and their capacities. Early approaches failed to acknowledge the heterogeneity of collective agents, the synergy between decentralization and neoliberalism, or the need to affirm rural peoples’ entitlements to resources. A Maori community’s attempt to restore Lake Whakaki on New Zealand’s east coast confirms many of these critiques. The restoration confronts institutional ambivalence, obstructive forces from beyond the zone of Maori influence and non-correspondence between community and catchment dynamics. Fulfilment of the project requires exogenous resources and authority, but state conservation agencies are ambivalent towards local demands for self-determined development. Nonetheless, an uncommon degree of agency which is grounded within community aspirations for sovereignty suggests that the motivational characteristics of community retain their importance in debates about integrated conservation and development.  相似文献   
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