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The Norwegian massif of Rondane is part of the Scandes Mountains and is subject to polar, oceanic and continental influences. Because of its climatic context and its quartzitic structure, the massif has one of the thickest functional periglacial belts in Europe (1200 m). This belt is not fixed considering its translation in altitude since the end of the Little Ice Age. This mobility is continuing and involves periglacial decay dynamics which are revealed by numerous and various periglacial forms in the field. Because of their frequency in the massif and also their sensitivity to climate fluctuations, earth patches and small non‐sorted circles have a diagnostic value for current periglacial climate fluctuations. The major aim of this study is to propose several indicators of this periglacial decay and to highlight its consequences on periglacial belt mobility because these landforms enable the delimitation of a critical belt of decay in the massif.  相似文献   
老柞山金矿田鸡爪沟金矿床地质特征及成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了鸡爪沟金矿床地质特征和成因 ,并对形成过程进行理论推导 ,认为该矿床为与火山作用有关的中温岩浆热液充填型矿床。  相似文献   
沙丘粒度特征不仅能反映沙丘沙物质的来源与动力,也可以体现地形对风沙流运移的改变。对西藏朋曲流域不同地貌部位流动沙丘表层沉积物的粒度特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)朋曲流域流动沙丘表层沉积物粒度组分以中沙(46.51%)和细沙(40.52%)为主,粗沙(5.87%)与极细沙(5.87%)次之,黏土(0.37%)与粉沙(0.85%)含量最低。流动沙丘表层沉积物平均粒径1.41—2.32 Φ,分选系数0.45—0.79 Φ,偏度0.01—0.24,峰度0.98—1.80。(2)从河漫滩到河流阶地到山坡,流动沙丘粒度逐渐变小,频率分布曲线逐渐变高变窄,粒径越来越集中,沿主导风向自西南向东北概率累积曲线斜率逐渐增大,分选性逐渐变好。(3)河漫滩至河流高级阶地流动沙丘表层沉积物随海拔升高粒径变小,坡麓至坡顶随海拔升高粒径变大,分选却变好,表明山坡上沙丘与阶地上沙丘的沙物质来自于不同河段的河床或河漫滩。  相似文献   
张峻  张艺玄 《暴雨灾害》2019,15(3):259-266

利用1958-2017年长江中下游地区426个国家站逐日降水资料,通过线性趋势分析法、EOF分解法,使用五个降水特征量,分析了60 a来长江中下游地区降水的变化规律。结果表明:(1)长江中下游地区年降水量呈上升趋势,线性趋势为2.21 mm·a-1,夏季的线性趋势为2.03 mm·a-1,冬季雨量略增,而春、秋两季雨量略减;(2)年降水日数的线性趋势为-0.46 d·a1,春、秋、冬三季降水日数均有减少,夏季持平;(3)降水强度呈弱上升趋势,降水强度的高值中心在江西以东大部以及湖北东部、安徽南部边缘,夏季的降水强度最大,冬季的最小,四季的降水强度均有弱增加趋势;(4)降水变异系数的高值中心位于安徽西北部边缘,最高值为0.25,低值中心位于湖南西部,最低值为0.14;春季的降水变异系数最低,夏季整体稳定,秋冬两季的波动性较大;(5)以年降水量作为指标可以把长江中下游地区划分为三种空间分布型,即长江中下游流域区域一致型、长江中下游北部和南部南北反相变化空间型以及长江中下游东部和西部东西反相变化空间型。

Choice of neighborhood scale affects associations between environmental attributes and health-related outcomes. This phenomenon, a part of the modifiable areal unit problem, has been described fully in geography but not as it relates to food environment research. Using two administrative-based geographic boundaries (census tracts and block groups), supermarket geographic measures (density, cumulative opportunity and distance to nearest) were created to examine differences by scale and associations between three common U.S. Census–based socioeconomic status (SES) characteristics (median household income, percentage of population living below poverty and percentage of population with at least a high school education) and a summary neighborhood SES z-score in an eight-county region of South Carolina. General linear mixed-models were used. Overall, both supermarket density and cumulative opportunity were higher when using census tract boundaries compared to block groups. In analytic models, higher median household income was significantly associated with lower neighborhood supermarket density and lower cumulative opportunity using either the census tract or block group boundaries, and neighborhood poverty was positively associated with supermarket density and cumulative opportunity. Both median household income and percent high school education were positively associated with distance to nearest supermarket using either boundary definition, whereas neighborhood poverty had an inverse association. Findings from this study support the premise that supermarket measures can differ by choice of geographic scale and can influence associations between measures. Researchers should consider the most appropriate geographic scale carefully when conducting food environment studies.  相似文献   
南黄海夏末叶绿素a的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
根据1995年9月利用日本《神鹰丸》号调查船在黄海32°00'–35°00'N,122°00'–127°00'E海区的19个站位上进行的中日联合调查研究中叶绿素a含量的调查资料,探讨南黄海海区夏末初叶绿素a含量的变化、平面分布、断面分布和垂直分布状况,以及与海域环境因子之间的关系。在每个测站上作垂直取样,表层水用圆塑料桶取自海表面,深层水用日本提供的专用采水器采集,取出水样立即量取200ml,用玻璃纤维滤膜过滤浓缩,并加入2%的饱和碳酸镁溶液,防止叶绿素脱镁,然后保存在冰箱内(-1°C),用冰桶带回实验室进行分析。将载有浮游植物的滤膜放入闪烁瓶内加入10ml 90%的丙酮溶液,在冰箱内提取24h。用萃取荧光法测定叶绿素a含量。结果表明,该海域的叶绿素a含量较高,平均值为1.14mg/m3,其变化范围为0.10–7.76mg/m3,最高值在次表层。(1)平面分布:各层次平面分布特征差异较大。33°00'–33°30'N之间叶绿素a含量均较低,低于0.50mg/m3。33°30'N以北,叶绿素a含量低于0.20mg/m3,而33°00'N以南,除济州岛附近的17–19导站以外,叶绿素a含量均较高,高于100mg/m3。(2)断面分布:水深在30m时,叶绿素a含量的高值区在20m以上水体的次表层中,而水深为50–80m时,其高值分布在20–40m的次表层中。(3)叶绿素a的垂直分布也体现了断面分布的特征。所以作者认为,光是浮游植物生长和繁殖的重要因子之一。  相似文献   
基于自然与人文多重栅格数据,构建人居环境质量综合指数评价模型,分析2015年关中平原城市群人居环境的空间分异格局,并对人口分布与人居环境质量的协同性进行探讨。结果表明:(1)人居自然环境呈现出自东向西,由山地、高原向平原、谷地依次递减的空间分布格局,受地形影响最为明显,地形起伏度与人居自然环境呈负相关关系。(2)人居人文环境表现出平原低、山区高,城镇高于乡村的空间分布格局,受城市行政层级影响显著。(3)关中平原城市群人居环境综合质量指数介于0.216~0.716之间,呈现出以关中平原、汾河谷地向外梯级递减的带状空间分布格局。(4)关中平原城市群人口密度与人居环境质量空间分布显著一致,总体呈现出平原高于山地,城市高于乡村的空间分布规律,人居环境质量越高,人口密度越大,土地利用也越充分。  相似文献   
土地利用变化空间模拟的进展--CLUE-S模型及其应用   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
土地利用变化的空间模拟是进行土地利用情景分析的重要基础。本文在介绍了国际上常用的细胞自控模型(CA)、土地利用变化及效应模型(CLUE)的基础上,重点分析了小尺度土地利用变化及效应模型(CLUE-S)的方法,并以邯郸地区为例进行了案例研究。认为CLUE-S模型采取经验模型的方法,通过建立土地利用空间分配和驱动因子之间的统计关系模拟近期土地利用变化的情景。同时也考虑了不同土地利用方式之间的竞争关系,因此可以较好地模拟小尺度地区的近期土地利用变化情景;考虑到短期或近期土地利用变化的因子主要与人类的社会经济活动有关,而社会经济因子的空间化尚存在一定难度。因此,突破这一瓶颈成为CLUE-S模型发展和应用的关键;CLUE-S模型主要解决的是不同空间尺度上的土地利用空间分配问题,在土地生产潜力评价、土地利用规划等方面具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   
Rainfall regimes with strong spatial and temporal variation are characteristic of many coastal regions of north and eastern Australia. In coastal regions of north eastern Australia, regimes vary considerably over short distances. This occurs because of changes in local topography, including the height and orientation of mountain ranges and the direction of the coastline with respect to the prevailing moist south east air stream. Northern Australia experiences a tropical monsoon climate with rainfall occurring predominantly during the summer months. Areas with a closer proximity to the coast typically experience the heavier rainfalls. While networks of rainfall gauges have been established and continuous records are available for most of these stations from the 1890s, their low distribution density relative to the complexity of rainfall pattern they are required to represent means that there remains a poor understanding of the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall in the wet tropics. An enhanced knowledge of rainfall distribution in both space and time has the potential to deliver significant economic and environmental benefits to managers of natural resources. This paper reports on the application of a technique for estimating mean annual and mean monthly rainfall across the Herbert River catchment of north east Australia's dry and wet tropics. The technique utilises thin plate smoothing splines to incorporate both location and elevation into estimates of rainfall distribution. We demonstrate that the method can be applied successfully at the meso scale and within the domain of routinely available data. As such, the method has broad relevance for decision making.  相似文献   
苏北滨海滩涂湿地位于现代长江口与废黄河口之间,是最典型的淤泥质平原海岸,其演变特征及空间格局具有鲜明的特征。本文选用1980年、1992年、2008年的TM 和ALOS影像为主要数据源,构建了基于空间分割和转移矩阵分析模型,研究了近30年来苏北滨海滩涂湿地的演变特征及其空间格局。结果表明: ①苏北滨海滩涂发生了巨大变化,近30年间滩涂总面积减少了1273.11 km2,平均每年减少45.47 km2;滩涂湿地侵蚀/淤积面积约965.14 km2,0 m等深线冲刷后退减少的面积约为307.97 km2。②苏北滨海滩涂湿地区域差异性明显。南北方向上可划分为6个自然地理单元,东西方向上可划分为3个区域。③苏北滨海滩涂湿地演变中,湿地转型、湿地丧失和湿地演替分别占总面积的38.39%、14.80%、20.51%;其中天然湿地减少354.1 km2,人工湿地增加1061.45 km2,非湿地增加253.09 km2。④滩涂湿地主要植被群落演替特征和空间分布也呈现出差异性。湿地演替主要发生在净变区,与对应岸段的海岸侵蚀/淤积类型基本吻合。  相似文献   
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