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Long gravity records are of great interest when performing tidal analyses. Indeed, long series enable to separate contributions of near-frequency waves and also to detect low frequency signals (e.g. long period tides and polar motion). In addition to the length of the series, the quality of the data and the temporal stability of the noise are also very important. We study in detail some of the longest gravity records available in Europe: 3 data sets recorded with spring gravimeters in Black Forest Observatory (Germany, 1980–2012), Walferdange (Luxemburg, 1980–1995) and Potsdam (Germany, 1974–1998) and several superconducting gravimeters (SGs) data sets, with at least 9 years of continuous records, at different European GGP (Global Geodynamics Project) sites (Bad Homburg, Brussels, Medicina, Membach, Moxa, Vienna, Wettzell and Strasbourg). The stability of each instrument is investigated using the temporal variations of tidal parameters (amplitude factor and phase difference) for the main tidal waves (O1, K1, M2 and S2) as well as the M2/O1 factor ratio, the later being insensitive to the instrumental calibration. The long term stability of the tidal observations is also dependent on the stability of the scale factor of the relative gravimeters. Therefore we also check the time stability of the scale factor for the superconducting gravimeter C026 installed at the J9 Gravimetric Observatory of Strasbourg (France), using numerous calibration experiments carried out by co-located absolute gravimeter (AG) measurements during the last 15 years. The reproducibility of the scale factor and the achievable precision are investigated by comparing the results of different calibration campaigns. Finally we present a spectrum of the 25 years of SG records at J9 Observatory, with special attention to small amplitude tides in the semi-diurnal and diurnal bands, as well as to the low frequency part.  相似文献   
本文根据CTD观测资料,分析了研究海区的温、盐、密度跃层的分布与变化,讨论了逆温逆盐层的分布区域,并从跃层角度出发,分析了深层水的涌升,黄海冷水团的上边界以及台湾暖流在东海北部的影响范围。  相似文献   
使用国家气象信息中心整理的逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,创建了江南春雨建立时间指数和南海副热带高压(副高)减弱时间指数,研究了江南春雨各要素的相互关系及其与东亚夏季风环流和降水的关系。分析表明,当江南春雨建立较晚时,夏季江南地区的降水也较少,这是由于东亚夏季风加强,高原近侧气旋性环流加强,使江南地区出现异常反气旋性环流(气旋性辐合环流减弱)所致;当南海副高减弱较晚时,长江中下游至江南地区降水偏多,易发洪涝,这主要是由于东亚夏季风减弱,南海副高偏强,华南的异常西南风与围绕高原的异常反气旋环流的偏北风在长江中下游流域形成异常气旋性环流所致。江南春雨的建立时间和南海副高减弱时间之间又具有线性无关性,可以为东亚夏季风环流和降水异常的预报提供重要线索。两指数与3月ENSO综合指数MEI关系密切,表明东亚的气候异常与ENSO 全球气候异常紧密联系,因此在分析预测东亚气候异常时必须同时关注全球气候异常背景。  相似文献   
黑河地区土壤及小麦体内水分动态观测分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了甘肃黑河地区麦田土壤水分的变化动态。对春小麦同部位叶片及不同土壤分析的叶水势、气孔导度和蒸腾强度的日变化规律进行了观测和分析。对春小麦叶鞘、叶片和茎水势的变化民政部进行了比较。分析了土壤水分对叶水势、气孔导度和蒸腾强度的影响。建立了相对应的函数关系。  相似文献   
广东干旱害的气候成因及其防御对策   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
分析了广东干旱害的气候成因 ,特别对 1998年下半年以来广东气候异常、旱情严重、春耕生产受阻作了具体分析 ,并提出了防御干旱害的对策。  相似文献   
利用GODAS海洋温度资料、中国753站逐日降水资料以及NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料讨论了前期夏季西太平洋暖池热含量异常对江南春雨的影响,并通过高低层环流异常解释了其可能过程和机制。研究结果表明:(1)前期夏季暖池区热含量影响春雨的敏感海区位于9°~16°N,150°~166°E,与春雨强度呈显著反相关,前期夏季关键区热含量的显著偏低是春雨异常偏多的强信号。(2)多雨年和少雨年大气环流差值场与夏季暖池热含量(取反号)回归的次年春季大气环流形态基本一致。低层菲律宾海异常反气旋西北侧的暖湿西南气流输送及江南地区高层辐散抽吸运动是造成春雨偏多的直接原因。(3)关键区热含量在前期夏季的异常偏低使低层异常反气旋在其西北侧触发生成,并在菲律宾海附近持续存在(前夏至当年春季),春季引导强盛的西南气流向江南输送水汽;同时,热含量异常偏低在我国大陆东部激发出高层异常气旋并持续维持(前秋至当年春季),导致春季西风急流轴异常南压,高层形成异常辐散中心,形成强烈的抽吸作用,导致江南春雨显著偏多。前夏热含量显著偏高引起江南春雨偏少的过程则与之相反。  相似文献   
春季和夏季爆发型ENSO事件对夏季中国降水的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用NCEP再分析资料、海温资料以及中国台站降水资料,借助统计方法,讨论了不同爆发型El Ni?o和La Ni?a事件对中国夏季(5~10月)降水分布的影响。根据定义,El Ni?o和La Ni?a事件分为两类:一类是在4~6月爆发,称为春季爆发型(分为ELSP1、ELSP2、ELSP3和LASP);一类是在7~10月爆发,称为夏季爆发型(分为ELSU和LASU)。结果显示,ELSP1型当年夏季,中国夏季降水主要呈现负距平分布,其中显著降水偏少区集中在黄河流域,在其次年夏季,降水由南往北呈现"-、+、-"异常分布,显著降水偏多区主要集中于中原地带。ELSP2型当年夏季和次年夏季,中国夏季降水基本呈现相反变化分布,即当年夏季,全国降水以偏少为主,次年夏季全国降水以偏多为主。ELSP3型当年夏季,以华南降水偏多、其余地区降水偏少为主,在其次年夏季,降水主要以长江流域和华北偏多。ELSU型当年夏季,长江以北降水偏少、西南以及华南沿海降水偏多;次年夏季,降水由南往北呈现"-、+、-、+"异常分布。LASP型当年夏季使得全国降水基本一致增多,尤其是长江流域;而在其次年夏季,除了淮河和长江下游地区降水略多异常,全国降水以基本偏少为主。LASU型当年夏季,降水呈现长江以南偏少、以北偏多的主要分布形势,在其次年夏季,除了长江中下游区域降水偏多以外,其余地区降水均偏少。降水的异常分布与Hadley环流和水汽异常分布密切相关。但LASU型所导致的环流变化对中国夏季降水预测指示意义比较弱。  相似文献   
The chemical and isotopic characteristics (oxygen, hydrogen, and strontium) of spring waters and isotopic compositions of helium (He) and neon (Ne) in gases escaping from spring waters in the Lanping–Simao Basin are studied. A total of twenty-one spring water samples (twelve hot springs, four cold springs, and five saline springs) and eleven gas samples were collected from the study area, including one spring and one gas sample from northern Laos. It is found that saline spring waters in the study area are of chloride type, cold spring waters are of carbonate type or sulfate type, and hot spring waters are of various types. High total dissolved solids levels in saline springs are significantly related to Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene salt-bearing strata. On the basis of hydrochemical geothermometry, the reservoir temperatures (Tr) for hot springs, cold springs, and saline springs are 65.5–144.1, 37.8–64.4, and 65.1–109.0 °C, respectively, and the circulation depths of saline springs are much larger than those of hot and cold springs. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of springs in the Lanping–Simao Basin and northern Laos are primarily controlled by meteoric waters with obvious latitude and altitude effects, and are also influenced by δ18O exchange to some extent. Most Sr2+ in spring waters of the study area is derived from varied sources (carbonate, evaporite, and silicate mineral dissolution), and the Sr isotopic compositions are greatly influenced by volcanic rocks. Wide distribution of crust-derived He in the Lanping–Simao Basin and northern Laos reveal that faults in these areas may not descend to the upper mantle. It is concluded that water circulation in the study area may be limited above the upper mantle, while saline springs may originate from the Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene evaporites. Hydrochemical characteristics demonstrate affinities among the Lanping–Simao Basin, northern Laos, and Yanjing, eastern Tibet, while disaffinities are observed between these areas and Tengchong on the basis of the hydrochemical characteristics and noble gas isotopic compositions.  相似文献   
The 1959 discovery of the hominin fossil Zinjanthropus boisei brought the world's attention to the rich records at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Subsequent excavations of archaeological level 22 (FLK Zinj) Bed I uncovered remains of Homo habilis and a high-density collection of fossils and Oldowan stone tools. The occurrence of this unusual collection of bones and tools at this specific location has been controversial for decades. We present paleoecological data that provide new insights into the origin of FLK Zinj. Our recent excavations 200 m north of the site uncovered a 0.5-m-thick tufa mound draped by Tuff IC, in the same stratigraphic horizon as level 22. Stable isotope analyses indicate that the carbonates were deposited by a freshwater spring. Phytolith analysis of the waxy clay under Tuff IC revealed abundant woody dicotyledon and palm phytoliths, indicating that the site was wooded to densely wooded. The time equivalency and close physical proximity of the two environments indicate the two are related. This study has provided the first documented evidence of springs in Bed I and these data have important implications for the interpretation of hominin behavior in meat acquisition and the ongoing debate on scavenging versus hunting.  相似文献   
利用山西省72个国家气象站1961—2020年4—5月的降水量资料、NECP/NCAR月平均再分析资料和UKMO HADISST1海表温度资料,采用EOF、气候倾向率、滑动平均、小波分析、合成分析等方法,对春播期降水的时空变化及环流异常特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)山西省春播期降水量场主要有全省一致型,南北差异型以及南北和中部差异型这3种主要模态,分别占总年数的63.3%,25%和11.7%。(2)春播期降水量的增多趋势不显著,共经历了5个气候变化阶段,并存在 2~3年和12~13年的振荡周期。(3)在春播期异常多雨年期间,500 hPa高度场上呈“东高、西低”等分布特征,850 hPa风场上我国中东部地区盛行偏南气流,海平面气压场呈北高南低分布型,前冬赤道中东太平洋呈El Nino分布型,印度洋呈偶极子分布型,大西洋呈三极子分布型;而在异常少雨年期间,环流及海温特征则基本相反。  相似文献   
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