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冬季大风影响下的渤黄海水交换特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ROMS海洋数值模式对2006年冬季渤黄海的海洋动力环境进行模拟,基于温度、盐度模拟结果,使用谱混合模型进行水团分析,定义了渤海海峡地区的水交换区。并进一步讨论了冬季大风事件对水交换区的影响,给出了冬季大风影响下的渤黄海水交换特征。研究得出,冬季的黄海水团以“舌”形分布于渤海海峡地区,水交换区则表现为沿“舌”形边缘呈带状分布,具有西北——东南的走向趋势,并且在“舌”尖处的水交换面积最大。通过缩小研究范围,发现位于黄海最北部的沿岸海域并不参与渤黄海之间的水体交换。最后研究发现,冬季大风事件对渤海水交换具有促进作用,具体表现为:大风过程使黄海暖流对渤海的入侵更加深入,水交换区向渤海方向伸展,南部的水交换带变宽,河流径流进入渤海后与渤海水的混合区加大,并发生北移。  相似文献   
The Red Hills Road Cave, Jamaica, is the most important site for terrestrial arthropods in the post‐Miocene of the Greater Antilles. Its fauna includes millipedes, isopods, crabs and insects, in addition to land snails and vertebrates. Arthropods are preserved in three dimensions and delicate structures such as limbs can be recognized. This unusual preservation was favoured by acidic groundwater rich in dissolved calcium carbonate; periods of high rainfall during which the bottle‐shaped cave was filled with water; and any arthropod washed in would have drowned. The absence of spiders, centipedes and most insects is due to the absence of carbonate in their exoskeletons. Millipedes and isopods possess a potential for preservation by carbonate mineralization that does not occur in other groups; they secrete calcium carbonate in the exoskeleton which hardens the cuticle and is water permeable, bringing about mineral replacement of the original structures. Within the cave, fossil millipede taxa include Rhinocricus sp. or spp., Chondrotropis sp., Caraibodesmus verrucosus (Pocock) and Cyclodesmus sp. cf. C. porcellanus Pocock. The isopod fauna includes Pseudarmadillo sp., Venezillo boonae Van Name, and Philoscia spp. 1 and 2. Crab claws belong to Sesarma sp. cf. S. cookei Hartnoll. Millipedes and isopods are particularly complete, representing drowned individuals fossilized soon after death; land crabs occur as fingers and rare chelae, suggesting that they may be exuviae. Only the most robust parts of insects have been discovered, but are particularly rare, consisting of three taxa of fly puparia and one possible beetle elytra. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The site amplification is estimated at five seismic stations of the Latur region using the horizontal to vertical spectral ratios of 33 aftershocks of the main Killari earthquake of September 29, 1993 (UTC). Spectral amplifications, ranging from a factor of 2–6 are found to vary with frequency at different places. Significant amplification is found at four sites within the Latur region, at Basavakalyan, Kasgi, Killari, and Mudgad Eakoji villages. Our results show a positive correlation between the site amplification and the damage pattern in area. The pattern and the nature of the site amplification estimated in the present study corroborates also with the analytical models and the borehole data indicating alternating layers of unconsolidated sediments and basaltic rocks.  相似文献   
辽宁地区不同降水云系雨滴谱参数及其特征量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房彬  郭学良  肖辉 《大气科学》2016,40(6):1154-1164
利用位于辽宁省沈阳市和辽阳市的Parsivel(Particle Size and Velocity)激光雨滴谱仪观测到的雨滴谱资料按照积雨云降水系统、积层混合云降水系统和层状云降水系统分析雨滴谱特征量和谱参数的平均特征及随时间的演变特征。结果表明:Gamma分布拟合谱参数N0和λ按照层状云、积层混合云和积雨云的顺序减小,谱参数μ按照层状云、积层混合云和积雨云的顺序增大;直径小于1 mm的降水粒子对数浓度的贡献最大,直径大于1 mm的降水粒子对雷达反射率的贡献最大;M-P分布的谱参数N0与雨强I具有幂函数关系,并且随着雨强I的增大而增大,谱参数λ与雨强I具有指数函数关系,随着雨强I的增大而减小。  相似文献   
川东北地区不同构造带地层水化学特征与油气保存的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
判断油气藏保存条件的优劣,除了盖层和断层封闭性之外,还有油气水的化学特征,如地层水的交替或油气散失。通过对川东北地区地层水的水型、矿化度、水性系数等参数的综合分析认为,川东北宣汉—达县地区与通江—南江—巴中地区的地层水具有矿化度高和氯镁系数越大,变质系数、脱硫系数和碳酸盐平衡系数就越小的特点。矿化度、水性系数及水型的变化具有很好的一致性,表明该区存在有利于油气保存的水文地质条件。  相似文献   
The methods used for a building seismic hazard evaluation are presented with the associated results. The goals of the study are (1) to check the soil nature and the existence or not of a possible site effect around the installation and (2) to characterize the dynamic behavior of the building using ambient vibration records.

The results of the soil study with the Nakamura method are very difficult to interpret because they are not stable in space and time. The spectral ratios method has been used with regional earthquake records. The results of the application of this method allowed us to conclude that the installation was free of site effect.

The ambient vibration measurements on the building brought the conclusion to determine the first and second modes of the structure. These results have been used to calibrate numerical model. The modal shapes in plan (high roof) and in elevation (main column) have been evaluated. The damping of the building has been computed using ambient vibration records.  相似文献   

简述了喜马拉雅运动三大变形幕的运动学特征并分析了在楚雄地区的反映。在剥去喜马拉雅运动的改造、把攀西地堑系和滇中海槽复原到建造时的位置后(楚雄盆地视作相对原地的),以“盆”“山”耦合的思路重塑了古特提斯分支洋盆的演化及这些盆地的发育。川滇交界区尽管发生燕山运动,印支期建立起来的“盆”“山”耦合关系直至喜马拉雅运动才脱耦。分析了脱耦的各种表现及第四纪内继承的新构造运动对盆地保存和油气成藏的不利因素。  相似文献   
Using the actual damage data of the strong earthquakes in Taiwan, the effectiveness of the earthquake risk indices, namely, peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral intensity (SI), is verified. PGA and Housner's [Housner GW. Spectrum intensity of strong-motion earthquakes. In: Proceedings of symposium on earthquakes and blast effects on structures. EERI, UCLA; 1952] definition of SI are directly compared. A three-parameter spectral intensity system with spectral intensities SIa, SIv, and SId in the acceleration, velocity, and displacement regions, respectively, is discussed. Here, the effectiveness of SI, SIa, SIv, and SId has been compared by using the available earthquake-damage data in Taiwan. Three period ranges, namely, 0.1–0.6, 0.6–1.6, and 1.6–3.0 s were used for structures of 1–6 stories, 7–20 stories, and 21 and more stories, respectively. The results indicate that the three-parameter system is a good risk index of the damage potential of earthquakes.  相似文献   
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