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Present methodological research on geographically weighted regression (GWR) focuses primarily on extensions of the basic GWR model, while ignoring well-established diagnostics tests commonly used in standard global regression analysis. This paper investigates multicollinearity issues surrounding the local GWR coefficients at a single location and the overall correlation between GWR coefficients associated with two different exogenous variables. Results indicate that the local regression coefficients are potentially collinear even if the underlying exogenous variables in the data generating process are uncorrelated. Based on these findings, applied GWR research should practice caution in substantively interpreting the spatial patterns of local GWR coefficients. An empirical disease-mapping example is used to motivate the GWR multicollinearity problem. Controlled experiments are performed to systematically explore coefficient dependency issues in GWR. These experiments specify global models that use eigenvectors from a spatial link matrix as exogenous variables.This study was supported by grant number 1 R1 CA95982-01, Geographic-Based Research in Cancer Control and Epidermiology, from the National Cancer Institute. The author thank the anonymous reviewers and the editor for their helpful comments.  相似文献   
地磁低点位移异常类型特征与地震活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄雪香  余素荣 《地震》2000,20(4):39-44
通过对大量的地磁低点位移异常震例研究,结果表明: ① 地磁低点位移异常的形态、空间展布有明显的地区特征。异常大致可分为: 大范围异常和区域性异常二大类, 还可细分为 5个类型 ; ② 地磁低点位移异常与我国的地质活动构造有较密切的联系。 异常范围的大小、形态与异常所在地区的活动构造的规模、展布形态特征,以及这一地区即将发生的地震强度有关。  相似文献   
Mapping and laboratory analysis of the sediment—landform associations in the proglacial area of polythermal Storglaciären, Tarfala, northern Sweden, reveal six distinct lithofacies. Sandy gravel, silty gravel, massive sand and silty sand are interpreted as glaciofluvial in origin. A variable, pervasively deformed to massive clast‐rich sandy diamicton is interpreted as the product of an actively deforming subglacial till layer. Massive block gravels, comprising two distinctive moraine ridges, reflect supraglacial sedimentation and ice‐marginal and subglacial reworking of heterogeneous proglacial sediments during the Little Ice Age and an earlier more extensive advance. Visual estimation of the relative abundance of these lithofacies suggests that the sandy gravel lithofacies is of the most volumetric importance, followed by the diamicton and block gravels. Sedimentological analysis suggests that the role of a deforming basal till layer has been the dominant factor controlling glacier flow throughout the Little Ice Age, punctuated by shorter (warmer and wetter climatic) periods where high water pressures may have played a more important role. These results contribute to the database that facilitates discrimination of past glacier thermal regimes and dynamics in areas that are no longer glacierized, as well as older glaciations in the geological record.  相似文献   
Land use change in Bohai Rim: a spatial-temporal analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Land use change is one of the important aspects of global change[1-3]. The Bohai Rim is a hot spot of economic development in China, where land use changes remarkably. Analyzing land use change in this area is significant to the research of global change and regional sustainable land use. Although there has been much work undertaken on regional land use change in China, it was mainly on urban land use change[4-11], and few researches integrated remote sensing and GIS method. Based on data f…  相似文献   
The paper presents the prediction of total energy production and consumption in all provinces and autonomous regions as well as determination of the variation of gravity center of the energy production, consumption and total discharge of industrial waste water, gas and residue of China via the energy and environmental quality data from 1978 to 2009 in China by use of GM(1,1) model and gravity center model, based on which the paper also analyzes the dynamic variation in regional difference in energy production, consumption and environmental quality and their relationship. The results are shown as follows. 1) The gravity center of energy production is gradually moving southwestward and the entire movement track approxi-mates to linear variation, indicating that the difference of energy production between the east and west, south and north is narrowing to a certain extent, with the difference between the east and the west narrowing faster than that between the south and the north. 2) The gravity center of energy consumption is moving southwestward with perceptible fluctuation, of which the gravity center position from 2000 to 2005 was relatively stable, with slight annual position variation, indicating that the growth rates of all provinces and autonomous regions are basically the same. 3) The gravity center of the total discharge of industrial waste water, gas and residue is characterized by fluctuation in longitude and latitude to a certain degree. But, it shows a southwestward trend on the whole. 4) There are common ground and discrepancy in the variation track of the gravity center of the energy production & consumption of China, and the comparative analysis of the gravity center of them and that of total discharge of industrial waste water, gas and residue shows that the environmental quality level is closely associated with the energy production and consumption (especially the energy consumption), indicating that the environment cost in economy of energy is higher in China.  相似文献   
李建林  冯起 《干旱区地理》2006,29(5):658-662
以兰州市区96条主要的泥石流沟为例,利用分形理论的统计自相似性对泥石流沟数的累计分布随沟谷形态要素沟道比降、汇水面积和沟道长度的变化进行了分析;并与不同流域形态要素的分维进行了比较,探讨了分维不同的原因。兰州市区泥石流沟三个形态要素均具有统计意义上的自相似性,其中以汇水面积显示出分维最小(0.46),沟道长度次之(0.71),沟道比降最大(1.09)。分维的大小描述了作为系统的沟谷及其泥石流的形成的空间结构,即分形结构,同时也反映了不同形态要素对系统所起作用的差异,分维越小,所起作用越显著。其结果对西北干旱半干旱地区石流灾害的进一步研究与防治提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
转型期广州大都市区户籍贫困人口特征和空间分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
袁媛  薛德升  许学强 《热带地理》2006,26(3):248-253
20世纪90年代中后期以来,伴随着经济体制转型和国有企业改革的深化,广州市户籍贫困人口总量增加,贫困阶层种类由单一走向多元,新增种类中的下岗失业无业、在业低收入者成为救助对象主体.救助对象从基本没有收入的个体为主拓展到有少量收入的家庭为主,贫困深度降低.受到历史继承、单位制和工业企业改革、住房市场化和住房制度改革等因素的影响,户籍贫困人口区际空间分布和集聚的相对差异增加,贫困人口在内城外围区集聚程度明显增加,并在大都市区形成绝对改善区、相对缓解区、变化微小区、相对加重区和绝对加深区5种地域类型.对少数贫困  相似文献   
鹤山龙口村边次生常绿阔叶林群落分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
鹤山龙口村边次生常绿阔叶林属季风常绿阔叶林类型, 其种类组成复杂多样而富于热带性, 据1200 m2 的样方统计, 有维管束植物62 种, 分属于32 科、54 属, 其中, 属热带分布的有32 种, 属热带- 亚热带分布的有21 种, 属亚热带分布的只有7 种, 其余2 种为世界分布。本群落的外貌终年常绿, 层次结构复杂而不明显, 样地内高于1-5m 的立木有52 种1857 株, 灌木层种类和株数尚多, 100 m2 内有185株, 草本层以乔灌木幼苗为主, 草本植物较少。群落组成结构与地带性常绿阔叶林相似, 乔、灌、草各层的物种多样性指数在4 左右, 群落均匀度为0-7 ~0-9 , 生态优势度为0-07 ~0-10 , 但群落明显具有次生性, 大部分优势种群呈集群分布。若能减少人为干扰破坏, 本群落将向地带性典型植被类型演替。  相似文献   
基于贝叶斯网络的水源涵养服务空间格局优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
曾莉  李晶  李婷  杨晓楠  王彦泽 《地理学报》2018,73(9):1809-1822
以渭河流域关中—天水经济区段(简称“渭河流域关天段”)为研究区,基于贝叶斯网络和水量平衡原理建立了水源涵养服务网络模型;将CA-Marcov模型与贝叶斯网络模型相结合,预测了2050年不同土地利用情景及其水源涵养服务分布概率;提出了关键变量关键状态子集方法,对研究区水源涵养服务空间格局进行优化。结果表明:① 保护情景下,林地面积增长了18.12%,其主要来源为耕地;草地和城市面积增长缓慢,分别增加了0.73%和0.38%;水体和未利用地分别减少了5.08%和0.92%,该情景下的水源涵养量值偏高的概率在3种情景中最大,保护情景的设计对未来的土地利用政策制定具有一定参考价值。② 水源涵养服务的关键影响因子是降水、蒸散发和土地利用,水源涵养量最高状态对应的关键变量关键状态子集是:﹛降水= 1,蒸散发= 2,土地利用= 2﹜,该子集主要分布在年平均降雨量和蒸散发量较大,植被覆盖率高的地区。③ 研究区适宜优化水源涵养的区域主要分布在天水市麦积区南部、宝鸡市陇县西南部和渭滨区南部、咸阳市旬邑县东北部和永寿县西北部,以及铜川市耀州区西部。结合贝叶斯网络模型研究水源涵养服务的优化区域,不仅有助于提升对生态系统水源涵养服务过程的直观认识,而且增加了情景设计和格局优化的合理性。在此基础上提出的关键状态关键因子方法,对研究区水源涵养生态环境建设和政策制定都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
江苏沿江地区的空间结构与区域发展   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
陆玉麒 《地理科学》2000,20(3):284-290
江苏沿江地区的空间结构是距上海市距离和到最近长江港口距离2个因素综合作用的结果,据此可由江苏沿江地区人均GDP的分布状态而反推出上海市市区的人均GDP值。近10年来该地区的长江南侧形成了一条新的发展轴线,表明苏南的区域空间结构已 基本成型。就港口与区域的关系而言,该地区的长江南北两侧,均遵循港口与区域与互动的协调发展模式。这一发展规律的揭示,对轴线尚未成型的江北区域的发展,具有重要的指导意义。在此  相似文献   
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