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为实现多光谱数据对煤矿区水体信息提取,以萍乡市芦新岭及周边煤矿为试验区,在国内外学者对水体指数法提取水体信息和应用的启发下,对试验区不同地物的波谱特征进行分析。本文首先利用数学统计方法建立一种ASTER数据综合归一化差异水体指数模型SWI ASTERxy,然后利用这一模型对试验区进行水体信息提取。试验表明,该模型能够有效地提取矿区各类水体,还可以运用在ASTER数据(或其他多光谱数据)对不同区域不同地物的提取,在遥感地物定量提取上具有很好的效果和潜力,具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   
郑钧宁  徐红 《测绘通报》2020,(8):126-130
选取贵州省纳雍县为易地扶贫迁入地研究对象,构建了评价指标体系,对迁入地资源环境压力进行了评价;同时应用层次分析法确定指标权重,计算资源环境压力,并将结果划分为相对高、中、低压力区3个等级。分析结果表明,纳雍县整体资源较为贫乏,生态环境较为脆弱,人均资源量较少,造成资源环境整体压力较大;由贫困发生率与资源环境评价值作相关分析,资源环境压力与贫困发生率呈弱负相关性。  相似文献   
在地理国情综合统计分析的研究中,利用景观格局能够进行生态协调性和地表覆盖景观格局分析。在景观格局分析中,常用的方法是景观格局指数。本文对景观格局指数在黑龙江省地理国情普查的两个实验区的应用进行了研究与分析。  相似文献   
Oracle Spatial 在GIS中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
曹云刚  范东明 《四川测绘》2002,25(4):167-169,173
本文介绍了Oracle数据库系统中对空间数据存储的解决方案,并针对对象关系模式下空间数据的存储和管理,结合自己的实际工作体会提出了一些具体的解决方法。  相似文献   
冬季西风环流指数的变率及其与北半球温度变化的关系研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
用H40°N-H65°N即40°N和65°N纬圈平均位势高度的差来定义西风指数,可以很好地反映温带地区西风的强弱。西风环流强的年份,北半球气温通常偏高,主要是中纬度大陆变暖明显,这可能与中高纬度西风强时,向北的经向热量输送也加强有关。在长期变化的趋势上,1950年代以前北半球偏暖时期的指数偏低,而偏冷时期的指数偏高。但近30多年来,伴随全球加速变暖,西风指数也持续加强,这是否与温室效应的加强有关还有待深入研究。  相似文献   
通过对大连海域第四系全新统海相黏性土385组试验数据的统计与分析,建立了第四系全新统海相黏性土(Q4m)液性指数IL与直接快剪试验指标-黏聚力Cq、内摩擦角q的经验关系,即Cq=10.623 I-1.8114L; q=-3.8289ln(IL)+5.8634。  相似文献   
According to the basic characteristics of the activities of summer monsoon in the South China Sea,Standardized index,Is,has been designed that integrates a dynamic factor(southwesterly component) and a thermodynamic factor(OLR) for the indication of summer monsoon in the South China Sea,With the index determined for individual months of June,July and August and the entire summertime from 1975 to 1999,specific months and years are indicated that are either strong or weak in monsoon intensity,The variation is studied for the patterns and Is‘s relationship is revealed with the onset of summer monsoon and the precipitation in Guang-dong province and China.The results show that there are quasi-10 and quasi-3-4 year cycles in the interannual variation of the monsooon over the past 25 years.When it has an early(late)onset,the summer monsoon is usually strong (weak),In the strong(weak)monsoon,years,precipitation tends to be more(less)in the first raining season of the year but normal or less(normal)in the second,in the province,but it would be more(less) in northeastern China and most parts of the northern china and south of the lower reaches of the Changjiang River and less(more)in the middle and lower reaches of the river,western part of northern China and western China.  相似文献   
在全球变化的背景下,定量区分人类活动和气候波动对干旱区植被的影响具有重要意义。采用多种统计学方法,分析了我国西北干旱区1990-2010年土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)和1982-2010年归一化植被指数(NDVI)的时空变化特征,并定量评估了LUCC对NDVI变化的影响。结果表明:1990-2010年,西北干旱区耕地增加量最多,高达13 476 km2,其次是林地和水域,各地类增加的面积主要来自草地(12 590 km2)和未利用地(6 025 km2)。各土地类型变化速度快慢依次为:耕地 > 建设用地 > 水域 > 林地 > 草地 > 未利用地。2000-2010年,研究区土地利用程度综合指数(0.79)明显高于1990-2000年(0.23),表明近年来人类活动对土地利用变化的影响程度显著增强。1982-2010年,西北干旱区NDVI呈增加态势,但近年来(2002-2010年)NDVI略有下降。其中,1990-2000年,LUCC对西北干旱区NDVI总变化的贡献率较低,仅为2.9%;而1990-2010,LUCC的贡献率为26.7%,表明气候变化对植被指数变化的贡献率高达73.3%。  相似文献   
The importance of soil moisture inputs and improved model physics in the prediction of the daytime boundary-layer structure during the Southern Great Plains Hydrology Experiment 1997 (SGP97) is investigated using the non-hydrostatic fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) Mesoscale Model MM5. This is Part II of a two-part study examining the relationship of surface heterogeneity to observed boundary-layer structure. Part I focuses on observations and utilizes a simple model while Part II uses observations and MM5 modelling. Soil moisture inputs tested include a lookup table based on soil type and season, output from an offline land-surface model (LSM) forced by atmospheric observations, and high-resolution ( 800 m) airborne microwave remotely sensed data. Model physics improvements are investigated by comparing an LSM directly coupled with the MM5 to a simpler force-restore method at the surface. The scale of land surface heterogeneities is compared to the scale of their effects on boundary-layer structure.The use of more detailed soil moisture fields allowed the MM5 to better represent the large-scale (hundreds of km) and small-scale (tens of km) horizontal gradients in surface-layer weather and, to a lesser degree, the atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) height, which was evaluated against observations measured by differential absorption lidar (DIAL). The benefits of coupling an LSM to the MM5 were not readily evident in this summertime case, with the model having particular difficulty simulating the timing of maximum surface fluxes while underestimating the depth of the mixed layer.  相似文献   
通过调查河北省遵化市低山丘陵区油松林、板栗、草地和坡耕地等典型土地利用方式对土壤养分和土壤容重的影响,土地取样取土壤表层0-20cm,结果表明,森林的砍伐以及随后的耕种显著增加了土壤容重并降低了大部分土壤养分。和林地相比,草地、当年开垦的农地、板栗和耕种3年的农地容重分别增加了13.3%,14.2%,27.5%,39.7%。除全磷外,板栗和耕种3年的农地土壤养分有显著下降,和林地相比,板栗有机质减少了60.7%,全氮减少了35.6%,全钾减少了21.3%,速效钾减少了57%;耕种3年的农地土壤有机质、全氮、全钾和速效钾则分别减少了62.9%,52.6%,31%和60%。土壤退化指数的计算结果表明板栗和耕种3年的农地土壤发生了较为严重的退化。  相似文献   
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