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玉龙雪山是我国季风海洋型冰川发育最为典型的代表性地区,也是北半球最靠近赤道的现代冰川区.丽江市的部分水源来自于玉龙雪山冰川融水,同时玉龙雪山景区每年吸引着上千万的游客来欣赏现代冰川.旅游活动与水环境息息相关且相互作用,水环境的准确刻画是指导与优化区域旅游活动的基础.以世界著名旅游城市丽江市为例,基于实地采样与数据分析,...  相似文献   
 Although British Columbia experiences many natural hazards, there is as yet no unified policy to promote natural hazard management in the province. The problem is not in the quantity and quality of geoscience assessment of natural hazards, but instead, it is suggested, in the isolation of that work from broader risk perspectives and in the lack of clarity of division of responsibilities between various levels of government. The example of recent changes in perception of the terrain stability problem illustrates how natural hazard problems are driven by social and political priorities rather than by geoscience priorities. Received: 22 November 1998 / Accepted: 22 November 1998  相似文献   
本文利用1948-2010年Global Land Data Assimilation System(GLDAS)NOAH陆面模式资料、GPCC月平均降水资料和NCAR/NCEP全球月平均再分析资料,采用滤波、距平合成和线性相关等方法,分析了El Niño成熟位相冬季欧亚大陆积雪异常的分布特征,研究了关键区积雪融化对后期春、夏季土壤湿度、土壤温度以及大气环流与降水的影响,揭示了El Niño事件通过关键区积雪储存其强迫信号并影响东亚夏季气候异常的机制和过程.主要结论如下:El Niño成熟阶段冬季伊朗高原、巴尔喀什湖东北部和青藏高原南麓区域是雪深异常的三个关键区,这些区域的雪深、雪融和土壤湿度有明显的正相关;这三个关键区雪深异常通过春季融雪将冬季El Niño信号传递给春、夏季局地土壤湿度,通过减少感热通量和增加潜热通量对大气环流产生影响;春末夏初伊朗高原土壤湿度异常对东亚夏季气候异常的影响最大,其引起的降水异常与El Niño次年夏季降水异常分布基本一致,春夏季青藏高原南麓和巴尔喀什湖附近土壤湿度也都明显增加,均会对中国华北降水增加有显著正贡献.总之,在利用El Niño事件研究和预测东亚夏季气候异常时,还应考虑关键区雪深异常对El Niño信号的存储和调制作用.  相似文献   
高原季风强弱对南亚高压活动的影响   总被引:17,自引:10,他引:7  
马振锋 《高原气象》2003,22(2):143-146
分析了高原季风强弱对夏季南亚高压活动和三峡库区旱涝的影响,揭示了如高原夏季风偏强(弱),育藏高原上空及其以东地区100hPa南亚高压也偏强(弱),位置偏北偏东(偏南偏西)。高原季风强年,南亚高压脊线6月北跳比多年平均早1候,8月南撤晚1~2侯;高原季风弱年。脊线北跳晚1~2候,南撤早1候。同时显示了高原夏季风强年,5~6月三峡库区降水随着南亚高压脊线北移而增多,7~8月三峡库区降水减少;高原夏季风弱年,主汛期前期库区降水少,后期降水略有增多。  相似文献   
云南省40年降水的基本特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
缪启龙  肖伟 《气象科学》1995,15(3):293-299
根据云南省1951-1990年18个站的降水资料,用正交函数展开,由方差贡献最大的前三个特征向量场分析了云南省降水距平均的典型分布,指出云南省全省范围内的降水距平同号较少发生,而是较多的发一降水距平异号。进而分析了四十年降水的年际变化特征,并分析了青藏高原积雪对云南降水的影响。  相似文献   
青藏高原腹地1985年雪灾成因分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
分析了1985年10月青藏高原腹地一次特大雪灾的地面气象要素场及卫星辐射场特征,并对生成重雪灾的原因进行了初步探讨。结果表明:此次雪灾的范围与过程,降水量≥8mm与积雪深度≥5cm的范围基本一致,雪盖的后延冷却效应较强,持续时间近5个月;卫星辐射资料的分析计算结果表明,地气系统净辐射收支中行星以照率起入导作用。11月积雪中心区域各因子均达极值-行星反照率距平高达16%,OLR距平值减小-14.6W  相似文献   
In this paper, a new snow wetness estimation model is proposed for full-polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. Surface and volume are the dominant scattering components in wet-snow conditions. The generalized four component polarimetric decomposition with unitary transformation (G4U) based generalized surface and volume parameters are utilized to invert snow surface and volume dielectric constants using the Bragg coefficients and Fresnel transmission coefficients respectively. The snow surface and volume wetness are then estimated using an empirical relationship. The effective snow wetness is derived from the weighted averaged surface and volume snow wetness. The weights are derived from the normalized surface and volume scattering powers obtained from the generalized full-polarimetric SAR decomposition method. Six Radarsat-2 fine resolution full-polarimetric datasets acquired over Himachal Pradesh, India along with the near-real time in situ measurements were used to validate the proposed model. The snow wetness derived from the SAR data by the proposed model with in situ measurements indicated that the absolute error at 95% confidence interval is 1.3% by volume.  相似文献   
A Note On Surface Humidity Measurements In The Cold Canadian Environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the cold Canadian environment, humidity measurements can be verydifficult to conduct. In this brief communication, humidity observationstaken by two different sensors at six remote Canadian Arctic locations arecompared. The observations collected by Vaisala HMP35CF sensors displaya strong tendency toward the ice saturation point whereas dew cell instrumentsexhibit significantly lower values of relative humidity with respect to ice (RHi).Humidity data collected by HMP35CF hygrometers are therefore unreliable sincethey are subject to persistent icing that lead them to record values of RHi near 100%, irrespective of the air temperature. The high humidity bias emerges atmeteorological stations mounted with the HMP35CF probes since these instrumentsare usually neither sheltered nor heated, and are not attended to at regular intervals. Thus, great care must be taken in utilizing humidity data recorded by HMP35CF sensors across the network of climate autostations in Canada.  相似文献   
A study of the changes in the ionic loads of NO, NH, SO and H+ in a boreal forest snowpack at Lake Laflamme, Québec was carried out using hydrological and chemical data from field lysimeters. The results showed that depletion of the N-containing species occurs periodically in the snowpack during meltwater discharge. Rain-on-snow events led to in-pack losses of NO and NH at a rate of 130 μeq m?2 day?1 and 101·3 μeq m?2day?1 respectively. On dry days, however, dry deposition and deposition of organic debris from the canopy resulted in increases of 183·3 μeq m?2day?1 for NO and 4·5 μeq m?2day?1 for NH in the pack. In contrast, SO42? showed continual in-pack increases due to deposition of 5·0 μeq m?2day?1 for wet days and 92·6 μeq m?2day?1 for dry days. The depletion of NO and NH is due to microbiological uptake of these nutrients during periods when the free water content of the pack is high. Controlled melts in a laboratory snowmelt simulator containing snow and organic matter from the forest canopy at Lake Laflamme showed losses of NO and NH similar to those observed in the field. As the microbiological uptake proceeds at a rate comparable to that of ionic load increases in the pack by dry deposition, models of the chemical dynamics of snowmelt should take the former into account in any system where organic content of the snowpack is appreciable.  相似文献   
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