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Over the last decade, the seismic response of landfills made of municipal solid waste has drawn attention mainly due to the environmental and public-health issues that could be raised in the event of a failure. Nevertheless, there are several associated technical issues that have not been adequately investigated. One of these is the impact of local site conditions on the earthquake-induced accelerations and, thereby, on the seismic design of a landfill. This study presents the results of a parametric numerical simulation that has been performed in order to examine the effects of local site conditions on the dynamic response of a typical landfill. Emphasis is given on the special characteristics of ground motion, while the material nonlinearity of both soil and waste is taken into account by an equivalent-linear procedure. Results indicate that local site conditions may play a significant role in the seismic response of a landfill. However, this role cannot be judged a priori as beneficial or detrimental, as it depends not only on soil conditions and seismic excitation, but also on the material and geometric characteristics of the landfill.  相似文献   
From accurate radial‐velocity measurements covering 11 circuits of the orbit of the composite‐spectrum binary 45 Cnc, together with high‐resolution spectroscopy spanning nearly 3 circuits, we have (i) isolated cleanly the spectrum of the early‐type secondary, (ii) classified the component spectra as G8 III and A3 III, (iii) derived the first double‐lined orbit for the system and a mass ratio (M1/M2) of 1.035 ± 0.01, and (iv) extracted physical parameters for the component stars, deriving the masses and (log) luminosities of the G star and A star as 3.11 and 3.00 M, and 2.34 and 2.28 L, respectively, with corresponding uncertainties of ±0.10 M and ±0.09 L. Since the mass ratio is close to unity, we argue that the more evolved component is unlikely to have been a red giant long enough to have made multiple ascents of the RGB, an argument that is supported somewhat by the rather high eccentricity of the orbit (e = 0.46) and the evolutionary time‐scales of the two components, but chiefly by the presence of significant Li I in the spectrum of the cool giant. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
陈玉富  孙丹  李晓晨  张中 《探矿工程》2012,39(Z1):120-122
此次我局参与援鲁抗旱找水打井项目,克服重重困难,在1个月内完成了26口井的钻进任务,这离不开科学的、有效的现场管理。以管理者的视角,从全局资源部署、生产技术和工艺、施工流程、安全生产、纪律制度保障等方面进行系统化、理论化的梳理与总结,旨在表明项目现场管理的质量与现场管理者的素质直接决定了项目的进度、质量、安全和效益,同时也代表了一个单位的管理水平和企业文化。  相似文献   
杨寿梅 《云南地质》2012,(3):386-390
北衙金矿区是以溶蚀裂隙岩溶含水层为主的矿床,大部份矿体位于当地侵蚀基准面1694米(W123泉)以下,水文地质勘探的程度为以溶蚀裂隙含水层充水为主的复杂类型,标高1734米以上为简单类型。以抽水试验取得成果,介绍矿区矿坑涌水量预测采用的主要预测方法。通过矿山后续排水疏干的实际情况,对预测的方法和矿坑涌水量进行论证。  相似文献   
对浙江河姆渡文化田螺山遗址发掘出土的古水稻田沉积有机质开展了详细的有机地球化学分析,从地球化学角度探讨了以田螺山遗址为代表的河姆渡文化稻作农业发展水平以及后期稻田废弃的原因。研究结果揭示,河姆渡文化时期,先民对稻田的开发管理仍处在初级阶段,以原始沼泽型为主。沉积有机质中非挺水水生植物输入指数、平均链长度和藻类输入指数显示,从河姆渡晚期至良渚晚期,田螺山先民耕作区域土壤有机质中藻类等水生生物输入增加,是一个水体逐渐加深的过程,推测生活区周边湖沼环境水体的加深可能是古水稻田废弃的直接原因,甚至有可能是导致整个遗址衰落的直接原因。  相似文献   
震源动力学中破裂产生的地震动在层状介质中的传播模拟,是地震学以及地震工程学研究的前沿课题之一。本文通过建立精确的三维模型,选取具备灵活网格、高精度高效率计算性能的谱元法,利用有效抑制伪震荡的时间域离散方法——加权速度Newmark方法以及多次透射人工边界条件,进行了SCEC/USGS基准项目中TPV5模型的地震破裂过程模拟,得到基于层状介质模型和均匀介质模型(后者采用相同破裂模型)的埋深2km的震源参数结果。将二者进行对比,并具体分析破裂面位错、地震矩、破裂传播时间、上升时间和地表位移,发现层状介质对破裂过程的传播影响较为明显:① 层状介质的存在整体增加了破裂面上的位错,在层状介质模型下计算得到的地震矩约是均匀介质模型结果的1.3倍,因此认为层状介质增强了地震破裂过程中的能量释放;② 层状介质的存在使得破裂传播至地表的速度减慢,并缩短了地表各点的上升时间,增强了地表的地震动响应;③ 层状介质对于地表位移有着明显的增加作用,同时协同破裂面上的初始应力异常区域对位移峰值中心的改变有显著影响。④ 介质分异面附近地震动强烈。对结果进行整理后发现,在具有地下层状介质的地区要充分考虑层状介质产生的场地效应,否则可能会低估该地区的地震危险性。  相似文献   
张佳蕾  马麦宁  张吉凯  曾欢 《岩石学报》2023,39(8):2533-2540

地幔楔是俯冲带系统的重要组成单元, 在地球内部物质循环、壳幔相互作用过程中起着承上启下的关键作用。俯冲板片脱水可以引起上覆地幔楔中橄榄岩类的蛇纹石化, 而蛇纹石的波速显著低于地幔橄榄岩, 所以不同蛇纹石化程度的地幔楔表现出不同的低速特征。本研究首先利用天然叶蛇纹石热压合成纯的蛇纹岩样品, 利用橄榄石和斜方辉石热压合成方辉橄榄岩样品, 然后在高压下分别测量合成的方辉橄榄岩和蛇纹岩样品的纵波速度(VP)和横波速度(VS), 结合Voigt-Reuss-Hill岩石物理模型计算得到不同蛇纹石含量的方辉橄榄岩的波速, 最后结合地震波资料, 估算出不同俯冲带地幔楔的蛇纹石化程度。研究表明, 在地幔楔蛇纹石化程度和含水量的估算中, 必须考虑斜方辉石蛇纹石化的影响。相比前人研究, 方辉橄榄岩的蛇纹石化可能更接近于实际情况。

Three studies of site amplification factors, based on the recorded aftershocks, and one study based on strong motion data, are compared one with another and with the observed distribution of damage from the Northridge, CA, earthquake of 17 January 1994 (ML=6.4). In the epicentral area, when the peak ground velocities are larger than vm≈15 cm/s, nonlinear response of soil begins to distort the amplification factors determined from small amplitude (linear) wave motion. Moving into the area of near-field and strong ground motion (vm>30 cm/s), the site response becomes progressively more affected by the nonlinear soil response. Based on the published results, it is concluded that site amplification factors determined from small amplitude waves (aftershocks, small earthquakes, coda waves) and their transfer-function representation may be useful for small and distant earthquake motions, where soils and structures respond to earthquake waves in a linear manner. However in San Fernando Valley, during the Northridge earthquake, the observed distribution of damage did not correlate with site amplification determined from spectra of recorded weak motions. Mapping geographical distribution of site amplification using other than very strong motion data, therefore appears to be of little use for seismic hazard analyses.  相似文献   
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