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Hydrograph analyses of groundwater depletion process in the spring were used for estimation of karstification degree and groundwater sensitivity to pollution in the whole catchment area. Differences of individual depletion hydrographs enable assessment of the anticipated extent of absorption, attenuation and self-purification processes during the groundwater penetration through the rock environment between its infiltration and its outflow in the spring. The method was applied in the SW part of the Velka Fatra Mountains (Slovakia) “Tlsta” hydrogeological structure. In total, 209 individual recession curves from 20 gauged springs were analyzed. Depending on characteristic groundwater depletion hydrographs with independent sub-regimes, categories of groundwater sensitivity to pollution were defined. Finally, resulting sensitivities to pollution were linked to lithostratigraphical units in the area.  相似文献   
台风“麦莎”的强度对台风前部飑线发展过程影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
对2005年8月5日16时(UTC,下同)至6日00时发生的一次台风前部飑线过程进行了数值模拟,分析表明:台前飑线在母体台风和副高之间的湿区生成。台风为这次台前飑线过程提供了有利的条件,包括强的低空急流输送充沛的水汽,强的不稳定环境产生大的对流有效位能以及强的地表辐合,使得初始的离散的对流单体组织发展形成台前飑线。成熟时期的台前飑线虽然比中纬度和热带飑线的变压强度小,但是具有更强的低层暖湿空气入流,中层的入流范围也更加宽广。敏感性试验结果表明:台风强度越强,其台前飑线的回波强度越强,移动速度更快,生命史也更长。强台风使得低空垂直风切变更大,有利于台前飑线的生成和发展,在台前飑线发展成熟后,低空垂直风切变强度减小,不利于台前飑线的维持,加之低空水汽输送的减少,使其逐渐趋向衰亡。  相似文献   
尹宜舟  沈新勇  李焕连 《高原气象》2009,28(5):1085-1094
利用WRFV2.2中尺度数值模式, 对2007年7月8~9日发生在淮河流域的梅雨锋暴雨进行了模拟及相关的地形敏感性试验。结合这次暴雨过程特征, 详细分析了大别山地区地形及皖东南地区地形分别对安徽北部、 湖北北部和河南东南角、 江苏中部降水的影响。结果表明: 在这次降水过程中, 如果没有大别山地区的地形, 安徽北部一带的700 hPa天气系统的发展或移动速度更快, 相关区域降水将加大, 地形在鄂豫地区产生的切变消失, 相应的降水消失, 且地形切变与气流切变叠加时降水更大, 在一定的系统配置条件下, 大别山地区的地形可以影响江苏地区降水的发生\, 发展; 如果没有皖东南地区的地形, 安徽北部系统略有发展, 大别山地区的地形切变作用减弱, 江苏中部的降水大范围减小。  相似文献   
This study develops a three-dimensional heterogeneous numerical model to simulate the water inrush process and predict the water yield for mineral exploration in Yangzhuang Iron Mine in Anhui Province. To identify the hydrogeological parameters of the aquifer in the study area, the model was calibrated and validated using the observed heads through the integrated trial-and-error and automated techniques. Also, the sensitivity analysis of the model was performed to evaluate the uncertainty associated with the calibrated model. According to the mine construction plan at different mining levels of -500 m, -600 m, and -700 m, the calibrated model was then applied to predict the water yields dependent on the different mining levels. As indicated by the prediction results, the numerical simulation model can systematically describe the groundwater system in the mining area and determine the source of water inrush in this iron mine. In conclusion, numerical analyses carried out in this study can provide guidance to decision-makers in balancing the iron ore mining and mine dewatering in the future.  相似文献   
This paper illustrates how sensitivity analysis and a worst-case scenario analysis can be useful tools in risk assessment of groundwater pollution. The approach is applied to a study area in Hungary with several known groundwater pollution sources and nearby drinking water production wells. The main concern is whether the contamination sources threaten the drinking water wells of the area. A groundwater flow and transport model is set up to answer this question. Due to limited data availability, the results of this model are associated with large uncertainty. Sensitivity analysis and a worst-case scenario analysis are applied to estimate this uncertainty and build confidence in the model results.  相似文献   
模拟天然气水合物的岩石物理特性模型实验   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
针对水合物沉积的悬浮、颗粒接触和胶结三种微观模式,制作一组微弱胶结非固结高孔隙度人造样品和颗粒填充渐变的三维物理模型. 通过物理模型实验研究天然气水合物物性参数的敏感性. 实验结果表明:在弱颗粒间胶结物和低有效应力的固结差的沉积物中,声波对孔隙流体性质较敏感. 随着温度的降低颗粒胶结,改变原有沉积物的岩石物理特性,速度、弹性模量和频率升高,声波衰减和Vp/VS减小,沉积层内的反射波消隐.  相似文献   
Roof falls accounted for 18.18% of all fatal accidents in Indian coal mines, contributing about 35.29% of all fatal accidents in below-ground operations in 2005. The support safety factor, always preferred in support planning and design of underground coal mines, may be an important predictor for roof falls. In this paper, geotechnical data were collected from 14 roof fall incident places in an underground coal mine, located in the Eastern India, which has bord and pillar method of workings. The mean value of probabilistic support safety factor for the case study mine was found to be 1.24. However, the probability, of the estimated support safety factor of less than or equal to one, was found to be 0.246. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to analyze the effects of the contributing parameters on support safety factor and the likelihood of the roof fall. The multi-variate regression analysis was carried out for the data generated by Monte Carlo method to correlate the contributing factors to support safety factor. It ranked gallery width as the first parameter to control the support safety factor.  相似文献   
The UK Met Office has introduced a new scheme for its urban tile in MOSES 2.2 (Met Office Surface Exchange Scheme version 2.2), which is currently implemented within the operational Met Office weather forecasting model. Here, the performance of the urban tile is evaluated in two urban areas: the historic core of downtown Mexico City and a light industrial site in Vancouver, Canada. The sites differ in terms of building structures and mean building heights. In both cases vegetation cover is less than 5%. The evaluation is based on surface energy balance flux measurements conducted at approximately the blending height, which is the location where the surface scheme passes flux data into the atmospheric model. At both sites, MOSES 2.2 correctly simulates the net radiation, but there are discrepancies in the partitioning of turbulent and storage heat fluxes between predicted and observed values. Of the turbulent fluxes, latent heat fluxes were underpredicted by about one order of magnitude. Multiple model runs revealed MOSES 2.2 to be sensitive to changes in the canopy heat storage and in the ratio between the aerodynamic roughness length and that for heat transfer (temperature). Model performance was optimum with heat capacity values smaller than those generally considered for these sites. The results suggest that the current scheme is probably too simple, and that improvements may be obtained by increasing the complexity of the model.  相似文献   
针对Noah-MP模型多参数化方案、模拟结果不确定性范围难以确定的特点,选取北疆地区具有代表性的阿勒泰站气象资料作为模型驱动数据,探讨了积雪对多参数化方案的敏感性。在不考虑模型参数和驱动数据不确定性的条件下,设计了集合数为13824的多参数化方案集合模拟试验。选用Natural selection方法对物理过程的敏感性进行分析,并在敏感性分析结果的基础上进一步讨论了模拟结果的不确定性。结果表明:积雪对地表热交换、雨雪分离、土壤温度底层边界条件和第一层积雪或土壤时间方案4个物理过程敏感;在不考虑驱动数据和模型参数不确定性的条件下,多参数化方案集合模拟试验中的不确定性主要来源于敏感物理过程。去除敏感物理过程中能够明显降低模拟性能的参数化方案后,集合模拟结果的不确定性大幅减小。最后,根据分析结果构建了该站雪深和雪水当量模拟的最优参数化方案组合。  相似文献   
针对基于连接权的神经网络敏感性分析方法中求取敏感性系数的不稳定性,提出一种优化连接权的神经网络敏感性分析方法。首先采用遗传算法根据误差最小化原则对神经网络进行优化,在优化的神经网络模型上进行基于连接权的敏感性分析。以1个数值模拟实例和华盛顿广场地区的遥感图像地物分类为例,验证所提方法的有效性。实验结果表明,所提方法求取输入变量的敏感性系数是稳定有效的,能有效筛选出遥感图像中对分类贡献较大的特征波段,达到降维的同时提高分类精度。  相似文献   
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