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This paper investigates the extent to which remote sensing data can contribute to the management of two parallel crises in the South China Sea (SCS); first the ongoing disputes related to islands and related maritime boundaries and second the degradation of the marine environment and the decrease in fish stocks. It demonstrates that remote sensing surveys are the only means to lawfully collect independent and verifiable geographic data on the disputed features without the need to consult all the claimants and thereby add to regional frictions and tensions. These surveys can contribute to the determination of whether these features are submerged or above water at high tide and what their physical characteristics are. This would inform the application of the Law of the Sea and help determine entitlements to maritime zones and thus access to resources. The other category of uses for remote sensing surveys which is explored is the identification and classification of marine habitats and the building of a biogeographic platform. This paper shows the limits created by unavoidable uncertainties in the interpretation of satellite imagery. However, many benefits outweigh the downsides: the potential for national and regional marine spatial planning, for the prioritization of marine environments in need of management, for the implementation by the States bordering the SCS of the international treaties which they have ratified and for ecological monitoring.  相似文献   
随着国民经济的快速发展,土地现状变更十分频繁,如何保持数据库系统的现势性成为国土资源管理部门的一项重要工作。该文介绍了利用卫星遥感数据对土地利用数据库变更的系统设计、实现方法及结果,说明了利用遥感卫星数据对数据库进行更新的优势。  相似文献   
We have developed a least-squares minimization approach to determine the depth and the amplitude coefficient of a buried structure from residual gravity anomaly profile. This approach is basically based on application of Werner deconvolution method to gravity formulas due to spheres and cylinders, and solving a set of algebraic linear equations to estimate the two-model parameters. The validity of this new method is demonstrated through studying and analyzing two synthetic gravity anomalies, using simulated data generated from a known model with different random error components and a known statistical distribution. After being theoretically proven, this approach was applied on two real field gravity anomalies from Cuba and Sweden. The agreement between the results obtained by the proposed method and those obtained by other interpretation methods is good and comparable. Moreover, the depth obtained by the proposed approach is found to be in very good agreement with that obtained from drilling information.  相似文献   
本文分析解释了三维重力正、反演的计算结果,提出龙门山重力梯度带并不是一个简单的壳幔斜坡或陡坎。并进一步指出该重力梯度带的范围、发震断裂的深浅关系、次级构造的存在及其复杂图象等一系列深部地震地质问题都有待于揭示和认识。地震地质和地球物理两个学科的密切配合有可能回答上述问题,找出强震在龙门山重力梯度带乃至整个南北地震活动带内的蕴育发生规律。这对地震预报和工程地震都是有意义的,也将丰富大地构造的研究内容  相似文献   
利用17年卫星TBB及云南雨量资料,研究了热带TBB演变与云南雨季开始期及5月雨量的关系。结果表明:当孟加拉湾至中南半岛上空TBB≤-10℃的主对流云云涌稳定通过20°N,TBB≤-20℃强对流区北移到18°N附近,而且TBB≤-5℃区稳定控制云南时,云南大部分地区雨季开始。云南5月少雨年,孟加拉湾至中南半岛上空TBB≤-10℃位置偏南且为正距平区控制,云南为TBB正距平区,对流活动偏弱;云南5月多雨年,上述地区的TBB场分布特征则反之。同时还提出了利用TBB资料跟踪预测云南雨季开始期的方法。  相似文献   
重磁异常解释的归一化局部波数法   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
局部波数法是进行重磁数据解释的常用方法之一.本文提出归一化局部波数法,该方法在不需要任何关于地质体信息的前提下能有效地完成异常的反演工作,且给出了不同归一化方式的应用效果.理论模型试验表明归一化局部波数法能准确地完成异常的反演,且通过对比发现其他归一化方式(中值、几何平均和调和平均)的计算结果相对算术平均归一化结果具有更高的分辨率.将该方法应用于实测磁异常的解释,获得了未知地质体的空间位置.  相似文献   
对流层上传重力波的非线性演化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用二维全隐欧拉格式对重力波在可压、非等温大气中的非线性传播过程进行了数值模拟和分析.分析结果表明,从对流层顶激发的重力波能稳定地经平流层传到中层顶,从而将能量和动量从一个区域带到另一个区域;在向上传播过程中,重力波经历了发展、位温翻转、对流直至最终破碎的演变;重力波的破碎是对流和小尺度波动的重要的源,对流不稳定和翻转是非线性现象的一个基本特征.计算还显示,扰动源的大小直接影响着重力波的非线性传播过程,当扰动源足够小时,重力波能稳定传播,而大振幅扰动可以加速重力波的破碎.  相似文献   
The western Barents Sea and the Svalbard archipelago share a common history of Caledonian basement formation and subsequent sedimentary deposition. Rock formations from the period are accessible to field study on Svalbard, but studies of the near offshore areas rely on seismic data and shallowdrilling. Offshore mapping is reliable down to the Permian sequence, but multichannel reflection seismic data do not give a coherent picture of older stratigraphy. A survey of 10 Ocean Bottom Seismometer profiles was collected around Svalbard in 1998. Results show a highly variable thickness of pre-Permian sedimentary strata, and a heterogeneous crystalline crust tied to candidates for continental sutures or major thrust zones. The data shown in this paper establish that the observed gravity in some parts of the platform can be directly related to velocity variations in the crystalline crust, but not necessarily to basement or Moho depth. The results from three new models are incorporated with a previously published profile, to produce depth-to-basement and -Moho maps south of Svalbard. There is a 14 km deep basement located approximately below the gently structured Upper Paleozoic Sørkapp Basin, bordered by a 7 km deep basement high to the west, and 7–9 km depths to the north. Continental Moho-depth range from 28 to 35 km, the thickest crust is found near the island of Hopen, and in a NNW trending narrow crustal root located between 19°E and 20°E, the latter is interpreted as a relic of westward dipping Caledonian continental collision or major thrusting. There is also a basement high on this trend. Across this zone, there is an eastward increase in the VP, VP/VS ratio, and density, indicating a change towards a more mafic average crustal composition. The northward basement/Moho trend projects onto the Billefjorden Fault Zone (BFZ) on Spitsbergen. The eastern side of the BFZ correlates closely with coincident linear positive gravity and magnetic anomalies on western Ny Friesland, apparently originating from an antiform with high-grade metamorphic Caledonian terrane. A double linear magnetic anomaly appears on the BFZ trend south of Spitsbergen, sub-parallel to and located 10–50 km west of the crustal root. Based on this correlation, it is proposed that the suture or major thrust zone seen south of Svalbard correlates to the BFZ. The preservation of the relationship between the crustal suture, the crustal root, and upper mantle reflectivity, challenges the large-offset, post-collision sinistral transcurrent movement on the BFZ and other trends proposed in the literature. In particular, neither the wide-angle seismic data, nor conventional deep seismic reflection data south of Svalbard show clear signs of major lateral offsets, as seen in similar data around the British Isles.  相似文献   
This study presents the modelling of 2-D and 3-D wide-angle seismic data acquired on the complex, volcanic passive margin of the Vøring Plateau, off Norway. Three wide-angle seismic profiles were shot and recorded simultaneously by 21 Ocean Bottom Seismometers, yielding a comprehensive 3-D data set, in addition to the three in-line profiles. Coincident multi-channel seismic profiles are used to better constrain the modelling, but the Mesozoic and deeper structures are poorly imaged due to the presence of flood basalts and sills. Velocity modelling reveals an unexpectedly large 30 km basement high hidden below the flood basalt. When interpreted as a 2-D structure, this basement high produces a modelled gravity anomaly in disagreement with the observed gravity. However, both the gravity and the seismic data suggest that the structure varies in all three directions. The modelling of the entire 3-D set of travel times leads to a coherent velocity structure that confirms the basement high; it also shows that the abrupt transition to the slower Cretaceous basin coincides in position and orientation with the fault system forming the Rån Ridge. The positive gravity anomaly over the Rån Ridge originates from the focussed and coincident elevation of the high velocity lower crust and pre-Cretaceous basement. Although the Moho is not constrained by the seismic data, the gravity modelled from the 3-D velocity model shows a better fit along the profiles. This study illustrates the interest of a 3-D acquisition of wide-angle seismic over complex structures and the benefit of the subsequent integrated interpretation of the seismic and gravity data.  相似文献   
The seismic data incorporated in global Moho models are sparse and therefore the interpolation of global Moho depths on a local area may give unrealistic results, especially in regions without adequate seismic information. Gravity inversion is a useful tool that can be used to determine Moho depths in the mentioned regions. This paper describes an interactive way of local Moho depth determination using the gravity inversion method constrained with available seismic data. Before applying inversion algorithms, the Bouguer gravity data is filtered in various stages that reduce the potential bias usually expected in Moho depth determination using gravity methods with constant density contrast assumption. A test area with reliable seismic data is used to validate the results of Moho computation, and subsequently the same computation procedure is applied to the Sri Lankan region. The results of the test area are in better agreement with seismically determined Moho depths than those obtained by global Moho models. In the Sri Lankan region, Moho determination reveals a fairly uniform thin crust of average thickness around 20 km. The overall result suggests that our gravity inversion method is robust and may be suitable for local Moho determination in virgin regions, especially those without sufficient seismic data.  相似文献   
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