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The Siruyeh landslide occurred at the eastern side of the Siruyeh valley, 22 km west of Semirom city, south of Esfahān on 25th March, 2005 with large dimensions (2,400 m long, 450 m wide with total area of 1 km2). The sliding mass blocked the Siruyeh River making a 35-m-high natural dam and 6-acre lake 570,000 m3 in volume that poses a potential threat for the area. The landslide occurred in soil and intensely weathered marls of the Tarbur and Kashkan Formations (upper Cretaceous–Paleocene age). The overall comparison and interpretation of the gathered evidence from satellite images, field trips, and laboratory tests show that the most important factors involved in triggering the Siruyeh landslide in order of importance are heavy precipitation and snow melt and intense concentration of faults and fractures as well as weathered and weak lithology.  相似文献   
赵志芳  郭富达 《云南地质》2010,29(4):434-437
分析总结惠民铁矿区赋矿地层惠民组火山岩、弧形构造内缘北西向构造交汇部位、铁染羟基异常等成矿、控矿条件的遥感影纹、色调等标志,根据矿化遥感异常信息圈定3处找矿远景地段。  相似文献   
The Moon 35 years after Apollo: What's left to learn?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the cancellation of the Apollo program after Apollo 17 returned from the Moon in 1972, the focus of NASA switched to other areas of the Solar System. Study of the Moon did continue through analysis of the returned samples and remotely sensed data sets (both orbital and surface), as well as through Earth-based telescopic studies. In the 1990s, new orbital data were obtained from several missions (fly-by and orbital), the first being Galileo that allowed the lunar farside to be mapped, followed by global mapping by the Clementine and Lunar Prospector missions.Interest in the Moon started to increase at the beginning of the 21st century as other nations focused their space exploration programs on the Moon. The speech by President Bush in January 2004 put the Moon back into the critical exploration path for NASA, paving the way for humans to return to the lunar surface by 2020. This return will be critical for developing technologies and protocols for the eventual human exploration of other parts of the solar system. At the time of writing (June 2008), the SELENE/Kaguya mission (Japan and Chang’e-1 (China) are orbiting the Moon, with Chandrayaan-1 (India) and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (USA) being scheduled to launch later in 2008.The past (and present) exploration of the Moon begs the question “what's left to be done?” With the renewed focus on the Moon, now that it is on the pathway for the exploration of Mars (and beyond) a similar question has been raised - what should the astronauts do on the Moon? The publication of the New Views of the Moon book [Jolliff et al., 2006. New Views of the Moon, Reviews in Mineralogy, vol. 60. American Mineralogical Society, 721pp] highlighted a number of important scientific questions that remain unanswered as well as posing many more on the basis of the currently available data. These questions resonated in three Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG) reports pertinent to this discussion, which were also published (on line) during 2006 (http://www.lpi.usra.edu/leag), and in the National Research Council of the National Academies [2007. The Scientific Context for Exploration of the Moon. National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 112pp] report entitled “The Scientific Context for Exploration of the Moon”. This paper synthesizes these recent studies, along with those from the 1980s and 1990s, to emphasize the lunar science questions that remain unanswered. In addition, it summarizes the missions already flown to the Moon along with those that are planned in order to give the reader an idea of exactly what lunar science has been and will be conducted in the hope that it will inspire proposals for missions to address the outstanding science questions.  相似文献   
Due to the difficulties in correcting the influences of the atmosphere absorbability and the Earth surface emissivity diversification, the retrieval of LST (land surface temperature) from satellite data is a challenging task. In this paper, a modified Becker's split window LST inversion algorithm is developed for retrieving LST from the NOAA-16/17 AVHRR data. A new set of parameters for Becker's LST algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is developed from a surface brightness temperature dataset generated from the MODTRAN program, which uses a range of surface parameters and atmospheric quantities as inputs. The 10-day composites of the channels 4 and 5 brightness temperature data of NOAA-17 AVHRR (1-km resolution) are used to generate the clear-sky LST. As a validation of the algorithm, the retrieved LST is compared with MODIS LST of same period and area. The two LST products are found to be consistent, with the absolute difference being about 2.5 K for most areas. The NOAA retrieved LST is also compared with in-situ ground surface 0-cm measurements taken from 257 meteorological stations, which cover overall China area for the three periods of satellite observations. The comparison shows that the correlation between the retrieved LST and in-situ measurements is over 0.90 and the RMSE (root mean square error) is about 3.4 K.  相似文献   
GIS与遥感支持下的南黄海辐射沙脊群现代演变趋势分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
李海宇  王颖 《海洋科学》2002,26(9):61-65
南黄海辐射沙脊群是世界罕见的大型水下泥沙堆积体,具有独特的动力地貌组合。利用1988-1995年的LANDSATTM遥感影像,ERS1SAR影像及1979年编绘地形资料,综合应用GIS与遥感方法,对这一区域在20世纪80-90年代的变化及演变趋势作出分析,其基本演变特征与趋势表现为;沙脊群枢纽地区处于不断的增长,扩张过程;南部区域堆积与侵蚀作用较弱,沿岸潮滩向海淤进;而北部区域变化较强烈,并继续脊槽相间的模式,所取得的结果与该区域动力地貌研究结果相吻合。  相似文献   
卫星海洋遥感的发展和预报中心遥感应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要介绍了卫星海洋遥感的发展情况和可获得的海洋气象观测数据,介绍了预报中心卫星遥感的发展历史和现今状况,以及为海洋环境监测和预报提供的海洋遥感信息产品,并给出了部分产品示例.  相似文献   
The variation of the backscatter strength with the angle of incidence is an intrinsic property of the seafloor, which can be used in methods for acoustic seafloor characterization. Although multibeam sonars acquire backscatter over a wide range of incidence angles, the angular information is normally neglected during standard backscatter processing and mosaicking. An approach called Angular Range Analysis has been developed to preserve the backscatter angular information, and use it for remote estimation of seafloor properties. Angular Range Analysis starts with the beam-by-beam time-series of acoustic backscatter provided by the multibeam sonar and then corrects the backscatter for seafloor slope, beam pattern, time varying and angle varying gains, and area of insonification. Subsequently a series of parameters are calculated from the stacking of consecutive time series over a spatial scale that approximates half of the swath width. Based on these calculated parameters and the inversion of an acoustic backscatter model, we estimate the acoustic impedance and the roughness of the insonified area on the seafloor. In the process of this inversion, the behavior of the model parameters is constrained by established inter-property relationships. The approach has been tested using a 300 kHz Simrad EM3000 multibeam sonar in Little Bay, NH. Impedance estimates are compared to in situ measurements of sound speed. The comparison shows a very good correlation, indicating the potential of this approach for robust seafloor characterization.  相似文献   
This work investigates the likelihood of integrating the cheap and readily-available broadband multispectral MODIS data and in-situ measurements in quantifying and monitoring water quality status of an inland lake within Upper Manyame Catchment in Zimbabwe. Specifically we used MODIS images to quantify inland lake chlorophyll_a concentrations, as a proxy for predicting lake pollution levels. The findings of this study show a high chlorophyll_a concentration of 0.101 ± 0.128 μg/L within the Lake. The results further demonstrated that the chlorophyll_a concentration levels did not significantly vary (p = 0.788) between sites, except among depths (p = 0.05). Further, prediction results based on the relationship between observed and predicted chlorophyll_a produced a high R2 value of 0.89 and a root mean square error (RMSE) value of 0.003 μg/L. Moreover, the derived landuse maps of Upper Manyame Catchment indicated a significant variation in the percentage settlement in 1985, 1994 and 2010 change from 1985 to 2010. For instance, 8% increase in settlement in the period between 1994 and 2010 and over 12% increase from 1985 to 2010 and a decline in percent forest coverage (i.e. 9.8% in 1985 to 2.0% in the year 2010) in the catchment was observed. Overall, the findings of this study highlights the importance of free and readily-available satellite datasets (such as the multispectral MODIS and Landsat) in quantifying and monitoring water quality across inland lakes especially in data-scarce areas like Sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   
离散型湖泊水体提取方法精度对比分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
基于卫星遥感的陆地水体提取方法多种多样,并且应用广泛.对于水体分布支离破碎的枯水期湖泊,准确的水体提取方法尚不明晰,直接影响湖泊水域面积的提取精度.以鄱阳湖湖区为研究对象,利用ALOS遥感影像,以2.5 m高分辨率全色波段融合影像非监督分类(ISODATA)得到的水体面积为参考值,分别使用归一化水体指数(NDWI)法、NDWIISODATA法和基于近红外(NIR)的ISODATA法提取了10 m分辨率的水体分布,分析了不同方法提取结果之间的差异性及产生原因.结果表明:3种方法均可以较好地提取出水体,但利用ISODATA法提取的水体细部信息更为明显,面积值较NDWI法更大;相对于近红外单波段而言,基于NDWI图像的ISODATA法提取水体的精度更高.纵观3种方法,基于NDWI图像的ISODATA法提取的水体精度最高,基于近红外波段的ISODATA法提取结果次之,NDWI阈值法的提取效果最差.研究结果对于离散型湖泊水体提取方法及数据源的选择等具有重要的借鉴和参考意义.  相似文献   
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