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坐标转换中大地高对平面坐标和高程的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张锐 《测绘工程》2005,14(4):58-60
验证大地高的不确定性对高程的影响和对平面坐标的影响,为具体工程实际应用提供参考依据.通过改变选定的重合点上的大地高,求得两套转换参数,并比较这两套转换参数求得的高斯平面坐标.通过不同数据验证,得出结论.  相似文献   
The turbulence characteristics of flows passing through a tetrahedron frame were investigated by using a 2-dimensional fiber-optic laser Doppler velocimeter (2-D FLDV). Experiments for uniform flows with different bed slopes under both submerged and un-submerged conditions were carried out in a re-circulating flume with glass side walls. The experimental bed was a smooth fixed bed. It was observed that with the tetrahedron frame the mean longitudinal velocity decrease in the retardation zone. However, both the longitudinal and the vertical turbulence intensities are larger than those for the undisturbed approach flow. The tetrahedron frame may reduce the probability of sediment entrainment by retarding the flow and reducing the boundary shear stress. In addition, it may induce sediment deposition in a sediment laden flow by changing the flow direction and increasing the energy dissipation.  相似文献   
GPS卫星轨道数值积分与广播星历及IGS精密星历的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用作者自编的SPPORB IT程序,对GPS卫星轨道的运动方程进行Adam s数值积分求解,同时利用广播星历计算卫星轨道坐标,然后将两者结果同IGS精密星历提供的卫星坐标进行比较,并探讨其轨道误差,计算结果显示广播星历与精密星历差值在2m左右,而数值积分与精密星历的差值在2 cm左右,进一步的分析表明前者误差较大是没有考虑卫星所受的太阳光压、日月引力等影响,而后者考虑了这些影响。鉴于IGS提供的是地固系坐标,而本文数值积分是在惯性系坐标系下进行的,因此本文还举例对惯性坐标系和地固系之间的坐标转换进行了描述。最后,通过实例说明SPPORB IT程序的稳定性以及Adam s数值积分方法的有效性。  相似文献   
All gravity field functionals obtained from an Earth gravitational model (EGM) depend on the underlying terrestrial reference frame (TRF), with respect to which the EGM’s spherical harmonic coefficients refer to. In order to maintain a coherent framework for the comparison of current and future EGMs, it is thus important to investigate the consistency of their inherent TRFs, especially when their use is intended for high precision studies. Following the methodology described in an earlier paper by Kleusberg (1980), the similarity transformation parameters between the associated reference frames for several EGMs (including the most recent CHAMP/GRACE models at the time of writing this paper) are estimated in the present study. Specifically, the differences between the spherical harmonic coefficients for various pairs of EGMs are parameterized through a 3D-similarity spatial transformation model that relates their underlying TRFs. From the least-squares adjustment of such a parametric model, the origin, orientation and scale stability between the EGMs’ reference frames can be identified by estimating their corresponding translation, rotation and scale factor parameters. Various aspects of the estimation procedure and its results are highlighted in the paper, including data weighting schemes, the sensitivity of the results with respect to the selected harmonic spectral band, the correlation structure and precision level of the estimated transformation parameters, the effect of the estimated differences of the EGMs’ reference frames on their height anomaly signal, and the overall feasibility of Kleusberg’s formulae for the assessment of TRF inconsistencies among global geopotential models.  相似文献   
分析了城乡一体化地籍要素的联动变更关系,将联动关系及联动变更关系下的变更操作表示为规则,并给出规则的执行流程,实现规则支持下的地籍变更。通过实例对提出的规则和模型进行验证。结果表明,该模型不仅可以保证地籍变更过程的拓扑和逻辑一致性,还能够提高地籍变更的自动化和智能化程度。  相似文献   
大跨度预应力混凝土连续刚构桥的动力特性分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
介绍了福建泉州后渚大桥——大跨度预应力混凝土连续刚构桥的现场环境振动实验.并利用频域中的单模态识别法(SDOFI)、峰值法(PP)和时域中的随机子空间识别法(SSI)分别进行桥梁动力特性识别。利用ANSYS建立了全桥三维有限元模型并进行了理论模态分析,基于参数分析和环境振动测试结果对有限元模型进行了标定,建立了该桥的基准有限元模型,该模型可服务于桥梁长期健康监测与状态评估。  相似文献   
Dynamic finite element analyses of a four‐story steel building frame modeled as a fine mesh of solid elements are performed using E‐Simulator, which is a parallel finite element analysis software package for precisely simulating collapse behaviors of civil and building structures. E‐Simulator is under development at the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED), Japan. A full‐scale shake‐table test for a four‐story frame was conducted using E‐Defense at NIED, which is the largest shaking table in the world. A mesh of the entire structure of a four‐story frame with approximately 19 million degrees of freedom is constructed using solid elements. The density of the mesh is determined by referring to the results of elastic–plastic buckling analyses of a column of the frame using meshes of different densities. Therefore, the analysis model of the frame is well verified. Seismic response analyses under 60, 100, and 115% excitations of the JR Takatori record of the 1995 Hyogoken‐Nanbu earthquake are performed. Note that the simulation does not reproduce the collapse under the 100% excitation of the Takatori record in the E‐Defense test. Therefore, simulations for the 115% case are also performed. The results obtained by E‐Simulator are compared with those obtained by the E‐Defense full‐scale test in order to validate the results obtained by E‐Simulator. The shear forces and interstory drift angles of the first story obtained by the simulation and the test are in good agreement. Both the response of the entire frame and the local deformation as a result of elastic–plastic buckling are simulated simultaneously using E‐Simulator. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
随着测绘技术的不断进步,基于虚拟参考站VRS(Virtual Reference Station)技术的出现,为RTK测量提供了新的技术平台,给测绘行业带来了革命性的变化。本文就VRS技术在汶川地震灾区应急测绘基准建设中的成功运用做了详细的介绍和分析,对同类型的测绘基准建设有着很好的参考和借鉴作用。  相似文献   
异形柱框架结构是1种新型节能住宅结构,本文利用有限元软件,采用反应谱方法,从异形柱与矩形柱框架结构在地震作用下的变形特性和位移着手,研究2种结构的抗震性能,得出了异形柱的抗震性能好的结论。  相似文献   
大规模GNSS基准站网快速同步处理方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前我国GNSS连续运行基准站网已基本建设完毕,全国范围内建设完成约2000个GNSS连续运行基准站。随着站点规模的加大,数据计算的效率也迫切需要提高,采用传统的高精度数据处理软件已适应不了大规模GNSS网的数据解算要求。本文基于BERNESE5.2软件研究了我国“陆态网络工程”260个基准站的大规模GNSS网同步数据处理方法,通过修改源程序及利用并行计算技术,成功实现了陆态网络基准站快速、高效、高精度的数据计算能力。实例验证表明,陆态网络单天260个站的数据在无需分区的情况下,可在1 h内获得全球框架下的约束解,解算的框架点坐标精度在毫米量级,大大提高了国家数据中心的大规模GNSS网数据处理能力。  相似文献   
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