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A geographical information system (GIS) approach was used successfully on a federal wilderness area in southwestern Missouri to examine vegetative succession relative to fire management in a glades ecosystem. Maps of vegetation were obtained by interpreting aerial photographs taken in 1938, 1958, 1966, 1975 and 1986. Maps of topography, streams, soils and the location of fires which burned during the period 1938 to 1986 were also procured from a variety of public agencies. All maps were digitized and incorporated into a raster-based GIS with 25 m pixels. It was concluded that (1) both glades and oak-hickory forest have an affinity for distinct physiographic areas and (2) fire can help decrease the rate of processes of natural succession which cause glades to convert to forest. The probable effects of controlled fire on three areas proposed by the Forest Service were evaluated and summarized.  相似文献   
Groundwater from boreholes and shallow wells is a major source of drinking water in most rural areas of Zimbabwe. The quality of groundwater has been taken for granted and the status and the potential threats to groundwater quality have not been investigated on a large scale in Zimbabwe. A borehole and shallow well water quality survey was undertaken between January, 2009 and February, 2010 to determine the chemical and microbial aspects of drinking water in three catchment areas. Groundwater quality physico-chemical indicators used in this study were nitrates, chloride, water hardness, conductivity, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium, fluoride, sulphates, sodium and pH. The microbiological indicators were total coliforms, faecal coliforms and heterotrophs. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that most of the variation in ground water quality in all catchment areas is accounted for by Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), sodium, bicarbonate and magnesium. The principal dissolved constituents in ground water are in the form of electrically charged ions. Nitrate is a significant problem as the World Health Organization recommended levels were exceeded in 36%, 37% and 22% of the boreholes in the Manyame, Mazowe and Gwayi catchment areas respectively. The nitrate levels were particularly high in commercial farming areas. Iron and manganese also exceeded the recommended levels. The probable source of high iron levels is the underlying geology of the area which is dominated by dolerites. Dolerites weather to give soils rich in iron and other mafic minerals. The high level of manganese is probably due to the lithology of the rock as well as mining activity in some areas. Water hardness is a problem in all catchment areas, particularly in the Gwayi catchment area where a value of 2550 mg/l was recorded in one borehole. The problems with hard water use are discussed. Chloride levels exceeded the recommended levels in a few areas under irrigation. Most of the chloride is probably from agricultural activity particularly the application of potassium chloride. Fluoride levels were particularly elevated in the Gwayi catchment area and this is because of the geology of the area. There was no evidence of microbial contamination in all the boreholes sampled as the total coliform, faecal coliforms, heterotrophs count was nil. However, severe microbial contamination was found in the wells especially those in clay areas.  相似文献   
对雅安市两个基层台站(区站号56287和56278)在运行质量管理体系前后的业务管理方式、业务运行情况和业务质量进行对比分析,延伸到市级、省级,探讨质量管理体系运行效果。结果表明:1)气象台站在气象观测质量管理体系运行后,各类气象观测业务质量均有所提升。2)气象观测质量管理体系的建设,有效解决了传统业务管理存在的问题,提高了各级气象观测站运行质量,促进了各级气象观测业务的发展,大大提高了气象观测工作效率和成效。  相似文献   
大口径管井降水方法是应用较为广泛的、成熟的地下水控制措施。但因施工准入门槛低,在土建施工造价中所占比重较小,往往得不到重视,常出现边坡失稳、底板隆起等重大损失。基于抽水试验成果完成方案设计,抓准施工质量关键点是实现良好降水效果的必要条件。  相似文献   
结合厦门市1∶2000航测4D产品的生产实践过程,论述了大比例尺数字正射影像、数字高程模型的生产流程,根据4D成果数据各自的特点和它们之间存在的关联性,实现对DOM、DEM数据进行交互检查,从而提高DEM/DOM成果的质量。  相似文献   
首先简要论述了测绘产品质量的重要性,提出了测绘产品质量管理的要求,然后结合工作中的实际情况,详细阐述了加强测绘产品质量管理的一些方法与措施。  相似文献   
宋子德 《云南地质》2011,30(1):67-70
常里温泉处于普渡河断裂与大密罗-马官屯断裂交汇带,地质构造条件特殊,地下水循环较复杂.温泉水温高、水质好、埋藏浅、易开采、交通方便等优势,具有较高的开发价值.温泉形成机理,补、径、排循环系统的研究,有助于科学、合理指导开发利用温泉资源.  相似文献   
依据《煤炭资源勘查煤质评价规范》MT/T1090-2008,结合规范编写过程中的体会和多年的煤质工作经验,从煤炭资源勘查煤质工作基本要求、煤样采取、煤样的包装送检和保存、煤样的测试、煤质评价和煤质报告等6个方面对该规范进行了解释和补充说明。重点解读了煤质测试项目要求、煤质测试单位资质、如何进行煤质评价和煤质报告的主要内容,补充了几种特殊试验煤心煤样的采取、主要的煤质测试项目标准等。  相似文献   
杨宁  薛步高 《云南地质》2013,(4):389-392
全省上表铁矿111处,总储量32.16亿吨,其中有11.27亿吨暂不能使用.而且,富铁矿少,难选矿多,分布边远,难以满足经济发展需求.必须解决菱铁矿、高磷矿选矿问题,以及有远景磁异常补充深部找矿问题,可望取得突破.  相似文献   
The European Quaker project has been a powerful opportunity to accelerate the development of the ability to carry out earthquake simulations at reduced scale in the centrifuge in LCPC—France. This paper summarizes the main original technologies of this simulator. The quality of the checked performances is demonstrated in terms of ability to perform since earthquakes as well as to simulate scaled records of real earthquakes. The consistancy of the results is presented in the time and in the frequency domains.  相似文献   
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