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采用审查回归模型,分别选取了中国东、中、西部的三个典型城市无锡、武汉和西安,计算了三城市受访者的支付意愿值,并对其影响因素进行了分析.结果表明:(1)支付意愿值与地区经济发展水平直接相关.无锡、武汉和西安受访者的支付意愿分别为21.68,17.15和10.07元/年;(2)年龄越长者,由于其天气知识更丰富、日常消费较节...  相似文献   
After 55 years in geography, it might be useful to look back at the why, how, what and where of my public involvement, as a suggestive guide to younger geographers, in and out of academia who may be interested in putting their geographic knowledge and skills to use in the wider community. Although my motivations may usually have been altruistic, there have often been substantial benefits, for example, in the form of recognition, supplementary income, positions for students, and publications. Projects will be divided into three sets: (1) more ‘pure’ non-reimbursed service activities; often in the local community (2) contractual public sector projects, and (3) court case participation.  相似文献   
当前,在事业单位改革大潮的形势下,更加准确、清晰地认识气象事业单位的性质定位,确定进一步改革和发展的思路具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。分析表明,在社会主义市场经济条件下,气象部门的气象行政管理和基本气象系统应该由国家财政拨款,支持其维持发展;气象部门的有偿专业专业服务和科技产业要逐步走向市场,向气象服务商业化过渡。  相似文献   
基于公众天气预报预测塑料大棚逐日极端气温   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用浙江省慈溪市的公众天气预报和草莓大棚内极端气温的观测数据,构建一个以室外日最高气温、最低气温、相对湿度、最大风级、白天和夜间天空状况作为输入变量,棚内日最高气温和日最低气温作为输出变量的BP神经网络预测模型。用以预测草莓大棚室内日最高气温和日最低气温。结果表明,该模型对大棚内日最高气温、日最低气温的训练值和实测值之间的均方根误差分别为4.0℃和1.3℃,绝对误差则分别为3.2℃和1.0℃;日最高气温和日最低气温的预测值和实测值之间的均方根误差分别为3.6℃和1.2℃,绝对误差为3.0℃和1.0℃。该模型数据获取方便,实用性强,模拟精度较高,可以较准确的预测未来温室内的极端气温,为温室管理和调控提供依据。  相似文献   
针对空间二维坐标下存储城市公交系统数据存在的问题,文中提出了采用动态分段技术建立公交系统数据库的方法,并在该数据库的基础上实现了换乘次数最少的乘车方案。基于ArcGIS Engine组件和.Net开发平台,实现了基于动态分段技术的公交查询系统,表明动态分段技术在公交查询系统中的适用性。  相似文献   
For decades, the scientific community has conducted essential background research and developed appropriate modeling tools in support of an ecosystem-based approach to natural resource management. Resource managers and the public, however, lack a clear roadmap for working with scientists to move beyond the traditional single-species approach. With current management processes so strongly focused on working in a species-by-species framework, there are entrenched cultural and institutional challenges to shifting those processes toward ecosystem-based management. We propose using the integrated ecosystem assessment process to both develop new management ideas for a particular ecosystem, and to help shift public policy processes and perceptions to embrace ecosystem approaches to management.  相似文献   
Climate change raises many questions with strong moral and ethical dimensions that are important to address in climate-policy formation and international negotiations. Particularly in the United States, the public discussion of these dimensions is strongly influenced by religious groups and leaders. Over the past few years, many religious groups have taken positions on climate change, highlighting its ethical dimensions. This paper aims to explore these ethical dimensions in the US public debate in relation to public support for climate policies. It analyzes in particular the Christian voices in the US public debate on climate change by typifying the various discourses. Three narratives emerge from this analysis: ‘conservational stewardship’ (conserving the ‘garden of God’ as it was created), ‘developmental stewardship’ (turning the wilderness into a garden as it should become) and ‘developmental preservation’ (God's creation is good and changing; progress and preservation should be combined). The different narratives address fundamental ethical questions, dealing with stewardship and social justice, and they provide proxies for public perception of climate change in the US. Policy strategies that pay careful attention to the effects of climate change and climate policy on the poor – in developing nations and the US itself – may find support among the US population. Religious framings of climate change resonate with the electorates of both progressive and conservative politicians and could serve as bridging devices for bipartisan climate-policy initiatives.  相似文献   
To put on the map: according to the Oxford English Dictionary, whatever is so placed occupies “an important or prominent position” and is “of some account or importance.” In this brief commentary, I take the opportunity to reflect on several articles by medical/health geographers and others regarding our Public Health Disparities Geocoding Project and my research, as a social epidemiologist, on the myriad ways racism can harm health. In both cases, my work on these topics has been motivated by my desire, starting a quarter of a century ago, to put health inequities on the map: as a topic of public concern, research, and action. The insightful and informative points and questions raised by the geography-oriented articles underscore the importance of bringing the best of our respective disciplinary insights and expertise to illuminate the profound connections between social justice and public health, between our bodily truths and the body politic, so as to further the goal of embodying equity––in an ecologically sustainable world.  相似文献   
Julia Olson 《Geoforum》2010,41(2):293-303
The oceans are not only being transformed through privatization as management moves towards market mechanisms, the oceans are also being “zoned”, with zoning increasingly proposed as the ideal conduit for weighting different uses of the ocean. This is concomitant with a move towards ecosystem-based management that also partakes in a policy environment imbued with the commodification of nature, in which environmental services are ranked and valued according to neoliberal percepts. Crucial to these projects are the utilization of GIS technologies. This paper considers these zones of preservation and sites of conflict through an ethnographic case study of the scallop fisheries of New England, examining conflicts between harvesters, different projects to map the fishery, and ongoing efforts to reseed scallop beds. The paper explores how participants themselves articulate the changing practices of fishing and farming, redefining boundaries of nature and culture. While reseeding projects, for example, arguably participate in the market logic of neoliberalism, at the same time they may resist and redefine the terms, as communities see themselves sowing the seeds of their own sustainability and changing the terms of what counts, literally, as nature.  相似文献   
新疆赛里木湖湿地为国家级自然风景保护区和自治区湿润地保护区。湖区周围动植物资源丰富,景色秀丽,多姿多彩,并将湿地景观和人文景观融合为一体,具有较高的生态、科学、生物多样性、自然景观和历史文化等价值。但目前赛里木湖湿地保护乏力,生态系统已呈现衰退的迹象,需要对湿地采取保护,修复措施,并适度开发和合理利用,以充分发挥挥湿地多种功能效益。  相似文献   
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