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Detailed forest height data are an indispensable prerequisite for many forestry and earth science applications. Existing research of using Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) data mainly focuses on deriving average or maximum tree heights within a GLAS footprint, i.e. an ellipse with a diameter of 65 m. However, in most forests, it is likely that the tree heights within such ellipse are heterogeneous. Therefore, it is desired to uncover detailed tree height variation within a GLAS footprint. To the best of our knowledge, no such methods have been reported as of now. In this study, we aim to characterize tree heights’ variation within a GLAS footprint as different layers, each of which corresponds to trees with similar heights. As such, we developed a new method that embraces two steps: first, a refined Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm is proposed to decompose raw GLAS waveform into multiple Gaussian signals, within which it is hypothesized that each vegetation signal corresponds to a particular tree height layer. Second, for each layer, three parameters were first defined: Canopy Top Height (CTH), Crown Length (CL), and Cover Proportion (CP). Then we extracted the three parameters from each Gaussian signal through a defined model. In order to test our developed method, we set up a study site in Ejina, China where the dominant specie is Populus euphratica. Both simulated and field tree height data were adopted. With regard to the simulation data, results presented a very high agreement for the three predefined parameters between our results and simulation data. When our methods were applied to the field data, the respective R2 become 0.78 (CTH), CL (R2 = 0.76), CP (R2 = 0.74). Overall, our studies revealed that large footprint GLAS waveform data have the potentials for obtaining detailed forest height variation.  相似文献   
A linear theory of airflow over low hills andthe MSFD–STAB model are comparedwith published observations made at Cooper'sRidge, north–west of Goulburn inNew South Wales, Australia. The MSFD–STABmodel results show good agreementwith field data in weak to moderate stablystratified flow cases. The originallinear theory overpredicts the wind speed-upratio even in weakly stablecases. After some modification, the agreementis greatly improved.  相似文献   
北京地区日最大边界层高度的气候统计特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用北京气象站探空观测数据和地面气温观测数据,以干绝热曲线法估算1984~2013年逐日最大边界层高度,同时计算对应的边界层平均风速和通风量。统计分析这3个边界层参量的平均特征,并利用2001~2012年的空气污染指数(API),探讨大气污染与边界层参量的关系。结果表明:(1)日最大边界层高度的30年月均值以春季和夏初(3~6月)最高,约1600 m;夏季和秋初(7~10月)次之,约1300 m;冬季(11月、12月和1月)最低,约1000~1200 m。(2)夏季,日最大边界层高度不同数值的频率大致为对称分布,峰值处于1000~1600 m范围;秋、冬季,频率分布系统性地向低值一方偏斜,600~800 m的出现频率大大增加;春季边界层高度的变化极大。(3)各季边界层平均风速以夏季为最小。(4)一年中春季通风量最大,秋季次之,冬季较低,夏季最小。(5)秋、冬季,北京中度和重污染个例(API200)集中分布于弱风、低边界层和小通风量条件,反映污染物局地累积的作用;春季污染个例半数以上以高风速、高通风量为特征,反映沙尘类外部输入性污染的作用。  相似文献   
Previous study comes to the conclusion:based on the anomalies of the South Asian high (SAH),100-hPa geopotential height,and 100-hPa circulation over tropical and subtropical regions,we can predict precipita- tion anomaly in the Yangtze River Valley and North China.To test its validity,a series of experiments have been designed and operated,which include controlled experiment,sensitivity experiment (which has added anomalies into 100-hPa geopotential height and wind field),and four-composite experiments.Experiments based on the composed initial field such as EPR-CF,EPR-CD,EPR-HF,and EPR-HD,can reproduce the floods or droughts in the Yangtze River Valley and North China.It suggests that anomalies of the SAH,100- hPa geopotential height,and circulation over tropical and subtropical regions may probably imply summer precipitation anomalies in the two regions.Sensitivity experiment results show that anomalies of the SAH, 100-hPa geopotential height,and southwest flow in the previous period is a signal of droughts or floods for the following summer in the Yangtze River Valley and North China.And it is also one of the factors that have impact on summer precipitation anomaly in the two regions.Positive anomaly of 100-hPa geopotential height and the anomalous intensifying of the SAH and southwest flow will induce floods in the Yangtze River Valley and droughts in North China;while negative anomaly of 100-hPa geopotential height and anomalous weakening of the SAH and southwest flow will induce droughts in the Yangtze River Valley and floods in North China.  相似文献   
2019年夏季(6—8月)大气环流特征为:北半球极涡呈偶极型分布,中高纬度西风带呈4波型分布,欧亚大陆为“两槽一脊”的环流型。6月,我国北方海域多入海气旋和海雾,7—8月副热带高压位置较常年偏东、偏南,不利于热带气旋生成。我国近海有10次8级以上大风过程,其中热带气旋过程大风有6次,2次由入海温带气旋造成,另外2次过程主要由雷暴大风引起;出现了14次明显的海雾过程,其中6月出现7次,7月出现4次,8月出现3次;发生13次2 m以上的大浪过程,6月出现4次,7月出现5次,8月出现4次。西北太平洋和南海共有10个热带气旋命名,比常年平均偏少1个;其他各大洋共有14个命名热带气旋生成,分别为:北大西洋4个、东太平洋9个、北印度洋1个。  相似文献   
基于风廓线雷达的广东登陆台风边界层高度特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
廖菲  邓华  李旭 《大气科学》2017,41(5):949-959
针对8个登陆广东省的热带气旋,利用经过数据质量控制的风廓线雷达连续、高时空分辨率的风场观测数据,对热带气旋边界层特征进行了分析。研究结果表明:热带气旋边界层中切向风速大值区垂直范围越大、风速越强、持续时间越久,则热带气旋强度越大、登陆后强度维持时间越久。眼区外入流层厚度越大,入流层气流越强,热带气旋登陆后强度维持时间则越久。风廓线雷达信噪比垂直梯度对大气湍流信息有一定的指示作用,对于入流层高度在2000 m以下的热带气旋,其入流层顶所在高度与信噪比梯度最大值所在高度相近,对于入流层较为深厚的热带气旋,用信噪比垂直梯度确定的边界层高度虽接近入流层顶高,但仍有一定差距。不同特点的热带气旋其边界层高度并不相同,对于登陆后强度迅速减弱的热带气旋边界层高度在500~1000 m;登陆后强度持续时间短的热带气旋,其边界层高度约1000~2000 m;登陆后强度持续时间长的热带气旋,其边界层高度在2000 m之上,最高可达5000~7000 m。这些结果加深了对登陆台风边界层高度演变特征的认识。  相似文献   
郭伟  刘磊 《气象科技》2016,44(6):860-866
利用地基红外测云仪(WSIRCMS)在2011年11月北京观象台的连续观测数据,从总云量、云底高和天空类型3个方面初步分析其探测能力。结果表明:1该仪器能够不分昼夜同时实现云高、云量(高、中、低和总云量)和天空类型的连续自动探测;2与参考标准云量的差值在±10%以内的样本数占总样本数的72.5%,有霾存在时,对中高云的观测能力较弱,造成云量观测结果差异较大;3与激光云高仪的天顶方向的无云一致率达94.9%;在中低云情况下,云高观测结果一致性较好,高云时存在较大差异,WSIRCMS观测云高偏高;4与人工分类的天空类型一致的样本数占总样本数的82.63%,对波状云、积状云和混合云的识别能力稍低。  相似文献   
黄、东海海面地形在1993-2001年间的变化探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来海面地形变化是海面变化研究领域里一个具有显著意义却相对冷寂的研究方向,卫星海面测高技术的发展为此方向的研究提供了新的思路、手段和数据。本文利用TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星的SSHA数据对黄、东海1993-2001年期间的平均海面地形的空间形态特征、变化速率的空间分布特征及年内变化特征等3个方面进行分析。研究结果表明,该海区9年平均海面地形的基本特征为:东南高、西北低,由东南向西北倾斜,最大高差超过90 CM;1993-2001年期间全海区均呈现海面上升趋势,上升速率值在5~8.6 MM/A之间,海面上升的空间分异表现为南快北慢,东快西慢。海面地形的年内变化在时间上呈正弦波动,空间上中、北部区域变化速度快,年较差大;南部区域变化速度慢,年较差小;变化空间特征复杂。  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to propose an empirical method to inverse significant wave height(SWH)under typhoon conditions from collected dual-polarization Gaofen(GF)-3 synthetic aperture radar(SAR)imagery.The typhoon scenes were cap-tured from narrow scan(NSC)and wide scan(WSC)images,and collocated with European Center for Medium-Range Weather Fore-casts reanalysis data of(ECMWF).To improve the quality of GF-3 SAR images,the recalibration over rainforest and de-scalloping were carried out.To establish the empirical relationship between SAR-derived parameters and collocated SWH,the sensitivity analysis of typical parameters about the normalized radar cross section(Nrcs)and imagery variance(Cvar)were performed to both VV and VH polarized images.Four scenes from GF-3 SAR imagery under typhoon conditions were used for training the model by the multivari-ate least square regression,and one scene was used for preliminary validation.It was found that the joint retrieval model based on VV and VH polarized SAR imagery performed better than any single polarized model.These results,verified by using ECMWF data,revealed the soundness of this approach,with a correlation of 0.95,bias of 0 m,RMSE of 0.44 and SI of 0.01 when VV polarization and VH polarization data were both used.  相似文献   
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