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针对当前基于3D Zernike矩的地形匹配算法存在计算量大、实时性差的问题,通过分析3D Zernike矩的计算过程和构成地形特征向量的奇偶阶描述子的性能,提出了适用于地形匹配的3D Zernike矩快速计算方法和只使用奇数阶描述子构成特征向量的匹配方式. 仿真实验表明:本文所提快速算法不仅能大幅降低计算量,还提高了匹配精度.  相似文献   
Many cities face heat wave(HW)events,combined with the existent surface urban heat island(SUHI)effects.This places pressure on human settlements and sustainable de-velopment.However,few studies have investigated the SUHI effects from the perspective of HWs.In this study,the summer HWs in Beijing from 2001 to 2021 were calculated,and the evolution of HWs and SUHIs was quantitatively analyzed based on the dynamic nature of the urban-rural boundary.Beijing experienced 27 HWs in the 21 years,including 10 instances in June,four in July,and 13 in August.The SUHI varied during HWs,between 2-3℃ in most years.The highest SUHI occurred in 2019,reaching 3.99℃ and covering the largest area(10,887 km2).The fluctuation in HWs and SUHIs generally displayed the same spatiotemporal pattern,and HWs amplified the SUHIs to a certain extent,with the highest correlation coeffi-cient being 0.44.Additionally,impervious surfaces and cropland contributed most to SUHIs,and night light enhanced SUHIs.Observing the co-evolution of HWs and SUHIs will be helpful for ecological maintenance and urban infrastructure optimization and provide theoretical support for reducing heat risk and improving the human settlement environment.  相似文献   
建筑物地震损失是从构件破坏开始的,确定建筑物构件对地震损失的重要度有助于寻找结构的抗震薄弱构件.传统的抗震研究多数关注建筑物的结构构件破坏,对非结构构件的重要性研究不足,这也造成非结构构件的地震损失远超过结构构件的地震损失.基于新西兰地震保险数据集中大量详实的建筑物地震构件损失数据,采用随机森林的特征重要性(feature importance,FI)、排列重要性(permutation importance,PI)以及SHAP值(shap_values)这 3 种重要性分析方法对建筑物各损失构件在总体损失中的重要性大小进行排序,并采用赋值排序相加法和归一化相加的方法统筹表示重要性排序.归一化相加法不仅能判别构件的相对重要性,还可以定量地表达不同构件的重要性差异.结果表明,在所分析的 12 种构件类型中,非结构构件的重要度明显高于结构构件的重要度,其中墙面装修最重要,板式基础次之,屋顶框架的重要性最弱,未来需要更加注意墙面装修和建筑基础的抗震性能.  相似文献   
陈丁  黄文雄  黄丹 《岩土力学》2024,45(3):885-894
光滑粒子流体动力学(smoothed particle hydrodynamics,简称SPH)方法作为拉格朗日型的无网格粒子类方法,在固体极大变形问题的数值求解分析中具有显著优势。针对包含界面接触的固体大变形问题的SPH模拟,基于一种能改善边界精度的光滑粒子插值格式——有限粒子法(finiteparticlemethod,简称FPM),提出了一种新的点对体积的离散(point-to-volume discretization,简称PTVD)界面接触算法。该算法实际是将界面接触力等价转换为接触点附近两组粒子间的外部相互作用力。具体是根据接触界面特点将接触面两侧物体离散后的粒子划分为主体粒子和从属粒子,对于每个接触点附近的从属粒子,根据其影响域所包含的主体粒子情况确定该粒子与接触面的相对关系计算法向接触力,根据其影响域内两类粒子的相对切向速度和界面摩擦系数计算切向接触力。PTVD接触算法可避免界面粒子识别及精确模拟等相关的复杂接触力计算,充分体现了光滑粒子法的非局部特点。在利用经典界面接触和摩擦算例进行验证的基础上,将PTVD算法应用于颗粒土拟静力坍塌和弹体侵彻软土等涉及接触界面的大变形土力学问题SPH数值分析,结果表明PTVD算法在摩擦接触问题的SPH数值分析中具有有效性和广泛适用性。  相似文献   
在假设冰云粒子呈球形以及粒子谱服从对数正态分布的条件下,利用离散偶极子近似法(DDA),计算出太赫兹频段(220 GHz)冰云粒子的雷达反射率因子,及其与瑞利假设下雷达反射率因子的比值。忽略衰减和多次散射的影响,根据太赫兹波段冰云的雷达反射率因子,基于最优估计理论反演冰云的微物理参数,并验证该算法的可靠性。反演结果表明,当冰云粒子大小在设定的尺度范围内时,有效粒子半径(re)的反演误差小于4%,粒子谱宽(σ)的误差小于2.5%、粒子数密度(NT)的误差小于1%,冰水含量(IWC)的误差小于5%。还分析了当NTσ为定值时,反演结果随粒子尺寸的变化情况,当冰云粒子尺寸在模拟计算设定的范围内时,re的反演误差小于0.04%,σ的反演误差小于0.02%,NT的反演误差小于0.50%,IWC的反演误差小于0.08%,如果冰云粒子大小超出模拟计算设置的范围,反演误差随着re增加而增大。该结果证明了基于最优估计理论反演得到的冰云微物理参数与模拟设定值有良好的一致性,说明该方法可应用于太赫兹频段云雷达的冰云观测及云微物理参数的反演和研究。  相似文献   
为解决目前交通分配中存在的不确定性问题,基于Wardrop用户平衡原理,利用起讫点(OD,Origin Destination)估计方法和Beckman交通分配模型,建立了一种交通分配不确定性计算方法.该方法分别以不同置信水平下的OD估计结果的上下限为输入量,然后利用Frank-Wolf算法求解交通分配模型,得到不同置信水平下的路段流量区间,以此量化交通分配问题中的不确定性.以南京市区域路网为研究对象进行案例分析,并采用宽度流量比R和无效覆盖率(Kickoff Percentage,KP)对模型结果进行评价,结果表明该方法可以得到路段流量的置信区间,量化交通分配的不确定性.  相似文献   
Based on the 74 circulation indexes provided by National Climate Center of China (hereinafter referred to as NCC) and the 24 indexes compiled by NOAA, the study used the C4.5 algorithm in data mining to establish a decision tree prediction model to predict whether the Spring Persistent Rains (hereinafter referred to as SPR) of 55 years (from 1961 to 2015) is more than the normal, and obtained 5 rules to determine whether the SPR is more than the normal. The accuracy rate of the test set, namely “whether the SPR is more than the normal”, is 98.18%. After evaluating the model by conducting ten 10-fold cross validations to take the average value, the test accuracy rate gained is 84%. There are differences between the three types of years with a SPR more than the normal when it comes to intensity and distribution. In spring, they have respective anomalous 850hPa monthly mean wind fields and water-vapor flux distribution, and 700hPa forms the zone where the vertical speed is anomalously negative. As indicated by the results, the SPR prediction model based on the C4.5 algorithm has a high prediction accuracy rate, the model is reasonably and effectively constructed, and the decision rules take comprehensive factors into consideration. The anomalous rainfall and circulation distribution characteristics obtained based on the decision classification results provide new ideas and methods for the climatic prediction of SPR.  相似文献   
Reducing the error of sensitive parameters by studying the parameters sensitivity can reduce the uncertainty of the model,while simulating double-gyre variation in Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS).Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation related to Parameter(CNOP-P)is an effective method of studying the parameters sensitivity,which represents a type of parameter error with maximum nonlinear development at the prediction time.Intelligent algorithms have been widely applied to solving Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation(CNOP).In the paper,we proposed an improved simulated annealing(SA)algorithm to solve CNOP-P to get the optimal parameters error,studied the sensitivity of the single parameter and the combination of multiple parameters and verified the effect of reducing the error of sensitive parameters on reducing the uncertainty of model simulation.Specifically,we firstly found the non-period oscillation of kinetic energy time series of double gyre variation,then extracted two transition periods,which are respectively from high energy to low energy and from low energy to high energy.For every transition period,three parameters,respectively wind amplitude(WD),viscosity coefficient(VC)and linear bottom drag coefficient(RDRG),were studied by CNOP-P solved with SA algorithm.Finally,for sensitive parameters,their effect on model simulation is verified.Experiments results showed that the sensitivity order is WD>VC>>RDRG,the effect of the combination of multiple sensitive parameters is greater than that of single parameter superposition and the reduction of error of sensitive parameters can effectively reduce model prediction error which confirmed the importance of sensitive parameters analysis.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the relationship between the propagation time and the integral of the sound velocity profile (SVP) with respect to depth (SVP area for short) for positioning seafloor reference points. We proved a linear relationship between the propagation time and the SVP area and defined its mathematical expression (ST law). We showed in three simulations of possible variations in SVPs (random errors, internal waves, or a combination of both) that this ST law is verified. Using this new law in a simulated experiment, the ranging residuals due to sound velocity change through time are significantly improved. With this method, monitoring the SVP while acquiring travel times to a submerged transponder can significantly reduce the positioning errors of the transponder.  相似文献   
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