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空间规划政策在中国五年计划/规划体系中的演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王磊  沈建法 《地理科学进展》2013,32(8):1195-1206
作为社会主义国家,国民经济和社会发展五年计划/规划对调节中国区域发展具有重要的作用。自1953年第一个五年计划以来,尤其是随着市场化改革和权力下放,中国政治经济背景发生了重要变化,客观需要五年计划/规划体系中的规划内容做出相应调整。本文分析了空间规划元素在中国五年规划体系中从无到有、不断丰富完善的演变特点及其机制,同时指出了五年规划对空间发展作用的变迁:① 初期,并无空间规划,空间发展只是部门工业项目布局的结果;② 改革开放之后一段时期,空间规划的形式主要体现在划定特殊的政策区域和空间分类引导;③“十一五”规划以来,空间规划则以空间分类引导与约束并举的形式出现。通过构建政府与市场主体的关系、中央和地方的关系,以及空间发展状态所引起的规划反馈3 个维度的分析框架,着重探讨了五年规划体系中空间规划元素的变迁机制。“十一五”以来重点加强和改善了空间规划内容,其目的是使经济规划与空间规划的结合更加紧密,以克服中国当前空间管治的各种困境。  相似文献   
全面回顾了我国"十一五"期间岩心钻探、工程钻探和水文水井钻探等钻探技术装备的发展情况,从技术、产品和市场等方面展望了钻探技术装备"十二五"期间的发展趋势、特点和方向。  相似文献   
曹苏扬  熊军 《探矿工程》2011,38(2):5-7,12
主要介绍了"十一五"期间我国建材非金属矿资源勘查中探矿工程所取得的成果,分析了存在的问题,提出了"十二五"的工作重点。  相似文献   
为全面、及时地掌握日本海洋战略发展态势,为我国加快建设海洋强国和海洋立法提供借鉴和经验,文章对日本三期《海洋基本计划》进行对比研究。研究发现,三期《海洋基本计划》普遍关注海洋资源与保护的平衡、海洋安全保障等问题;第二期计划重点强调海洋产业发展、海洋安全保障、海洋科技发展;第三期计划更加突出保卫海洋安全,包括北极开发、离岛管理等。为此,我国应加快海洋立法、坚持海洋卫国、统筹海洋发展、培养海洋意识。  相似文献   
美国南佛罗里达大沼泽湿地恢复规划、实施及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从20世纪80年代开始,美国联邦政府与佛罗里达州政府共同制订和实施了一系列大沼泽湿地恢复计划和措施,特别是在2000年通过的《大沼泽湿地恢复综合规划》。该规划的目的是为了解决南佛罗里达大沼泽湿地的洪涝灾害、供水不足、水污染和生物多样性下降等问题。通过水利工程措施和生物措施相结合,保护、恢复与治理大沼泽湿地生态系统。在规划制订和实施过程中,应用科学战略、生态系统跟踪监测和综合评估提供了技术支撑。目前,该规划已取得了良好的社会经济效益和生态效益。从大沼泽湿地恢复的背景、工程实施过程和措施、科技支撑等方面,系统分析了大沼泽湿地恢复综合规划要点实施情况及效果,总结了该项目的主要经验及其对我国区域湿地保护与恢复的启示。  相似文献   
Book Reviewed in this article: Latin America: Case Studies . Richard G. Boehm and Sent Visser Locality and Rurality: Economy and Society in Rural Regions . Tony Bradley And Philip Lowe The City and the Grassroots . Manuel Castells Geopolitics and Conflict in South America. Quarrels among Neighbors . Jack Child Post-Industrial America: A Geographical Perspective . David Clark Coastal Research: UK Perspectives . Malcolm W. Clark A Rural Policy for the EEC? Hugh Clout Peasant Agriculture in Assam: A Structural Analysis . M. M. Das . Environmental Change and Tropical Geomorphology . I. Douglas and T. Spencer Advances in Abandoned Settlement Analysis: Application to Prehistoric Anthrosols in Colombia, South America . Robert C. Eidt Measuring Culture . Jonathan L. Gross and Steve Rayner North America: A Human Geography . Paul Guinness and Michael Bradshaw A Geographical Bibliography for American Libraries . Chauncy D. Harris et al. Geography and the Urban Environment: Progress in Research and Applications, Vol. VI . D. T. Herbert and R. J. Johnston Changes in Global Climate: A Study of the Effect of Radiation and Other Factors During the Present Century . K. Ya . Kondrat'ev . Rural Development and the State: Contradictions and Dilemmas in Developing Countries . David A. M. Lea and D. P. Chaudhri The Martial Metropolis: U.S. Cities in War and Peace . Roger W. Lotchin The Climate of the Earth . Paul E. Lydolph . Weather and Climate . Paul E. Lydolph . Spatial Divisions of Labor: Social Structures and the Geography of Production . Doreen Massey . Panorama of the Soviet Union . N. Mikhailov . Soviet Armenia . K. S. Demirchian . USSR: Geography of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period . K. Spidchenko . Planung und Verwirklichung der Wiener Ringstrassenzone (Planning and Materialization of the Ringstrasse-Zone of Vienna). Kurt Mollik , Hermann Reining , Rudolf Wurzer . The American West Transformed: The Impact of the Second World War Gerald D. Nash . An Overview of the Survey of Income and Program Participation . Dawn Nelson , David Mc Millen, and Daniel Kasprzyk . Phenomenology, Science and Geography: Spatiality and the Human Sciences . John Pickles . Biological Diversification in the Tropics . Ghillean T. Prance Die Wanderviehwirtschaft im gebirgigen Westen der U.S.A. und ihre Auswirkungen im Naturraum . Gisbert Rinschede . Social and Economic Aspects of Radioactive Waste Disposal: Considerations for Institutional Management . World-Wide Weather . K. Takahashi Coastal Geomorphology in Australia . B. G. Thom Settlement System in Rural India: A Case Study of the Lower Ganga-Yamuna Doab . Ram Chandra Tiwari . Computer Programming for Geographers . David J. Unwin and John A. Dawson . Late Quaternary Environments of the Soviet Union . A. A. Velichko, ed . H. E. Wright , Jr. and C. W. Barnosky Ethics in Planning . Martin Wachs  相似文献   
Vicki Arroyo 《Climate Policy》2018,18(9):1087-1093
In September 2018, leaders in climate action within and outside the U.S. will convene in San Francisco for the Global Climate Action Summit. They plan to demonstrate strong ongoing commitment to exceeding the goals set out in the Paris Agreement, despite U.S. federal opposition under President Trump, and to spur greater ambition among subnational governments and the private sector. Now that the Trump Administration is working to undo the progress made under President Obama, it is more important than ever that states and cities, as well as the private sector, redouble their efforts. Since the 2016 election, many U.S. states have demonstrated leadership by establishing ever-more ambitious clean energy and electric vehicle targets through legislation and executive action; by pushing back on the Trump Administration in public forums and in the courts; and by banding together to realise greater effectiveness through collective action. The commitment of leading states, cities, and businesses alone will not be enough to achieve the rapid reductions needed to keep planetary warming to 1.5 degrees C in the absence of U.S. federal efforts. But coming after a summer of extreme weather events, the Summit represents a critical opportunity to re-energise constituencies, highlight the need for urgent and ambitious action, and bring climate change to the forefront of policy conversations across the U.S. and beyond.

Key policy insights

  • The reversal of U.S. ambitious clean energy and transportation policy, including replacing the Clean Power Plan, freezing fuel standards, and withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, have created a gap at the federal level under President Trump that will be difficult – but perhaps not impossible – to fill with subnational action.

  • States, local governments, and the private sector have shown a strengthened commitment to combating climate change and to the goals set out in the Paris Agreement through more ambitious legislative and executive targets, and regional initiatives like RGGI and cross-jurisdictional zero emissions vehicle programmes.

  • The Global Climate Action Summit in September 2018 is a pivotal moment to energise a broader coalition within and outside the U.S. towards catalysing the level of ambition needed to exceed goals set out in the Paris Agreement.

The state of Rhode Island's Ocean Special Area Management Plan (Ocean SAMP) is the first marine spatial plan in the United States to be formally approved by the federal government as an element of a state's Coastal Management Program. The 3800 km2 Ocean SAMP region includes waters under both state and federal jurisdiction. The Ocean SAMP applies the inclusive, ecosystem-based approach to marine spatial planning recommended by the National Ocean Commission in 2004 that is a feature of the National Ocean Policy promulgated in 2010. It places within a larger spatial planning context the impact assessment process that is the basis for the issuance of leases and permits requested by a developer for a specified activity at a defined marine site. The Ocean SAMP was prepared over a two and a half year period of information generation, analysis, consultation, planning and policy making prompted by the need to identify potentially suitable sites for anticipated offshore wind farms. Its highly consultative approach builds upon the 30 years of experience of the Rhode Island Coastal Program in developing and implementing special area management plans (SAMPs) for coastal and marine areas where conflicts over needs for both development and conservation demand special attention and negotiation among stakeholders with different interests. The phases in the development and approval of the Ocean SAMP, and the prospects for successful implementation are examined through frameworks suggested for the preparation of a governance baseline put forward by the international Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) program.  相似文献   
航空伽马能谱测量方法技术现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要地介绍了国内外航空伽马能谱测量方法技术的发展现状,尤其是近年来航空伽马能谱测量在仪器研制、数据处理与资料解释方法技术及应用领域等方面取得的最新进展,并结合我国当前地质找矿工作的需求,提出今后一段时期我国航空伽马能谱量测工作的重点应着眼于加强区域性航空伽马能谱测量工作,重视资料的二次开发利用及拓展新应用领域;要作好仪器国产化之后的实用化开发,及加强航空伽马能谱测量新方法技术研究。  相似文献   
Fraser Sugden   《Geoforum》2009,40(4):634-644
In recent years, neo-liberalism has manifested itself in peripheral social formations on an ideological basis through strategies of poverty alleviation. This process is epitomized by Nepal’s donor led agrarian strategy, which constructs farmers as ‘rational entrepreneurs’ responsible for their own welfare. In the process it seeks to encourage smallholders to shift from subsistence to market oriented production. However, over 10 years since the current agrarian strategy was released, there is little evidence of commercialisation and the integration of rural populations into global or domestic markets, while subsistence production remains dominant. To understand this failure, one must examine both the contradictions inherent in neo-liberal ideologies and the rural political economy of Nepal. While the emphasis on self-help through market access can be understood to be an ideological process constitutive of the overdetermined nature of capitalist expansion, contradictions are evident in such ideologies when they are mobilised in regions dominated by non-capitalist economic systems. The depoliticizing assumptions inherent in such ideologies can serve the interests of capitalist expansion through glossing over the associated forms of class exploitation. However, a case study from Nepal’s eastern lowlands demonstrates how they also divert attention from complex non-capitalist modes of surplus appropriation in both the relations of production and circulation. Such forms of exploitation have not only obstructed the process of classical agrarian transition long envisaged in Marxian theory, but have also blocked the emergence of the particular form of rural commodity production envisaged in Nepal’s neo-liberal agrarian strategy itself.  相似文献   
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