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We present new observations and models of the shapes and rotational states of the eight near-Earth Asteroids (1580) Betulia, (1627) Ivar, (1980) Tezcatlipoca, (2100) Ra-Shalom, (3199) Nefertiti, (3908) Nyx, (4957) Brucemurray, and (5587) 1990 SB. We also outline some of their solar phase curves, corrected to common reference geometry with the models. Some of the targets may feature sizable global nonconvexities, but the observable solar phase angles were not sufficiently high for confirming these. None is likely to have a very densely cratered surface. We discuss the role of the intermediate topographic scale range in photometry, and surmise that this scale range is less important than large or small scale lengths.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet disk-integrated solar phase curves of the icy galilean satellites Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto are presented, using combined data sets from the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE), Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and the Galileo Ultraviolet Spectrometer. Global, disk-integrated solar phase curves for all three satellites, in addition to disk-integrated solar phase curves for Europa's leading, trailing, jovian, and anti-jovian hemispheres, are modeled using Hapke's equations for 7 broadband UV wavelengths between 260 and 320 nm. The sparse coverage in solar phase angle, particularly for Ganymede and Callisto, and the noise in the data sets poorly constrain some of the photometric parameter values in the model. However, the results are sufficient for forming a preliminary relationship between the effects of particle bombardment on icy surfaces and photometric scattering properties at ultraviolet wavelengths. Callisto exhibits a large UV opposition surge and a surface comprised of relatively low-backward scattering particles. Europa's surface displays a dichotomy between the jovian and anti-jovian hemispheres (the anti-jovian hemisphere is more backward scattering), while a less pronounced hemispherical variation was detected between the leading and trailing hemispheres. Europa's surface, with the exception of the trailing hemisphere region, appears to have become less backscattering between the late-1970s-early-1980s and the mid-1990s. These results are commensurate with the bombardment history of these surfaces by magnetospheric charged particles.  相似文献   
Seismology is the best tool for investigating the interior structure of stars and giant planets. This paper deals with a photometric study of jovian global oscillations. The propagation of acoustic waves in the jovian troposphere is revisited in order to estimate their effects on the planetary albedo. According to the standard model of the jovian cloud structure there are three major ice cloud layers (e.g., [Atreya et al., 1999. A comparison of the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn: Deep atmospheric composition, cloud structure, vertical mixing, and origin. Planet Space Sci. 47, 1243-1262]). We consider only the highest layers, composed of ammonia ice, in the region where acoustic waves are trapped in Jupiter's atmosphere. For a vertical wave propagating in a plane parallel atmosphere with an ammonia ice cloud layer, we calculate first the relative variations of the reflected solar flux due to the smooth oscillations at about the ppm level. We then determine the phase transitions induced by the seismic waves in the clouds. These phase changes, linked to ice particle growth, are limited by kinetics. A Mie model [Mishchenko et al., 2002. Scattering, Absorption, and Emission of Light by Small Particles. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, pp. 158-190] coupled with a simple radiation transfer model allows us to estimate that the albedo fluctuations of the cloud perturbed by a seismic wave reach relative variations of 70 ppm for a 3-mHz wave. This albedo fluctuation is amplified by a factor of ∼70 relative to the previously published estimates that exclude the effect of the wave on cloud properties. Our computed amplifications imply that jovian oscillations can be detected with very precise photometry, as proposed by the microsatellite JOVIS project, which is dedicated to photometric seismology [Mosser et al., 2004. JOVIS: A microsatellite dedicated to the seismic analysis of Jupiter. In: Combes, F., Barret, D., Contini, T., Meynadier, F., Pagani, L. (Eds.), SF2A-2004, Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, Les Ulis. In: EdP-Sciences Conference Series, pp. 257-258].  相似文献   
A series of natural granular surfaces composed of volcanic samples that widely vary in grain sizes (from the micron-scale to the millimeter-scale), shapes, surface aspects, origins, and including glass and minerals, has been measured in the visible domain with the spectro-imaging device ISEP (Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France) and inverted by photometric modeling. The experimental protocol makes use of a specific set of multiangular configurations (on the order of a few tens) with sufficient angular diversity and coverage of the bidirectional space to resolve differences in particle phase function behavior and surface texture. This restrained set delivers comparable results in terms of photometric parameters to those produced with a dense set of hundreds of measurements. The considered samples in this work have been chosen to assess the influence of varied physical properties on light scattering behavior. The following specific photometric trends are found. Samples comprising fresh glass or monocrystals in a proportion on the order of 30% or more (from binocular magnifying glass inspection) are extremely forward scattering with narrow scattering lobes, and the larger the particles, the narrower the scattering lobe; also, round particles tend to be more backscattering than irregularly-shaped ones of similar texture, and the presence of voids within particles tends to increase the backscattering character of the sample. Particles with broad scattering lobes (phase function asymmetry parameter b ? 0.5) display relatively large modeled surface macroscopic roughness values (15-25°), while particles with narrow scattering lobes (b ? 0.5) show smaller modeled surface macroscopic roughness (between 15° and ∼3°).The comparison between the present results for the scattering parameters b and c, and those obtained in previous studies from artificial particles shows a similar trend and general agreement although some discrepancies were observed. The granular surface samples analyzed in the present study that contain a high proportion of isolated translucent monocrystals and/or fresh glass appear extremely forward-scattering and clearly chart a new part of the c vs. b trend. This is further supported by recent similar findings for martian in situ data and lunar regolith simulants. These results should help to better interpret present and future orbital and landed photometric data from bodies’ surfaces such as the Moon’s, Mars’, Vesta’s or Mercury’s regolith.  相似文献   
We present the results of absolute photometry – the absolute brightness HV, the effective diameter, (B)VR color indices, composite light curves, period of rotation and amplitude of variations – of several small asteroids in the inner main-belt: 1344 Caubeta, 1401 Lavonne, 2947 Kippenhahn, 3913 Chemin, 3956 Caspar, 4375 Kiyomori, 4555 1987 QL, 5484 Inoda, 5985 1942 RJ, 6949 Zissell and main-belt asteroid 6867 Kuwano. The photometric observations of these objects were made in the period 2007–2009 as part of a project of photometric studies of small main-belt asteroids that involves a collaboration of a number of asteroid photometrists around the world.  相似文献   
Experiments are described which demonstrate that the dead-time constant associated with a photon counting stellar photometer/polarimeter is readily determinable by the application of the Malus law. It is also proposed that corrections for dead-time losses should be applied by an iteration technique to the exact equation rather than using the available approximation formulae.  相似文献   
Brightness measurements made during 1963-1965 and 1991-2009 are used in constructing models of the brightness of the Saturn system in the Johnson B, V, R and I system. The models cover nearly the full range of phase angles and ring opening angles visible from the Earth and are believed to be accurate to 0.03-0.05 magnitudes. A U-filter model is also selected which covers ring opening angles of between 4° and 14°. The model is the first such one that treats the light from the rings as a function of the saturnicentric latitude from the Earth and Sun in a way that is consistent with observations and theoretical considerations. Six conclusions of this work are: (1) the Saturn system brightens as the solar phase angle decreases, (2) the Saturn system has an opposition surge, (3) the opposition surge increases as the ring opening angle increases, (4) the solar phase angle coefficient increases as the ring opening angle increases, (5) the B-V, V-R and R-I color indexes change by up to 0.2 magnitudes as Saturn orbits the Sun and (6) the V-filter model in this report is a better fit to the 1963-2009 data than the one proposed by Harris (Harris, D.L. [1961]. In: Kuiper, G.P., Middlehurst, B.M. (Eds), Planets and Satellites. Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, IL, pp. 272-342].  相似文献   
Sub-pixel slope variations can have significant effects on the intensity of light scattered from a planetary surface. As a result, determination of the surface slope from the apparent brightness of a given pixel can be confounded by uncertainly in such variations. Under a wide range of conditions, the average slope across the pixel may be different from what is inferred by photoclinometry. Because topography is derived from photoclinometry by integrating the slope across an image composed of many pixels, topographic elevation could in principle be distorted considerably by this effect. As actually applied, photoclinometry generally includes strategies designed to mitigate these effects substantially. Nevertheless, the potential always exists for unknown variations in the character of sub-pixel topography (among other uncertainties such as albedo variations) to introduce errors. The results shown here show the importance of the mitigating strategies and of considering the magnitude of uncertainties in determination of topography.  相似文献   
Computer simulations of light scattering by particulate surfaces and single particles forming these surfaces are presented. The ray optics approximation is used. Three types of particles are studied: spheres, cubes, and very irregular particles that are generated with an auxiliary random Gaussian field. The surfaces of the particles are represented as an arrangement of triangular facets. For the Monte Carlo ray tracing 106−107 rays were used. The ray tracing verifies Shkuratov et al.'s (Icarus 137 (1999) 235-246) spectral albedo model for powder-like media. We derive a useful relationship between the hemispheric albedo, Aint, and the bi-directional reflectance, R, at phase angle 30°: logR(30°)=1.088logAint. This relationship provides a way to estimate bi-directional reflectance spectra from laboratory spectra measured with an integrating sphere for surfaces composed of particles of irregular shapes. We study also phase angle curves of the nonzero scattering matrix elements, F11, −F12/F11, F22/F11, F33/F11, F34/F11, F44/F11, for single particles and media thereof. Randomly shaped particles show smoother phase angle behavior than particles with regular shapes that display distinct features. For media consisting of spheres the glory and primary rainbow both are prominent even in the case of conservative (nonabsorbing) scattering. On the other hand, such media clearly exhibit the depolarization effect, showing a significant role of multiple scattering between particles. For media composed of semitransparent cubes the retroreflector spike and a very deep negative polarization branch at small phase angles are observed. We demonstrate that, in the geometric optics approximation, neither a medium of spherical particles nor one of cubic particles is appropriate for modeling light scattering behavior of regolith-like surfaces.  相似文献   
The Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) can be used to obtain direct determination of the sizes and the albedos of asteroids. We present results of the first attempt to carry out interferometric observations of asteroids with the Mid Infrared Interferometric Instrument (MIDI) at the VLTI. Our target was 1459 Magnya. This is the only V-type asteroid known to exist in the outer main-belt, and its IRAS-albedo turns out to be rather low for an object of this taxonomic class. Interferometric fringes were not detected, very likely due to the fact that the flux emitted by the asteroid was lower than expected and below the MIDI threshold for fringe detection. However, by fitting the Standard Thermal Model to the N-band infrared flux measured by MIDI in photometric mode and to the visible absolute magnitude, obtained from quasi-simultaneous B- and V-band photometric observations, we have derived a geometric visible albedo of 0.37±0.06 and an effective diameter of 17±1 km. This new estimate of the albedo differs from that previously obtained by IRAS and is more consistent with the V-type taxonomic classification of 1459 Magnya.  相似文献   
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