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通过对云南牛波金矿采场工程两年来的滑塌沉降观测,研究滑塌沉降与开挖边坡坡角的关系,推导出采场边坡稳定角,估算滑塌体的最大沉降量与位置。指导采场工程施工和矿山安全生产。  相似文献   
The paper shows an application of Scale Recursive Estimation (SRE) used to assimilate rainfall rates estimated during a storm event from three remote sensing devices. These are the TMI radiometer and the PR radar, carried on board of the TRMM satellite and the KNQA Memphis Weather Surveillance radar, belonging to the NEXRAD network, each one providing rain rate estimates at a different spatial scale. The variability of rain rate process in scales is modeled as a multiplicative random cascade, including spatial intermittence. The observational noise in the estimates is modeled according to a multiplicative error. System estimation, including process and observational noise, is carried out using Maximum Likelihood Estimation implemented by a scale recursive Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. As a result, new rainfall rate estimates are obtained that feature decreased estimation error as compared to those coming from each device alone. The performance of the SRE-EM approach is compared with that of the latest methods proposed for data fusion of multisensor estimates. The proposed approach improves the current methods adopted for SRE and provides an alternative for data fusion in the field of precipitation.  相似文献   
本文根据多参数的R-C不等式和优效计量定理,得到了函数模型和随机模型参数估计的方差下界公式。函数模型的参数估计是优效估计量,但随机模型的参数估计即方差分量估计不是优效估计量;作为特例,单位权方差的估计是优效估计量,同时证明了函数模型和随机模型参数估计的不相关性。  相似文献   
马敏益 《江苏地质》2006,30(4):303-305
介绍了放射性测井原理,在石盐取心井段,绘制放射性测井曲线重叠图,将重叠图上的幅度差与化验分析资料进行深度归位,求出某井石盐矿石的测井品位系数,再利用此测井品位系数,推算出该井所有含矿层的矿石品位;分析了影响测井矿石品位系数的有关因素和所采取的措施。  相似文献   
抗差估计在粗差探测及平差计算中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
常规的粗差深测技术,不仅辅助计算工作量大,而且将粗差探测与平差计算分两步进行。本文根据抗差估计原理,通过对观测值附加粗差的办法,制订不同的方案,分别进行抗差估计和LS估计。  相似文献   
Macroseismic investigation is presented with a new potential means of investigation in the "digital age". In this paper we studied several cases in the May 12, 2008, Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake with a view to exploring the feasibility of retrieving intensity, or even strong ground motion parameters, from public monitoring video which was originally deployed for security purposes. We used public monitoring video records from 44 sites across the meizoseismal region and its surroundings to estimate the intensity. By using the video from a bank in Dujiangyan, Sichnan Province and making the simple assumption that ground vibration is in the form of a propagating harmonic wave, we estimated that the local ground motion acceleration was 0.14g.  相似文献   
分析海浪方向谱的扩展本征矢方法Ⅰ.方法的导出   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于交叉谱矩阵可以按本征值划分为信号和含有噪音部分的思想,提出了一种自直接测量数据估计海浪方向谱的方法。该方法称为扩展本征矢方法(EEV),可应用于单点测量系统、仪器阵列以及由二者构成的复合阵列。现有的某些估计方法(如最大似然方法及其扩展形式等)仅是此方法的某种特例。  相似文献   
西藏地区复杂地形下的降水空间分布估算模型   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
本文提供了一个描述西藏地区年、季降水量空间分布的估算模型.利用卫星遥测数字化地形高程资料和西藏地区仅有的27个常规气象站的多年平均降水整编资料,根据地形坡向站点分为三类.再采用多元逐步回归方法,建立西藏地区的年、季降水量和经度、纬度、海拔高度、坡度、坡向、遮蔽度等6个地理、地形因子之间的关系模型,估算西藏地区降水量的空间分布.结果表明,此方法建立的关于西藏地区降水量与诸因子之间方程的相关性显著,平均绝对误差、相对误差分别为0.93mm和1.16%,对估算模型进行F检验,均通过置信度为0.95的相关检验,回归效果较显著.分析表明估算降水能够定量、定性地再现西藏地区的实际降水分布.  相似文献   
一种新型的数码相机室内检校场的建立方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现普通数码相机应用于摄影测量任务前的检验,提出了一种简易室内数码相机检校场的建立方法和流程。首先进行检校场地的建立,包括场地的选择、标志点的制作及其坐标的量测,然后对检校场的可靠性进行了验证。结果表明所建立的简易室内数码相机检校场能够满足普通数码相机应用于近景摄影测量的检校要求。并且,检校场建立简易,费用较传统数码相机检校场大大降低,是对传统大型室内数码相机检校场的改进。  相似文献   
A procedure for short-term rainfall forecasting in real-time is developed and a study of the role of sampling on forecast ability is conducted. Ground level rainfall fields are forecasted using a stochastic space-time rainfall model in state-space form. Updating of the rainfall field in real-time is accomplished using a distributed parameter Kalman filter to optimally combine measurement information and forecast model estimates. The influence of sampling density on forecast accuracy is evaluated using a series of a simulated rainfall events generated with the same stochastic rainfall model. Sampling was conducted at five different network spatial densities. The results quantify the influence of sampling network density on real-time rainfall field forecasting. Statistical analyses of the rainfall field residuals illustrate improvement in one hour lead time forecasts at higher measurement densities.  相似文献   
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