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The development of a predictive model of behaviour of porous media during injection of miscible grout, taking into account convection, dilution and filtration of grout solution with interstitial water, as well as consolidation aspects, is presented. Model assumptions are reviewed and discussed first. During the establishment of the model, we insist on surface terms and their physical relevance in expressing adsorption effects. Constitutive laws such as Fick's law for diffusive mass transport, hydrodynamic dispersion tensor dealing with miscibility, are modified by taking into account filtration effects. A new surface term appears in mass balance equations as a consequence of filtration. According to the filtration laws used, an initial filtration rate is estimated on the basis of a one‐dimensional experimental campaign. The field equations are discretized by using Galerkin finite element and θ‐scheme standard method. For transport equation, Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin method is employed to prevent numerical oscillations. Lastly, confrontation of numerical results with laboratory experiments constitutes a first step to validate the model on a realistic basis. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
海域条件下的气象观测具有数据稀少、变化大且观测站点分布不均的特点,其插值精度受插值方法影响较大。首先对常规插值方法进行理论分析,进而选取了反距离加权法、克里金法和样条函数法三种插值方法进行了插值实验和精度分析。根据渤海湾某区域的气象历史数据,采用不同方法绘制了温度、压强和湿度的插值平面图,并基于交叉验证的方式对各插值方法进行了对比,给出了不同方法的插值估算可靠性评价。结果表明:温度、压强和湿度的插值精度均是基于反距离加权法的插值结果最优(MAE_(温度)=2.42,RMSE_(温度)=1.92,MAE_(压强)=2.05,RMSE_(压强)=1.30,MAE_(湿度)=11.394, RMSE_(压强)=6.43),同时基于反距离加权法的图形绘制可视化效果也要优于其他两种方法。研究结果可为海域气象参数估算提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   
以2015~2019年12景ALOS-2 PALSAR2影像和2018~2019年38景Sentinel-1A影像为主要数据源,利用PS-InSAR和SBAS-InSAR技术提取西藏江达县波罗乡白格滑坡点的形变信息,并对处理结果进行交叉验证。研究得到以下结论:1)PS-InSAR技术条件下,ALOS-2数据和Sentinel-1A数据的平均形变速率范围为-68.9~37.9 mm/a和-64.5~24.2 mm/a;SBAS-InSAR技术条件下,ALOS-2数据和Sentinel-1A数据的平均形变速率范围为-84.2~-40.0 mm/a和-84.0~-13.0 mm/a。2)对2种数据结果中提取的4个特征点进行时序分析和定量分析显示,2种InSAR技术结果变化趋势较为一致,验证了两者在滑坡监测中的可靠性和准确性。  相似文献   
土壤蒸发和植被蒸腾遥感估算与验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地表蒸散发是土壤—植被—大气系统中能量和水循环的重要环节,它包括土壤、水体和植被表面的蒸发,以及植被蒸腾。随着地表参数多源遥感产品的快速发展,利用不同地表参数遥感产品估算地表蒸散发以及其组分土壤蒸发和植被蒸腾成为日常监测越来越便利,监测尺度已从单站扩展到田块、区域乃至全球。目前地表蒸散发双层遥感估算模型按照建模机理的不同可分为:系列模型、平行模型、基于特征空间的模型、结合传统方法的模型以及数据同化方法。本文从模型构建物理机制、模型驱动数据以及模型输出结果验证等方面总结了上述模型的发展历史和现状,并指出在模型结构与参数化方案的优化、高分辨率模型驱动数据的发展、土壤蒸发和植被蒸腾像元尺度"地面真值"的获取等方面都仍需进一步完善。  相似文献   
The identification of the model discrepancy and skill is crucial when a forecast is issued. The characterization of the model errors for different cumulus parameterization schemes (CPSs) provides more confidence on the model outputs and qualifies which CPSs are to be used for better forecasts. Cases of good/bad skill scores can be isolated and clustered into weather systems to identify the atmospheric structures that cause difficulties to the forecasts. The objective of this work is to study the sensitivity of weather forecast, produced using the PSU-NCAR Mesoscale Model version 5 (MM5) during the launch of an Indian satellite on 5th May, 2005, to the way in which convective processes are parameterized in the model. The real-time MM5 simulations were made for providing the weather conditions near the launch station Sriharikota (SHAR). A total of 10 simulations (each of 48 h) for the period 25th April to 04th May, 2005 over the Indian region and surrounding oceans were made using different CPSs. The 24 h and 48 h model predicted wind, temperature and moisture fields for different CPSs, namely the Kuo, Grell, Kain-Fritsch and Betts-Miller, are statistically evaluated by calculating parameters such as mean bias, root-mean-squares error (RMSE), and correlation coefficients by comparison with radiosonde observation. The performance of the different CPSs, in simulating the area of rainfall is evaluated by calculating bias scores (BSs) and equitable threat scores (ETSs). In order to compute BSs and ETSs the model predicted rainfall is compared with Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) observed rainfall. It was observed that model simulated wind and temperature fields by all the CPSs are in reasonable agreement with that of radiosonde observation. The RMSE of wind speed, temperature and relative humidity do not show significant differences among the four CPSs. Temperature and relative humidity were overestimated by all the CPSs, while wind speed is underestimated, except in the upper levels. The model predicted moisture fields by all CPSs show substantial disagreement when compared with observation. Grell scheme outperforms the other CPSs in simulating wind speed, temperature and relative humidity, particularly in the upper levels, which implies that representing entrainment/detrainment in the cloud column may not necessarily be a beneficial assumption in tropical atmospheres. It is observed that MM5 overestimates the area of light precipitation, while the area of heavy precipitation is underestimated. The least predictive skill shown by Kuo for light and moderate precipitation asserts that this scheme is more suitable for larger grid scale (>30 km). In the predictive skill for the area of light precipitation the Betts-Miller scheme has a clear edge over the other CPSs. The evaluation of the MM5 model for different CPSs conducted during this study is only for a particular synoptic situation. More detailed studies however, are required to assess the forecast skill of the CPSs for different synoptic situations.  相似文献   
沿海淤泥质滩涂是中国重要的耕地后备资源之一,滩涂围垦新增的大量耕地资源的生产潜力能反映滩涂土壤粮食安全保障能力大小。本文以江苏省如东县滩涂围垦区为例,在现有的光温水气候生产潜力模型的基础上,引进基础地力贡献率和盐分限制因子作为土壤有效性系数,构建沿海地区土地生产潜力模型,并通过水稻和小麦产量对模型结果进行初步验证。研究表明:该模型具有一定可行性。滩涂围垦区水稻产量土壤基础地力贡献率为55%~59%;小麦基础地力贡献率为50%~80%。未脱盐的1982年滩涂围垦区水稻和小麦产量受到盐分阻碍的系数分别为0.73和1.00。2007年垦区由于盐分太高不能种植水稻,小麦产量受到盐分阻碍系数为0.35。未脱盐的1982年滩涂垦区土壤基础地力修正后的水稻和小麦土地生产潜力分别为12235.84和6502.23 kg/hm2;土壤盐分修正后的土地生产潜力分别为15677.42和10329.39 kg/hm2;土壤基础地力和盐分共同修正后的土地水稻和小麦生产潜力分别为8934.97和6502.23 kg/hm2。与实地调查的水稻产量(9750 kg/hm2)和小麦生产潜力(6000 kg/hm2)相比,目前土地生产力远小于盐分限制下的土地生产潜力,与基础地力和盐分双重限制下的土地生产潜力接近,改善土壤施肥技术可以进一步提高土地生产力。  相似文献   
在智能交通系统中,准确和高效的短时交通流量预测是交通诱导、管理和控制的前提。由于交通流量动态变化中表现出的时变性和非平稳性特征,其预测难度较大,是交通领域中亟待解决的难题。为提高短时交通流量的预测精度,本文设计与实现了基于自适应时序剖分与KNN(A-TS-KNN)的短时交通流量预测算法。① 基于动态时间规整(Dynamic Time Warping,DTW)动态剖分单日时序为不同的交通模式;② 在不同交通模式,采用互信息法求解每个预测时刻时间延迟的最大阈值,构造不同时间延迟的状态向量,生成交通流量历史数据库;③ 采用十次十折交叉验证的方法求解每个时刻不同时间延迟与不同K值的正交误差结果分布,提取误差最小的正交结果,得到自适应时间延迟与K值的参数组合;④ 采用K个最相似的近邻的距离倒数加权值作为预测结果。对比K近邻(K-nearest neighbors, KNN)、支持向量回归(Support vector regression,SVR)、长短期记忆神经网络(Long-short term memory neural network,LSTM)以及门控递归单元神经网络(Gate recurrent unit neural network,GRU)共4种主流预测模型,A-TS-KNN算法预测精度显著提升;将A-TS-KNN算法用于福州市城市路网中其他交叉路口的短时交通流量预测,结果表现出良好的泛化能力。  相似文献   
This paper focuses attention on the development of a numerical model of the hydro/thermo/mechanical behaviour of unsaturated clay and its consequent verification and validation. The work presented describes on-going collaboration between the Cardiff School of Engineering and Atomic Energy of Canada. The model development, which was carried out at Cardiff, can be described as being based on a mechanistic approach to coupled heat, moisture and air flow. This is then linked to a deformation analysis of the material within a ‘consolidation’ type of model. The whole is solved via the finite element method to yield a computer software code named COMPASS (COde for Modelling PArtly Saturated Soil). Some aspects of verification and validation of the model have been addressed in-house. However, the purpose of current AECL work is to provide an independent, rigorous, structured programme of validation and the paper will also explore the further validation of COMPASS within this context. © 1998 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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A validation protocol for multicomponent spectroscopic assays based on principal componentsregression is described. Factorial design and hypothesis tests are used to establish the linearity andabsence of interaction between components in the regression model. Testing considers multiple responsevariables simultaneously so that correlation between residuals is properly treated. Assay reproducibilityand sensitivity to related substances are evaluated.  相似文献   
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