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In coal mining areas, ground subsidence persistently happens, which produces serious environmental issues and affects the development of cities. To monitor the ground deformation due to coal mining, a modified time-series InSAR technique combining persistent scatterers (PSs) and distributed scatterers (DSs) is presented in this paper. In particular, DSs are efficiently identified using classified information and statistical characteristics. Furthermore, a two-scale network is introduced into traditional PSI to deal with PSs and DSs in a multi-layer framework by taking the advantage of the robust of PSs and the widely distribution of DSs. The proposed method is performed to investigate the subsidence of Huainan City, Anhui province (China), during 2012–2013 using 14 scenes of Radarsat-2 images. Experimental results show that the proposed method can ease the estimation complexity and significantly increase the spatial density of measurement points, which can provide more detailed deformation information. Result shows that there are obvious subsidence areas detected in the test site with subsidence velocity larger than 5 cm/year. The proposed method brings practical applications for non-urban area deformation monitoring.  相似文献   
针对常规大地测量监测沂沭断裂带地表形变结果无法全面反演该区域构造应力场的局限性,尝试采用PS和SBAS两种In SAR时序分析技术对该区域地表形变进行监测。首先对SBAS-In SAR技术的原理进行详细推导和分析;在此基础上,对覆盖研究区的14景ENVISAT-ASAR数据采用PS-In SAR和SBAS-InSAR技术进行处理,分别提取了该区域地表年平均形变速率图;通过与水准监测数据的对比分析发现:InSAR时序分析方法在大范围、持续缓慢断裂带地表形变监测中能够获取与精密水准监测一致的形变趋势,且SBAS-In SAR技术在数据量较少情况下能获得更好的监测效果。这表明In SAR时序分析技术可以作为断裂带微小地表形变监测的有效手段。  相似文献   
Petro-Sonde法场源研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国的Petro-Sonde(简称PS)法,对地层有很高的分辨力和一定的识别物性的能力,从而引起我国地球物理学界的重视,国内研究者相继开展了对该方法的研究。但由于对PS法的场源机制并不清楚,这妨碍了对方法原理的研究,因而对场源机制的探讨至关重要。本文提出PS法所利用的场源是起因于雷暴闪电的天然电磁场,且主要是电型场或TM场,而TM零阶模和TM一阶模为其主要的初始场形式,这明显不同于Cagniard模型。  相似文献   
针对SAR干涉点目标分析技术在区域地表形变监测中仅能在一定程度上消除大气延迟效应的问题,采用邻域差分的思想来减弱差分干涉相位中的自相关影响。采用附加距离限制的Delaunay三角网进行PS基线网络的布设,可以有效剔除距离较长的基线边和低质量的PS点目标,并利用邻接矩阵对PS基线网络中的重复边进行检测与删除,以提高程序的计算效率。首先利用模拟数据对程序的有效性与正确性进行验证,然后以大同-西安客运专线太谷-祁县段为研究对象,选取2015-07~2016-02的8景TerraSAR数据进行实例分析,获取的高铁沿线形变与已有地裂缝调查资料和野外实地考察资料具有较高的一致性,证明了PS基线网络在线性工程形变监测应用中的可行性。  相似文献   
即一定模数硅酸钾溶液,是保护加固土遗址的一种无机化学材料。通过近20年的实践证明,PS材料具有增强遗址土体强度和抵抗外界环境破坏的作用。但PS渗透加固遗址土的微观机制以及加固后遗址土宏观特性的改变如何,并没有取得显著的突破和统一的认识。利用3%体积浓度的PS溶液渗透加固室内击实制备的良渚遗址土试样,渗透初始含水率为13%、17%、19%、21%和25%,并对加固前、后试样进行非饱和直剪、压汞和扫描电镜试验,旨在解决上述两个问题。基于压汞试验得到的双峰孔隙分布模型,提出了PS渗透加固遗址土的两种微观加固机制,并通过扫描电镜试验结果验证了加固机制,同时提出了用于表征两种加固机制指标参数P1和P2。通过研究发现,加固指标P1和P2能够较好地描述在不同含水率下经PS加固试样的相关改进特性如土-水特征曲线和剪切特性的变化规律。研究成果为PS的进一步应用和加固保护土遗址研究提供了新的方法和手段。  相似文献   
Using a time series method that combines both the persistent scatterer and small baseline approaches, we analyzed 9 scenes Envisat ASAR data over the L’Aquila earthquake, and obtained a Shocke’s displacement field and its evolution processes. The results show that: (1) Envisat ASAR clearly detected the whole processes of displacement field of the L’Aquila earthquake, and distinct variations at different stages of the displacement field. (2) Pre-seismic creep displacement → displacement mutation when faulting → constantly slowed down after the earthquake. (3) The area of the strongest deformation and ground rupture was a low-lying oval depression region to the southeast. Surface faulting within a zone of about 22 km × 14 km, with an orientation of 135°, occurred along the NW-striking and SW-dipping Paganica-S. Demetrio normal fault. (4) In analyzing an area of about 54 km × 59 km, bounded by north–south axis to the epicenter, the displacement field has significant characteristics of a watershed: westward of the epicenter shows uplift with maximum of 130 mm in line-of-sight (LOS), and east of the epicenter was a region with 220 mm of maximum subsidence in the LOS, concentrating on the rupture zone, the majority of which formed in the course of faulting and subsequence.  相似文献   
交河故城瞭望台保护加固技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
交河故城遗址是第一批全国重点文物保护单位,瞭望台是交河故城内重要建筑遗址,它的主要病害是表面风化、裂隙密布、洞顶失稳。在分析病害形成机理的基础上,重点研究了生土遗址保护加固的几个关键技术,对掏蚀深度相对于悬挑土体厚度较小的土遗址,当基础掏蚀深度小于块体宽度的30 %时,可不采用砌补技术,只进行表面防风化处理;可选择竹木锚杆、PS-C浆液灌浆加固生土遗址,锚杆的单位锚固力可采用5 kN/m;采用新奥法加固洞顶可较好地保持文物原貌;西部干旱地区采用PS材料对土遗址进行防风化加固时应采用低浓度(小于5 %)、多次渗透的方式,迎风面渗透次数应不少于3遍,背风面应达4~5遍,并应合理选择施工时间。工程实践检验表明,这些保护技术取得了理想的加固效果。  相似文献   
全球空间数据剖分模型分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
随着数字地球发展,全球空间信息多尺度表达和管理使得传统平面格网系统的局限性越来越明显,建立全球数据多尺度剖分模型已成为国内外学者关注的热点。该文介绍并分析全球剖分系统,根据剖分单元的形状和最终投影曲面的性质对球面剖分系统进行分类。总结出球面剖分系统具有连续性、稳定性、层次性和近似均匀性等优点,既有效避免了传统平面格网表达全球数据时存在的数据冗余问题,又克服了不规则球面剖分系统无法进行层次关联的缺陷,在管理全球、多层次和海量的空间数据时具有优势。  相似文献   
In this paper the mapping of subsidences in Tuscany (Italy) is presented. To achieve our goal satellite SAR data processed with persistent scatters interferometry (PSI) technique have been used. Several subsiding areas have been identified and three of them have been analyzed in detail and subsequently compared with literature work both to validate the results and to analyze the evolution of the identified subsidences. In general, this comparison confirmed the quality of the analyses and, furthermore, lead to the identification of an important ground uplift close to Prato city, an area that was historically affected by subsidence.  相似文献   
多分量地震勘探技术的现状及进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
多分量地震勘探技术发展到今天,经历了漫长的历程。近年来,海上多波勘探的成功极大地推动了这一技术的发展。人们注意到这一技术比单一纵波勘探能提供更多的地震属性信息,能够解决储层的岩性、孔渗以及裂缝裂隙的密度和方向等问题。国内外研究学者在各向异性理论、地震波的传播机理、数值模拟、多分量地震资料的处理、解释方法以及相关模块的研究中取得了丰硕的成果,使多分量地展勘探的理论基础与方法储备相对成熟,并已逐步应用于生产科研实践之中。如今多分量技术以及与这一技术紧密相连的各向异性研究已成为国内外地震勘探领域的研究热点之一。  相似文献   
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