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通过2007年5—6月期间测量成都市若干条剖面上大气可吸入颗粒物(PM10)中的汞含量,来推测成都市大气中汞的来源。结果表明:在12个点的测量范围内,成都市PM10的质量平均浓度为210.8μg/m^3;PM10中汞的质量平均浓度为0.36ng/m^3。公园和郊区PM10浓度和其中汞浓度均较少,可能与植被茂盛有关。由PM10中汞的分布可知,在热电厂、停用的生活垃圾堆放场和寺庙附近出现最高值。说明热电厂和生活垃圾堆放场是大气汞污染的重要次生来源。寺庙附近出现的高汞值,推测与寺庙的礼仪活动如香烛燃烧有关。  相似文献   
The contribution of emissions from agricultural facilities is rapidly becoming a major concern for local and regional air quality. Characterization of particle properties such as physical size distribution and chemical composition can be valuable in understanding the processes contributing to emissions and ultimate fate of particulate matter from agricultural facilities. A measurement campaign was conducted at an Iowa, deep-pit, three-barn swine finishing facility to characterize near-source ambient particulate matter. Size-specific mass concentrations were determined using minivol samplers, with additional size distribution information obtain using optical particle counters. Particulate composition was determined via ion chromatographic analysis of the collected filters. A thermal-CO2 elemental/organic carbon analyzer measured particulate carbon. The chemical composition and size distribution of sub-micron particles were determined via real-time aerosol mass spectrometry. Primary particulate was not found to be a major emission from the examined facility, with filter-based impactor samples showing average near-source increases (~15–50 m) in ambient PM10 of 5.8 ± 2.9 μg m−3 above background levels. PM2.5 also showed contribution attributable to the facility (1.7 ± 1.1 μg m−3). Optical particle counter analysis of the numerical size distributions showed bimodal distributions for both the upwind and downwind conditions, with maximums around 2.5 μm and below the minimum quantified diameter of 0.3 μm. The distributions showed increased numbers of coarse particles (PM10) during periods when wind transport came from the barns, but the differences were not statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. The PM10 aerosols showed statistically increased concentrations of sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, calcium, organic carbon, and elemental carbon when the samplers were downwind from the pig barns. Organic carbon was the major constituent of the barn-impacted particulate matter in both sub-micron (54%) and coarse size (20%) ranges. The AMS PM1 chemical speciation showed similar species increases, with the exception of and Ca+2, the latter not quantified by the AMS.  相似文献   
研究利用GPS观测资料解算ERP参数的方法。首先,利用全球近100个均匀分布、站址稳定的IGS测站的GPS观测数据解算地球自转参数,并将其与IGS相应产品进行比较,结果显示该解算方案可靠。其次,从实验数据和数理表示方面分析ERP参数解算过程中的轨道约束方案、先验ERP信息、站坐标数量对解算精度的影响,给出一些提高ERP参数解算精度的建议:对ECOM光压模型9参数中径、法向(D、Y)4个周期项采取相对宽松约束、随机脉冲参数采取紧约束,解算效果更佳;降低ERP先验信息对解算精度的影响,重点在于提高UT1-UTC的预报值精度;利用100个跟踪站数据解算,可达到解算效率和解算质量均最佳的效果。  相似文献   
Aerosols in the atmosphere not only degrade visibility, but are also detrimental to human health and transportation. In order to develop a method to estimate PM2.5 mass concentration from the widely measured visibility, a field campaign was conducted in Southwest China in January 2019. Visibility, ambient relative humidity(RH), PM2.5 mass concentrations and scattering coefficients of dry particles were measured. During the campaign, two pollution episodes, i.e., from 4-9 Ja...  相似文献   
北京市区春季燃烧源大气颗粒物的污染水平和影响因素   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
以大气中PM2.5和PM10为研究对象,于2005-03-13—25共7天的时间内,在中国地质大学(北京)测试楼顶、首钢焦化厂和首钢东门设立3个采样点进行采样监测。结果表明:PM2.5和PM10质量浓度的日变化呈现一定规律性,在不同时段PM2.5和PM10的质量浓度不尽相同,且变化较大,在特定时刻出现峰值,主要受污染源排放和气象因素的控制;PM2.5和PM10质量浓度随气温的升高而降低,这与高温有利于颗粒物扩散、低温容易形成逆温层有关;在一定的相对湿度范围内(以大气中水汽不发生重力沉降为界限),PM2.5和PM10质量浓度与相对湿度呈正相关关系;而当发生降水时,由于水滴的冲刷和附带作用,PM2.5和PM10质量浓度降低;PM2.5和PM10质量浓度与风级呈明显的负相关关系。通过北京市与国内8个省会城市的PM2.5和PM10质量浓度的对比,发现北京市PM2.5和PM10污染比较严重,PM2.5和PM10质量浓度分别超过了1996年中国制定的PM10排放标准和1997年美国EPA制定的PM2.5排放标准。  相似文献   
为了监测北京奥运主场馆附近大气颗粒物的污染状况以及评估奥运污染源减排措施对北京大气颗粒物质量浓度变化的影响,利用颗粒物在线监测仪器TEOM于2007年和2008年夏季,在奥运主场馆附近的中国科学院遥感应用研究所办公楼楼顶对大气颗粒物PM10和PM2.5进行了连续同步观测。结果表明,2007年夏季监测点附近大气PM10与PM2.5质量浓度的平均值分别为153.9和71.2μg·m-3,而2008年夏季PM10与PM2.5质量浓度的平均值分别为85.2和52.8μg·m-3。与奥运前一年同时段相比,奥运时段大气PM10和PM2.5的质量浓度分别下降44.5%和25.1%。对比分析奥运前后的2次典型污染过程发现,空气相对湿度的增加和偏南气流输送的共同影响易造成大气颗粒物的累积增长,而降雨的湿清除作用和偏北气流则会使大气颗粒物浓度迅速降低。在相近的气象条件下,奥运前后的污染过程中,大气细粒子的日均增长速率分别为25.1和13.9μg·m-3·d-1,而大气粗粒子的日均增长速率分别为20.8和2.2μg·m-3·d-1,奥运时段污染累积过程中大气粗、细粒子的增长速率分别显著低于和略低于奥运前同时段污染过程中颗粒物的增长速率。污染源减排措施的实施是奥运期间大气颗粒物质量浓度降低的主要原因,从控制效果来看,奥运期间实施的污染源减排措施对大气粗粒子的控制效果明显好于大气细粒子。  相似文献   
地球物理反问题存在多解性和不稳定性,正则化是得到稳定解的重要手段之一,正则化方法中稳定因子的设计与正则化因子的选择是两项重要研究内容。稳定因子的主要功能是对模型的解空间进行限制,以减少多解性,求得稳定解;为更好的定位地下目标体,研究工作采用了最小支持稳定因子,并给出了统一表达形式。正则化因子在模型误差与数据误差之间起到平衡作用,研究工作在"L曲线法"自动选取正则化因子的基础上,提出一种修正的计算正则化因子算法。以2.5维直流电阻率为例,运用非线性共轭梯度法,进行了试算研究,结果表明了修正的"L曲线法"算法快速、稳定,最小支持稳定因子具有较好的聚焦特性,有利于实现陡变边界反演。  相似文献   
It is still not well understood if subseasonal variability of the local PM2.5 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region is affected by the stratospheric state. Using PM2.5 observations and the ERA5 reanalysis, the evolution of the air quality in BTH during the January 2021 sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) is explored. The subseasonal variability of the PM2.5 concentration after the SSW onset is evidently enhanced. Stratospheric circumpolar easterly anomalies lasted for 53 days during the January–February 2021 SSW with two evident stratospheric pulses arriving at the ground. During the tropospheric wave weakening period and the intermittent period of dormant stratospheric pulses, the East Asian winter monsoon weakened, anomalous temperature inversion developed in the lower troposphere, anomalous surface southerlies prevailed, atmospheric moisture increased, and the boundary layer top height lowered, all of which favor the accumulation of pollutant particulates, leading to two periods of pollution processes in the BTH region. In the phase of strengthened East Asian winter monsoon around the very beginning of the SSW and another two periods when stratospheric pulses had reached the near surface, opposite-signed circulation patterns and meteorological conditions were observed, which helped to dilute and diffuse air pollutants in the BTH region. As a result, the air quality was excellent during the two periods when the stratospheric pulse had reached the near surface. The increased subseasonal variation of the regional pollutant particulates after the SSW onset highlights the important role of the stratosphere in the regional environment and provides implications for the environmental prediction.  相似文献   
利用北京城区污染观测站2006~2013年夏季可吸入颗粒物PM10逐日浓度检测资料,挑选所有PM10浓度大于150μg/m~3的个例,合成分析华北及北京地区风场变化情况,发现风速在污染当天变化不明显,南风与PM10的相关性普遍为正,污染当天各区南风增加较大,太行山一带甚至增长了5倍。南风异常可能会使河北、山东等地污染物向北京输送,造成北京大气污染。同时我们分析北京夏季空气污染时大气环流特征。在500 h Pa与200 h Pa,北京和内蒙古上空有显著的高压异常。在850 h Pa,环流场表现为东正西负的高度场异常,其中北京在正负异常分界线上。低层气压梯度异常会造成北京和以南地区南风异常。同时,我们发现北京污染天气伴随的高空环流异常具有准定常特征。在污染前4天,蒙古上空存在一个显著的高层高压异常。该高压异常增强并向南延伸,在污染当天控制北京和内蒙古。在污染消退期,该异常也逐渐消退。但在消退后第四天,北京和内蒙古上空依然受高压异常控制。这表明北京夏季污染和高空准定常环流异常有关。  相似文献   
为了提高沙尘模式的预报准确率,通过在区域天气数值模式GRAPEs(G10bal/RegionalAs-similationandPrEdictionSystem)的三维变分同化系统中增加沙尘浓度这一控制变量的方法建立了GRAPES-3DVAR-DusT沙尘同化系统。利用中国北方8个观测站提供的沙尘PM10数据和沙尘模式(GRAPEs-CUAcE/Dust系统)提供的背景场,对2008年2月29日-3月1日发生在中国北方的一次沙尘暴天气进行了控制试验和一次同化与间断同化的敏感性试验,结果表明:(1)引入该同化系统后,一次同化和间断同化试验模拟的地面沙尘浓度分布较未同化的控制试验结果更接近卫星监测,而间断同化的结果又好于一次同化;(2)一次同化试验与控制试验对单站PM10浓度的演变预报较差;(3)间断同化试验较准确地再现了单站PM10浓度的连续演变;(4)间断同化试验效果整体上优于一次同化试验。总体而言,引入沙尘同化系统在一定程度上可以提高沙尘模式对沙尘天气的预报准确率。  相似文献   
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