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In the Hazeldene area, situated in the Mount Isa Inlier, Queensland, the metamorphic grade changes from chlorite zone, through biotite and cordierite zones, to sillimanite/K-feldspar zone.
Microstructural studies of rocks near the sillimanite isograd demonstrate that cordierite grew early during the development of a steep foliation (S2), was replaced by biotite, andalusite and sillimanite at the metamorphic peak late in S2, and in turn by kyanite + chlorite adjacent to localized small post-D2 shear zones. Although the anticlockwise P–T–t path is well defined, the precise P–T conditions are uncertain because of problems with experimental and thermodynamic data. The best estimate for the metamorphic peak for rocks close to the sillimanite isograd is around 600° C at 4 kbar.
The metamorphism has been dated at 1544 Ma, and was synchronous with a major crustal shortening event. Because proposed extensional events occurred more than 60 Ma earlier, their contribution to the peak metamorphic thermal perturbation would have been insignificant. The syn-metamorphic Mica Creek Pegmatites, the abundance of high heat-producing elements in the nearby pre-D2 Sybella Granite, and advective heat by fluids which caused considerable metasomatism in the Hazeldene area, may have each contributed to the thermal budget. However, the metamorphic thermal gradient may be 80°C km-1 or higher, strongly suggesting a local magmatic control. As none are known in the area, such syn-metamorphic plutons would have to lie beneath the exposed high-grade rocks.  相似文献   
Quartz Al–Mg granulites exposed at In Hihaou, In Ouzzal (NW Hoggar), preserve an unusual high-grade mineral association stable at temperatures up to 1050°C, involving the parageneses orthopyroxene–sillimanite–garnet–quartz, sapphirine–quartz and spinel–quartz. The phase relationships within the FMAS system show that a continuum exists between the earlier prograde reaction textures and those of the later decompressive event. The following mineral reactions involving sillimanite are deduced: (1) Grt+Qtz→Opx+Sil, (2) Opx+Sil→Grt+Spr+Qtz, (3) Grt+Sil+Qtz→Crd, (4) Grt+Sil→Crd+Spr, (5) Grt+Sil+Spr→Crd+Spl, (6) Grt+Sil→Crd+Spl, (7) Grt+Crd+Sil→Spl+Qtz and (8) Grt+Sil→Spl+Qtz. Minerals in quartz Al–Mg granulites display compositional variations consistent with the observed reactions. The Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) range of the main minerals is as follows: cordierite (0.81–0.97), sapphirine (0.77–0.88), orthopyroxene (0.65–0.81), garnet (0.33–0.64) and spinel (0.23–0.56). The reaction textures and the evolution of the mineral assemblages in the quartz Al–Mg granulites indicate a clockwise P–T trajectory characterized by peak conditions of at least 10 kbar and 1050°C, followed by decompression from 10 to 6 kbar at a temperature of at least 900°C.  相似文献   
Changes in bed topography that build and maintain channel morphology are driven by the displacements of individual particles, either though their entrainment or deposition. However, the linkages between these topographic changes and individual grain displacements have not been comprehensively addressed, as many historical tracer studies have not included coincident topographic data. In this study, we compare the movements of bedload tracers to the differences in repeat topographic surveys across four gravel-bed river reaches. To do this, we apply a 1-D Bayesian survival process model to the starting and ending locations of tracers. This model estimates downstream trapping probabilities, which represent the likelihood that a given segment of channel will “trap” an entrained particle. We then adapt this model to estimate downstream trapping probabilities using digital elevation models of difference and compare the results. The estimates from the tracer and topographic trapping models showed general alignment, meaning that tracers were preferentially trapped in segments that experienced deposition along the channel. Thus, tracers in this study were able to identify downstream differences in bedload transport. The comparison also highlighted that tracer-estimated trapping probabilities were larger than topographically estimated ones. This supports previous observations that sediment travel distances estimated using tracers are shorter than those estimated using morphological methods. We find that the differences between these two estimates vary systematically across study environments. These variations are attributable to either study design (i.e., tracers being larger than the median size of the sediment that deforms the bed) or differences in compensating scour and fill. We explore potential causes for differences in compensating scour and fill, including hydrograph shape, sediment delivery regime, channel deformation style, and channel width, highlighting that morphodynamics needs to be considered in designing bedload tracer studies.  相似文献   
开发区品牌输出的模式、路径与动力机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品牌输出是开发区进行合作发展的新模式。本文利用文献比较和理论分析法,探讨了开发区品牌和开发区品牌输出的概念及内涵,在其基础上对开发区品牌输出的模式、路径与动力机制进行了研究。研究结果表明:(1)开发区品牌输出有四种模式:"平台经济"合作模式、省(市)内"区区"合作模式、"区中园"开发模式、多园区合作模式;(2)开发区品牌输出有三种演进路径:互助交流→项目接洽→品牌输出→资本合作;理念主导→政府主导→政府和市场共同主导→市场主导;省市内合作→跨省市输出;(3)开发区品牌输出战略有市场主导、政府政策推动、开发区主体和社会团体促进这三种动力机制。各成熟开发区应结合自身的发展现状和特点,灵活运用品牌输出理论,选择合适的开发区品牌输出战略和策略。  相似文献   
金融危机下泛长三角FDI时空格局演化及其机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在华FDI的区域差异及其区位选择的演化过程与机制,受企业属性、产业特性及来源国和承接国社会经济环境等多种因素影响.在国际金融危机冲击下,全球虚拟与实体经济波动、国际产业转移新趋势与国家宏观政策新导向等内外部因素不断重构在华FDI时空格局演变过程与机制.基于路径依赖、外部冲击等理论分析框架,本文以泛长三角地区为例,首先从总量、行业与区位选择等方面分析了金融危机前后FDI的时空演变过程;其次通过计量模型对FDI区位选择影响因素演变过程进行实证研究.研究表明,金融危机前后泛长三角FDI区位选择及其影响因素转变遵循路径依赖动态演化模式,主要表现为原有演化路径受到金融危机冲击,伴随市场环境、生产要素成本、创新环境、集聚经济和沉淀成本、制度环境等内外生因素影响,FDI总量、行业与区位选择的演化趋势也呈现出复杂性与多样化.  相似文献   
一种GPS整周模糊度单历元解算方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
仅利用单历元的载波相位观测值进行整周模糊度解算,观测方程秩亏,给单历元模糊度解算带来很大困难.因此,本文提出一种单历元确定GPS整周模糊度的方法.利用单历元测码伪距观测值和双频载波相位观测值组成双差观测方程,根据方差矩阵对宽巷模糊度进行分组,采用基于LABMDA方法的逐步解算方法来确定双差相位观测值的宽巷模糊度.确定宽...  相似文献   
在经典Dijkstra算法原理的基础上,提出基于模糊理论的智能最优路径算法.该算法综合考虑静态交通信息、动态交通信息和人的主观因素等路径选择的影响因素,建立路径选取度模型,确定影响因素的隶属度函数.该方法能够根据用户出行的不同目的和需求,自动调整各影响因素之间的权重,从而使路径选择既能满足用户的主观要求,又能真实反映复...  相似文献   
原状软粘土各向异性及其对工程影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用空心圆柱扭剪仪(HCA),通过设置不同的应力路径对杭州原状软粘土进行了系列试验,研究了原状软粘土的应力-应变-强度各向异性。通过试验研究发现原状软粘土的强度、变形模量等特性都存在强烈的各向异性,且在应力水平较低时(q=5 kPa),主应力轴旋转条件下土体应力应变的特性主要体现了原生各向异性的影响,应力引起的次生各向异性对其影响很小。结合路堤填筑问题的分析发现,存在主应力轴显著旋转的实际工程问题,由于原状软粘土应力-应变-强度各向异性的存在,采用常规的不考虑主应力轴旋转(土体各向异性)影响的设计方法可能偏于不安全。  相似文献   
近30年江苏人体舒适度指数变化特征分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
于庚康  徐敏  于堃  高苹 《气象》2011,37(9):1145-1150
利用江苏地区37个观测站1980-2009年逐日气象资料,通过线性趋势以及通径分析法,对人体舒适度指数(CIHB)的时空演变特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)近30年来,江苏年均CIHB呈现显著的上升趋势,线性趋势为0.11/年,淮北、江淮之间、苏南的CIHB年际变化特征与全省平均的演变特征基本保持一致;(2)除夏季外,其余三个季节的CIHB均有较明显的上升趋势,其中春季的上升趋势最为明显,秋季次之,冬季的年际变化幅度最大,CIHB春、夏(秋、冬)两季的南北差异较小(较大);(3)CIHB与温度(相对湿度和风速)存在显著的正(负)相关,其中温度对CIHB的正影响最大,相对湿度和风速对CIHB的最终影响是通过温度起负作用;(4)虽然近30年江苏整个夏季的CIHB不存在明显的变化趋势,但自20世纪90年代初期以来,7、9月份还是存在着弱上升趋势。研究表明,在全球气候变暖的大背景下,对江苏地区的CIHB气候变化特征的研究可为人们应对气象要素变化采取有效防范措施以及旅游、能源业的气象服务提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   
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