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徐雷  李成  奚砚涛 《江苏地质》2009,33(1):89-92
分析了涉及不同领域、不同历史来源和不同存储载体的矿山地质信息特点,利用开源技术对Web Service架构下地质信息集成平台进行研究,实现了异源、异构、异库的复杂地质信息的数据共享、地图显示以及图形数据处理。  相似文献   
The present study reflects upon the results of substantial program of two-dimensional Finite Element Method (FEM) numerical analyses of the open pit that links to slope angle optimization associated with the safety factor of the pit slope of a coal mine in Bangladesh. In the present analyses, two types of models have been presented. The first model estimates safety factor without seismic effect on the overall pit slope of the model; the second model incorporates safety factor with seismic stability of the model. The calculated optimum slope angle of the first model is 31% with a rational safety factor of 1.51, prior to the seismic effect. However, the value is reduced to 0.93, 0.82, and 0.72, after we applies the seismic effect in the second model with M6, M6.5, and M7, respectively. Finally, our modeling results emphasize that for the case of the proposed Phulbari coalmine, there is extremely high prospect for causing massive slope failure along the optimum pit slope angle with 31% if the mine area felt seismic shaking, like the Sikkim (in northern India) earthquake with M6.9 on September 18, 2011.  相似文献   
This paper presents the failure process of the external waste dump of the South Field Mine, the major open pit mine in Greece. The waste materials of the mine were deposited in three phases, forming an average inclination slope 10% and a total height of 110 m from the ground surface. The failure occurred when the third phase of the deposit was initiated. The high moisture content of the waste materials and their deposition over a spring, choking its flow, had as a result the development of high pore water pressure in clayey and marly materials in the base of the deposit. As a consequence, a large scale slope failure incident occurred. The landslide involved the mobilization of waste material in the order of 40 Mm3, while the material that moved outside the boundaries of the waste dump was in the order of 2.5 Mm3. The stability of the waste dump was investigated using the limit equilibrium analysis and different types of models.Limit equilibrium analyses were performed using different methods and considering the clay layer of small shear resistance that exists in the base of the deposit. They do not indicate activation of failure mechanism, only that there is a combination of high pore water pressure that developed in the deposit because the covering of the spring with the clayey materials of the dump.  相似文献   
针对地质资料信息服务过程中,存在信息孤岛和数据共享不够等问题,提出了面向开放关联数据LOD的地质资料机构知识库语义扩展方法,并对方法的框架和关键技术进行了研究。首先,基于DSpace构建地质资料机构知识库,自动实现资源描述框架RDF的存储与转化,与LOD形成统一的元数据描述标准。其次,构建地质资料数据的关联模型,明确数据间的语义关系。最后,采用D2RQ平台实现地质资料机构知识库与LOD数据集的语义关联。该方法将进一步加快语义化地质资料信息服务的步伐。  相似文献   
本文利用中国科学院上海天文台40厘米双筒天体照相仪所拍摄得的10对底片(历元差16─70年),经PDS测量仪测量,共确定了疏散星团Mll天区872颗恒星的相对自行,其中85%以上恒星的自行测定精度好于±0″.1/百年.利用所测得的相对自行和新的数学模型,确定了不同星等组恒星的分布参数并计算了团中心距r≤25'内785颗恒星的成员概率,其中成员概率大于0.7的恒星共有541颗.详细的讨论表明,新方法不仅在理论上更为严格,实用上也是可行的,可以使星团成员确定取得更为合理的结果.  相似文献   
邵正义  赵君亮 《天文学报》1996,37(4):377-386
本文提出了一个普适的衡量成团天体系统成员概率计算结果的有效性指数:E=1-NΣ{P(i)[1-P(i)]}/ΣP(i)Σ[1-P(i)]},并以此对以Sanders方法为基础的各种成员确定模型的有效性进行了分析.从总体上说,运动学资料(自行、视向速度等)是一类有效的观测判据.  相似文献   
We present the first CCD photometric UBVRI observations of the not-so-well-studied open cluster NGC 1624 (OCl 403, Cr 53; α2000 = 04 h 40 m 36 s; δ2000 = + 50˚ 27 42″ Trumpler class = I 2 p N). This cluster was observed on 01 February 2004 with the 2 m Himalayan Chandra Telescope at Hanle using a LN2 cooled 2k × 2k CCD. The cluster presents differential reddening with E(B-V) values ranging from 0.70 to 0.90 mag, which could be attributed to the presence of the HII region wherein the cluster is embedded. It is found to be at a distance of 6.025 ± 0.5 kpc and the age of this cluster is estimated to be ∼3.98 × 106 years. In view of these parameters, it can be considered as a young enough cluster located in the direction of the Perseus constellation with the galactic coordinates of l = 155˚.35 and b = + 02 ˚.58. Thus it could also be used as a suitable candidate for tracing the Outer Perseus spiral arm of our Galaxy. The initial mass function slope is derived as 1.65 ± 0.25 by applying the corrections for field star contamination and data incompleteness. This is in good agreement with the Salpeter value within the limits of errors.  相似文献   
In an attempt to discover planetary eclipses, we observed the open cluster NGC 7086. On one night we observed the cluster and standard stars through the B and V filters, enabling us to make a colour-magnitude diagram. Plots of the differential magnitudes were inspected for variability, but no planetary eclipses were found. New variable stars were discovered and their light curves show some of them to be eclipsing binary stars. The location on the colour-magnitude diagram of some of the variable stars is consistent with cluster membership.  相似文献   
The study of detached eclipsing binaries in open clusters can provide stringent tests of theoretical stellar evolutionary models, which must simultaneously fit the masses, radii, and luminosities of the eclipsing stars and the radiative properties of every other star in the cluster. We review recent progress in such studies and discuss two unusually interesting objects currently under analysis. GV Carinae is an A0 m + A8 m binary in the Southern open cluster NGC 3532; its eclipse depths have changed by 0.1 mag between 1990 and 2001, suggesting that its orbit is being perturbed by a relatively close third body. DW Carinae is a high-mass unevolved B1 V + B1 V binary in the very young open cluster Collinder 228, and displays double-peaked emission in the centre of the Hα line which is characteristic of Be stars. We conclude by pointing out that the great promise of eclipsing binaries in open clusters can only be satisfied when both the binaries and their parent clusters are well-observed, a situation which is less common than we would like.  相似文献   
We have obtained and analyzed UBVRI CCD frames of the young, 4–10 Myr, open cluster NGC 3293 and the surrounding field in order to study its stellar content and determine the cluster’s IMF. We found significantly fewer lower mass stars, M≤2.5M , than expected. This is particularly so if a single age for the cluster of 4.6 Myr is adopted as derived from fitting evolutionary models to the upper main sequence. Some intermediate-mass stars near the main sequence in the HR diagram imply an age for the cluster of about 10 Myr. When compared with the Scalo (The stellar initial mass function. ASP conference series, vol. 24, p. 201, 1998) IMF scaled to the cluster IMF in the intermediate mass range, 2.5≤M/M ≤8.0 where there is good agreement, the high mass stars have a distinctly flatter IMF, indicating an over abundance of these stars, and there is a sharp turnover in the distribution at lower masses. The radial density distribution of cluster stars in the massive and intermediate mass regimes indicate that these stars are more concentrated to the cluster core whereas the lower-mass stars show little concentration. We suggest that this is evidence supporting the formation of massive stars through accretion and/or coagulation processes in denser cluster cores at the expense of the lower mass proto-stars. R.W. Slawson and E.P. Horch are guest investigators at the University of Toronto Southern Observatory, Las Campanas, Chile.  相似文献   
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