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基于本底线的2008年北京奥运会客流量预测   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
依据多种调查资料和旅游本底趋势线理论,对2008年北京奥运会引致下的旅游客流量变化及客源结构进行细致的预测,主要结论如下:(1)奥运庆典引致下,未来3年北京市入境旅游进入一个超常增长期,客流量统计线将掀起一个"凸形峰",2007~2009年入境客流量分别达到433.6万、517.2万和465.3万人次,较起本底趋势线净增长8%、25%和10%;(2)国内旅游也将进入一个超常增长期,2007~2009年国内客流量分别达到14410万、17384万和16285万人次,较本底趋势线净增长4%、20%和8%。入境旅游的相对贡献率高于国内旅游;(3)奥运庆典引致下的北京市国际/国内客流量超常增长是一个具有特定周期的事件旅游,可划分为"奥前"、"奥中"和"奥后"三个阶段,本文依据客流量年内变化和奥运庆典生命周期,给出了2007~2009年3年各月客流量的预测值;(4)奥运盛典及其设施与活动像"磁场"吸引着国内外游客,结合近年来主要客源市场调查资料,给出了国际国内客源地客流量预测值。  相似文献   
应用环境磁学方法研究了2008年奥运会前后北京市朝阳区大气降尘及对照点表土样品的磁学特征.结果表明,所有样品中载磁矿物主要为低矫顽力的亚铁磁性矿物(主要为磁铁矿).但大气降尘样品的磁性颗粒粒度较表土偏粗;磁性矿物含量高于表土样品,大气降尘除来自于自然源外,更多为来自于人为因素的结果.大气降尘磁化率与空气污染物浓度随时间的变化曲线特征一致,说明大气降尘样品的磁学监测可以快速、准确地反映城市空气污染程度及其变化,同时揭示出北京市朝阳区大气降尘样品夏季主要来源于工业和交通,冬季主要受控于集中供暖期间煤燃烧排放的废气.快速的磁化率测量可以对空气污染指数有良好的指示作用.环境磁学参数随时间的变化特征显示,奥运期间各项污染物临时减排措施落实到位,对空气质量明显改善发挥了根本性作用.  相似文献   
基于2019年1—3月张家口站探空资料与张家口市崇礼区B1638、B1640区域自动站的每小时2分钟平均风向、2分钟平均风速、整点气温及系留气艇探空资料分析第24届冬奥会冬季两项赛场的山谷风特征,为冬奥会天气预报提供参考。结果表明:环境风场较弱时,冬季两项赛场中存在山谷风现象,白天多上坡风及上谷风,夜间多下坡风及下谷风;山谷风系统一天具有两次风向的转变,下谷风转上谷风一般在日出后,而上谷风转下谷风一般在日落后;山谷风系统强度较弱,具有明显日变化,白天偏大而夜间偏小,并且受盛行西风影响明显;风向转变时,会伴随剧烈的气温升降,其原因与冷湖结构密切相关;对山谷风的预报需要综合考虑环境风场强弱、风向的转换时间、风速的分布、风向转换时气温的变化等。  相似文献   
奥运经济影响评价研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
举办奥运会必将对举办城市产生经济影响.但如何理解奥运经济影响,又该如何合理测算与评价这些影响,是值得研究的问题.从奥运经济影响的界定与理解、奥运经济影响评价模型与方法,以及现有评价研究的优点与不足等方面,对洛杉矶1984至北京2008共七届奥运会相关经济影响评价研究进行了述评,有助于总结这一研究的分析框架,以及北京2008奥运会成功举办后的总体评价,也为国内学者进行事件经济影响研究提供部分借鉴.  相似文献   
本文利用MODIS、ASTER和TM等多源、多尺度遥感数据,基于遥感和GIS空间分析技术,从宏观和微观两个层面研究了从2003年到2008年北京城区及奥林匹克公园热岛效应的时空演变,并分析了下垫面(绿地系统、水系统)与热岛效应的关系.研究表明,宏观上,从2003年到2008年,北京城区及奥林匹克公园热岛强度虽然存在一定...  相似文献   
利用冬奥张家口赛区云顶和古杨树两个赛场的地面加密站网观测资料和高空探测资料、ERA5的0.25°×0.25°高分辨率再分析资料,从降雪时空分布特征、高低空环流形势配置等对2019年和2020年冬季(11月至次年2月)张家口赛区的降雪过程进行天气学统计分析。结果表明:降雪天气的环流背景主要归纳为3个类型,分别是低涡气旋型、冷锋型和西北气流型。不同天气模型下降雪量时空分布具有典型特点,低涡气旋型过程平均降雪量最大,降雪持续时间长,云顶赛场比古杨树赛场降雪量多16.9%;冷锋型过程平均降雪量次之,云顶赛场比古杨树赛场降雪量多44.4%;西北气流型过程平均降雪量最少,持续时间短,但是两个赛场差异最大,云顶赛场比古杨树赛场降雪量多140%。  相似文献   
总结了后奥运时期奥运设施综合利用的经验教训,简介了2008年青岛奥帆赛奥运会场馆建设项目;逐一分析了青岛奥运工程单体建筑的后续功能,提出了奥运会后开发的具体设想。  相似文献   
We review the geology of the Gyeonggi Massif, Gyeonggi Marginal Belt, and Taebaeksan Basin of the Korean Peninsula, which are relevant to the 2018 Winter Olympic sites. Neoarchaean–Palaeoproterozoic gneisses and schists of the Gyeonggi Massif underwent two distinct collisional orogenies at the Palaeoproterozoic (1.88–1.85 Ga) and Triassic (245–230 Ma). These basement rocks are structurally overlain by a suite of Mesoproterozoic to Early Permian supracrustal rocks of the Gyeonggi Marginal Belt, consisting primarily of medium-pressure schists and amphibolites metamorphosed at ~270–250 Ma. In contrast, sedimentary successions in the Taebaeksan Basin, commonly fossiliferous, consist primarily of Early Cambrian–Middle Ordovician Joseon Supergroup and Late Carboniferous–Early Triassic Pyeongan Supergroup. The ‘Great Hiatus’ between the two supergroups is characteristic for the North China Craton. The marked contrast in tectonometamorphic evolution between the Taebaeksan Basin and Gyeonggi Marginal Belt suggests an existence of major suture in-between, which is most likely produced by the Permian–Triassic continental collision between the North and South China cratons. Finally, recent tectonics of the Korean Peninsula is governed by the opening of East Sea/Sea of Japan during the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene. This back-arc rifting event has resulted in an exhumation of the Taebaek Mountain Range, estimated to be 22 ± 3 Ma on the basis of apatite (U–Th)/He ages. Thus, high topography in the 2018 Winter Olympic sites is the consequence of Tertiary tectonics associated with the opening of a back-arc basin.  相似文献   

The Hiltaba Suite intrusive rocks and penecontemporaneous Gawler Range Volcanics (GRV) comprise the 1590?Ma Gawler silicic large igneous province in the Gawler Craton, South Australia. Zircon is principally associated with Fe–Ti oxides and clusters of touching crystals in these rocks, including in the Roxby Downs Granite (RDG), host of the Olympic Dam iron oxide–copper–gold deposit, and in other intrusive rocks that comprise the Olympic Province. There has been no explicit evaluation and explanation of potential origins published for concentrations of zircon with Fe–Ti oxides (herein zircon-rich clusters) found in these and similar rocks of western North America and elsewhere. Here we use U–Pb geochronology, mineral morphologies and compositions, and insights from surface chemistry and liquid-bound particle interaction studies to investigate zircon-rich clusters and provide a model for their formation. U–Pb geochronology does not reveal any concordant zircon populations older than ca 1590?Ma, so it is unlikely that there are significant xenocrystic zircon grains or that the zircons include significant inherited cores. The lack of pre-magmatic zircon, consistent intra-grain and inter-grain zircon compositional trends, the predominance of oscillatory zoned zircon with morphologies indicating growth from hot, evolved silicate melts, and the lack of evidence for zircon recrystallisation, indicates that zircon crystallised in the host GRV and RDG magmas. Variable zircon compositions within individual clusters does not support epitaxial nucleation of zircon on Fe–Ti oxides, but it is likely that some zircon grains grew from seed crystals formed by exsolution of Zr from Fe–Ti oxides. Aggregation of isolated, liquid-bound crystals is energetically favourable, and the grainsize discrepancy between larger crystals (Fe–Ti oxides, pyroxenes) and smaller accessory minerals (zircon, apatite) maximises the disparity in particle velocities and hence enhances the opportunities for collisions and adhesion between these crystals. We propose that zircon adheres to Fe–Ti oxides with greater ease and/or with greater bond strengths, than to other phases present in the parental magmas. It is possible that this association is related to interactions between zircon and Fe–Ti oxide surface sites with opposing charges, presuming the distance between phase surfaces is sufficiently small. The occurrence of small zircon grains within Fe–Ti oxides and both euhedral zircon and zircon with asymmetric growth zonation in contact with Fe–Ti oxides indicates that several processes are responsible for the high concentrations of zircon crystals in some Fe–Ti oxide clusters.
  1. Zircon is principally associated with Fe--Ti oxides in 1.59 Ga Gawler Range Volcanics (GRV) and Roxby Downs Granite (RDG)

  2. U–Pb geochronology does not reveal any concordant zircon populations older than ca 1590?Ma

  3. Zircon compositions and morphologies indicate that zircon crystallised in the host RDG and GRV magmas and suggest recharge, reheating and mixing occurred in these magmatic systems

  4. Seed crystals, aggregation and surface chemical affinities contributed to the strong association of zircon and Fe–Ti oxides

通过离子色谱离线螯舍和ICP—MS对青岛市汇泉湾、太平湾、浮山湾采集的海水样品进行分析,得到了该海域表层海水中微量元素质量比的可靠数据,并对表层海水中微量元素的分布特征及其影响因素进行了探讨。将分析结果与国家海水标准进行比较表明,该海域海水中微量元素质量比符合国家一级海水标准。对该海域表层海水微量元素的分布特征的研究表明,近岸和远岸表层海水中微量元素的质量比差别很小,而不同于沿岸海区质量比高,离岸远处质量比较低的一般规律。其主要原因是该海域的人为污染程度小,再加上其特殊的海岸地形以及水动力条件,有利于溶解物质的扩散、迁移和稀释。  相似文献   
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