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Book review     

This paper gives the expressions for the synoptic scale thermal winds when a full Coriolis force is considered. The atmosphere is assumed stratified with a steady density profile. It is also argued that the resulting expressions can be applied to atmospheric temperature maps obtained by standard infrared methods only if approximations are made. This paper augments the interpretation of the results obtained in a previous paper by the author and addresses comments made by J.-I. Yano in another paper of this journal.  相似文献   

The diagnostics of large scale geostrophy in a stratified atmosphere are revisited in pressure coordinates using a full Coriolis force. This formulation of geostrophy includes the horizontal and vertical projections of the planetary rotation vector, is valid for shallow and deep atmospheres, accounts for the spherical geometry of the atmosphere, is not singular at the equator, and provides partial information about vertical velocities. The new expressions, although an improvement over the standard approach, are still only estimates because of the terms that are being neglected and because of the uncertainties in the observational data. The magnitudes of the errors are discussed. The accuracy of the standard hydrostatic approximation in the geostrophic regime is gauged and an alternative approach is discussed. The standard hydrostatic approximation predicts much smaller wind shears than those derived from the primitive equations. The observations are a set of global temperature maps of the upper Jovian troposphere at pressures, between 100 and 400 mbar, obtained from mid-infrared observations in June, 1996. Maps of the large-scale thermal winds show higher concentration of longitudinal structures and vertical velocities along two particular zonal bands at latitudes near 15°N and 15°S. Observational criteria are proposed to validate the standard versus the new diagnostic as well as the possible geostrophic regime of Jupiter's zonal jets.  相似文献   
Observational data, high-resolution numerical modelling results and a simple analytical theory are combined in this paper to demonstrate the dependence of the volume transports through tidal inlets on topographical or morphological parameters of a Wadden Sea system. The area of interest covers the East Frisian Wadden Sea and consists of seven weakly connected tidal basins. The observations include time series of tidal gauge data and surface currents measured at a pile station in the backbarrier basin of the island Langeoog, as well as several ADCP transects in the Accumer Ee tidal inlet. The numerical simulations are based on the 3-D primitive equation General Estuarine Transport Model (GETM) with a horizontal resolution of 200 m and terrain following vertical coordinates. The model is forced at its open boundaries with sea-level data from an operational model for the German Bight (German Hydrographic Office). The simple theoretical concepts presented illustrate the effect of topography (hypsometry) in the tidal basins on the temporal variability of the exchange of water. This topographic control is effectuated through the bottom slope in the areas prone to drying and flooding. For our study area it takes about twice as long from slack water to maximum flood current than from slack water to maximum ebb current. The underlying physics of this signal modulation from a more or less harmonic forcing at the open-sea boundary and the quantification of the contributing physical processes are the major results of this paper. Estimates based simply on volume conservation are consistent with observations and results from numerical modelling, but they do not completely capture the actual non-linear tidal response. Our analysis shows that at least during part of the tidal cycle characteristic topographic parameters of the inlet/bay system have a major impact on the rate of exchange of waters between the Wadden Sea and the open ocean. This impact is especially strong during the transition between flood and ebb conditions. The possible morphodynamic responses are also addressed focusing on some common (universal) topographic features in seven tidal basins.Responsible Editor: Hans Burchard  相似文献   
《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2015,347(3):153-158
The detection and characterization of exoplanets have made huge progresses since the first discoveries in the late 1990s. In particular, the independent measurement of the mass and radius of planets, by combining the transit and radial-velocity techniques, allowed exploring their density and hence, their internal structure. With CoRoT (2007–2012), the pioneering CNES space-based mission in this investigation, about thirty new planets were characterized. CoRoT has enhanced the diversity of giant exoplanets and discovered the first telluric exoplanet. Following CoRoT, the NASA Kepler mission has extended our knowledge to small size planets, multiple systems and planets orbiting binaries. Exploring these new worlds will continue with the NASA/TESS (2017) and ESA/PLATO (2024) missions.  相似文献   
针对2013年7月22日甘肃岷县-漳县Ms6.6地震前观测到的地震活动性与地球物理场观测异常,总结了震前的显著地震活动异常和地球物理场观测异常演化特点.在地震活动性方面,震前存在大范围5级地震平静被打破,5级地震空区、4级地震空区和3级地震平静被打破等显著异常;在地球物理场观测异常方面,新增异常数量自2010年开始逐渐...  相似文献   
Be单星和Be/X射线双星作为一类特殊早型天体和特殊的大质量X射线双星 ,在各个波段都有与其它相同光谱型的B型天体显著不同的特征 ,因此长期以来引起中外天文学者的关注。首先在可见光波段发射线的存在 ,就是对仅产生吸收线的经典大气的挑战 ;其次Be星作为一类早型带有包层天体 ,研究Be星包层的性质 ,对研究原恒星包层性质和进一步了解早型星其它光谱型的性质是非常重要的 ;再者可以研究Be星的存在与星际磁场或湍流的星际介质是否有关 ;最后研究Be/X射线双星 ,对双星的演化模型也有很重要的作用。随着天文观测手段的不断完善和理论模型的发展 ,我们对Be星的现象有了更深的了解 ,并且产生了一些模型。研究内容包括Be星包层和星风的性质 ,以及包层形成机制 ,Be/X射线双星物质相互作用等。本文共分五章 ,第一章主要概要介绍Be和Be/X射线双星历史和目前已经取得的成就 ;第二章介绍Be单星多波段观测结果 ;第三章介绍Be/X射线双星的观测结果 ;第四章介绍目前主要的Be单星和Be/X射线双星模型 ;第五章给出Be/X射线双星XPer/ 4U0 352 30的分光观测结果 ,并结合单臂振动盘模型给出定性解释。  相似文献   
To promote the advancement of novel observation techniques that may lead to new sources of information to help better understand the hydrological cycle, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) established the Measurements and Observations in the XXI century (MOXXI) Working Group in July 2013. The group comprises a growing community of tech-enthusiastic hydrologists that design and develop their own sensing systems, adopt a multi-disciplinary perspective in tackling complex observations, often use low-cost equipment intended for other applications to build innovative sensors, or perform opportunistic measurements. This paper states the objectives of the group and reviews major advances carried out by MOXXI members toward the advancement of hydrological sciences. Challenges and opportunities are outlined to provide strategic guidance for advancement of measurement, and thus discovery.  相似文献   
The dimensionless bottom-up and top-down gradient functions in the convective boundary layer (CBL) are evaluated utilizing long-term well-calibrated carbon dioxide mixing ratio and flux measurements from multiple levels of a 447-m tall tower over a forested area in northern Wisconsin, USA. The estimated bottom-up and top-down functions are qualitatively consistent with those from large-eddy simulation (LES) results and theoretical expectations. Newly fitted gradient functions are proposed based on observations for this forested site. The integrated bottom-up function over the lowest 4% of the CBL depth estimated from the tower data is about five times larger than that from LES results for a ‘with-canopy’ case, and is smaller than that from LES results for a ‘no-canopy’ case by a factor of 0.7. We discuss the uncertainty in the evaluated gradient functions due to stability, wind direction, and uncertainty in the entrainment flux and show that while all of these have a significant impact on the gradient functions, none can explain the differences between the modelled and observed functions. The effects of canopy features and atmospheric stability may need to be considered in the gradient function relations.  相似文献   
通过对贵阳多普勒雷达和独山TWR01小天气雷达资料在一次强降水天气过程中四个时段的观测资料和四个时段的自记降水资料进行分析对比.得出新一代多普勒天气雷达由于贵州地形影响等原因.存在一定的探测盲区,而TWR01小雷达对小范围的对流云层观测更清楚、更接近当时天空的实际情况,是多普勒天气雷达很好的补充。  相似文献   
As part of the EUropean Cloud REsolving Modelling (EUCREM) model intercomparison project we compared the properties and development of stratocumulus as revealed by actual observations and as derived from two types of models, namely three-dimensional Large Eddy Simulations (LES) and one-dimensional Single Column Models (SCMs). The turbulence, microphysical and radiation properties were obtained from observations made in solid stratocumulus during the third flight of the first 'Lagrangian' experiment of the Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment (ASTEX). The goal of the intercomparison was to study the turbulence and microphysical properties of a stratocumulus layer with specified initial and boundary conditions.The LES models predict an entrainment velocity which is significantly larger than estimated from observations. Because the observed value contains a large experimental uncertainty no definitive conclusions can be drawn from this. The LES modelled buoyancy flux agrees rather well with the observed values, which indicates that the intensity of the convection is modelled correctly. From LES it was concluded that the inclusion of drizzle had a small influence (about 10%) on the buoyancy flux. All SCMs predict a solid stratocumulus layer with the correct liquid water profile. However, the buoyancy flux profile is poorly represented in these models. From the comparison with observations it is clear that there is considerable uncertainty in the parametrization of drizzle in both SCM and LES.  相似文献   
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